eFootball (All Platforms)

this next-gen talk it's getting me tired.
there's nothing next gen about ps5 and xbox x...they have what we had on PC for years.
it more like catch-up gen. stop it with "NEXT" gen

the game isn't any different on ps5 or xbox x...it's still the same mobile port we all "deserve" for boosting konami's sales over the last 20 years.
Please, let's not start with the PC Elitism. You know fully well next gen is always used when the new consoles are out.
This game badly needs manual run added back in.
The passing needs work on, they are too slow and don't always go where you want. I like a bit of passing error but not that much ha ha.

The night games look very good in regards to the lighting (PS5 version).

What passing assistance level? Personally, I have really liked manual. I haven't tried the others (though I've only heard people say the same you have).

I even like the fucking ugly circle, cuz it helps me direct my passes (I've never been the greatest at judging where my players are facing...).
this next-gen talk it's getting me tired.
there's nothing next gen about ps5 and xbox x...they have what we had on PC for years.
it more like catch-up gen. stop it with "NEXT" gen

the game isn't any different on ps5 or xbox x...it's still the same mobile port we all "deserve" for boosting konami's sales over the last 20 years.
At the risk of going more OT: that's not even true any more. The SSDs on both consoles feature much more data throughput than PCs up till now have been able to handle, even with equivalent raw I/O speeds – because of custom controllers, removal of bottlenecks, and running a fully bespoke OS just for gaming. This is especially case with the PS5. It will impact game development to a degree (especially with 1st party studios), which we're already starting to see, and some games won't be able to crossover for a good while now (even discarding the usual platform exclusion policies).

In terms of the CPU-GPU, sure, the highest-end PCs have been ahead of consoles for some time. But it's not the only component. And, in any case, unless you're a rich fucker or an enthusiast, you don't have such PCs. Steam hardware charts show that average components are decidedly subpar.

In any case, almost no games are currently making use of next-gen console hardware changes. A handful of games on the PS5 are taking advantage of the SSD, but still far from maxxing out data throughput from what I understand (even Ratchet and Clank, e.g.).

It goes without saying that PES/eFootball doesn't need next-gen power or speed.
What passing assistance level? Personally, I have really liked manual. I haven't tried the others (though I've only heard people say the same you have).

I even like the fucking ugly circle, cuz it helps me direct my passes (I've never been the greatest at judging where my players are facing...).
I find on manual that passing is still a tad too slow, though of course you can put more welly on each kick to rectify it a bit.

I've also been dismayed that we can't use L1+O for the "early cross" function for effective diagonal switching on manual now. It barely crosses the pitch unfortunately. I think a similar function will come back with "sharp kicks", but this at least seems like another case of removing something that works and giving it a new name when you add it back, to market it as a new feature.
At the risk of going more OT: that's not even true any more. The SSDs on both consoles feature much more data throughput than PCs up till now have been able to handle, even with equivalent raw I/O speeds – because of custom controllers, removal of bottlenecks, and running a fully bespoke OS just for gaming. This is especially case with the PS5. It will impact game development to a degree (especially with 1st party studios), which we're already starting to see, and some games won't be able to crossover for a good while now (even discarding the usual platform exclusion policies).

In terms of the CPU-GPU, sure, the highest-end PCs have been ahead of consoles for some time. But it's not the only component. And, in any case, unless you're a rich fucker or an enthusiast, you don't have such PCs. Steam hardware charts show that average components are decidedly subpar.

In any case, almost no games are currently making use of next-gen console hardware changes. A handful of games on the PS5 are taking advantage of the SSD, but still far from maxxing out data throughput from what I understand (even Ratchet and Clank, e.g.).

It goes without saying that PES/eFootball doesn't need next-gen power or speed.
the ssd's on both consoles are PC parts. no special silicon involved. not out of this world SSDs
only the software implementation part is true (GPU-streaming), for now.
but next gen? give me a break.
the ssd's on both consoles are PC parts. no special silicon involved. not out of this world SSDs
only the software implementation part is true (GPU-streaming), for now.
but next gen? give me a break.
Sure, in terms of pure silicon it's shared with PC components, but in the case of PS5 e.g. the SSD uses specialised Kraken decompression, custom controllers, basically eliminating traditional bottlenecks. You can buy PC SSDs that have a comparable rate of raw data throughput now (PS5 can do 5.5GB/s uncompressed and up to 9GB/s compressed), but good luck getting anything like that I/O speed in actual gaming use cases. There are all sorts of bottlenecks on PCs, for good reason. And this isn't to mention yet that pretty much all games for PC must optimise themselves for potential HDD launching, so you have asset replication on the disk – the way data recall has to work for lower-mid tier devices presents another limiting factor. This is why a lot of PC users installed SSDs and were confused to see very moderate gains (a similar issue to installing SSDs into PS4 consoles). You're sorely mistaken if you think there isn't a genuine difference between the SSD implementation in next-gen consoles and in even high-end PCs. This will be a limitation for PCs for some years to come, as well.
Sure, in terms of pure silicon it's shared with PC components, but in the case of PS5 e.g. the SSD uses specialised Kraken decompression, custom controllers, basically eliminating traditional bottlenecks. You can buy PC SSDs that have a comparable rate of raw data throughput now (PS5 can do 5.5GB/s uncompressed and up to 9GB/s compressed), but good luck getting anything like that I/O speed in actual gaming use cases. There are all sorts of bottlenecks on PCs, for good reason. And this isn't to mention yet that pretty much all games for PC must optimise themselves for potential HDD launching, so you have asset replication on the disk – the way data recall has to work for lower-mid tier devices presents another limiting factor. This is why a lot of PC users installed SSDs and were confused to see very moderate gains (a similar issue to installing SSDs into PS4 consoles). You're sorely mistaken if you think there isn't a genuine difference between the SSD implementation in next-gen consoles and in even high-end PCs. This will be a limitation for PCs for some years to come, as well.
the tech has come to PCs already.
Windows 11 includes it, windows 10 will soon.
it's a mather of fact of game devs to include into games too.
stop it with "krakens" and "gargoyles". ain't nothing special about consoles.
they only are next gen when compared with previous gen consoles.
the tech has come to PCs already.
Windows 11 includes it, windows 10 will soon.
it's a mather of fact of game devs to include into games too.
stop it with "krakens" and "gargoyles". ain't nothing special about consoles.
they only are next gen when compared with previous gen consoles.
Okay, it seems you're not actually interested in a serious discussion about this. Have fun with your flame war nonsense somewhere else.
For those playing and enjoying on ps4... What's the best game speed and camera to enjoy it? Or at least run it better than the default settings?
I really feel for gamers who have the misfortune of playing this game on last gen consoles. It looks horrendous on PS4 and even worse on XB1 consoles. Some people, however are claiming the gameplay is more responsive.
I really feel for gamers who have the misfortune of playing this game on last gen consoles. It looks horrendous on PS4 and even worse on XB1 consoles. Some people, however are claiming the gameplay is more responsive.
that "kraken" power at work pal 🤣
All this Konami/eFootball debacle reminds me of one particular sport game that's on early access right now (Tennis Elbow 4), made by just one person and it's the best game ever made on his category in terms of simulation (a plain example of its development):

- not good but acceptable graphics (small studio)
- the movement animations are not the best because he doesn't have the budget of an AAA developer, but are on point
- the best ball physics, inertia, field factors, player attributes/abilities, responsiveness, better than any released tennis game
- 3500 players and 400 tournaments from 1973 to this date
- single player + career mode, and online play
- just one time purchase (half price than a full product)
- awesome guy, he responds to all the feedback by himself
- the game is positively acclaimed 94% on steam and 100% positives in the last 30 days (without investing in marketing blink blink)
- the game evolves constantly with all the features and enhancements added for free

What can we learn from this?

1.) One single person made it possible respecting the beautiful game on the field and the consumers, modeling the game as intended (with a clear development in mind) and considering all its essential factors.
2.) An entire company with thousands of employees like Konami are not capable to launch a decent marketing campaign for their demo-like app, then after the hilarious release they're uploading some corporate printed .gifs apologias "we're sorry..." questioning themselves what to do next.

So everything is possible by just one individual if there is passion involved and respect for the consumers, leading to an awesome product...
By having you buy offline modes, match passes, and coins for perks and players online. FUT and MyClub have always been the main source of revenue for EA and Konami. Sharp Kick won't be a paid upgrade.
I know that, I was just being rhetorical with that question. Honestly though, it wouldn't surprise me if certain skill moves and on the pitch stuff were locked behind a paywall. Any thought of kindness from Konami went out the window on launch day. I expect Konami to milk players, especially online players for every penny whilst putting as little effort in the production of offline modes because why wouldn't they?

And trust me, EA are orgasming at the possibilities of what they can do with the ftp model come next year. It would be like a virgin dreaming of wanting to pop his first cherry.
I see you guys hyped with version 0.9.1 in october and after that version 1.0 in november, honestly I think this community will never change and will never learn about what konami wants for the game, they can give you worst football game in history and you will be still playing, we never learn as community to stop feeding konami and the two words more repeated "I hope", do not hope anything anymore, they never listened us and they never will do. Its just a waste of time to think football is still alive with konami when its not and this will be forever. Believe my words.
I see you guys hyped with version 0.9.1 in october and after that version 1.0 in november, honestly I think this community will never change and will never learn about what konami wants for the game, they can give you worst football game in history and you will be still playing, we never learn as community to stop feeding konami and the two words more repeated "I hope", do not hope anything anymore, they never listened us and they never will do. Its just a waste of time to think football is still alive with konami when its not and this will be forever. Believe my words.

Nobody is hyped... I think. This game will remain inferior to PES 2021 for AT LEAST another year, and maybe 2-3 years depending on how gameplay is held back by co-developing for mobile.

The transition to Fox Engine stumbled the first time, but it wasn't held back by mobile.

FIFA22 is trash I wouldn't touch it, and the game will never change because it's a formula that generates enough money for EA. With Konami out of the way, it will change EVEN LESS next year.

PES 2021 might be the last football game I play and keep playing for the next few years.
All this Konami/eFootball debacle reminds me of one particular sport game that's on early access right now (Tennis Elbow 4), made by just one person and it's the best game ever made on his category in terms of simulation (a plain example of its development):

- not good but acceptable graphics (small studio)
- the movement animations are not the best because he doesn't have the budget of an AAA developer, but are on point
- the best ball physics, inertia, field factors, player attributes/abilities, responsiveness, better than any released tennis game
- 3500 players and 400 tournaments from 1973 to this date
- single player + career mode, and online play
- just one time purchase (half price than a full product)
- awesome guy, he responds to all the feedback by himself
- the game is positively acclaimed 94% on steam and 100% positives in the last 30 days (without investing in marketing blink blink)
- the game evolves constantly with all the features and enhancements added for free

What can we learn from this?

1.) One single person made it possible respecting the beautiful game on the field and the consumers, modeling the game as intended (with a clear development in mind) and considering all its essential factors.
2.) An entire company with thousands of employees like Konami are not capable to launch a decent marketing campaign for their demo-like app, then after the hilarious release they're uploading some corporate printed .gifs apologias "we're sorry..." questioning themselves what to do next.

So everything is possible by just one individual if there is passion involved and respect for the consumers, leading to an awesome product...

Similar story with Full Ace Tennis Simulator which I think is the better/more realistic tennis game than TE4 - one guy developing it, and absolutely puts the garbage AAA titles AO/TWT to shame, which only exist to cynically flip their licensed content to desperate console tennis gamers, no passion or vision whatsoever to create decent realistic (or even arcadey fun) gameplay.

A tennis game has far fewer moving parts though which all need animation/physics/AI etc, a narrow range of animation (TE/FAT have just 10-15 shot animations + the rudimentary movement of mostly sidesteps per player). While the FAT and TE devs have done a fantastic job producing such good sims on their own, it's orders of magnitude harder if not impossible to produce a football sim of that quality alone.
I really feel for gamers who have the misfortune of playing this game on last gen consoles. It looks horrendous on PS4 and even worse on XB1 consoles. Some people, however are claiming the gameplay is more responsive.

Does it actually look better on next gen then? I just assumed graphics were a mess across the board...
For those playing and enjoying on ps4... What's the best game speed and camera to enjoy it? Or at least run it better than the default settings?

0 speed.
Stadium cam.
Roughly 2, 5, 8 from what I remember.
Oh and summer night to make graphics vaguely acceptable.
Short grass and wet
Your wrong Mikhail..And I didn’t say it’s ultra smooth..I said the game can be stable and playable.You can capture plenty of footage that shows the game’s quality and how smooth the animations and gameplay is.It’s not a juddering mess constantly.

Im not trying to big up the game or say it’s some finished masterpiece.But there’s a lot of quality here and some very clever coding.

IMO this isn’t some bad mobile port..There’s ambition and I think over the coming months this is going to be fleshed out in to a very good football game.
I hope you are right but i'm honestly staggered. I experienced the worst football game i've honestly ever played and I've played a few horrors. Taking the game as if it was golden as regard to technical functioning, it would still be very poor for me.
Well, I've tested again the new improved "...a step in the right direction-like" eFootball to see what's changed in the new version, and I can't believe my eyes but everything feels so improved. I've played just one match and I was astonished:

Improved realistic slam dunks:

eFootball slam dunk.jpg

Realistic updated 1v1 collision system:

Improved shielding:


Can't wait for the release of the version ;):TU:
lol @ how this is still being discussed... what is even there to talk about? we've seen and have been shown enough to stop giving it attention. move on guys.

if they do not cut the response time ~ in half until mid november or so it will be dead late january, my prediction

(for console and pc anyway, dont care about mobile users, they could drop their de-vices in the toilet while gaming for all i care)
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