eFootball (All Platforms)

There is no way devs were this detailed and meticulous when designing the mechanics, if they were, this game would clearly be on the next level on ever other aspect, which it clearly is not.

Its simply a poor/age old coding choice, its the same with fifa as well, constant rebounds to opp when its time to score or attack, regardless of the positioning, interception or deflections. It really is that simple. Stop looking too much into it.

Have to agree with @Chilleverest here. I strongly feel that the game is by-numbers in areas like this and your input isn't a key factor. A calculation is made and the opponent's number is higher, so that's it - and do you know what, I'd love that in areas like "their player is stronger so I just get knocked off the ball" and "their defensive awareness is better so my overly ambitious passes don't make it".

But instead of that, what should be "your first-touch attribute is low and you're under pressure so you'll miscontrol the ball and it will run loose", is actually (for example) "the opponent's defensive awareness is high, so without even being under pressure, your player will become Mr. Bean, having no awareness of where the ball is and comically deflect the ball to the opponent so that the user is 'rewarded' for having the superior player"..
I don't think these replies really engage with what I'm saying though, and Chilleverest's in particular is just off the mark.

To be completely clear: I'm not talking about rebounds. I didn't mention them at all in my post, and I flagged at the beginning of the post what I'm talking about: the nutmegs instead of interceptions. (As for rebounds: I don't know what to make of it. I'll be honest that I'm dubious about the proposed scripting explanation, but I haven't played around enough with it to really notice such an effect, so I'm not committing either way.)

The reason I've come to the conclusion I have on how match-up interceptions are "supposed" to work is because I tried it out through trial and error, when it kept happening to me in games on and offline, across difficulties. Honestly, try it – try slowing down off the pace to a near standstill, facing the ball, and only pressing L2 just before the ball hits you. I promise you you'll stand a much higher chance of containing it instead of your player falling over.

Now, that doesn't mean it's a well designed or good mechanic. In particular, it does not mean it's "meticulous", and nor would it (even being meticulous) imply that the game would be "on the next level on every other aspect". That is an inference that simply doesn't follow. You can develop a mechanic in a specific way, following a particular design principle, but your idea may not match the larger design imperative or later changes. Or it can be good in conception but bad in application, when you factor in a number of elements you hadn't previously considered or planned for.

Broadly, I think that's what's going on with that animation. You could make a somewhat similar argument about that dreaded back-leg animation where the ball clips the heel of the player. (It doesn't happen if you face the play with a particular command on PES 2021, which I only realised after playing a lot of 11s. But it's still a terrible idea to have the animation in the game, or have it triggered as easily.)

So, to be clear: I don't think there's sufficient evidence to infer that the stupid nutmeg animations are a consequence of other players having higher stats, except insofar as those higher passing stats (say) and high PA level mean the ball is pinged more quickly and accurately, which gives you almost no chance of slowing down in time in a passing lane. It's an explanation that makes more sense, I think: that they had an idea for that animation as a downside of a feature (a feature they've advertised in exactly these terms btw)—match-up defending—and they've been careless with testing how that downside manifests in actual games.

Buggy, bad, incoherent design choices – that makes sense for this company and its track record.

EDIT: one way that player stats might well affect likelihood of interceptions in these circumstances is, of course, the "skill trait" of Interception itself. I never really tested it, but that would be a very Konami thing to do, to make successful interceptions more likely. And it would also be another terrible idea.
Also more than dubious about that "scripting". I don't see the point that having a strong player will transform your players in dumb and dumber.
It's even more difficult to program than just making then unable to control fast and strong passes if they're weaker.
I didn't follow all the conversation, so i'm perhaps a bit off, but you tend to see script everywhere even when there's absolutely no necessity to insert a script : just leaving the stats strong doing their job. Or giving more effectiveness in some area than in others, it's simple.

But, i really don't see the point or what they gain for doing that. There's tons of others way, and i don't see any kind of proof on vids you mention.
The only very suspicious one i see was the ball not on the goal target which just at the last moment turning to enter in the goal, and it was on Fifa.

It could be a rectification of trajectory because the shoot wasn't supposed to aim out of the goal = so a bug more than a script.
We don't know, it's not a proof of script, not repetitive neither i see it only once. Even if on that case, it really looked like a cheat defying completely physics, and yes, it looked more what you're calling a "script" than a simple bug.
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online against other people I really enjoy EFO more than PES, so much can happen, and its unpredictable. Defending is much more challenging than in PES.

i really enjoyed PES2021 but after 450+ hours the shoots and keepers are making the game boring for me.

EFO is technically an absolute disaster on PC right now but I hope that will be fixed with every update and I will believe that this game could be a really good game in 4-9 Months with more content.
If you come against Romario-Inzaghi pairing who like to spam trough balls trough the middle just go full Simeone on them. I usually just slide tackle them. You'll get an odd red card but it's a small price to pay compared to the satisfaction you get when they can't do their favorite (and only) trick. Pass trough the middle then trough ball to Inzaghi-Romario. Literally the moment they go near the ball there's my players flying in for kung fu tackles.

Edit: Here's my average oponnent



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No, your online opponents can't see the circle. It's explained in the help screen when you take your first penalty.
Oh… I did not know that. I’m not playing online. Thanks for the info, I don’t wanna spread wrong ones! 😊

Whatever it is, his game has something…! Good! 😂 deep within… besides the old code and stuff… but the idea behind it, is shimmering through, imo. dare I say it, there is potential. 🤷‍♂️ there always was, with everything that isn’t perfect, but this time… well, I can feel it (it’s not looking as good)…but yes, I can feel it! 😊
a lot of construction sites I see…agreed, none the less… there is something in it that I can like! 👋
Anyone is having issues getting live update?
I reinstalled from Steam and it gets stuck at %27 or %54 at times and I have to just force close the game.
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