eFootball (All Platforms)

I think the difference with PES 2014 was they were aware or Kojima or whoever else who were with them talked about what's doing first, then next.
Even if you don't like the game direction, personnally there was at least a logic in the development. I don't know if it's pressure to release or whatever else, but i imagine it was a war just to have "at least" every part of the game made to be...

Releasable because there were boss who gotted orders from higher boss for the release date, and given orders "it needs to be played on the 29 before Fifa, focus on X things then we see later how to fix it... If we can. But we got order to release it the 29 even if it's the end of the world the day after"


Don't think what i said it's not important : it is. I personnally think the fiasco cames from a super rushed stuffs from a two year ago idea from Kimura, but whatever it's the past. What i see as an evidence it's that the game is built without structure. And their others games were. There's a reason behind it, perhaps not exactly what i say, it's just assumptions; but something like that : creating a game so randomly has never been in any game producer system.

Hmm interesting take.

I think still its more to do with Kimura's initial development plan being scrapped around March-September 2020. They went from a focus on just the PS5 initially to this ambitious cross play model.

Using PES 2020/2021 as a base from the fox engine was always part of the plan to bring to the unreal engine. They had been using the unreal engine anyway for the mobile games since 2019. Their original plan was to keep the fox engine peak of PES 2020/2021 for mobile for 2022 onwards and the unreal being separate new engine for the whole team to work on.

Now where we clearly agree on is a 'Higher Boss' has completely binned this plan as non feesable and demanded sometime between March-September 2020 to create an entirely new plan going on what suits him and most likely his profits regarding the mobile edition. So this rushed product we see now makes sense to me as the developers having to scale back their initial plans for the PS5 only to instead produce a game which can play with the same gameplay from the mobile edition to the PS5 with scaling graphics to optimize the game on each platform.

What I find most interesting for this is if the developers had completed the game to stage we see now in 12-18 months, what a shame like you have mentioned that they didn't stick to a 3 year development plan because so many like me can see big potential. Thing is there has been nowhere near enough testing on what they have to give it any refinement. There are incentives to make defending manual as possible yet the AI can use 2nd man press but you cant change your defensive tactics even! This is the lack of structure in its build I agree with, however I think things like collisions, physics, animations and their responsiveness is about time and testing.

By January we shouldn't be seeing these insane physics and collision bugs anymore, what's key is if they can fix these issues quickly to pick themselves up from this basement bottom they are in by getting this fixed by the end of the month/early November. I have my doubts because i think this will need a few months for them to see all of the areas and instances which they will occur based on how players use the game. In terms of structure from essentially a philosophical standpoint Konami need to get things like the 2nd pressure on or off dilemma right vs the CPU. This is where i agree this may take some time indeed for everyone to find agreement on hw this game moves forward and why we need to be clear this may take a long time before people really return to this game to take it seriously.

Sad but its a big possibility from the shambless we have seen.
Yes, that's what i said they got to get back when the game wasn't already playable before the big boss told them "make it playable at any cost" or something like that, if my deduction is right.
And from that basis, they could continue the build like it was normally scheduled. I was never ever like that for any video game. There's a "point" on the development when the devs got the orders to make it playable at all cost.

Look at the game : it's like a game "in construction" with stuffs who weren't playable and the whole game looks like something forced to be playable with some adds to transforms the pre-alpha, quickly made.
But not like it was scheduled, and the result would have been different but released far later. It's a big loss of time if they got to redo stuffs from the point where the game wasn't playable.

That's what i think personally, i won't talk about the past but just a way to resolve it : came back to the point BEFORE the boss told them that they got to make that unfinished thing, to be playable for the 29, by adding stuffs afaik for people to have something looking like a match.
To me it's credible, but now, it's pretty probable they will more try to fix it than return to the previous checkpoint. They did things not scheduled for a quick release simply.

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the slow passing is not my biggest problem, i have more the problem that the Shooting is also so slow, nothing about power. When playing on +2 its way better but the overall gameplayspeed is not acceptable

Yep. There's a clear lack of explosiveness when shooting. The ball seems to 'accelerate' in a weird way, if it even accelerates. Here's how it looks compared to PES 2021:

Even if that's true – and it's an extreme example in any case – you can see skating on most of the animations. I don't see the point in posting ordinary gameplay footage though, since we've all seen it and most of us have played it. I can't point to it if you don't already see it. The footplanting is not good in this game (or this build), players' feet slide all the time. They simply do not look grounded, and it's not a matter of players moving from inertia.
Are you playing on a next gen console?..and are you serious?..The series x version is very polished.Not at all as buggy as you claim.

In many ways it’s better then Pes21..

Have a full manual setup and have the camera on stadium removing the circle icon around the player.The version on the series X isn’t that choppy and the gameplay is very solid.

Ive captured some footage😉.If you’ve got a console that can run this welll.Stick with it and be patient.Your be pleasantly suprised actually how good this game can be.It’s slow but so intuitive once you click.
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Holy shit, didnt know X button does all this. Players even put their hands behind the back, Very cool

Game is on the right dotection despite terrible release and comunication
Yeah I think a lot of people aren't aware of how important the "match up" feature is, typical Konami!. If you watch part 2 of that video he goes in to more detail.

It jockeys, stands an opponent up, blocks shots, steals the ball if timed correctly at close proximity & can intercept loose balls & passes etc. I really enjoy defending in the game combining it with player positioning & standing tackle

You've got several different ways to approach defending. Holding L2 is probably the worst of the bunch because parts of its intended use are broken with regards to collisions. If you play anyone half decent whilst constantly holding it they'll skip past you with ease anyway.

When it rarely works though L2 is really cool if you're running side by side of an opponent with the ball.
If timed correctly you can gently use your players weight to nudge him slightly off balance & put yourself between the opponent & ball for a steal or jockey out of play.
The outcome feels heavily dependent on your players physicality & defending stats as well, Pique will have a much greater success rate at this than Jordi Alba for example.

It feels a lot like the barycenter feature from PES 2014 at times.
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Just... just.... don't say that . WE ALL know that is just video game, but . . . . . . . but it's something that has been a part of our lives for 25 years, one way or another. As @Matt10 said, literally PES saved his life because keep him busy, in very difficult moments of his life, the same goes for me, maybe not in the same context. Or maybe playing co-op Master League with ours best friends, on PES 4-6 every Saturday night, half drunk, and with so much passion during the week to text each other with ideas of which player to buy and what tactics will be most appropriate while we are on work or we are in lectures. Or we finally got dads to play a game, with us, to share ours passion for football and video games, together, those great moments in ours memory and even now .. when they are no longer with us ... we've already sealed these moments so precious to us.

Each of us can share a similar story, and that can be said for .. everything .. not just for a certain game, but thing as music, movie, even food.

We all know that this is just a game, but one way or another we realize that in some situations it is something more, and that's why we are here! We still care!

I don't know if you'll understand what I mean, but it's quite difficult for me in English
Very well put. I agree.
why is this game still available in stores?
or better yet, why is their microtransaction pack still up for sale.
this should be pulled off ASAP
Frankly, this is insulting lol. Honestly. The cognitive dissonance here is astounding. So you look at this,

...and you think: what great inertia on display!


Oooops, sorry....that's bad....
I didn't have any similar instances and i have 20hours of gameplay.
But one thing: These are bugs, are programming faults that was NOT INTENDED to be there.
On other football titles sliding and no realistic inertia/footplanting IS PROGRAMMERS CHOICE.
That's the difference.
I know that ef2022 is very raw and unpolished at its current state (v0.9), there is no doubt about it.
But stating that "its utterly shit" or "garbage" is at least overreaction.

It's the most next-gen ATTEMPT for something fresh in gameplay, cause of these things:
- R2 ball touch control instead of on/off sprinting.
- Beating defender using their body inertia with quick and tactical direction changes (what the 99% of real football players do), not saolin-like tricks.
- Match up/ Contain in defending
- Inertia/momentum in defending makes you calculate your decisions and not "pac-man like" chasing.
- Ball is very loose and clearly separate from players
- Cpu AI DOES DRIBBLES the ball a lot! which is revolutionary for a Konami game, because up to now Cpu was mostly passing the ball. (in 10 min matches Cpu makes 50-70 passes in ef2022, instead of 120-140 passes in previous PES games)

Again all these things I mentioned , unfortunately come with bugs. But they are still there, stitched to core of the gameplay.
Oooops, sorry....that's bad....
I didn't have any similar instances and i have 20hours of gameplay.
But one thing: These are bugs, are programming faults that was NOT INTENDED to be there.
On other football titles sliding and no realistic inertia/footplanting IS PROGRAMMERS CHOICE.
That's the difference.
I know that ef2022 is very raw and unpolished at its current state (v0.9), there is no doubt about it.
But stating that "its utterly shit" or "garbage" is at least overreaction.

It's the most next-gen ATTEMPT for something fresh in gameplay, cause of these things:
- R2 ball touch control instead of on/off sprinting.
- Beating defender using their body inertia with quick and tactical direction changes (what the 99% of real football players do), not saolin-like tricks.
- Match up/ Contain in defending
- Inertia/momentum in defending makes you calculate your decisions and not "pac-man like" chasing.
- Ball is very loose and clearly separate from players
- Cpu AI DOES DRIBBLES the ball a lot! which is revolutionary for a Konami game, because up to now Cpu was mostly passing the ball. (in 10 min matches Cpu makes 50-70 passes in ef2022, instead of 120-140 passes in previous PES games)

Again all these things I mentioned , unfortunately come with bugs. But they are still there, stitched to core of the gameplay.
Is it a bug when a defender turns into The Flash when you have a chance at a through ball?
Is it a bug when a defender turns into The Flash when you have a chance at a through ball?
To me, this year long through passes, lobbed or ground, have the more 50/50 feeling than ever.
Im playing FUMA , i don't know if this affect the outcome.
One thing that bothers me is that i can't take a strong long shot. Every shot outside the area is very easily cleared by the keeper, no matter the striker (ronaldo, messi etc)
Are you playing on a next gen console?..and are you serious?..The series x version is very polished.Not at all as buggy as you claim.
I'm on PS5; yes I'm serious (and FUMA and Stadium zoomed out, as it happens!). The fact you're having a good experience and aren't coming across bugs yourself (or not noticing them) isn't really a sign of the game not being buggy. Not when you consider how many other people are playing the game and are slating it due to the bugs they are experiencing.

I've not had invisible players myself yet; it would be strange of me to therefore conclude these bugs aren't in the game – enough people are having them and showing them to us. (I've had absurd limb animations in tussles though.)

Even if it were true that next-gen versions aren't buggy, this wouldn't be some real reprieve. They're promoting this F2P live service on the grounds of its crossplay, for which you need a consistent performance. And it doesn't seem so hardware intensive as to really imply that the better consoles and the better PCs (which, by the way, are noticing all sorts of bugs) will give this bug-free experience.

Still, it's good that you're not experiencing bugs; I just don't think you can infer much about the game overall due to your own case.

(Incidentally, my original point isn't really about bugs; it's about the way feet slide in what you would consider normal scenarios that don't have obvious bugs in them. But I know we don't/won't agree on that.)
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Is it so hard to accept that some people judge the game from personal experience and not from gifs and screenshots on the Internet? Opinions evolve with new experiences, they're not set in stone. I didn't complain about L2 physical defending because I hadn't experienced it firsthand. Nevertheless, my perception of the game is worse today than it was a few days ago after playing it again last night and seeing my players get violated by L2. There's only so much you can defend with L2 shielding if the referee ignores blatant fouls. Rarely played offline because 5 minutes is too little but I'm pretty sure the referee was more strict there. Needs addressing online, can't rely on good citizenship.

PS. I scored a sexy (and I mean SEXY) long range volley last night. It felt sooo good, likely because of the surprise that it went in. I planned to share it but I completely forgot to record it after the umpteenth network error :(
Oooops, sorry....that's bad....
I didn't have any similar instances and i have 20hours of gameplay.
But one thing: These are bugs, are programming faults that was NOT INTENDED to be there.
On other football titles sliding and no realistic inertia/footplanting IS PROGRAMMERS CHOICE.
That's the difference.
I'm glad at least you acknowledge it was bad haha.

But okay, let's say you're right that that example is just a bug, and not an extreme example of what they already have in the game (i.e., skating) – or so I contend they do.

And I'll grant that developers make compromises in how the animations work, so that e.g. skipping a frame to speed up an animation to get the player where he "needs" to be has the benefit of responsiveness and the downside of a visible slide. (I'm doubtless grossly simplifying that! I'm sure others here have a better technical understanding of the compromises involved.) So you can say that it's a matter of design choice, to some degree (even if devs would rather not have the visible sliding).

Take all that into account, and I still maintain there's sliding here, and you can call it a design choice if you want.

I just did a search for some gameplay. First video that came up, True Brits. Look at the first three passes here and how Sule collects the ball at 02:30:

That to me is a clear case where both his feet slide up the pitch to meet the ball. And to me that looks more noticeable and worse than on previous titles. It's also not something you could call inertia.

Am I seeing things?
That is, indeed, a good question, which we will surely never get an answer for.

One of the possibilities is that it really wasn't in a much better state, and that the features that weren't shipped themselves had tons of bugs.

Another is that maybe they had to cut the release early to go through the testing required to publish them in stores (online and offline).
The only thing I don't understand with this theory is, If they had to suibmit it to testing to allow it to be published in the storefronts... What was Sony/Microsoft/Steam testing for exactly?

If it's quality control and stability then they certainly weren't testing for that, that's for sure.

Were they just testing that the application launches and that's all they need to approve?
Is it so hard to accept that some people judge the game from personal experience and not from gifs and screenshots on the Internet?
It's really not hard to accept that! I just think there's an important difference between these two sorts of claim:
  • In my experience, the game isn't buggy / plays really well / is great / I find the physics or footplanting to my taste
  • the game isn't buggy / the game plays really well / doesn't have physics or footplanting issues / etc
It's when people generalise from their own experience and then make very bold claims as to the overall quality of the product which grates. We don't have to be all relativistic about this stuff.

You can have a great time with a poor quality thing; you can have a bad time with a great quality thing. The quality isn't entirely determined by your experience, and we can observe, analyse, and pick out the faults (and achievements) in footage and such.

I really think it's a good thing that some people are enjoying this game! I just resent being told general claims like "the footplanting totally adheres to the laws of physics" when, well...
Is it so hard to accept that some people judge the game from personal experience and not from gifs and screenshots on the Internet?

It's free, almost everyone has played it. Some like it, most don't. Screenshots and videos are nothing more than a visual record of stuff that's in the game. You can still like it or hate it regardless.
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Whenever the phrase "totally adheres to the laws of physics" crops up in this forum, it usually signifies that Konami Jesus has descended upon us once again on his annual pilgrimage to Evoweb to proclaim the arrival of the new king. And when you play the game for yourself and are wondering if the shit-show you are witnessing on the pitch is really in line with what Newton had discovered, please bear in mind that perfection has been realised once again.
It's really not hard to accept that! I just think there's an important difference between these two sorts of claim:
  • In my experience, the game isn't buggy / plays really well / is great / I find the physics or footplanting to my taste
  • the game isn't buggy / the game plays really well / doesn't have physics or footplanting issues / etc
It's when people generalise from their own experience and then make very bold claims as to the overall quality of the product which grates. We don't have to be all relativistic about this stuff.

You can have a great time with a poor quality thing; you can have a bad time with a great quality thing. The quality isn't entirely determined by your experience, and we can observe, analyse, and pick out the faults (and achievements) in footage and such.

I really think it's a good thing that some people are enjoying this game! I just resent being told general claims like "the footplanting totally adheres to the laws of physics" when, well...
First things first, I was writing my message while you wrote yours so I hope you didn't feel targeted by it, it was a general remark ;)

What you say isn't wrong but I think you'll agree it happens both ways.

PS. I see a teleportation bug as opposed to skating in the video you posted. I'll leave any comments about physics to people with that competency :LOL:
I'm on PS5; yes I'm serious (and FUMA and Stadium zoomed out, as it happens!). The fact you're having a good experience and aren't coming across bugs yourself (or not noticing them) isn't really a sign of the game not being buggy. Not when you consider how many other people are playing the game and are slating it due to the bugs they are experiencing.

I've not had invisible players myself yet; it would be strange of me to therefore conclude these bugs aren't in the game – enough people are having them and showing them to us. (I've had absurd limb animations in tussles though.)

Even if it were true that next-gen versions aren't buggy, this wouldn't be some real reprieve. They're promoting this F2P live service on the grounds of its crossplay, for which you need a consistent performance. And it doesn't seem so hardware intensive as to really imply that the better consoles and the better PCs (which, by the way, are noticing all sorts of bugs) will give this bug-free experience.

Still, it's good that you're not experiencing bugs; I just don't think you can infer much about the game overall due to your own case.

(Incidentally, my original point isn't really about bugs; it's about the way feet slide in what you would consider normal scenarios that don't have obvious bugs in them. But I know we don't/won't agree on that.)
When did I say I didn’t have bugs,players freezing not reacting to the ball,Collision detection issues,frame rate drops and texture pop in..It’s all there and I did state that clearly in my posts.I just don’t have three defenders all sliding in a line or the frame rate dropping to below 10 FPS.

I also have plenty of good experiences where the gameplay is more stable.The game isn’t glitching or bugging all the time.

This game has great foot planting and inertia..I’m not going to change my stance on that😃

Edit.I also think the animation system is next gen and the ball physics and how the players react move with the ball,how it bounces etc.There’s a really good,playable game here under the slightly undercooked,raw exterior.
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I just see 2021 shot rises while 2022 dips.
Yep i think the same, even if the ball speed is a little more faster in 21. But it’s as dull as efootball, at least for me. I play on pa1 (pa3 on efootball) and i feel that is all to predictable.

And i agree 100% with you on the Stats, PÉS lost its souls the moment it all become to scripted and predictable, and stats became just more like an indicator rather than a differentiator, at least for me, and that was the reason that made me play less and less rachar year. There goes the times when i kept seeing new things, be it animations, goals, outcomes, even after 200 games in PS2 times.

This week i was wondering if its me that, due to age, that lost that pashion i had when i was younger, but seeing this past year, and after i purchased my Series X with gamepass, i played more time already in one year than i had played with all the time i had my PS4. There are so many good games to be played, so many “finished” games, interesting games, AAA or índies, that i now am sure its not because of age i lost interest in PES, or any football game of nowadays, its simply because football games now are just dull and lifeless. Sure some of them have all the bells and whistles, but on the pitch they dont deliver anymore. I remember my first contact with PES, in 97 no one knew it exist in that time, we only played fifa, but that moment i tried the demo of ISS PRO 98, that came on CD on a videogame magazine i was amazed. I brought all my friends to my house just to try it, and we spent more than 200 games easilly just playing brazil vs France friendlys. It was that good.
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I’m sorry but this is absolute nonsense! Unless my own eyes are liars? I’ve tried both Series X and PS5 versions and they’re both FULL of hilarious bugs.
Come on..I never said there wasn’t any technical issues with the game.I also don’t think the series X version is a bug riddled mess..

I had plenty of games where it’s playable and I’m able to put some great passages of play and score some great goals.There’s nothing like hitting a long ball over the opposition back line and watching the seamless animations and how the player beautifully interacts with the ball.The touches and movement.

It really isn’t all that bad and I’m really enjoying the tempo and football.I can do things I just haven’t been able to do in a football game.It’s just more real.

Sorry if that bothers some more then others.
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