Fight the Power!
- 28 November 2007
I think the difference with PES 2014 was they were aware or Kojima or whoever else who were with them talked about what's doing first, then next.
Even if you don't like the game direction, personnally there was at least a logic in the development. I don't know if it's pressure to release or whatever else, but i imagine it was a war just to have "at least" every part of the game made to be...
Releasable because there were boss who gotted orders from higher boss for the release date, and given orders "it needs to be played on the 29 before Fifa, focus on X things then we see later how to fix it... If we can. But we got order to release it the 29 even if it's the end of the world the day after"
Don't think what i said it's not important : it is. I personnally think the fiasco cames from a super rushed stuffs from a two year ago idea from Kimura, but whatever it's the past. What i see as an evidence it's that the game is built without structure. And their others games were. There's a reason behind it, perhaps not exactly what i say, it's just assumptions; but something like that : creating a game so randomly has never been in any game producer system.
Hmm interesting take.
I think still its more to do with Kimura's initial development plan being scrapped around March-September 2020. They went from a focus on just the PS5 initially to this ambitious cross play model.
Using PES 2020/2021 as a base from the fox engine was always part of the plan to bring to the unreal engine. They had been using the unreal engine anyway for the mobile games since 2019. Their original plan was to keep the fox engine peak of PES 2020/2021 for mobile for 2022 onwards and the unreal being separate new engine for the whole team to work on.
Now where we clearly agree on is a 'Higher Boss' has completely binned this plan as non feesable and demanded sometime between March-September 2020 to create an entirely new plan going on what suits him and most likely his profits regarding the mobile edition. So this rushed product we see now makes sense to me as the developers having to scale back their initial plans for the PS5 only to instead produce a game which can play with the same gameplay from the mobile edition to the PS5 with scaling graphics to optimize the game on each platform.
What I find most interesting for this is if the developers had completed the game to stage we see now in 12-18 months, what a shame like you have mentioned that they didn't stick to a 3 year development plan because so many like me can see big potential. Thing is there has been nowhere near enough testing on what they have to give it any refinement. There are incentives to make defending manual as possible yet the AI can use 2nd man press but you cant change your defensive tactics even! This is the lack of structure in its build I agree with, however I think things like collisions, physics, animations and their responsiveness is about time and testing.
By January we shouldn't be seeing these insane physics and collision bugs anymore, what's key is if they can fix these issues quickly to pick themselves up from this basement bottom they are in by getting this fixed by the end of the month/early November. I have my doubts because i think this will need a few months for them to see all of the areas and instances which they will occur based on how players use the game. In terms of structure from essentially a philosophical standpoint Konami need to get things like the 2nd pressure on or off dilemma right vs the CPU. This is where i agree this may take some time indeed for everyone to find agreement on hw this game moves forward and why we need to be clear this may take a long time before people really return to this game to take it seriously.
Sad but its a big possibility from the shambless we have seen.