eFootball (All Platforms)

I must confess..I am banksy,strangely enough,goodvibe stranger and digital by design.Sadly not curdstar(but that’s clear from my grammar..

I’m now going to ban myself…

Big shout out to all the guys that run this site and there dedication,time.It’s a great forum and respect for providing such a great infrastructure..I do love to read this site hence why I’ve re-registered.

Sadly I just can’t keep under the radar..

Warmest regards to everyone on the site your a great lot!..And Chris Davies,..I was wrong,you’ve provided a great service to the community over the years and I think your a top bloke.

Peace out and enjoy your favourite game this year peeps✌️

Really, only the best, to all of you! :SHOCK:
@HyperSports your remind me a lot of a past user that was always here on release in the past two years, only to disappear later.. digital design or something I think.. apologize if you are not him, but the way you argument things (and even your style of writing) sounds amazingly similar.
I must confess..I am banksy,strangely enough,goodvibe stranger and digital by design.Sadly not curdstar(but that’s clear from my grammar..
@Madmac79 - congratulations, you passed the test. To claim your Evo-Web Amateur Detective badge, just PM us with your address...

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Honestly, I´m more and more surprised with the love this forum has for the PES series. Not saying that is a bad thing actually, instead it´s a great thing and an inspiration. The fact that people come here and write about their frustrations about this year´s release, just proves that there´s hope and love for the series. Too bad that no other company understands that this could be an oportunity to develop a true simulation game, and deliver. I never thought I would get to 2021 and see the football videogaming market get this low on expectations.
Hm. I’m asking myself how that is helpful to the community when watched in a broader picture and from the outside. :II

I mean, we can increase our skills and role play as "creative teams" detectives. To get an Evo-Web Amateur Detective badge sounds pretty cool and a nice achievement indeed. Congrats to the winner :KING: :EASY:
@Madmac79 - to claim your Evo-Web Amateur Detective badge, just PM us with your address...

Wait, no one knew it was him until @Madmac79 mentioned it?!

I was certain the moment I replied to his "As is how alive the AI and your teamates become once you flow" comment but I just wanted to play along and not spoil it for everyone else.

This new age sounding BS was a dead giveaway!

"Become one with the wind and there are faster passes"
"Where there is discontinuity, the AI cannot thrive"
"We are in the midst of a joyous summoning of a simulation that will amplify our connection with football itself" ( <-- Any disciples of the realistic simulation theory, feel free to use this! )
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Honestly, I´m more and more surprised with the love this forum has for the PES series. Not saying that is a bad thing actually, instead it´s a great thing and an inspiration. The fact that people come here and write about their frustrations about this year´s release, just proves that there´s hope and love for the series. Too bad that no other company understands that this could be an oportunity to develop a true simulation game, and deliver. I never thought I would get to 2021 and see the football videogaming market get this low on expectations.
Good post. I’ve naively always had hope for their next games - but no longer, not after this shambles.

This was last chance saloon for me. Many people even bought PS5’s for the option file thinking that PES 2022 would be next gen. I would have purchased a PS5 anyway but it definitely leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

It’s over for PES (eFootball) now. It’s sad but the writing has been on the wall for years and it’s not really a surprise.
Blimey, skimming through the posts from earlier accounts, it seems there's a consistent habit: hyperbolic proclamations about the secret quality of PES games that the ignorant majority can unlock just by playing the right way.

Just... Why? Strange loop to get stuck in :LOL:

Don't worry, eventually next year he'll be here again at the same time with another alias, answering to your question while he praises with devotion the new demo-like of eFootball 2023 :LOL:
Honestly, I´m more and more surprised with the love this forum has for the PES series. Not saying that is a bad thing actually, instead it´s a great thing and an inspiration. The fact that people come here and write about their frustrations about this year´s release, just proves that there´s hope and love for the series. Too bad that no other company understands that this could be an oportunity to develop a true simulation game, and deliver. I never thought I would get to 2021 and see the football videogaming market get this low on expectations.
In my point of view there is market for every type of game, as long they are a polished, finished and well done product, which is not the case. In the past , early years of ISS and Pro evolution, even without this spreading fire information wise that is internet today, PES achieved to get to the Top without bells and whistles, and without licences, just on its own innovation, gameplay and attention to detail (arcade/sim), polished product.

Theres plenty of room for every type of game, if they made this game SIM based, with actual quality standards, polished and solid gameplay, i´m sure that they will catter a large base of users, willing to spend they money on the game. It could not reach FIFA levels (which they wrongly are trying to catter) in its first years, but i bet that if this was the quality product we all expected, it will reach a massive userbase in some years.

On this one thing have to agree with Adam Batthi, product will always speak for itself, and that´s what happened to be honest. If this was released in a solid state with a polished responsive gameplay, with a more SIM base approach, like they preach, it would be praised even if content only arrived on November.

Don't worry, eventually next year he'll be here again at the same time with another alias, answering to your question while he praises with devotion the new demo-like of eFootball 2023 :LOL:
DAmmit now i will never have a video of a screamer from outside the area, or manage to see a fast zip grounded pass on efootball 2022 until next year.
I haven’t got the time..And I’m not going to waste any,only to be ridicueld.It doesn’t matter to me or have I any point to prove.What ever I show you there will only be ten posts mocking me.Or showing memes or stock footage showing someone running the game on a low spec pc at ten FPS and players scating and deforming.Folk only want to see the bad.

People say they want change but do they really..Or do they just want to whine and follow the Hurd because things have to be spelt out to them.It’s the same with all the marketing behind this game.Yes it’s been shocking.But know ones thought to themselves maybe there just doing what they always do just in a different manner.I still believe this is going to be know different then a annual release.You just have the option of buying the elements you want and the game has been renamed.
Victim playing followed up by insulting others anyways makes sense now after knowing who you are. :LMAO:


I'm trying to understand if whether the passing is slow, the center forward is fast or both. It's just so annoying that this even happen. To be fair, this also happens in PES 2021 but there there is an added animation for the wind up when this *needs* to happen to make sure the opponent gets where he needs to be.

View attachment SlowPassing.mp4

Also a vid in slow motion so it is more clear to see how the attacker almost moves faster than the ball.
View attachment InSlowMotion_.mp4
Just wait until someone figures out my real name is Dave Chrises, owner of a Canadian cheese-farm and that I've never played a football game in my life.
You would be better off. It would save you a lot of frustration and you'd live at least 10 years longer.
Unfortunately the only 'chrises' I see here is the one football games are going through last few years... :LOL:
View attachment 126255


Anyway, I tried640x480p with 50% resolution scale on top of that,

So the rendering resolution was: 320x240

However, I only managed to squeeze in 10-15 more frames than I could from 1920x1080p.

View attachment 126261

So it does seem like 980 Ti isn't enough to manage anything near 60 fps on eFootball during cutscenes. I was getting 40-45 fps. Personally got no complaints regarding this if it means they ported the next gen [ps5] version on pc. Will definitely prefer a next gen port over a ps4 port.

You know it's just locked to 30fps in cutscenes :LOL:
Honestly, I´m more and more surprised with the love this forum has for the PES series
I'm not, because the love of PES is independent of the current year's effort (especially so this year, when there isn't a PES and its successor is still in Beta).

Something I've never understood about the football gaming community in general is our fixation upon the new game in the current year. Myself included. I know it wasn't just me who used to play every PES game until the literal night before the next one coming out, and leave it with a sense of unfinished business.

If literally not a single football game was released ever again there are about 14 separate games that could occupy me for the rest of my life, assuming I don't Road Runner into a cartoon railway tunnel tomorrow. You might look at my list and pooh-pooh some, most, or all of them, and be aghast at what's missing, but surely everyone here has their own list. PES3, PES5, PES6, PS2 PES2008, PES2010, PES2011, PES2012, PES2013, PES2014, PES2015, PES2019, PES2021, FIFA15, FIFA16. (FIFA 22 TBA pending longer play.) Even if I somehow got bored working my way through that lot (I know I wouldn't, but if I did), I can lean on the next ones down. I.e. PES2 (just dropped out of the comfortably-playable zone IMO, but I could still take it for a run), PES2017 (overpowered secondary tackle button and all), ISS Pro 2, etc.

That's the real nature of the love I/we have for the PES series and it doesn't even faintly rely upon the destiny of eFootball or whatever's going on in the alleged real world right now.
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You know it's just locked to 30fps in cutscenes :LOL:

OMG nooo! All hope is gone.

When will they patch and remove 30 fps cap?

30 fps cap on cutscenes that about sports game where real life cutscenes are 60 fps? Why?! It's 2021, Ps2 sports games had 60 fps cutscenes. Fuck so mad now.

I can see that the majority of goals in eFootball involve at least one pass in slow motion that should be blocked by at least one player, if not two or more, but alas most AI players are simultaneously blind & brain dead, before arriving at an attacking player. Then another blind man presses the shoot button and proclaims it a fantastic attacking play & goal and even posts the video to impress others!

Truly an underappreciated rare jewel for sim lovers.
Intercepted by whom? By the CPU? This is EFOOTBALL and not PES, you want the CPU to score for you, and keep acting while you score wrong. :APPLAUD:
I want to see in PES you activate an off player and catch the ball passing in front of you, intercepting the pass.
In PES the CPU does for you this when it wants to, or nothing happens.

So instead of, I don't know, just giving players (whether they be human or AI controlled) the brains and basic awareness to control a ball passing right under their nose, they put it behind a button instead so try-hard numpties can feel like pRo GaMeRs because they made a professional footballer attempt to control a football. Here's an amazing alternative idea, why not make certain players better at intercepting passes than others, which might provide an ounce of an old and seemingly forgotten quality called player individuality.
This game has been memed to hell.

But Konami is the real genius here. They have the genes of the great Kojima after all.

They named the game E Football cause they know E = meme. They outplayed us. As an apology we should all start playing eFootball everyday and buy their dlcs.
Forgot to post It.

We both really struggled a bit due to lag and some bugs, but the game gets better overtime, specially the Second half.

The Last goal is really special with that killer manual pass

So instead of, I don't know, just giving players (whether they be human or AI controlled) the brains and basic awareness to control a ball passing right under their nose, they put it behind a button instead so try-hard numpties can feel like pRo GaMeRs because they made a professional footballer attempt to control a football. Here's an amazing alternative idea, why not make certain players better at intercepting passes than others, which might provide an ounce of an old and seemingly forgotten quality called player individuality.

The guy takes a comment talking about the game and goes on the attack because he didn't like the comment, it's a lot of crying.
I showed a fact in front of a comment where it was not analyzed because the fucking ball passed by the players and the mother CPU didn't catch. It's just that, no crying.
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