eFootball (All Platforms)

I prefers a thousand time the pressure from 2014-2021 than the defending in Fifa since FIFA 17 BY FAR.
Attacking is easy, and players change fast from direction. Defending isn't. When i see Fifa 22 system, it's just like games before ISS Pro, who were all Arcade and you could run all the pitch straight forward without PRESSURE.
It's just feel unnatural.

Pressure > midfield battle. You can't remove pressure, just tone it down. It's the foundation of PES, don't forget it. That's one of the reason ISS Pro feeled like football. If you complain about pressure from PES PS4, just check PES 3 to 5 even 6. It was direct on the ball owner and much faster to react.
There was way to avoid it (turning your back, avoiding, escaping etc.)

BUT like i said and i repeat : it's about how it's handled. The pressure should be punitive if you use it with just the button pushed al along, like on PES 5 > it resulted to a fault, you got to press then release the button and press again when the timing was right. Or toned down (less effective) and you got to double tap the tackling button.
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There's 2 ways to perform a standing tackle in efootball

X × 2 Or L2 × 2
Wasn't Square the button for Standing tackle and Circle (edited) for Sliding Tackle? Because pressure was on R2 or i don't remember which button... No?

But nothing about teammate, for that we already complaining too much lol.
Well according to this, its seems we will have the same 9 offline teams and matches will be locked at 5 minutes in a exhibition mode and this will be all the offline mode exhibition matches. They are forcing us to play online they have quit offline mode this is not PES anymore is efootball and efootball is just for online modes
Well according to this, its seems we will have the same 9 offline teams and matches will be locked at 5 minutes in a exhibition mode and this will be all the offline mode exhibition matches. They are forcing us to play online they have quit offline mode
Well according to this, its seems we will have the same 9 offline teams and matches will be locked at 5 minutes in a exhibition mode and this will be all the offline mode exhibition matches. They are forcing us to play online they have quit offline mode this is not PES anymore is efootball and efootball is just for online modes

Okay offline is death and konami coins were on a hold for 6 months so i get why they want the moneytrain to be back up and running but what the hell those menus shown there look bland and simple. You would expect them to put more resources into this game but I really think they just dont have the manpower or something
If this comes out next week with 5 minute offline matches & the difficulty locked at regular again I'll be seriously pissed.
If this comes out next week with 5 minute offline matches & the difficulty locked at regular again I'll be seriously pissed.

I don't know whether I'd laugh or scream if that was the case

These companies don't want people playing offline. They want us online 24/7 playing other people, spending money on cosmetic aspects of the games, buying special player cards etc...
They should allow more teams, longer matches, and variable difficulty settings, but I fear that they won't, because they want people to play online!
I think it's a bit disrespectful to their fans not to, if I'm honest. I think it would almost be better not to have an offline mode at all, rather than the cut-down one we have on consoles, with greyed out options. (I can understand this attitude a bit more in a demo).

However, we have to remember that it's free-to-play, at least for now.

So I've got two questions:
1.Do you think version 1.00 will have longer than 5 min halves and the full range of A.I difficulty?

2. Would you be willing to pay (say £5 or whatever) to have this option activated (or perhaps a little bit more to include a league mode )?
5 minutes exhibition even the 1.0.0...
It's looks like you're right : i don't see any other explanation than forcing us to play "Dream Team", so, Online.
I just don't want to, so i wont play. Fucking gaming new generation, it's probably the first of a long series... For Sports and VS gaming.
5 minutes exhibition even the 1.0.0...
It's looks like you're right : i don't see any other explanation than forcing us to play "Dream Team", so, Online.
I just don't want to, so i wont play. Fucking gaming new generation, it's probably the first of a long series... For Sports and VS gaming.
It looks as though it's going to be this way come Thursday.

I get it, they want people to play dream team but there really isn't any harm in allowing 10 minute offline matches is there? It's not like it's going to stop people playing online,is it?

It feels like they're sticking two fingers up at offline players just for the sake of it. Honestly I'd be less pissed off if playing offline wasn't available at all.

It just feels like a cheap shot.
There's some really nice nuanced touches/interceptions in v0.9.1. I hope those animations make it into v1.0. Take a look at how the ball is cushioned (during first touch on interception) when match-up command was used, prior to making the interception (without the match-up, ball would bounce off and roll away like it would in 21)


Also there's some cool stuff you can do with the match-up button. You can react to the ball mid air, intercepting/blocking it:


It seems like the match-up button was meant to "increase awareness" of your player in order to intercept it softer, with better reaction. But holding that match-up stance also makes you vulnerable to players blowing by you. I think having this thought process in the defensive situations is quite enjoyable, even though a bit buggy/clunky in v0.9.1.

I just hope all these inputs have proper meaning and usefulness in v1.0. R1+X and [] pressure is back, it remains to be seen if the gameplay balancing is done well. It's a little worrying because in the japanese video with subtitles, it was repeatedly mentioned that X is powerful and there's no need to try other defensive tools

(Which reminds me, we had a similar unpopular command with XX in 21. A defensive command that doesn't serve much purpose)
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I'm surprised people are talking so much about the basic ball physics.

I know the ball physics are clearly simplified compared to what we enjoy in PES 2021, that's obvious but this should be expected.

This game has bigger problems to master before we get to fine tuning ball physics! The biggest issue like I pointed out with the Szcesny responsiveness bug in for Aubameyang to score a few pages back. They have rebuilt the player movement from scratch, this was the biggest and most important change from PES 2020 despite copying and pasting the gameplay into this new unreal engine, the code is of course the same being explored in a different engine platform, but the big thing they need to get right is how player movement gradient and speed between, close control, normal dribbling and the R2 as sprint gradient between that and full sprint now which was simply not a thing from PES 2014-2021.

If you play against someone from PES 2018/2019 onwards the user dribbling is still nice, enjoyable but its essentially PS2 classic PES style but in 360 degree movement. PES 2014 as was reposted here's biggest flaw was how slow the normal dribbling was compared to the full sprint and there was zero gradient between them. I repeatedly made posts regarding the 'tron running' where the player would just run unchallenged once he picks up momentum in a loop cycle rather than natural lifelike running. For PES 2015 they essentially rebuilt ISS Evolution 1 on the fox engine, simplifying their ambitions and used that as a base to make a PES 1-6 style game in 360 degrees with a heavy focus on passing, shooting at the physics of it all. Without Kojima's support for this new fox engine coming inhouse to help with body animations to make dribbling happen how they wanted this work was too much for them. They focused on passing lanes, shooting and ball physics like in the classic PS1-PS2 days. From PES 2014-2021 dribbling was good only vs a human AI bar PES 2017 its been rather subpar since PES 2017 and sticks out as the games weak point.

Offline from PES 2018-2021 you play against CPU teams on Superstar and Legend with Messi, Salah, and other world class dribblers etc.. and you worry about how well they shoot from range more than their prefect first touch, or even a odd trick to beat you in certain positions. They are still hard to play against but only in space to score with two touches around the box more than them just running at you and being way too agile for your defenders regardless of your tactics. They aren't easy to tackle if they try to cut inside as they can time a croqueta or double touch around you and they will exploit you if give them space playing a high line but they have no moment gradient to jink past 2-3 of your players from where and just score on their own. No feints, just pure dribbling round you like PES 2011-2013. On those games once defensive element challenge I enjoyed was defending vs these players who were a truly nightmare. From PES 2014-2021 CR7 is always, always better than Messi or any short genius dribbling world class player because of their power works more effectively in a passing lanes, shooting, physics based game.

Before we get back to the amazing ball physics from PES 2021. The teams still have a major amount of work to do to get body moment correct, balanced, fluid and bug free within the skills, close control, normal dribbling and new R2 gradient sprint. There are many things possible now that were never possible on the pure fox engine which need work. This still has a long way to go we can all see. I think its about focusing on the biggest factor they must get right which is player movement and dribbling and sprint gradient with R2. In PES 2011-2012 and PES 2013 especially you could tap R1 and players would literally take 'quick steps' it had a lot of depth in how yo could dribble and you could do it vs the AI and human vs matches.
This throws a whole new platform of variables which need a lot of work. this is the biggest factor now, all other elements emanate from how players move so this is a huge shift from what we had before.

When this game comes next week, if people don't like it its ok, for me I want to drill this dribbling and movement mechanic to see where we are and what's possible, great ball physics will come later once we get this game out of a beta state at least, we need a stable build before that becomes a factor, this game is still in a stage where its trying to finalize itself as a concept and they still and adding and removing things. PES 2014 had great ball physics however the movement issues made this redundant in preventing that game form being shit.

I'm happy despite this absolute shitshow the team's vision is coming back after being self sabotaged by corporate greed last year. But its a long road sadly and will take time. Just how much time is the question. I don't think this update will be better than PES 2021 but it looks fresh and its something I'm optimistic about from what I've seen. Helps having almost no big expectations from bottom of the barrel we have been in since October :LOL:

Well, not THAT easily. Like PES 2015 to 2021 :
pressing a bit toned down in comparison to "old school" PES, but double tap X for standing tackle, and teamate pressure / Not always 1v1 situations which is nothing like real football.

Like i said i'm playing old school PES : there's not like you got to let X and Square pushed to get the ball.
Not at all. You have to tempers your pressing, or what you'll get is not the ball but a fault. Press to get closer to the opponent but if you let it pushed, the pressing would crush physically the ball owner.

The pressing system can't be removed. or you run straight and it's open bar in many situation. No. Just be tempered like in PES 5 and before especially or you'll get a fault, related to stats of course. Note : was less in PES 6 and 2008 : just the pressing was less effective and you had to tackle more, but there was automatically less fault.
The favourite games from the golden era were the one that got big pressing. Point. You don't change something that work. You balance it.

@H_G thanks for sharing and make screenshot of what's interesting. I didn't wanted to check the whole videos posted about the game, as watching full matches on vids annoy me (i prefers resume/replay or goals sharing)

Pressing on the fox engine was at its worst online due to the crap p2p connection nonsense and this killed all online PES PC throughout this generation. The fear of it comes from this space.

Offline pressing really is not an issue whatsoever and hasn't been for a while. PES 2020/2021 are a little too defensive as it is anyway.
I'm surprised people are talking so much about the basic ball physics.

I know the ball physics are clearly simplified compared to what we enjoy in PES 2021, that's obvious but this should be expected.

It is not just the Ball physics as in ''This is how the ball should roll and bounce at this type of pass or this should be the shot trajectory for this shot'' But genuinely the clearcut freedom the ball gives you, how loose the ball is, the real life logic of momentum & physics as to how the ball generally behaves.

But not only the ball, also the players, their momentum, their movement towards the ball, a player in a good forward momentum with the ball coming towards you with momentum creating exactly that type of moment that is created when you or me hit a ball in real life.

In my opinion, that is the BASIC to build on. After that you try to create as many animations and oppertunities without fucking up foot planting for players on the pitch to have ''solutions'' to angles, to places, to high balls, to relatively high balls, for touches on all kinds of way.
And then you finetune your whole dynamic of positioning on the pitch and AI logic and all that kind of football goodness to create more depth.

This order of things is how for me the latter years of fox engine pes were, the ball physics got looser and looser, and they implemented more and more solutions over the years for their player animations and what you can do within certain moments to compliment the CORE BASICS of their whole sandbox-y free ball system.

Now if they succeeded in making a good football game is in the middle, some heavily dislike the last few years, some online players hell dislike it for being ''too random''. It really depends on your outlook on whats important to you.

Efootball 2022 could be extremely on rails with what looks like extremely predetermined paths for actions you pull, for passing lanes that dont match the players movement etc etc. but a very good video game when looking at the balance of attack/defence. How open/closed the game will be, how tactics can really make you push through and win. And then it would be a nice football game on the surface of what football is about.

But I need that extra layer that I so miss at this moment in time that IS the basics for me, The stuff where i feel @The_Knight his outlook matches the most of how I felt about the game building up in recent years.

And im not so sure if they can finetune that as an after fact

So looking and stepping into your angle, I agree with you. But to me personally that is exactly the core basics (which is also why i watch football on television, not just the surface positional tactics and what not, but also literally, physics of movement and ways to hit the ball if that makes sense, as that is a chess piece in itself in real life football, how a player maneuvres, or simply getting a chance because a ball has a weird bounce) that always kept me coming back to PES over the years even though the rest was sometimes off a bit (much:LMAO: )

Sorry for my ramble, And not sure if lots of people are interested in my take
Just gotta remember that there are so many angles in how you can wish for a good football game, technically and philosophy wise. Hence why opinions can mismatch so much :))
It is not just the Ball physics as in ''This is how the ball should roll and bounce at this type of pass or this should be the shot trajectory for this shot'' But genuinely the clearcut freedom the ball gives you, how loose the ball is, the real life logic of momentum & physics as to how the ball generally behaves.

But not only the ball, also the players, their momentum, their movement towards the ball, a player in a good forward momentum with the ball coming towards you with momentum creating exactly that type of moment that is created when you or me hit a ball in real life.

In my opinion, that is the BASIC to build on. After that you try to create as many animations and oppertunities without fucking up foot planting for players on the pitch to have ''solutions'' to angles, to places, to high balls, to relatively high balls, for touches on all kinds of way.
And then you finetune your whole dynamic of positioning on the pitch and AI logic and all that kind of football goodness to create more depth.

This order of things is how for me the latter years of fox engine pes were, the ball physics got looser and looser, and they implemented more and more solutions over the years for their player animations and what you can do within certain moments to compliment the CORE BASICS of their whole sandbox-y free ball system.

Now if they succeeded in making a good football game is in the middle, some heavily dislike the last few years, some online players hell dislike it for being ''too random''. It really depends on your outlook on whats important to you.

Efootball 2022 could be extremely on rails with what looks like extremely predetermined paths for actions you pull, for passing lanes that dont match the players movement etc etc. but a very good video game when looking at the balance of attack/defence. How open/closed the game will be, how tactics can really make you push through and win. And then it would be a nice football game on the surface of what football is about.

But I need that extra layer that I so miss at this moment in time that IS the basics for me, The stuff where i feel @The_Knight his outlook matches the most of how I felt about the game building up in recent years.

And im not so sure if they can finetune that as an after fact

So looking and stepping into your angle, I agree with you. But to me personally that is exactly the core basics (which is also why i watch football on television, not just the surface positional tactics and what not, but also literally, physics of movement and ways to hit the ball if that makes sense, as that is a chess piece in itself in real life football, how a player maneuvres, or simply getting a chance because a ball has a weird bounce) that always kept me coming back to PES over the years even though the rest was sometimes off a bit (much:LMAO: )

Sorry for my ramble, And not sure if lots of people are interested in my take
Just gotta remember that there are so many angles in how you can wish for a good football game, technically and philosophy wise. Hence why opinions can mismatch so much :))

Yes, we all have different opinions on the real game and video game, its the nature of football.

From a technical standpoint however I feel human movement puts president over ball physics as we are controlling players on and off the ball to interact with the ball. The more depth in movement with hence given more variables in ball potential compared to like i mentioned with PES 2014, a basis of great ball physics but the lack of human player animations to give a variety of variable outcomes to mirror football.

I'm not worried also about the future of ball physics on this game because they have done so much work on them since 2014, which they have downgraded their importance in this built, I feel this isn't lost, there just the very basics on the new movement functions which has thrown in new variables to understand and how to create as you mentioned a better 'game' of attack vs defence. There's also the importance of how keeper coding is woven into the physics of movement to what's should be possible for keeper to do realistically and what's superman cheating fake physics to keep scores down. Ball physics are always something that can be developed and tweaked over time and I'm sure they will, animations are a bit more of an arms race to get the personnel to create them then testing and how and when each animation is needed and how responsive it is.

You spoke about efootball possibly being on rails, which I think there's a high likelyhood instead of something similar in being problematic happening when this is released next week but instead down to flaws in the gameplay there could be 2-3 exploits heavily used online to win games until the next build arrives. The biggest problem this game has is players are taking way too many touches when on the ball, turning, almost grandad turn like from PES 2010, making the game look as if its a hot summer 35c pre season game slow. I mention that Aubameyang header goal at the end of that video with the Spanish guy giving his impressions, they way Szcesny just kept going shows this game still needs more time in working keeper to even understand this gameplay build and current state. The doesn't seem to be any coding for him to attempt a save while moving in the opposite direction, the regular difficulty is no excuse, he should still make an attempt to respond, just miss the ball based on the AI difficulty level. No matter how good the ball physics are this is a problem.

I only ask you as veteran like me to drill this game with its skills, dribbling to see what we have, this is the make or break for the team to progress to something we can all enjoy I feel. What I saw with PES 2018-2021 tells me they know what they are doing in terms of ball physics if and when they have a solid base gameplay to build upon. The game took huge strides between 2018-201 in ball physics, realism and momentum. The biggest fuck up and reality the team need to live with is people wont be and rightfully wont be patient with this since what we get next week should of came out last October. The big drama about it is it literally could've done but corporate greed destroyed that possibility!
Well, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand this new update, version 1.0.0 in this case, will bring mostly game play related fixes, which are indeed necessary, but will also keep offline identical? As in, we can still only play 5min matches with only 9 teams? No way to edit anything at all either? I mean, they can improve the game play as much as they want, they have to actually, but if my club isn't in it, and I can't even edit anything to put my local club or other Brazilian clubs in there through editing, then I'm not too interested. I want improved game play, of course, but I'd also like to play with the club I support against other Brazilian clubs in some sort of league or cup, especially custom cups which I find to be the most fun, like I've done in every PES since the PS3 days, it just baffles me how little content has been added so far.
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