eFootball (All Platforms)

I am glad you're getting a lot out the game, but... foot planting? This is the skatiest PES I've seen. Genuinely can't understand how a person could play eFootball 2022 and admire the foot planting. Would be like going to a Tory party conference and being impressed with the compassion on show.

Really?..I don’t think the skating is anything other then optimisation and collision detection fine tuning.The relation between the players foot moving in relation to the ground is solid.They dont make reverse movements back without turning and making the appropriate steps.They also slip when changing direction quickly and there momentum carries through.This plays out through all facets of play including when you leave the ground.

My post wasn’t a glowing positive post.It’s observations over a pretracted length of play.I can see all the good as well as the bad interms of optimisation.

That doesn’t blind me to the reality certainly in my mind.That this game has had a lot of work done interms of framework and moving over to a new engine.It’s not as incomplete as people perceive and a lot of the foundation is already in place,its just very raw and fragmented in places.Issues with response,awareness and players not reacting/freezing in front of the ball.
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Just... just.... don't say that . WE ALL know that is just video game, but . . . . . . . but it's something that has been a part of our lives for 25 years, one way or another. As @Matt10 said, literally PES saved his life because keep him busy, in very difficult moments of his life, the same goes for me, maybe not in the same context. Or maybe playing co-op Master League with ours best friends, on PES 4-6 every Saturday night, half drunk, and with so much passion during the week to text each other with ideas of which player to buy and what tactics will be most appropriate while we are on work or we are in lectures. Or we finally got dads to play a game, with us, to share ours passion for football and video games, together, those great moments in ours memory and even now .. when they are no longer with us ... we've already sealed these moments so precious to us.

Each of us can share a similar story, and that can be said for .. everything .. not just for a certain game, but thing as music, movie, even food.

We all know that this is just a game, but one way or another we realize that in some situations it is something more, and that's why we are here! We still care!

I don't know if you'll understand what I mean, but it's quite difficult for me in English
Yes you’re right. It’s more than a video game to many of us, I didn’t mean to sound rude.

Without going into my past on here, PES was also an escape for me when times were difficult. And I guess many of you have stories you could tell.

At the end of the day, we’re all here for the same reason - we love, or did love at some point, Pro Evolution Soccer. There isn’t one person on these boards who didn’t play it, love it, live it.

But in my older days, I don’t let things like football games get to me too much. There’s too much shit going in the world to get wound up by Konami. Yes I’m annoyed with them but it’s more of a “I can vent on Evo-Web about these idiots” rather than actually get mad about it.

Life is precious, we shouldn’t waste it arguing over whether eFootball is good or bad.
Frankly, this is insulting lol. Honestly. The cognitive dissonance here is astounding. So you look at this,

...and you think: what great inertia on display!


I’m not experiencing that offline on the series X..Consistently or at all.

That’s just a example of exactly my point,optimisation.It’s clearly not game design..

Honestly,you do like to stoke the fire.And ridicul people’s posts(just a observation).Your bigger and cleverer then that.
Really?..I don’t think the skating is anything other then optimisation and collision detection fine tuning.The relation between the players foot moving in relation to the ground is solid.They dont make reverse movements back without turning and making the appropriate steps.They also slip when changing direction quickly and there momentum carries through.This plays out through all facets of play including when you leave the ground.

My post wasn’t a glowing positive post.It’s observations over a pretracted length of play.I can see all the good as well as the bad interms of optimisation.

That doesn’t blind me to the reality certainly in my mind.That this game has had a lot of work done interms of framework and moving over to a new engine.It’s not as incomplete as people perceive and a lot of the foundation is already in place,its just very raw and fragmented in places.Issues with response,awareness and players not reacting/freezing in front of the ball.
Again, I'm happy you're getting something out of the game. There are aspects of it that I don't mind myself. I think your claim was perhaps a littler hyperbolic though, no? To remind:

"Foot planting and passing and shooting that totally adheres to the laws of physics."

A tiny exaggeration, perhaps.

I’m not experiencing that offline on the series X..Consistently or at all.

That’s just a example of exactly my point,optimisation.It’s clearly not game design..
Oh, well, if you've not noticed it in the games you've had, it's obviously not a problem to do with the build, and the footage of others and the reports of others be damned eh!

I'm not sure what you mean, btw, about this just being an issue of "optimisation". Are you not in effect conceding that the errors are there, and that they are bad, by saying that the game needs to be optimised? I don't suppose the devs sat down and decided – "you know what would be great? let's put some skating into the game!"

Of course it's not by design, in that sense. So I'm not really sure what your contrast is or what you're driving at there.

Honestly,you do like to stoke the fire.And ridicul people’s post(just a observation).
Some things are ridiculous, such as the claim that I'm mistaking observable foot sliding for movement inertia. Again, it's actually insulting. Jesus, just use your eyes.

It's absolutely fine to be positive about this game, but you don't have to slip into some postmodern hell in order to do so. You don't have to deny the very visible faults that are getting captured, shared, and talked about. For example, I like the mapping of the close control to left stick low-pressure, and I like how the R2 knock-on/burst is implemented. I've found it very nifty.

You can be positive while not downplaying obvious bugs or suggesting, as above, that you are just mistaking visible sliding for player inertia.
response times, makes it an effort on its own

yes, first you battle with the game itself for control of the players, and then against the KI or opponent, which should not be like this at all, really bad game design, simple 101.

look all these small stepping taps when they stop...

yes, i forgot who, an ex world class football player, who said that good players make almost no touch on the ball, and bad players need many touches, could have been cruijff, so why are you liking this? i already disliked this abomination of game design in 2012 and 013, its sluggish and does not belong in PES ever. :HAND:

it does not need to be fifa turn on a dime in an instant response level, but for fecks sake :DOH:, cut down some of the touches, the animation length and animation speed, so we actually can play the game.

remember jenkey gametool "animation boost" anyone on some older titles?
konami just DOES NOT GET IT, all they care is monaaay.

many posts here lack the focus of the true issues of this title, too many bug/meme/quote wars or on the other side the "actually not that bad" or "i learned the controls now" posts that go nowhere as well, you can try to learn this all you want the fundamental of any video game period is broken: controls/feedback of what is happening on control <-> screen.
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Again, I'm happy you're getting something out of the game. There are aspects of it that I don't mind myself. I think your claim was perhaps a littler hyperbolic though, no? To remind:

"Foot planting and passing and shooting that totally adheres to the laws of physics."

A tiny exaggeration, perhaps.

Oh, well, if you've not noticed it in the games you've had, it's obviously not a problem to do with the build, and the footage of others and the reports of others be damned eh!

I'm not sure what you mean, btw, about this just being an issue of "optimisation". Are you not in effect conceding that the errors are there, and that they are bad, by saying that the game needs to be optimised? I don't suppose the devs sat down and decided – "you know what would be great? let's put some skating into the game!"

Of course it's not by design, in that sense. So I'm not really sure what your contrast is or what you're driving at there.

Some things are ridiculous, such as the claim that I'm mistaking observable foot sliding for movement inertia. Again, it's actually insulting. Jesus, just use your eyes.

It's absolutely fine to be positive about this game, but you don't have to slip into some postmodern hell in order to do so. You don't have to deny the very visible faults that are getting captured, shared, and talked about. For example, I like the mapping of the close control to left stick low-pressure, and I like how the R2 knock-on/burst is implemented. I've found it very nifty.

You can be positive while not downplaying obvious bugs or suggesting, as above, that you are just mistaking visible sliding for player inertia.
Please STOP…I’m not really interested in being told things I already know.Or my posts being de-filed by your barrister like tone.

I’m not suggesting any of the above,you are.It’s boring and argumentative.I really don’t want to indulge you anymore.
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Or my posts being de-filled by your barrister like tone.

Please STOP…I’m not really interested in being told things I already know
I don't really understand this. You already know that there IS skating in the game? Then we have no disagreement.

I only pulled you up on one point: "foot planting ... that totally adheres to the laws of physics".

We don't have to engage further on this. If you genuinely believe the above in the face of lots of footage, it's not going to go anywhere. Or maybe you're accepting it was exaggerated now, I'm not sure.
I don't have little brother but how much i've did it with friends little brothe
I'm honestly very surprised Konami hadn't and haven't completely seen this and capitalised on it. There are a lot of people with similar stories that Konami's own game has given them. It made so many of us attached to their game, and many of us on an emotional level for many different reasons.

Instead of Konami taking advantage and capitalising, seeing they have a very large base of passionate and very attached fans who they can easily satisfy and make a very steady and guaranteed profit from because they're "in the pocket", they completely ignore all that and take the risk of going after a mirage of unsympathetic, non-passionate whales who can and will leave them at the drop of a dime, because they're not attached to the product/franchise.

Some publishers/devs would kill for this type of attachment PES has (or had I guess) that Konami are stupidly throwing away.
I think they're not aware of all of it.
The issue is communication, from English to Japanese, etc.
They don't even know how is the reception some of their version i think. And don't forget how few we are.
Pesgaming, in Italy it's the same (ex Pesfan.it now Pesunites, but they got a different approach they're more focus on editing on that forum than ML stories etc.) Cypes isn't really known from this... Evo-web is a bit more international and let's say "complete" in terms of approach of the game in all areas.

What i'm thinkin also, is what they call "crowd" is perhaps because the PES PS2 fans are now too old and they think no one is still playing it/buying it.
That's the opposite in reality, i don't know a single young bro who buy PES. All is around Fifa, even the worst version. PES is not an alternative: Fifa is their PES. The game they grown with. I don't talk about Fifa really but the youth real choice.
Wen i said youth... It's around (edited) 28 years old.

The thing is Konami have multiple project, remake and new game (i posted a thread, there was an impressive 2.5 D game, and i didn't even know it was Konami behind it)

Sincerely, with Adam and all the rest, i really, really don't understand them. They retry to makes games and remake like MGS3 in the same time they fuck up their most known series game. Looks like they close to bankrupt and don't know what to do anymore to save them, and lost their mind, with casino closed etc.

But i suppose they will disappears a day or another or being buyed by another company for their most known game. When you see all their licence since NES, Arcade, PS2 era, there's a lot of big games to take and restore. Konami is not only Silent Hill, MGS, PES.

Castelvania, Contra, Sunset Riders, Ganbare Goemon, even Rocket Knight adventure also all arcade best versions of TMHT (Ninja Turtles), Track'n'Field, Parodius... Well it's Shoot-them-up, Run'n'gun, some B-T-A style and Action plateformer 2D, well simply types of games from another era more 16 bits-ish but could be restored in a way or another. Take Sparkster/Rocket Knight for example : it could be transformed in a game like Ratchet and Clank.
Castelvania in a kind of Souls-like, Sunset Rider as a 3D super fun run'n'gun. Just few example.

(Sorry for some words errors, i wrote often too fast)
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I don't really understand this. You already know that there IS skating in the game? Then we have no disagreement.

I only pulled you up on one point: "foot planting ... that totally adheres to the laws of physics".

We don't have to engage further on this. If you genuinely believe the above in the face of lots of footage, it's not going to go anywhere. Or maybe you're accepting it was exaggerated now, I'm not sure.
We never had a disagreement.I think the foot planting is excellent in the game as is inertia.Spend some time with the demo,watch the replay’s,study them.

I’m not saying everything your clearly pointed out in your long post isn’t happpening interms of skating.But the example you’ve shown isn’t indicative of the experience I think myself and others are having.I’m not saying I’m getting a flourless experience all the time.However there are passages where the performance of the game is stable and those buggy skating movement’s aren’t there.And yes I’ve seen players lose balance and keepers because of momentum or where there trying to stretch or turn for a ball.The animations and movement is there.

This is more about perception..You see all the bugs,issues with optimisation as a broken game.Im fortunate enough to look past that and see the overall picture based on hours of looking at replays and every movement of the ball.

Ive done my homework..And I stand by my view.

Lastly..I don’t see this as a finished product.
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just saw some comments about shooting, and passing, and I’m glad that someone is having fun, but can someone please show me how passing is like real life in terms of speed (please see highlights of game between France and Belgium and check passing speed of de bruyne and most of the passes on final third, passes between lines to see if efootball resambles this pass speed at all. It does not).

Other is shooting, how can this resemble real life if there’s no ohmp to shooting, it’s slow and dull and floaty 95% of time. I’m yet to see a screamer from 30 yards. There’s little to no variation in shooting.
Show me some goals like this on the video below since I could not score anything like this, not even shoot anything that resemble speed and trajectory of a screamer. And believe me I even tried while playing human vs human in the same room, putting down controller 2 and shoot without opposition and with various players, and not one single shoot have the power or trajectory of a screamer, even if it’s wide or above the bar, but at least let me have power on my shoots. I guess that will come with sharp kicks, but now it’s merely impossible for someone to say shooting and passing resembles anything like real life.

I want to see this.
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Didn't played it, but i saw all the bugs possible. Some where incredible. Like if it wasn't possible to restore : only going back and re-do it correctly.

@HyperSports not an ironic question, it's very serious : do you think in one time or another (i don't care how much time it may take) the game could be restored?
If for example, that Demo was simply done just for being playable (before Fifa).

It's not impossible than another version, with no add of gameplay or whatever else, so only the fundamental, is in building ? See how rushed the game is, like i explained with the way it's builded : i don't think it's impossible. But some fundamental where done in terms of physics, the rest was upper fast made.
Well just an assumption, no evidence, but rushed like it is, i never see it in my life.

I assume it's not impossible they got a skeleton and build another thing on it. But my "no hope/more feet on the ground" mind think it's just the game as it will be with few adjustement and it will still have bugs for at least a year. If it's not cancelled before.
Cool, can we buy a copy of Fifa 22 or BF 2042 with them? Wait here, I'll go ask them on twitter :SAL:

EDIT: Yeah... no, they've taken away my special shiny coins & I've been banned from their servers until I pay £39.99 for the new patch :COAT:
just saw some comments about shooting, and passing, and I’m glad that someone is having fun, but can someone please show me how passing is like real life in terms of speed (please see highlights of game between France and Belgium and check passing speed of de bruyne and most of the passes on final third, passes between lines to see if efootball resambles this pass speed at all. It does not).

Other is shooting, how can this resemble real life if there’s no ohmp to shooting, it’s slow and dull and floaty 95% of time. I’m yet to see a screamer from 30 yards. There’s little to no variation in shooting.
Show me some goals like this on the video below since I could not score anything like this, not even shoot anything that resemble speed and trajectory of a screamer. And believe me I even tried while playing human vs human in the same room, putting down controller 2 and shoot without opposition and with various players, and not one single shoot have the power or trajectory of a screamer, even if it’s wide or above the bar, but at least let me have power on my shoots. I guess that will come with sharp kicks, but now it’s merely impossible for someone to say shooting and passing resembles anything like real life.

I want to see this.

Are you playing with default settings? I've only played on manual, which I've been enjoying. But I have only heard terrible things about default passing and shooting (I'm enjoying advanced shooting less than the manual passing)
Are you playing with default settings? I've only played on manual, which I've been enjoying. But I have only heard terrible things about default passing and shooting (I'm enjoying advanced shooting less than the manual passing)
I have tried both, and even on manual is lacks speed and oomph. Passing is a little better on manual, but not that different than level 3 regarding speed. Try and search on YouTube for screamers on efootball (not voleys), you will find none. Most goals are inside the area.
I have tried both, and even on manual is lacks speed and oomph. Passing is a little better on manual, but not that different than level 3 regarding speed. Try and search on YouTube for screamers on efootball (not voleys), you will find none. Most goals are inside the area.

I think that tracks my experience as well, with the only goals I seem to remember being from inside the box.
you probably mistaken skating with inertia. There is a lot inertia in player movement (the best inertia implemented ever in a soccer game). this makes players to take more time to stop and turn, and lose their balance. I am a footplanting and animation fan, and I find footplanting in ef2022 the best (pes 2018 and pes 2014 had was decent enough) ever released from KONAMI. I mean look how smooth they turn, look all these small stepping taps when they stop...
I’m sorry but your explanation is so ludicrous that even the Devs themselves would probably pee their pants laughing if they read your post. The devs may as well replaced the boot studs with blades or wheels this year and they wouldn’t look out of place.
just saw some comments about shooting, and passing, and I’m glad that someone is having fun, but can someone please show me how passing is like real life in terms of speed (please see highlights of game between France and Belgium and check passing speed of de bruyne and most of the passes on final third, passes between lines to see if efootball resambles this pass speed at all. It does not).

Other is shooting, how can this resemble real life if there’s no ohmp to shooting, it’s slow and dull and floaty 95% of time. I’m yet to see a screamer from 30 yards. There’s little to no variation in shooting.
Show me some goals like this on the video below since I could not score anything like this, not even shoot anything that resemble speed and trajectory of a screamer. And believe me I even tried while playing human vs human in the same room, putting down controller 2 and shoot without opposition and with various players, and not one single shoot have the power or trajectory of a screamer, even if it’s wide or above the bar, but at least let me have power on my shoots. I guess that will come with sharp kicks, but now it’s merely impossible for someone to say shooting and passing resembles anything like real life.

I want to see this.

I tried the same thing a few days ago with the same results. Shooting is feeble, floaty, futile and crap. I don't even know how it's possible to get something like that so badly wrong these days.

With regards to the Youtube clip. I haven't been able to score goals like that since PES 18.
I have tried both, and even on manual is lacks speed and oomph. Passing is a little better on manual, but not that different than level 3 regarding speed. Try and search on YouTube for screamers on efootball (not voleys), you will find none. Most goals are inside the area.
I think that those are by design to make room for the sharp kick thing.
As right now the passing is way too slow its game breaking for me.
That is why I recommend those who want to give this game a chance to try play on +1 game speed. It makes more sense
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Frankly, this is insulting lol. Honestly. The cognitive dissonance here is astounding. So you look at this,

...and you think: what great inertia on display!


This hás nothing to do with usual skating in football games. This is just a bug
What i'm thinkin also, is what they call "crowd" is perhaps because the PES PS2 fans are now too old and they think no one is still playing it/buying it.
That's the opposite in reality, i don't know a single young bro who buy PES. All is around Fifa, even the worst version. PES is not an alternative: Fifa is their PES. The game they grown with. I don't talk about Fifa really but the youth real choice.
Wen i said youth... It's above around 28 years old.
Imo, I think that's because PES/WE lost its identity since around 2014, possibly earlier for others. At some point Konami decided to ditch its identity and waste their time and effort chasing and copying FIFA, and it shows. It's that "soul" we always talked about.
Frankly, this is insulting lol. Honestly. The cognitive dissonance here is astounding. So you look at this,

...and you think: what great inertia on display!


You are showing us bugs and then stating them as a fact the animations are ice skating? It's a bug that needs fixing.

I just saw a wonderful dribbling on a stream where Sancho would run past a defender and the defender stretched out his leg, and Sancho, already past the defender, would lift up his one foot only above the oppponent's leg. It was such a smooth motion just like in real life. Never would that have happened in PES21.
This hás nothing to do with usual skating in football games. This is just a bug
Even if that's true – and it's an extreme example in any case – you can see skating on most of the animations. I don't see the point in posting ordinary gameplay footage though, since we've all seen it and most of us have played it. I can't point to it if you don't already see it. The footplanting is not good in this game (or this build), players' feet slide all the time. They simply do not look grounded, and it's not a matter of players moving from inertia.
About passing, it's slow. But well to me it's more acceptable than hyper speed passing/controlling or without control.
It will be toned down i think, the game is slow in terms of flow as the animations doesn't seems ready at all, so they're too much "decomposed", unfinished, not even ready to be calibrated in terms of speed. It show how far the "Demo" status is to me.
Imo, I think that's because PES/WE lost its identity since around 2014, possibly earlier for others. At some point Konami decided to ditch its identity and waste their time and effort chasing and copying FIFA, and it shows. It's that "soul" we always talked about.

15-18 retained the soul IMO. It was 19 when PES became a frenetic game of sloppy counter attacks and 20/21 followed the same template.
About passing, it's slow. But well to me it's more acceptable than hyper speed passing/controlling or without control.
It will be toned down i think, the game is slow in terms of flow as the animations doesn't seems ready at all, so they're too much "decomposed", unfinished, not even ready to be calibrated in terms of speed. It show how far the "Demo" status is to me.
the slow passing is not my biggest problem, i have more the problem that the Shooting is also so slow, nothing about power. When playing on +2 its way better but the overall gameplayspeed is not acceptable
15-18 retained the soul IMO. It was 19 when PES became a frenetic game of sloppy counter attacks and 20/21 followed the same template.
To me it's been lost since PES 2015 (the year 2014). Basically when stats began to matter less and the game lost its unpredictability. 2018 was the one that I played more, but I had to play on manual to counter predictability. I'd rather the game really ran purely on stats pre PES 2015 rather than predetermined outcomes.
FFS i again erased all with the CTRL button @Lami
Well i was saying the name change was like an obligation, as PES has become has been for most of people. And that's especially since the PS3 era and their fail.
Now, about copy i agree for some stuffs, but some where unavoidable. 360 degree movement, manual passing for example, you couldn't stay with 8 direction when you have in front a game with 360 degree directions, a total game changer while controlling. It was a great moment on FIFA 10 PS3, i remember well. But one thing is totally right of what they copied : is overalls (with their own system) minifaces (without having the right for 70% of players) and the biggest copy was Myclub/FUT. So obvious, even if the system was of course different they can't copy paste neither.

Fortunately the rest is still completely different to play (at least for me) : they copied the good stuffs. Well Fifa copied practically every single button functions and system from PES so... And they couldn't make the same game in all, otherwise with less licences, it would have been completely dumb.
At least on the pitch they keept an identity, like it or not (i liked for example PES 2017, 2019, and 2021. Weirdly not 2020 as every patch changed the game radically, and the last one killed the game) but that's a matter of taste : i love feeling weight, pace while moving and realism pace, even if it feel slower or "stiff" for some people, i don't found it.

PES 5 or WE9 got kind of "input lag", i just you couldn't do anything before the animations ended : that's exactly what i liked with Fox. Reactivity can't jump over physics : that's my way to see a football game. But i understand some who prefers faster gameplay like PES 2013 and very reactive and who defies physics, no problem. Just a matter or feeling, i love inertia, even for example you take Top Spin 4 some test said "inertia is a bit too much pushed" i don't found it, i love it.
That's why my favorite PES were WE9, WE7I, WE8LE and PES 1/WE5FE (the two last are the exact definition of "waiting animation to end before starting a move") BUT it's not all about reactivity : the stat Reaction was very important and was like agility, but not from the player : it was between you, the controller, and the reaction speed. That's why Van Nistelrooy or Inzaghi feels way different that others players : their "gameplay" is more reactive.
You can try on any Fox PES for attacker of defenders with high stats in Offensive/Defensive awareness : you will feel something more quick regarding those players, but only in possession or without possession.

That's one thing that people don't talk too much, but Reaction stat is very, very linked to the controls and reactivity in all ways.

Edit: Stats as you said have been handled differently : there was a mix with physics. Before stats WHERE physics. Personnally, it was on the game i told that stats were to most feeled : and i know what i'm talking about as i edited player. I tried them. 71 was way too slow for a LMF Incisive, even with 79 in Acceleration. Then you switch with a 75 speed player you'll see directly the difference.

Stats are more subtle to feel. Because of many paramaters, but i can assure you they got a very big impact. For example, passing: you can pass to anyone without problem. But if you try to pass in a certain distance on a certain position, you'll see the difference quickly. It's handled differently in fact.
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15-18 retained the soul IMO. It was 19 when PES became a frenetic game of sloppy counter attacks and 20/21 followed the same template.

15 tp 18... That's the versions i hated the most, except 17. Physics are way better on PES 2019 than all other previous version aswell as animations, the movements are much more based on "weight shift", like if they finallly revamped PES 2014 without input lag.
17-19-21. I retried the 17 and the pitch was smaller, but shoots were very straight, less the case in the two others, there's much more variety.
What you call rigid, i call it "solid" in terms of how an human move, fall, block, decelerate (very important to me)

Having a player who can block the ball after a full speed run i don't like it at all, at least from a Fox based. I kinda liked what PES 2014 purposed / except that on that game, the global stats matters, but not at all the stats separately, players were practically identical. Impossible o outrun a player by double R1 with Messi for example.
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