eFootball (All Platforms)

Come on..I never said there wasn’t any technical issues with the game.I also don’t think the series X version is a bug riddled mess..

I had plenty of games where it’s playable and I’m able to put some great passages of play and score some great goals.There’s nothing like hitting a long ball over the opposition back line and watching the seamless animations and how the player beautifully interacts with the ball.The touches and movement.

It really isn’t all that bad and I’m really enjoying the tempo and football.I can do things I just haven’t been able to do in a football game.It’s just more real.

Sorry of that bothers some more then others.
It’s fine if you enjoy it, I couldn’t care less either way.

But don’t peddle the myth that this game is “VERY POLISHED” (your exact words) because it’s bullshit.

Konami will never step up their game when feedback is “Oh it’s very polished on Series X”. Because if that’s “VERY POLISHED” then I don’t know what to say. :LOL:
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It doesn’t bother me at all. But you’re saying it’s ultra smooth on Series X which is just insulting to everyone here who has played the next gen version. It’s fine if you enjoy it, I couldn’t care less either way.

But don’t peddle the myth that this game is smooth because it’s just fabricated nonsense.
Your wrong Mikhail..And I didn’t say it’s ultra smooth..I said the game can be stable and playable.You can capture plenty of footage that shows the game’s quality and how smooth the animations and gameplay is.It’s not a juddering mess constantly.

Im not trying to big up the game or say it’s some finished masterpiece.But there’s a lot of quality here and some very clever coding.

IMO this isn’t some bad mobile port..There’s ambition and I think over the coming months this is going to be fleshed out in to a very good football game.
One thing is sure for me, not only Football games but Football overall have lost their "specials" players, with unique style.
I already wroted something long about it in the past. But before, they trained their strenghtnesses and it maked them unique. Now, they focus on physical training and tries to make all players "complete".
Different approach of football. I don't think it makes players or era better, it's more about the actual football standards. There's still very rare players who didn't changed their style to be complete as their physical basis was limited. But very very rare case.
No more number 9 only focus on positioning, shooting skills and intelligence first, then physical cames later. Or technical defenders, means very technique in all defensive area (sliding tacke, clearing, with class, no super strength or aggressivity needed)
Whenever the phrase "totally adheres to the laws of physics" crops up in this forum, it usually signifies that Konami Jesus has descended upon us once again on his annual pilgrimage to Evoweb to proclaim the arrival of the new king. And when you play the game for yourself and are wondering if the shit-show you are witnessing on the pitch is really in line with what Newton had discovered, please bear in mind that perfection has been realised once again.

Really missing a proper one of his kind in here. We have some pretty ardent supporters of the game but that's no fun. Give me lunacy, people!
this game is garbage and should be pulled out of the stores ASAP even if it is free.
they shouldn't be allowed to gain $ with their expensive pay2win pack with this as foundation

They'll probably pull it down themselves in a year or two and embark on a new and even more ambitious next-gen experience, this time running on a pachinko machine with physics that totally adhere to the laws of physics.
This game runs like an absolute slide-and shitshow on my original Xbox One console. It´s impossible to play. That Konami released the game like that is outrageous...
Your wrong Mikhail..And I didn’t say it’s ultra smooth..I said the game can be stable and playable.You can capture plenty of footage that shows the game’s quality and how smooth the animations and gameplay is.It’s not a juddering mess constantly.

Im not trying to big up the game or say it’s some finished masterpiece.But there’s a lot of quality here and some very clever coding.

IMO this isn’t some bad mobile port..There’s ambition and I think over the coming months this is going to be fleshed out in to a very good football game.
I edited my post, you didn’t say ultra smooth - you said “Very Polished”. Which is not true in any way, shape or form
Couple of gameplay highlights that I've recorded. Still trying to get used to the game so I'm playing on professional. Scored a couple of free kicks plus a shot in open play from just outside the box

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To me, this year long through passes, lobbed or ground, have the more 50/50 feeling than ever.
Im playing FUMA , i don't know if this affect the outcome.
One thing that bothers me is that i can't take a strong long shot. Every shot outside the area is very easily cleared by the keeper, no matter the striker (ronaldo, messi etc)

You are waiting for the "Sharp" kick feature mate, which I believe you will have to pay for?
from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1
a 0.0.1 added to the relased version maket it very obvious of much of an improvement we will get.
been reading comments about how polished the game is on some console of their preference. I plead insanity =)))
Your wrong Mikhail..And I didn’t say it’s ultra smooth..I said the game can be stable and playable.You can capture plenty of footage that shows the game’s quality and how smooth the animations and gameplay is.It’s not a juddering mess constantly.

Im not trying to big up the game or say it’s some finished masterpiece.But there’s a lot of quality here and some very clever coding.

IMO this isn’t some bad mobile port..There’s ambition and I think over the coming months this is going to be fleshed out in to a very good football game.

You cannot proclaim objectively that someone else's opinion is wrong.
Now that is just wrong.
The game is an unplayable mess. It's been well documented in just about every platform/forum I can think of...
To proclaim otherwise is just lunacy.
The passing needs work on, they are too slow and don't always go where you want. I like a bit of passing error but not that much ha ha.

The night games look very good in regards to the lighting (PS5 version).
from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1
a 0.0.1 added to the relased version maket it very obvious of much of an improvement we will get.
been reading comments about how polished the game is on some console of their preference. I plead insanity =)))
better than Escape From Tarkov, they are going like 0.12.12345 and two month later to 0.12.12346🤣
my celebration was so bad it made the other player quit..

scored a goal with coutinho, then i curiously pick the 'respect' celebration. and this prick just jog his ass from the opponent's goal->corner flag->the bench. unlike prev pes, you cant skip the celebration haha. it truly deserved the name 'respect'
According to the website a big update is scheduled for the 11 of November. It will add teams from many leagues and 13 more stadiums. I would expect that version to have everything that they expect a non playing player to have
So player packs that have players with skills & moves.
those players will not have skills and moves that aren't available in the offline version. For example you might get a pack that has Maradonna in it. That player will not have a skills or moves that arent already available in the offline version of the game
Are you playing on a next gen console?..and are you serious?..The series x version is very polished.Not at all as buggy as you claim.

In many ways it’s better then Pes21..

Have a full manual setup and have the camera on stadium removing the circle icon around the player.The version on the series X isn’t that choppy and the gameplay is very solid.

Ive captured some footage😉.If you’ve got a console that can run this welll.Stick with it and be patient.Your be pleasantly suprised actually how good this game can be.It’s slow but so intuitive once you click.
Mate I concur; playing on a PS5 through a 4K tv & don’t see many glitches; only in replays. It’s very playable on next gen and I’ve had some enjoyable games online & offline. I’m same, don’t feel like playing the pes 21 tbh.
this next-gen talk it's getting me tired.
there's nothing next gen about ps5 and xbox x...they have what we had on PC for years.
it more like catch-up gen. stop it with "NEXT" gen

the game isn't any different on ps5 or xbox x...it's still the same mobile port we all "deserve" for boosting konami's sales over the last 20 years.
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