eFootball (All Platforms)

Don't think anybody condemns it yet
But I.
I believe the guy really want to create a football game but got no idea. He looks like he never played more than 3 PES Match and 4 FIFA.
I really thinked they were passionate, but UFL is complete business.
Goals are passionate it seems but about Esport Fifa, and the Kurt from Twitter is their David Rutter/Seabass

@Midnight_Playz2 you forgot to mention the most sold game sitution on your joke (you can say Fifa, it's a good joke post don't worry you won't be banned) but it was pretty funny
I meant the shadows and the sun will move depending on the time of the match like shown on the video, I said Dinamic Weather because I'm not English, to me it means "Clima" in my mother tongue. At least it's infinitely superior than PES21 (Out of date)
Its not dynamic weather or lighting, you are just showing some clip they made exclusivly to showcase the lighting in stadiums during night or day, something that was already available and showned many years ago when they presented Fox engine on MGSV. What innovation is there to speak about ? How can someone think they will be able to present something dynamic anytime soon if they cannot even have a stable 60fps, even downgrading the supporters to silent hill memes, or grass on gameplay LOD that looks like ps3.

Dynamic weather/lighting its like cloudy weather turning into rain middle match, or a sunny day suddenly turning into cloudy day, or having a game in daylight, ending at night with floodlights turning on. That clips are just some made clips for partner clubs and their stadiums.

let’s not forget that they didn’t even let us play in rain conditions on their alpha demo full game release wannabe, that only let us play 2,5m half.

This game will be in a bad state for a really long period of time unfortunately.
PES series reminds me in some way about CIV series (don't know if you guys are familiar with Sid Meier's Civilization franchise). The first three games in the franchise were like ISS Pro, feeling more the gameplay mechanics flavor than the actual content, then with CIV IV the franchise reached its peak with strong AI, plus one of the best expansion ever made in the videogames history and lots of mods (flourishing similar to PES 5/6 games from PS2 era). After that we've got CIV V with some poor AI, but still some uniqueness and DNA was maintained there, and in the end we have CIV VI with very shiny graphics, but in terms of AI the game is just pants (CPU doesn't know how to generate stuff or use units properly).

So much for the gaming industry nowadays, but hope CIV VII will not transform into the new eFootball though... :LOL:
@rojofa sincerely i don't understand your hate about PES 2021.
You tend to over exagerate when it cames to that game. To me it's the best iteration since PES6 and i'm not joking.
So say what you want but to me you're totally off. And for you i'll be totally off too, The_Knight who spend 500 hours on this game too.
And for playing it, i totally disagree about the midfield, all depends to the way you play and the formations, advanced (or not) tactics.

It's for a reason i think. It's because the game worth it, and he shows it to us. Liking or not is not an issue, but he can show on X part on your vids that you're wrong about many suspicions about that game as you didn't played it as much / But i completely understand if it's a matter of physics.
Pes 2017, for example, is by far less advanced in terms of movement and turning etc. regarding real life phyics, you can deny it as it's objective. And that's one thing that is linked both to physics but also to "what do you want to see in a game, more reactivity even if it defy physics and doable stuffs, or more realism while moving even if you got to wait the end of the movement and loss reactivity?"
To me, it's 90% the second option.

Well it's a matter of taste. PES 5 is the favorite because they makes the good compromise. Like someone said, the control when a pass is difficult and slowing down the team to advance : it's something that you can see in certain circumstances on PES 2021 for example, but with the 360 degree movement and passing power, bigger pitch and totally different engine, the algorithm as completely changed. I played retro those last day and i remind how "restricted" we were before, and why the shoots were going often completely out when you got only 5 directions, from up to down + diagonals, but also shooting back to goal, you have to put a quick direction or it's straight on the middle or totally over the ball.

But sometimes, restrictions = calibration. You can have the total control of your game, only ball physics were completely unpredictable especially for shoot (ball were all laser guided and no rebound, but no problem the pitch was pretty small: long laser guided pass was super rare as pass where all middle/short.
And all those thing maked the game really fun and nothing exagerated. Well there's way other reasons but that's what i noticed after long sessions. And i will continue : i have fun with it, even PES 6, i got completely normal score, but not the big pass > hard control on. Just saying you can also see it on PES 2011 i think... Lee but more than in PES 2017 or PES 2013.

Like PES 2008 PS2. Very great game and it could rivalise with PES5/WE9... Because variety for a 8 directionnal game as reached the highest level i believe, but well... I still prefers PES5 than this one, even if it's less free. Well WE9 is the pinnacle to me so untouchable in terms of balance. FAR less direct passes than PES 5, midfield is the more involved in the series.

Your completely OFF TOPIC with this post about PES2021, PES6, PES5, PES2011,PES2013,PES2008.

At least read the thread title and have a good think about where You are going to dump these posts, or they will be deleted wasting Yours and everyone else's time here.
Soon it will be general playing efootball and giving the excuse that it's back because the game has improved.
Efootball made that feeling of playing PES 2014.7 come to an end.
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Soon it will be general playing efootball and giving the excuse that it's back because the game has improved.
Efootball made that feeling of playing PES 2014.7 come to an end.
Is this a prophecy? Cause it's a very tough bet.
Whatever improves, eFootball has a very specific problem, it's base is "rotten", cause it is basically the Pesmobile game, not even in disguise.

The so called scalling ability, until now is only the LOD that varies from platform to platform.

If you doubt, download the Pesmobile in your phone, play as much as you can stand, and you will see that it is the same "limited" gameplay.
Konami fanboys, unite!

Ok let's see:

*Two years and you never fixed the offside no call during free kick bug in co-op?

$Never mind that. It's not important enough in a competitive game. You know what? SECURITY ALERT!!! It has come to our attention that there are shady individuals that lurk the dark narrow bandwidths of the interwebs and who are selling counterfeit myclub coin! Beware, as they will steal your (Konami) IDs and all your (parents) hard earned money will go to waste. And you know us - we care about you.

*Cheaters on PC, Playstation and Xbox?

$Doesn't matter. Here, we fixed the Xbox network connection void cheat. Don't say we don't do anything here. We'll even sell you the exact same game at a discounted price. Believe us, it costs us more. It's practically charity now.
If you want, you can pay a bit more and get a few static images of players of your favorite club in the cutting edge menu system we've been implementing.

*Graphics? Lighting? Grass? Weather? Gameplay? Licenses?

$It's very tiring you know. You've got modders haven't you? We haven't got time for that now. We are focusing on the next generation, photorealistic, dazzling and ultra realistic one on one experience, which as we all know is the core essence of football. Just wait 2 years, it'll be worth it, we promise. It'll blow your mind.

*Your fans want a proper Master League.

$Why? What's wrong with the current one? We did add a few cut scene, no? We know that all the teams are using the same tactics and there are regens of the same players. Master League Online? Come on now, it's hard as it is doing maintenance 6 hours a week for the servers of our p2p game.

*How about better AI, to make it interesting and challenging, just like in real life football?

$We already have the best in the industry AI. Don't tell anyone we said so, but the trick to make the game more challenging in higher difficultlies is to make your players less accurate, slower and feeble minded. It works, right?

*Can we have a mode where we can do co-op with regular teams matching only with regular teams and not against 100 rated players myclub teams?

$Listen, people paid good money to be able to win. We need to give something back to our loyal, money generating community.

*But it's gambling. Isn't that negative?

$No no no no it's not gambling god forbid. It's just a bit of card collecting with some fun surprising elements. Don't worry, it'll all be gone in a year anyway.

*You have just released a title with 5 min games, no tactics, horizontal lineups, poorly optimized, no quick subs, full of bugs and atrocious color scheme and fonts!

$Nonsense! Stop hating. We released a masterpiece and we let the game do the talking.
Okay okay. It's actually a demo-like experience, as we did mention in a tweet one day before release, but we do have a road map which we intend to strictly follow. We just need to find where we misplaced it. Have you seen it perchance?

*This is all very disappointing! We've been loyal fans since forever, playing Manchester Blue vs Merseyside Red and told everyone that PES is for men and the competitor is for kids! What do we tell them now?

$Here's 25,000 GP. Tell them it has potential.

*We want at least to play that build that the play testers played, with the sharp kicks and all the other goodies.

$What happens in Windsor stays in Windsor.
omg haha

the new online "event", no new teams as usual, and napoli has two shirts to choose: bright blue and bright cyan :LOL:

guess what my first match was? right... you cant really play like that, to top it off i conceded the typical keeper parry to center easy tap-in script bullcrap goal and on the other side not given penalty -> alt f4.

color blind nokami, fix your brain. :LMAO:
So at this stage is it a safe bet that the November 11th update will be pushed back?
I think it will release, but it will be underwhelming and then the goal posts will move to another patch further down the line where the line fed to the community is 'everything will be fixed'.
Every time I come back to this thread for updates, I end up with the same reaction:

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on this one - they're probably inundated with dumb notifications being in that position, and may have only seen part of the Twitter clip (in their totally shit video player, that plays at like 120p for the first few seconds) before making a knee-jerk response.

Still not great to be making responses like that without reading/watching more carefully but I don't think it's enough to condemn UFL completely because of it.

The "not knowing about manual controls" part is more concerning to me, though I haven't seen that comment as I've not been following any of the social media surrounding it. Until they show some actual gameplay I'm not interested in what they have to say.
Agree with all of this. My first reaction to seeing the bloke cock up the reaction by saying it was CGI was that he must get tagged in loads of the Rush footage with people saying it's UFL. There are so many accounts that try to present themselves as "ITK" and spread BS rumours, so I'm sure it happens a fair bit (saw one such post on another forum in fact). Yeah, he should have looked at it properly, but can imagine it was very knee-jerky.

The lack of knowledge of manual controls was also a big gaffe. Way worse imo. That said, he's not a developer and I doubt he knows all that much about football games, frankly. He's not even a producer. He's a CEO of "Strikerz Inc". I'm sure there's lots of basics CEOs of companies don't know about the nuts and bolts of what the company sells/offers. They're often wastes of space, let's face it.

So yes, I don't know what it really augurs for the game itself.
I think a trained developer who works in gaming at this level (or at least that sell himself so) should be able to see the difference between a true game and a betting, pre-canned thing just from the details (I don't know, the cursor for example? Surely there wouldn't be one in virtual football or similar).
I don't think he sells himself as a dev, from what I've seen. See my thoughts just above. A CEO.

All of this said, I imagine eFootball—even though I regard it to be a total pile of wank—will be the best chance we have for some time of being a playable football game (outside of FIFA). The GOALS thing is beyond a joke to me (Kurt, NFTs), and I think even if UFL/Strikerz are talented and sincere, it must take so long to build up the know-how for making a detailed sports sim. Konami just about still have that knowledge, even if it feels like they're hell-bent on discarding it.

So... I think eFootball presents the most serious chance of being halfway decent of those three – the FTP trio, let's say – though I'm fairly downbeat on it being any good any time soon.

At least the foot-planting totally adheres to the laws of physics.
Be very careful! Do not mark (1 unsure) as much as you want to show how much you disagree and disgust with the game mechanics. I think this will make your survey useless because Konami will not take the result into account.

But in general .. all questions ... are unnecessary! IF Konami has not noticed all these problems with passes, dribbles, shots, defense and now they are the first to collect feedback ... don't they see it! ?? It takes you exactly 5 minutes to notice all of this crap.
Be very careful! Do not mark (1 unsure) as much as you want to show how much you disagree and disgust with the game mechanics. I think this will make your survey useless because Konami will not take the result into account.

But in general .. all questions ... are unnecessary! IF Konami has not noticed all these problems with passes, dribbles, shots, defense and now they are the first to collect feedback ... don't they see it! ?? It takes you exactly 5 minutes to notice all of this crap.
You’re talking about a company that thought their game is good enough to be released “as is”.

They call the graphics ”cutting-edge” on their official website and they state “The final result was even more impressive than we had originally conceived” in the game description.

To answer your question “no, they don’t see it”, and need to be reminded of at every opportunity, survey being one.
"The goal net physics looks realistic, such as how it moves when a goal is scored. How strongly do you agree with this statement?"

Are they really asking this question ... have out-of-touch you need to be to even mention (non-existing) net physics in this game.
It's a waste of time. They'll get all the low scores in but the response will be "99% of people who respond to surveys have negative opinions".

...shouldn't this survey have been done a week after the release of New Football Game? You know, back when they could have done something about it?

So we have Version 0.9.0 at the moment...

Are Version 0.9.1, Version 1 and Version 1.x.x all being developed separately? What a mess.
Thanks. Did my part. Hope they actually care enough to read.
man, i really was digging through that pile of none-sense questions (in relation to whats on the table, or will be catered later)... and now i'm asking myself why! :D
when their older surveys made at least a bit of sense... this clutter and the amount of questions (bearing little resemblence to what code version 0.9.xxwhateva) is... just... well, i'm out! :D life is to short and enjoyable, imo!
man, i really was digging through that pile of none-sense questions (in relation to whats on the table, or will be catered later)... and now i'm asking myself why! :D
when their older surveys made at least a bit of sense... this clutter and the amount of questions (bearing little resemblence to what code version 0.9.xxwhateva) is... just... well, i'm out! :D life is to short and enjoyable, imo!
Said to myself I'd at least try. I don't want to regret not trying later.
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