eFootball (All Platforms)

Fixed it for you.
To be fair mate, you are getting a bit defensive over any negative feedback.

the game is poo, most of the internet hate it from what I can gather. (Just look at replies to @eFootball on Twitter).

Remember, we all want PES to be good again. We’re all in the same boat. But it’s a million years away from being that…
To be fair mate, you are getting a bit defensive over any negative feedback.

the game is poo, most of the internet hate it from what I can gather. (Just look at replies to @eFootball on Twitter).

Remember, we all want PES to be good again. We’re all in the same boat. But it’s a million years away from being that…

To be fair i dont really care if someone likes this game or not. I disliked the past 8 games and people here loved them, difference is i did not go out of my way to insult people because of our difference in opinion. What Janguv does is not negative feedback, we had a healthy arguement about the pros and cons of the game then he made some banter in between or at least i thought so and so i responded the same way. And now he goes personal and claims im toxicly positive and obnoxious while he is shivering every day over his keyboard if he sees any positive comment about this game. He can make a clown of himself here i couldnt care less, i might as well just block him here and end of story because its creepy, i dont talk to crazy people on the street either, why would i do it here.

As for Twitter again or any media i dont care what people like, nobody denies the game lacks content heavily or graphical improvements but gameplay wise this is possibly the best overall footy game since PES 6 in my opinion. This is what i stated and i gave my reasons why. This is what made him tick but thats his problem if he cant live with what i like.
To be fair i dont really care if someone likes this game or not.
That's not the impression you're giving.
What Janguv does is not negative feedback
It is, among other things, criticism. It's not feedback, because I'm not feeding it back to anyone. It's critical discussion.
And now he goes personal and claims im toxicly positive and obnoxious while he is shivering every day over his keyboard if he sees any positive comment about this game. He can make a clown of himself here i couldnt care less, i might as well just block him here and end of story because its creepy, i dont talk to crazy people on the street either, why would i do it here.
I can see I've set you off a bit by calling you obnoxious. I wanted to take it back and apologise, because the heat has clearly risen in this exchange. But then look at what you've followed it with? Not just a string of insults, but a pretty unsavoury attitude to mental ill-health in general.
gameplay wise this is possibly the best overall footy game since PES 6 in my opinion. This is what i stated and i gave my reasons why. This is what made him tick but thats his problem if he cant live with what i like.
I'm not really sure what you're on about here. Do you mean the discussion we had a while back? That was all good faith on my end, and it was not in response to the claim here, but to the claim that it was the best AI in a football game ever, which I then (and still now) can't make sense of. It certainly didn't tick me off; just baffled me.

Hopefully we can turn down the dial on this – by now, quite O/T – beef?

In summary:
- it's okay to like the game
- it's also okay to criticise it
- it's okay to share reviews, including critical ones
- nobody should jump down the throat of anyone simply for liking or disliking the game -> to do so would be hostile and defensive to a fault.

We can probably agree on that.

Anyway, back on topic: this game lacks content.
That's not the impression you're giving.

It is, among other things, criticism. It's not feedback, because I'm not feeding it back to anyone. It's critical discussion.

I can see I've set you off a bit by calling you obnoxious. I wanted to take it back and apologise, because the heat has clearly risen in this exchange. But then look at what you've followed it with? Not just a string of insults, but a pretty unsavoury attitude to mental ill-health in general.

I'm not really sure what you're on about here. Do you mean the discussion we had a while back? That was all good faith on my end, and it was not in response to the claim here, but to the claim that it was the best AI in a football game ever, which I then (and still now) can't make sense of. It certainly didn't tick me off; just baffled me.

Hopefully we can turn down the dial on this – by now, quite O/T – beef?

In summary:
- it's okay to like the game
- it's also okay to criticise it
- it's okay to share reviews, including critical ones
- nobody should jump down the throat of anyone simply for liking or disliking the game -> to do so would be hostile and defensive to a fault.

We can probably agree on that.

Anyway, back on topic: this game lacks content.



New update made the game run much nicer on PC. Now my normal PC is too beefy to notice and i hate the 60fps lock but where the steam deck was hardly able to cope with the game and it literally crippled under it it now sits at a steady 60fps! happy portable gaming for me, as its that kind of unserious video game in this state
What happened to the "match pass" system that was supposed to be introduced?

I thought we were getting something similar to a battle pass etc with rewards for playing?
[WARNING] Regarding Unauthorised Actions28/04/2022
We have identified some users that are using unauthorised means to gain access to teams that are originally unavailable in Trial Match mode.

If we confirm that someone is tampering the game in an unauthorised manner, as in this case, we may take appropriate actions in accordance with the Terms of Use.

Your understanding is much appreciated.

Well damn, if theyre going to start banning the FPS unlocker aswell, then its fully dead in the water for me
It's clear that the PC mod that extends and unlocks minutes and difficulty is under investigation....
Probably they will invite the sites that host it to remove it, or (more rigid hypothesis) they will ban those who use this mod.
It's understandable: for them to push the users towards the Dream Team is vital, otherwise the project, with few revenues could be at risk...the 5 minutes barrier must be framed in this context.
I don't agree with those who take advantage in a not legitimate way and play with the mod on PC violating the rules without having paid a penny
[WARNING] Regarding Unauthorised Actions28/04/2022
We have identified some users that are using unauthorised means to gain access to teams that are originally unavailable in Trial Match mode.

If we confirm that someone is tampering the game in an unauthorised manner, as in this case, we may take appropriate actions in accordance with the Terms of Use.

Your understanding is much appreciated.

Well damn, if theyre going to start banning the FPS unlocker aswell, then its fully dead in the water for me
Looks like they are holiding fast to the GaaS model, basically any modding would not be tolerated. Well that's given me the push I needed to download the latest PES2021 EvoWeb patch
I don't agree with those who take advantage in a not legitimate way and play with the mod on PC violating the rules without having paid a penny
You've never played a modded version of PES I take it? It's not necessarily the unlocking of features that are currently hidden, but if they don't allow any form of modding it's a huge kick in the teeth for people on this forum. A fully modded PES2021 is a thing of beauty
Looks like they are holiding fast to the GaaS model, basically any modding would not be tolerated. Well that's given me the push I needed to download the latest PES2021 EvoWeb patch

Yup seems like they will keep monitoring the files when you start up the game and the moment somethings different that they dont like. Boom banhammer... We will see in the long haul how they enforce this but tampering with files or adding/injecting files just became a slippery slope. Insanity
Once more Konami verify that this game is only for online users with any action confirm that . They simple don’t care about any other users .
Kimura clearly said in an interview in Japan that for exp the ML he doesn’t know when and in what form will be released. The eFootball manager doesn’t know when . My English are poor but I believe that I wrote it understandable .
And of course their is a legal way to play with some teams but without subs commentary and crowds ….. until they take it like an unauthorized action

Training Mode, the key to everything​

  • Step 1: Access the Training Mode from the extras menu and select "Free Training".
  • Step 2: Once on the pitch, open the pause menu > settings > training settings.
  • Step 3: Adjust the difficulty level of the match and expand the number of players to 11.
  • Step 4: Choose the "home and away" setting to be able to access the full list of teams.
  • Step 5: Close the configuration menu, return to training and you can play a match (time is unlimited) with the team of your choice.
The Game uses Denuvo DRM, you have to be Online to play the Game because of the DRM checks.
Then they can easily checkout the files via that . Then only the training mode is the way or play event vs AI in dream team but for how long will be that free?
I believe that we must make a petition that demand premium DLC for offline users ASAP
lol when was the last time that a petition did anything
Do you see any other way to say it ? They didn’t release even a survey. Cause some people it will be possible to note there that they want an offline mode instead .
I am not a person that allows some chair centaur (Greek frase to whom they love to take potition and act like be a god whithout listen anyone ) do ignore me .
I am a PES series fun but if that is the case then I can easily start play FIFA . If Konami didn’t know they are under development at least two other soccer games .
If I have to wait Konami to play want I love to play ( and I didn’t say for free give the option to pay ) then I can wait the releasing date for the other game .
Cause they believe that is more profitable for them to make money by tell the users that if you want to win a game go buy players by coins in the store than give to the people payable DLCs . Do you have seen how much money cost ( real money to buy coins ) to buy some star players to make a core in your team ? One GK ,one DF etc etc …..and are people who actually give that money for 5-6 players . Then way we believe that they release even a payable DLC ???? Out of compassion?????
Konami punishing people for wanting basic features in a game. Yes I get they want everyone playing Dream Team but people are either going to play it or not.

If they let the people who want offline access only have it then they might actually give Dream Team a try at some point. Denying everyone access to basic offline features like a 10 minute match or league is just a big "fuck you" to a large portion of decades long fans.

It really isn't going to affect any revenue having the offline portion opened up fully. It would only please fans & encourage more people to try the game.
Konami struggling for content? They've got the J-League & American event running again for another 6 days🤣🤣🤣

Seriously WTF

Couldn't they think of adding something new other than recycling this for another week...
Is clearly a kick in the ass for offline players but not only for offline players for whole modding community and this statement says everything what are their opinions and thoughts about modding community, they do not care us, they want the elimination of the mods in their game, they want a 100% online game with no modding section or they will take actions against us, is an insult for us the modders of his shit game. Konami is spitting to his great fan base they have had in decades into his game, is disgusting this. Just a quick remember I saw an interview with robbye ron and he said edit mode is coming but is not to license unlicensed comps and teams, is to create the team of your neighborhood, c`mon...
Is clearly a kick in the ass for offline players but not only for offline players for whole modding community and this statement says everything what are their opinions and thoughts about modding community, they do not care us, they want the elimination of the mods in their game, they want a 100% online game with no modding section or they will take actions against us, is an insult for us the modders of his shit game. Konami is spitting to his great fan base they have had in decades into his game, is disgusting this. Just a quick remember I saw an interview with robbye ron and he said edit mode is coming but is not to license unlicensed comps and teams, is to create the team of your neighborhood, c`mon...
You are completely right, but i guess they just look at FIFA and see how much money stupid kids put in the game to open packs to get players and want their part of it. The modding (PC) community is just a small piece they think they can sacrifice for the ultimate Dreamteam money. Does anybody really believe that things like Master League and other offline modes are not in the game because they are not finished yet?
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