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I can’t honestly see Konami releasing or unlocking some offline content (if any at all) between now and the end of summer. They are obviously just interested in this being an online game even though they have said that offline is possible in the future.
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A shot modifier for 'stunning' shots. While I think having more control one when these shots happen, I'm curious of the success rate of the shots actually happening is. Because just because I want a shot to dip or rise or knuckle, doesn't mean it'll happen on command.

One thing I like about PES is how important ball placement, the difference between me and the ball, impacts my ability to pull off certain shots.

On one hand, it'll be annoying if you input a command and it doesn't happen but, at the same time, a 'stunning' shot doesn't happen irl with 100% success so personally I don't like the idea of being able to pull it off on command.

I guess it ultimately depends on the direction Konami wants to go in. If it's all about online and competitive then player input should be the deciding factor. But realism will have to be abandoned. This is one instance you can't have your cake and eat it too imo.

Also the whole thing sounds very rpg. Next thing you know they'll add a meter than needs to fill up before you can use your 'stunning' shot lol
But i also think they will try to make money on us/offline players. Even if they will try to force us to play online at least at the beginning.
Modes are finger in the nose and cost nothing so why not... If it can bring a small amount of Yen in moreWhyyou said that ?
Do you have any info if they release any offline mode or edit mode ? I believe that if they are happy with the amount of players in online mode equals money they didn’t do nothing for the offline players . Why they should bother with some new modes ?
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Lol, it's just an assumption, i never said it like a thruth. Don't need to always bring back "you got info?", it's not a scientific forum.
We talk, we guess, we share, we debate. I just said that some Yen in more may interest them, it's pretty simple. One thing is sure : we have no clue about the future of it.

There's never enough money for company. If it cost nothing to them to make it, why not? I never stated it like an information or saying "i know". You don't know neither, they (the others guys here) don't know neither. We're just in the cloud, all is about showing gameplay ATM.

People, we, us, pay for modes, that's simple.
I just read in twitter that it will possible to change that ……okay background from blue and yellow by buying the partner edition …Bayern Barca etc etc ….
Yes, but their last ultimate goal was to make it playable for Spring. They did it, they're happy, some old project will be bring back now IF people like the game etc.
They've just done one of the biggest fail in the gaming history, and kinda resolved it. Not totally, people need to play and see.

At their place, i wouldn't talk about the future without taking very very big precautions. Better to say nothing in their case, when they talk it's like there's a lawyer with them now.
LOL they were exactly like homing missiles. Try playing Full Manual coop against a team of three players pressing the homing missile button (square). It's impossible as those players have 99 stats versus common teams. I'm so glad it works differently now, it is certainly needed though.

As a Fuma player, it's currently HARD to lose versus assisted people, because without team press, defending is just too hard for them. Good to have that extra edge to the game now. Hopefully it will feel more like real football.
Yeah to me it's like a demo, a real beta (not the 0.9.0.) There's nothing to eat. I won't try more than a couple of game and close it soon.
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....when they talk it's like there's a lawyer with them now.

This last quote 1,000% spot on mate. How accurate! :)

And the general consensus is, like they got intensive marketing101 lessons all this time since November, and now they apply their new knowledge.

Completely new strategy.

For example, most official info until now is usually, " a member from the dev team" , or the gameplay preview videos, where there are team of people, developers possibly, who answer questions of the Japanese Youtubers...

No more that last year totallarian strategy, when only the Project Mamager?/Director? was speaking... No more only that Kimura guy, who was monopolizing the info flow back at winter.

Whose Kimura quotes and opinions, IMHO, were only harming the franchise, even at that/this state...
If they didnt put those "stunning" stupidities in game, maybe I would at least download it and try it (even though, its still Beta version).

But when they spend time on things they named "stunning" --- you know how much time they spent on other stuff (they just deleted everything that didnt work and was too hard to fix).

They dont have nets on goals still
For individuals instructions it will be ideal if we can change them before a goal kick - thrown in (like for the substituions). There's no need for the L2 when performing both of them
If they didnt put those "stunning" stupidities in game, maybe I would at least download it and try it (even though, its still Beta version).

But when they spend time on things they named "stunning" --- you know how much time they spent on other stuff (they just deleted everything that didnt work and was too hard to fix).

They dont have nets on goals still
I will not be surprised if they introduce in the futur the " stunning " tackle
In terms of offline, I wonder what will happen with this licence?

Although not a lot of people are probably interested in this kind of licences, but it adds a depth to the game which need to be encouraged, plus the only way of a certain amount of authenticity, like what FIFA does with its EPL, Bundesliga, La Liga, etc broadcast packages

Hope we gonna see this soon in eFootball

https://www.the-afc.com/en/national...sign_new_sponsorship_and_licensing_deal .html
In terms of offline, I wonder what will happen with this licence?

Although not a lot of people are probably interested in this kind of licences, but it adds a depth to the game which need to be encouraged, plus the only way of a certain amount of authenticity, like what FIFA does with its EPL, Bundesliga, La Liga, etc broadcast packages

Hope we gonna see this soon in eFootball

https://www.the-afc.com/en/national/asian_qualifiers/news/afc_and_konami_sign_new_sponsorship_and_licensing_deal .html
these teams are available now for online challenge going on right now .
And for those that play online, since an average good player is better than the Superstar AI, IMHO, or more unpredictable than the SS AI, i assume that it happens there too. spamming only the defence buttons=suicide..
I played against players 1000+ that would only switch to their goalkeeper in defense and then hold team press. This means they made it to 1000+ letting the AI defend. It was way too automated and easy.
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LOL they were exactly like homing missiles. Try playing Full Manual coop against a team of three players pressing the homing missile button (square). It's impossible as those players have 99 stats versus common teams. I'm so glad it works differently now, it is certainly needed though.

As a Fuma player, it's currently HARD to lose versus assisted people, because without team press, defending is just too hard for them. Good to have that extra edge to the game now. Hopefully it will feel more like real football.
For my sins, I used to play a fair bit of FUMA co-op vs assisted bums. Me and my mate would play as leveled up wunderkinds, facing off against your 100+ stacked teams. We won a fair amount of games or pulled level. It was absolutely possible to avoid the press then.

If you enjoy FUMA teamplay though, the solution is clear: play in proper leagues like WAPES. (They may unfortunately die now because eFootball is fucked on the teamplay front.) I played the season just gone and it was immensely satisfying, with realistic pressing shapes and tactics. Unlike any other experience honestly.

In any case, the solution to an overeffective team press in PES (in single player or their co-op mode) isn't to remove team pressing entirely. If you think that's somehow a good thing, you can't value simulations of football, at least not modern football across most European leagues. We need pressing in football games, even if some implementations of it are OP and without proper risk-reward.
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