Unfortunatelly KONAMI has tried so many different BS system after PES 6, that i really praise god for the current day stats presentation, even with OPR and the hexagon.
Do you remember PES 2009 and 2010 stas pages with squares in the gameplan and OPRs, or the 2011 hexagons that were so small, almost impossible to see the differences, all hexagons looked the same, or the PES 2012 shit system with A,B,C,D,E ratings in groups of stats, or the PES 2015 TEC-SPE-PHY presentation, that was a copy-paste from their facebook app-game PES association football.
At least today and since PES 2016 the hexagons are clear to spot differences on-the-fly. Although i hate the current day values hexagons. I mean passing and shooting? I prefer the values in the hexagon as they were back in PS2-era, in your screenshot, ATTACK-TEC-STAM-DEF-BAL-SPE and it is all clear.
BTW have you seen the MyClub presentation stats, since 2020, not in gameplan though, with the cycles, the bubbles and the gauges as if players were racing cars!!!![]()
Even MyClub people shitted on that presentation.
hahah you gave me a good laugh remembering how shit it has been, particularly 2012 and MyClub
yes, i agree.. PS2 era hexagon values are the best for sure