eFootball (All Platforms)

I liked that they asked about differences between players with certain aspects of gameplay. It gives me hope they care about this, and for me it is the most important element that made PES great in the first place.
Just to show you how out of touch the developers of this game from their fanbase. For years the PES community has given them countless feedback on how to improve their game and yet they chose to ignore and created this monstrosity instead. Why even bother giving feedback? It's pointless. We are not the target audience for it anyway, it's those mobile gamers who don't give a shit about the franchise. Let them rot. PES is dead.
Said to myself I'd at least try. I don't want to regret not trying later.
It's probably just small example, i remember when they removed "vsync option" in PES 2020 retail Steam version and i'm one of those guy who tell them on facebook to bring back Vsync option, weird thing is next patch they listen and bring back those option.

I don't like efootball, infact i havent' play the game for weeks. Feedback probably floods with online player (highly doubt it filled with mobile player, it's too complicated for them, lol) I'm offline player and also doing my part, mine probably won't get read, idk. But atleast It won't hurt to send them feedback once a year.
We should all set our real age to 10 - 20 when filling the inquiry. And say we are playing in PS5 or PS4 (i´m just saying PS because all the videos and tests they have made were in that platform, so i guess its their main userbase besides the mobile one). Maybe and thats a big MAYBE, they will check that demographic only feedback, since its their target audience. Old PES fans probably will be skipped, like they always did in previous years.
I got half-way through this form and, out of nowhere, had an epiphany.

Seeing every single element of gameplay listed one-by-one made me realise:

A) They don't even know where the issues are themselves! They're sat there going, "why does everyone hate this game, why is the world laughing at us?" They have absolutely no clue what the problem is, so they have to list every single element and go "is this it?" "Is THIS it?"

B) Not only did they not fix any of the things I hated about 2021 (and about the last 3+ years of PES games), they removed the things I *did* like.

They aren't developing a football game any more. They are developing a game to please the masses. We know that - but what are the chances of a game being developed in this way (where the devs can't figure out what our problem is, and ask the masses for their help in making the most fun money-spinning experience you can get on your mobile) ever turning into a great game? In ANY time frame? When the devs are sat there going "well, we don't see what your problem is, to be honest - tell us exactly what you don't like"...

...when the problem is pretty much everything. It's beyond a catastrophe. It's a fuckastrophe. An omnishambles.

I beg anyone who doesn't like eFootball to see it for what it is and move on now. PES is dead. Long dead.

(If you like it - great, and I hope one day it gets good enough to drag me back in.)
They even asked about the menus.

Answered they are just perfect. Just a bit on the small side on my mobile screen, hope they make the buttons bigger.
"Guys, the results are in... Turns out the menus are the problem. Not 100% sure why but it's probably cos the colour scheme isn't vibrant enough."

"Sir, she cannae take any more! Pushin' the yellow past 10,000 nits, it's gonna set every OLED screen in the world on fire a-"

Insist on the separation between console and Mobile with some argument (no console wants to play against a mobile user, not the same world).
Also put some words against offline importance for the old fans. I even said the thing about the "whatever you improve or regulate, the bad taste of the demo will still in our mouth. Change the name and the rest" (i already said the rest on the last stuffs giving us a bit more freedom to speech)

I even talked about a collaboration with another company to resolve their issues lol. I just feel better too, staying polite but hard with them.

Well what we've done it's probably like speaking with a cactus in the desert...
But i needed it for some relief let's say. No hope.
I'm more thinking if no one does nothing and think that it doesn't worth it, nothing will never change (i talk in general, not about Efootball)
They don't even know where the issues are themselves! They're sat there going, "why does everyone hate this game"
I think they asked for every single element because they know the whole game is - like you quite poetically described - a 'fuckastrophe'.
Now they just want to add all the numbers and start from the highest scoring ones.

So like - zombie-looking fans got 100% votes. Obviously - thats our priority.
Then menus. Then more celebrations.

- ...AI...? - you ask?
- oh, AI will be looked at in June '2026 according to our new Road Map. Only 70% votes. And even this weirdo, who wrote a 74 pages long rant, said "Not that AI matters much since you dont have Master League and didnt even bother to let people play longer than 5mins matches". So obviously - he is not pushed either!
I don't think that any people will give good notes at all, or good comments. They will be "kalashnikoved" for sure.

That survey it's like "please, kill me, i give you the tool for it"
Why do they never ask what we think about the CPU cheating? I mean, for me (and many others here), it's the single biggest issue I have with all recent PES titles. It doesn't really matter how good they make the passing, shooting, net physics, whatever else, if the game is built on the Fox engine premise of being able to manipulate every situation, script the physics outcomes, choose to override stats to boost the AI and deliberately disable your players and worst of all, override your controller input, then this will never be a good game.
This let's go my can not wait update, really that the game I have neither downloaded nor tried the game yet, but I'm looking forward to. 😁
I just read on Gazzetta.it that they asked users what they should do.
We have been trying to make them understand it for twenty years...

Their failure is a topic of discussion in newspapers.
We should all set our real age to 10 - 20 when filling the inquiry. And say we are playing in PS5 or PS4 (i´m just saying PS because all the videos and tests they have made were in that platform, so i guess its their main userbase besides the mobile one). Maybe and thats a big MAYBE, they will check that demographic only feedback, since its their target audience. Old PES fans probably will be skipped, like they always did in previous years.
THIS. They will be prioritising feedback from their paying player base, which currently is the kids and teenagers. If the “whales” are unhappy that’ll matter most since 98% of App Store profit comes from less than 10% of users. (I read an article about whales)

If you haven’t submitted a survey, do so with the lowest age group. Also try to sound immature and use some cool teenager words for more believability.

for example:
OMG dis game would be so LIT if it had dope crowds! Put the formation menus, like, vertically, no? You know wat wud make u a real GOAT? 60fps in replays man! And some offline action! Do dis n’ I’ll put ur game on TikTok, I got million followers!! Bazunk!!

(now it’s been a while since I was a teenager, I hope I’m in a ballpark with these...)
Key takeaway of the week.
You can skip doing your job or deliver it at 10% and while your boss/client is 100% clear with that you can still blatantly ask them to submit a survery giving their feedback what are they missing.
Seeing every single element of gameplay listed one-by-one made me realise:

A) They don't even know where the issues are themselves! They're sat there going, "why does everyone hate this game, why is the world laughing at us?" They have absolutely no clue what the problem is, so they have to list every single element and go "is this it?" "Is THIS it?"
I thought the opposite tbh :LOL: .
95% of questions related to the gameplay issues everyone has been talking about, so they know exactly what's wrong.

The realisation for me going from one question to the next was that every BASIC element of gameplay is so god damn awful and unbalanced.
It'll take forever to work on this fix list. Especially since they've always shown they are more interested in the quick fix solution for short term goals.
Say goodbye to any playable offline mode of substance or acceptable AI while they're focused on fundamental running, passing & shooting ffs.
Thanks. Did my part. Hope they actually care enough to read.
I was about, too... But... Without the chance to comment it's useless.
I mean, "how satisfied are you with first-time passing accuracy?" can be read in several different ways.
Imagine we all say "totally unsatisfied" because they look too accurate, and they'll be like "look, they're not happy with passes, let's make them more accurate!"

On top of that, why can't I skip the question about matchmaking method?
I don't play online, I don't give a heck about matchmaking filters. "Restrict to nearby area", "gradually increase" and "pick whoever is available even if he's from the other side of the world" are all the same to me.
I need a "I don't play online and can't tell about this setting" option.

This shows, again, who they're catering to (if this was not clear enough by now).
I was about, too... But... Without the chance to comment it's useless.
I mean, "how satisfied are you with first-time passing accuracy?" can be read in several different ways.
Imagine we all say "totally unsatisfied" because they look too accurate, and they'll be like "look, they're not happy with passes, let's make them more accurate!"

On top of that, why can't I skip the question about matchmaking method?
I don't play online, I don't give a heck about matchmaking filters. "Restrict to nearby area", "gradually increase" and "pick whoever is available even if he's from the other side of the world" are all the same to me.
I need a "I don't play online and can't tell about this setting" option.

This shows, again, who they're catering to (if this was not clear enough by now).
For stuff you don't care about just choose 'Unsure'.

You can comment at the end of the survey. I left them a meaty one.
We should all set our real age to 10 - 20 when filling the inquiry. And say we are playing in PS5 or PS4 (i´m just saying PS because all the videos and tests they have made were in that platform, so i guess its their main userbase besides the mobile one). Maybe and thats a big MAYBE, they will check that demographic only feedback, since its their target audience. Old PES fans probably will be skipped, like they always did in previous years.
Hmm. Interesting..
If you haven’t submitted a survey, do so with the lowest age group. Also try to sound immature and use some cool teenager words for more believability.

for example:
OMG dis game would be so LIT if it had dope crowds! Put the formation menus, like, vertically, no? You know wat wud make u a real GOAT? 60fps in replays man! And some offline action! Do dis n’ I’ll put ur game on TikTok, I got million followers!! Bazunk!!
"Hey Google, show me what a boomer thinks teenagers sound like..."
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