ENGLAND thread

Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

indeed. i don't even remember the last time we met before italia '90 :))
what do u reckon will be the starting formation?

as for the technology discussion, it is indeed an extremely intriguing topic and i believe there are very valid arguments both pro and against technology in football.
personally i wouldn't want to implement technology aids ifor the referees.... at least i'm against most of em. but i'm not against goal-line technology (to prevent those goal\no goal situations).
i won't explain my arguments, as it would take too much time (besides i've already written about it in the past, somewhere in this forum), but to make it very short, i don't think technology would solve as many problems as most people seem to believe.... and i also believe it would bring a whole new set of problems... much more serious problems, wich may well turn out to be critical for the survival of this game as we know it.

i also believe a much more important problem to address is the culture of suspicion and hartred that permeates football fans and media theese days.
it's our mindset, our approach to sport that must change. until we'll learn to accept mistakes (even referees' mistakes) as part of the game, the drama and the heated discussions around football won't drop..... God himself might come down on earth and tell us that was an offside or a foul.... and we will still argue about it, we will still try and find stupid reasons to support our (often biased) arguments. everything, rather than accepting the result (wich ironically should be the first lesson we should learn from sport).

I'm afraid I have to disagree with you lo zio.

Yes the officials are human. The abuse they receive is disgusting and unfair. If they all decided to call it a day and who could blame them (with managers blaming them all the time instead of their players and themselves and making all sorts of nasty insinuations about them and idiots making death threats) there would be no game at all.

However as viwers we can all see what is going on from multiple angles and with super slow mo.

They need to be given some form of technological support similar to the fourth umpire in cricket who can quickly make a judgement on a match changing decision ie penalty or sending off.

Of course it isn't perfect. In cricket there are situations where one cannot be entirely certain the ball has been caught or in rugby that the ball has been grounded on or over the tryline but it certainly as in tennis has improved the accuracy of decisions and even added some spice to the games as spectators watch the outcome.

Of course football is a fast flowing game and one would need these reviews so to speak only for critical during the match decisions.

Technology can certainly help the ball over the line decisions, offsides if it were to be implemented.

The nay sayers say that football should be the same whether it is a lowly non league affair or the WC final. But where could we find the extra officials and technology for all grounds ?

It should be reserved at the very least for all qualifiers, continental finals, club cups domestic and international and the top division of each nation (certainly those that are wealthy enough to do so).

Gradually the culture would change and see the positive impact of the technology. Football has always changed to an extent from the kit, to the balls, to fitness and tactics. This would just be another addition on that road of evolution.

As for timings. They should use the system in rugby where the clock stops for a dead ball. So much time is being lost and I would also like to see a proper clock counter for the time for susbstutions.

Too many times it seems that the value of added on time is an arbritary figure. And the clock should be run independently of the referee taking at least one burden off him.

Finally this retrospective punishment has to come in.

Many parents are taking their children away from football because of the way authority figures are treated, the open disrespect, the greed and the variety of corruption scandals that have taken place.

Once swingeing punishments come in for the cheats instead of managers openly allowing their players or encouraging them to con the referee they'll be doing the opposite.

It's not impossible to win the right way. Brian Clough acheived it playing passing football and fining his players if they argued with the officials.

And that after he was cheated twice by Juventus and Anderlecht.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

The nay sayers say that football should be the same whether it is a lowly non league affair or the WC final. But where could we find the extra officials and technology for all grounds ?

It should be reserved at the very least for all qualifiers, continental finals, club cups domestic and international and the top division of each nation (certainly those that are wealthy enough to do so).

It's a weak argument these days. Top level sport is, in most cases, already far removed from the standard of game played at amateur level.

Tennis and cricket make use of Hawkeye at the top level, American football uses video replays, rugby has the video ref - have any of these sports suffered at the top or lower levels as a result of this?

It's a non-argument for me. Football must move with the times.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

yeah, that's a weak argument indeed. but there are others (much more serious) reasons to be worried about the implementation of technology.
albiceleste said:
I'm afraid I have to disagree with you lo zio.
i think u'll find there's nothing to be afraid in disagreeing with me albi :)) afterall there wouldn't be any reason to talk about it, if we would all share the same point of view about it ;)

well let me see if i can share with u my worries about technology.
we often watch post-match tv programs. experts and pundits (over)analizing questionable referees' calls "frame by frame". and 9 times out of ten we see them disagreeing on what the ref should have done. "that was clearely a foul"..... "what are u talking about, that was no foul".... "oh wait a minute, u're both wrong! if u look at it from that camera angle it seems like it was the other guy who committed a foul". i think we've all seen this episodes on tv hundreds of times.

8, 9 experts, confortably sitting on a chair, with no pressure whatsoever.... who still can't make up their mind wheter the ref's call was right or not.
so my question is, what makes u believe that a referee, watching that same video replay in real time, with thousands of fans screaming the most creative insults at him, would be able to take an undisputable decision?
because that's what we're looking for here; an absolutely irrefutable call. for anything different from an indisputable decision would raise very serious suspicions.... much more serious suspicions than those we have today, because today the ref has to make the call without any help from tv images.

and that brings us to my most serious concern. many people seem to believe that technology would help the referees, take some pressure away from them. i think it's the exact opposite. technology won't protect our referees, it will expose them even more to criticism and complot theories. infact i believe it will expose the whole game to a sharade of accusations and complot theories that might seriously harm the game itself.

let me explain my point. i think the lack of technology aids is like a confy blanket, an armour wich shields our referees from the most dangerous attacks; bad faith alligations and complotist suspicions. infact we can only criticise referees so much today, because at some point, someone will stand up and say the usual phrase: "let's not forget the referee has to take a decision in a split second and without any help from tv images".
what do u think will happen once we strip our referees of this armour? i can guarrantee that even if a referee would be able to base his calls on tv images, hundreds of fans, pundits and commentators over the world will still disagree with his decisions (just like pundits and journalists disagree with each others in tv). but if we allow our referees to take their time and look at a video, then there will be no argument to defend our referees against complot theorists and such. and that would be much more dangerous than any possible bad call, no matter how evident, no matter how important is the match.

some of u might say that technology has already been implemented in many other sports (such as tennis, american football, basket), and nothing of what i said had happened. but i think u will all agree with me that the average tennis fan is much more civilised than the average football fan (i don't see tennis fans complaining for a bad call.... and there are bad referees calls in tennis.... quite often)..
besides those are very different sports from football. football is a fuid, dynamic game..... and the game is actually evolving towards having as less interruptions as possible (wich is a good thing for the game, given its dynamics).

long story short, i believe technology might help referees in a few circumstances, but it would also raise a whole new set of issues, issues that could potentially cause serious harm to the game itself and produce as a consequence the exact opposite of what we're trying to achieve (wich would be having less doubts about the referees, their decisions and the way they operate).
having said that, i also underastand the point of view of those who favour such a solution. like i said, it's a tricky subject, as there are valid arguments both pro and against it. i just believe the arguments "against it" are much more dangerous than those which might suggest it as a good solution.
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Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

I think definately goal line technology should be used full stop.

But I think the only other thing video evidence should be used is for mistakes that happen within a game and players recieving retro punishment. So if a player gets sent off incorrectly it can be overturned retrospectively. (This doesn't help the game they are playing in, but it would be a big step forward)

All of this nonsense of 'if the ref acted/saw the incident then his decision is final' stuff is stupid.

I would also love it if they used it to punish divers and cheats retrospectively aswell, but I don't think that will happen.

It is a difficult one to say 100%, but I also do think the offside, tackles/foul dramas are part of the game and are fun overall.But the goal line technology has to be implemented imo.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

Going by what England's done til now, and if they manage to defeat Italy, then I have a feeling they'll do a Chelsea and ride their luck to the trophy.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

It's certainly possible.

Just like Chelsea's CL hopes, it's unlikely but anything can happen in football and that's why we love this game!
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

It's bound to go to penalties I reckon.

Saving grace is that the Italians are just as bad if not worse at penalties than we are usually.

If we do get through I wouldn't fancy our chances in either of the final two games but considering we got this far, you never know.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

So it sounds like England will be playing more Italian than Italy will.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

The media really are in full hype mode now, irritating.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

that italy line up is pretty accurate, except marchisio is probably gonna play on the right side and abate will be playing instead of maggio.
not the formation i would have liked to see honestly, but hopefully it'll do the trick.

good luck for tonight's game guys. and may the better team win (and i'm not saying this coz i'm a good sport.... i just happen to believe italy is the better team :P ).
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

:DD Agreed but luck is for losers Ben:P

well if that's the case, then i sincerely hope u'll get a shitload of luck tonight :D

jokes apart, i'm also quite excited about this england campaign (don't ask why, i just know i am). if u guys beat us tonight, i hope u'll go on and win the all thing. :BEER:
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

I'd also support Italy against Germany no doubt and likely Spain if they make the final.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

England are dreadful. No quality at all. We can't even do the simple things right.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

Thank f*ck for that. Can't believe how poor England were today. There's a difference between not being Spain and actually trying to play the ball to teammates.

So far Gerrard had a great tournament, so there was at least some linking to the forwards, but today he was off and Parker was utterly, embarrassingly woeful at passing the ball.

England would have looked very different with a player that could actually pass in the middle. Lampard, Carrick, Scholes, Wilshere - just someone that can put their foot on it, look around and play a properly weighted ball to a teammate. Today Gerrard and Parker were abysmal.

Weren't helped, of course, but Rooney still looking off the pace and Milner/Walcott basically negating the right wing.

Anyway, I hope England scrap a lot of this group, and start building around younger players. Get Wilshere healthy, bring in the Ox and maybe Rodwell.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

Thank God it`s over * worse passing team I EVER saw. Some had the cheek to call Spain`s passing boring I bet those nay sayer were thrilled by this.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

We were well and truly humped today!
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

Yes, that was dreadful. The backline even had trouble keeping the offside line on several occasions during the match. Terry was especially awful in that department today. England created next to nothing offensively and the loss was deserved.

All in all, I think England did better than expected in this tournament. PL might be one of the best leagues in the world, but that's mainly because of foreign players so it's no surprise that their NT is quite weak.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

england wasnt only poor today. come on guys, this squad plays on his max level.

your win 2 games against average teams and you think about the final or a half final against germany.

your nationalteam isnt as good as your league. england destroyed his nationalteam with the many overpaid foreigners in bpl.

you have some potential. but thats all. it needs time to "create" such generation like spain or here in germany.

so find a deal with your clubs, they must give more chances to young british players.

what will happen if terry/ferdinand/lampard/gerrard/cole are away? who will replace them? that will be your problem in the next decade.

you got a good keeper with heart. rooney is international class, sometimes world class. but then?!
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

It would've been daylight robbery if England had got through.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

england wasnt only poor today. come on guys, this squad plays on his max level.

your win 2 games against average teams and you think about the final or a half final against germany.

your nationalteam isnt as good as your league. england destroyed his nationalteam with the many overpaid foreigners in bpl.

you have some potential. but thats all. it needs time to "create" such generation like spain or here in germany.

so find a deal with your clubs, they must give more chances to young british players.

what will happen if terry/ferdinand/lampard/gerrard/cole are away? who will replace them? that will be your problem in the next decade.

you got a good keeper with heart. rooney is international class, sometimes world class. but then?!

Well said.

And Bundesliga past years is actually an example to follow for all nations league systems.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

well we cant say that Italy played very well but we can say England was defending very well during the whole match and yes...Germany will crush this italian team no doubt....and im guessing we are gonna see the Germany-Portugal match one more time on this tournament
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

I don`t think the NT is a reflection on Clubs (league) Chelsea beat Munich CL Final. Arsenal beat Dortmond, apples n oranges my friend. They don`t go hand 2 hand . It`s business vs pride.

Germany has a better pride than England only in football matter. England has too many politics Carrick is the English Alonso and Parker is a waste of a sliding blocker .Spain has a better on its day their league is just as good, go figure.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

Disagree mate, thought we were immense except our finishing. The fact that Shearer, Hansen and Lineker were completely shellshocked by the skill of our relatively 'unknown' squad said a lot.

Thought Parker was very good, but a shame that he was dead by the end of the game.

Edit - disagree with Gabe
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

I don`t think the NT is a reflection on Clubs (league) Chelsea beat Munich CL Final. Arsenal beat Dortmond, apples n oranges my friend. They don`t go hand 2 hand . It`s business vs pride.

Germany has a better pride than England only in football matter. England has too many politics Carrick is the English Alonso and Parker is a waste of a sliding blocker .Spain has a better on its day their league is just as good, go figure.

oh come on...

arsenal and chelsea are a perfect example for clubs with many english nationalplayers haha

bayern: cl final 11 Players on pitch, 8 germans in starting eleven. and enough luck to win such a defensive match isnt always "german" ;) (chelsea got only 3 english players in starting11)

arsenal?! have they any english nationalplayer besides walcott?! they have acutal only 4 (!!!!) english players in their whole squad.

thank you mate, you have perfectly show the lack of english nationalteam football.

in germany we call that "eigentor". (owngoal).
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

I've no idea what Gabe is on about.

England would've been absolutely HUMPED by Germany! Italy on the other hand will probably get beat too but they have a chance and will certainly give the Germans more to think about.

No wonder many of the German players honestly said: "We prefer playing England to Italy" before this game when asked who they want to play in semi-finals. Now we know why.

Italy did play very well. If it wasn't for Balotelli, and someone like Di Natale had started, they would've won by a few goals.

Anyway, all in all though, England did better than most thought including myself pre tournament. You went out to a good team. Your players aren't the best and so they did what they could. You also had some injuries like Lampard and Kyle walker pre tournament which reduced your chances even more.

I wouldn't call this tournament a failure. Not a real success either as you could've easily lost to Sweden and Ukraine who let's face it are two mediocre teams but were lucky to win in both games. You were out played against France but got a goal through a Lescott header in Free kick.
Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

Thought John Terry was brilliant today and has had a good tournie.

Re: England Thread - "Hoof it Son, flick it on and we'll win this!"

oh come on...

arsenal and chelsea are a perfect example for clubs with many english nationalplayers haha

bayern: cl final 11 Players on pitch, 8 germans in starting eleven. and enough luck to win such a defensive match isnt always "german" ;) (chelsea got only 3 english players in starting11)

arsenal?! have they any english nationalplayer besides walcott?! they have acutal only 4 (!!!!) english players in their whole squad.

thank you mate, you have perfectly show the lack of english nationalteam football.

in germany we call that "eigentor". (owngoal).

I was being cheeky what we call silly! :)) I just don`t believe NT is the reflection on a country`s League. If, that was the case the EPL would be in administration , beside English players are 3x more than foreigner :P
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