eFootball (All Platforms)

I'm not really waiting as i'm less interested in actual football (overally, so same for football games) but i'll see if/when they will release some offline stuffs.
Then i will try it. What i see isn't awful. Perhaps it will be when i will play... No idea.

Especially Edit and at least Cup/League mode.
I used to built my database when it was possible, for ML, removing duplicates and all but... Way too rarely play it. I prefers the simple old school PS2 ML, no joke.

There's no fakes NT on the database (only on PES MOBILE 21-22, and they're updated) and i really doubt, for not saying i'm pretty sure they wont, sells a pack "create a League/Team" for at less Bundes. I won't trow an arrow to them for not having Bundes, "not they fault since 2006 ©"

But i want to make at least offline changes to the IG players. Boots, errors, blank face and all those stuffs. Of course if the game please me.
ATM i really don't want to try that Demo-beta.
The ball doesn't even acquire a spin appropriate to the player's swinging foot whipping it in.
Mobile game
This is what I can't get past when anyone defends this game (screw calling it a demo, they're charging for microtransactions with this release - so saying "it's completely free" is nonsense, as is "they aren't getting paid", LOL).

The ball feels and reacts like a cushion. There are no velocity effects, particularly not with corners or long balls - there is no transference of power to the ball that makes it accelerate to a point and then decelerate. It just... Floats, at the same speed from start to finish. So much of the game has had the physics ripped out of it (ball physics and body physics), and replaced with... Floatiness.

It wasn't like this in PES 2021, so it can only be a requirement of a game being released on every imaginable platform to maximise the microtransaction dollar. It's gameplay simplification, plain and simple.

When that's the entire point of Konami's exercise (killing PES to introduce eFootball), how can you ever expect it to be a good football game, and not just a good money spinner (see FUT)?
People knocking the AI, maybe they are too obsessed with how they are playing or getting used to new control methods.

Set it to unassisted, manipulate from kick-off that you control the GK only, sit back and watch some brilliantly organic AI in action, especially the Steam version where getting PSG unlocked to have in the Trial matches, at full length matches, with all the difficulties unlocked, etc etc, means you get to witness the AI version of Neymar and Mbappe looking as close to the real thing (contextually choosing when to use this trick, that skill, this combination of moves to beat their man) as you could ever imaging in an actual.............game.

It seems people are never satisfied, and the fact that this in my opinion NG looking game (try it in 8K and you will see what I mean, you want it looking cutting edge, get the gear) is still actually FREE, yes FREE, still gives them the chance to be, for me, arrogant about it.

What on earth are people judging this on, certainly nothing that existed beforehand, and certainly not the next big thing in footy video games, because this is far advanced to anything we have seen so far.

Ooooooh oooooooh, it hasn't got this mode or that mode. Well offer yourself up to Konami then to help them bring the modes along for release, cos right now, they have worked for FREE.

nothing is ever free mate. Konami or anyone would be out of business if so.

this is a freemium model. It’s free to play, until you want this or that, this mode or that mode.

that’s konami goal and it’s not a bad thing. It’s just a different model then the typical annual release we’ve seen since the inception of video games.

it’s a risk, but it’s a risk Konami thinks will bring in more customers.

the only way it brings in more customers though is if the product is awesome which the first release wasn’t. I haven’t played the update but rushing the first release, that was a mistake because now many say “it sucks. that’s why it’s free”. Not what Konami wanted when launching a new business model.

Their goal is to build on this freemium foundation and charge for all “content” within the game. they believe by doing so, it will be more profitable then the annual purchase.

I personally don’t think there is anything wrong with the model. If they charged for master league DLC, I would be about it. IF the product is good.

time will tell. Either way, it won’t be free.
Enjoyed playing this all day on PS4.

Everything i said before is still standing, with lots more good points now and as expected many bad points.

Best thing is the movement, dribbling, player ID is quality! I like timing this new stunning modifier, shooting I'm enjoying a lot manual and basic, defending when there isnt a bug or GK flaw is fantastic.

Physics tbf to Konami while simplified is some ways actually more than what we have seen before give some interesting stuff happening even at thus basic stage. Like i said with the evolution of whats possible with body movement, some of the deflections have impressed me. Bad point i think is that typical loose ball to AI cheese is still there.

Collisions are very, meh really.

Worst things are the refs depsite me getting a few penalties is still an asshole. Tactics are still far too basic. Playing this Dream Team offline some matches i win without too much issues then some games i get my ass handed to me because possesion game just leaves you so open if you don't have the right players. They cant continue all year with this one size fits all tactics system.

Online has been good so far. Not lost yet which is weird since i dont have a mad overpowered team. Love how you can dribble round players who fly in with pressure. Issue is this depends on if the connection is good.

This game is still in a hole but will come out of it when we get respect for offline leagues and tournaments. I don't expect ML until next August at the earliest.

BTW i think sheilding for L2 is a total waste of a button function, when I use the AI just cheese tackle you anyway. Man i miss the manual modifier so much. That needs to come back.
I fear the ball physics, as well as player's physics as it's my favourite stuffs regarding PES 20 and 21.

But the engine seems very malleable when you see 0.9.1 then 1.00 so it could be pretty different on the next update.
To me it's a first try, demo gameplay, "nude" game without anything to eat, but the Dreamstuff main mode is operational.

I think that's what they wanted to get for Spring. As it's F2P and updated every 2 months, with DLC upcoming i don't think the Dreammode will bring enough money for them, there will be some DLCs in the upcoming year (when they got a skeleton of league/ML/cup/Divisions etc. and all teams IG separated, it's easy to convert... Even if for ML, i got big doubt)

Will probably test it next week or i don't know, but ftm i'm not interested. Weirdly. I prefers to talk about the future, because if i like that game, and i like what i see on vids, but there's no mode to play with... Konami didn't stated anything yet for the reasons we know...

I'll be even more sad and pissed at the same time. Having a game you like, but nothing to play, at least for me, "normally" with it.
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If you ask me, I would buy it tomorrow for 60$ if they would give me Master league -- so I can actually play damn game.

Its not good, but still --- cant help myself. I have Fifa22 PS5, but still -- its not same.
@klashman69 about ML, let's see a bit the direction. We have no clue about what they will purpose in the future. If they insist about new Online mode and nothing offline etc.

Personally, i got hard to believe there will be an ML. Perhaps an ersatz of it, well, i will take everything that interest me Offline.

FTM, their future is a total enigma except the update after 2 months of feedbacks/test.
This is what I can't get past when anyone defends this game (screw calling it a demo, they're charging for microtransactions with this release - so saying "it's completely free" is nonsense, as is "they aren't getting paid", LOL).

The ball feels and reacts like a cushion. There are no velocity effects, particularly not with corners or long balls - there is no transference of power to the ball that makes it accelerate to a point and then decelerate. It just... Floats, at the same speed from start to finish. So much of the game has had the physics ripped out of it (ball physics and body physics), and replaced with... Floatiness.

It wasn't like this in PES 2021, so it can only be a requirement of a game being released on every imaginable platform to maximise the microtransaction dollar. It's gameplay simplification, plain and simple.

When that's the entire point of Konami's exercise (killing PES to introduce eFootball), how can you ever expect it to be a good football game, and not just a good money spinner (see FUT)?
Like i said before the explination for this more basic ball physics is simple imo.

The dribbling has truly evolved from PES 2021 so there far more variables taken into account when you hit the ball compared to PES 2021 which still suffered from the 2 speed 'jog or full sprint' then a seperate button for close control in right stick and R2.

Now all slow speed movement is beautifully mapped to how aggresively or gently you use the left stick. Playing out from the back under pressure requires now to be very careful with how you use the left stick. You also now have analog sprinting which is stat relevant and its something ive been experiementing with all day with Anthony and Martinelli for my dream team. Its a learning curve to get the most out of this and will still need further refinement.

All this new movement gradient will affect ball phsyics so its clear Konami need a base to build from so they have simplified the physics to get a solid base. This isnt like PES 2021 which ball physics refined over years from the solid base of PES 2015 to get where it is.

Its incredible how this game was built copy and pasted from PES 2020 yet it feels so fresh, just because of them reworking player movement from scratch. The rest of the gameplay outside of it is very rough. This movement system is by a million miles the biggest thing they have worked on for years. I heard about this dribbling system from 2019 when they started building this and i love it. Im really happy they made it work, its moving football games forward!
@klashman69 about ML, let's see a bit the direction. We have no clue about what they will purpose in the future. If they insist about new Online mode and nothing offline etc.

Personally, i got hard to believe there will be an ML. Perhaps an ersatz of it, well, i will take everything that interest me Offline.
True. My theory is they want ML to be like a mobile manager football fusion thing where you can manage your team from your phine and sync you save on PC/Consoles to your phone. Its just a theory though. I habe no idea what they are planning.

While i enjoyed today i will still go back to 2021 until offline is properly ready.
So much complains and whining almost feels like im married again.
Its still free. I myself laid a lot of hours on the version you all hate... Like 150hours.
I hated it at first then i found som fun it it. Then i got addictive.

The new version? Im less good at it.
Tempo to high.
To much stealing the ball.
I, might get better, but, i probably get older before that happens.
Anyway for me it feels okay even if i miss a lot of offlinegoddies.
Might come soon and at least im willing to pay for it 😘
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Can't more agree about what you say about ball physics and dribbling mechanics @klashman69 . You add more possibilities in an area (dribbling and running), it affect another one (shooting, shooting while running etc.).

Same for 360 degree movement which have changed many stuffs before bringing back more variety on the rest, ball physics included, without loosing the balance and or having 0-0 every game or 10-10, or too easy to shoot or dribble etc etc.

We all know that. It's pretty hard to build a football game as the number of variations is uncountable. Step by step.
Still. playing Dream Team offline. It does feel a bit like old Master League. Leveling up players and slowly building team. Now if only they had a league I could play offline with this team.
Still. playing Dream Team offline. It does feel a bit like old Master League. Leveling up players and slowly building team. Now if only they had a league I could play offline with this team.
Sorry, but you are playing on PC, right??

there is no way playing any offline mod on PS5
When that's the entire point of Konami's exercise (killing PES to introduce eFootball), how can you ever expect it to be a good football game, and not just a good money spinner (see FUT)?
I'm looking at it from a practical perspective: FUT is a good money spinner yes but the football game attached to it is not enjoyable. eFootball won't be a good football sim but it can definitely be an enjoyable football game and I'm here for it, even if I'm sad PES is gone.
Lol licenses themed during online events, wonder what that brings, but if this is gonna be our offline league or cup mode substitute…
It will only be temporarely available according to the website
Prove me wrong then. :LOL:

PES 2021 maybe still better overall but not in dribbling. Just no. :LOL:

I quoted the wrong part, I meant the claim that you can't have good ball physics because the dribbling was changed. Their own website was talking up the ball physics and the incredible work of the "research institute". I showed a clip from PES 6 that had better corner physics for crying out loud

It's called Script ?

Why would a bug that has been in the game for years be related to "scripting". So stupid it's basically a religion, the almighty script devil is responsible for all the worlds ills
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Finally AI dribbles the ball and tries to get past my players and does so. In past iterations players such as Neymar, Mbappe constantly used to pass the ball and almost never try to beat my defender one-on-one. AI individuality is here
People knocking the AI, maybe they are too obsessed with how they are playing or getting used to new control methods.

Set it to unassisted, manipulate from kick-off that you control the GK only, sit back and watch some brilliantly organic AI in action, especially the Steam version where getting PSG unlocked to have in the Trial matches, at full length matches, with all the difficulties unlocked, etc etc, means you get to witness the AI version of Neymar and Mbappe looking as close to the real thing (contextually choosing when to use this trick, that skill, this combination of moves to beat their man) as you could ever imaging in an actual.............game.

It seems people are never satisfied, and the fact that this in my opinion NG looking game (try it in 8K and you will see what I mean, you want it looking cutting edge, get the gear) is still actually FREE, yes FREE, still gives them the chance to be, for me, arrogant about it.

What on earth are people judging this on, certainly nothing that existed beforehand, and certainly not the next big thing in footy video games, because this is far advanced to anything we have seen so far.

Ooooooh oooooooh, it hasn't got this mode or that mode. Well offer yourself up to Konami then to help them bring the modes along for release, cos right now, they have worked for FREE.
I'm enjoying it for what its is, some good some poor, but to call it next gen is a bit of a push. In some parts it looks worse than PES. Plus it's still UE4 not UE5
This is what I can't get past when anyone defends this game (screw calling it a demo, they're charging for microtransactions with this release - so saying "it's completely free" is nonsense, as is "they aren't getting paid", LOL).

The ball feels and reacts like a cushion. There are no velocity effects, particularly not with corners or long balls - there is no transference of power to the ball that makes it accelerate to a point and then decelerate. It just... Floats, at the same speed from start to finish. So much of the game has had the physics ripped out of it (ball physics and body physics), and replaced with... Floatiness.

It wasn't like this in PES 2021, so it can only be a requirement of a game being released on every imaginable platform to maximise the microtransaction dollar. It's gameplay simplification, plain and simple.

When that's the entire point of Konami's exercise (killing PES to introduce eFootball), how can you ever expect it to be a good football game, and not just a good money spinner (see FUT)?

Yep. The main bulk of my realism review is talking about the ball physics. It's been completely eliminated most likely because it requires on the fly calculations every single frame, and it's well above the pay grade of mobile processors.

Positives though are the fluidity of player movement, and the overall less robotic feel. But yeah, the moment you the ball launches off the feet, it feels wrong.
It's good to finally see somewhat of an increase in physicality and creativity by high rated players controlled by the ai. If this it what this demo was like when it launched last year then the backlash would likely have been considerably less. That been said, it would still have been disastrous if this wasn't a "Free to play" game. Hope that makes some sense.
I quoted the wrong part, I meant the claim that you can't have good ball physics because the dribbling was changed. Their own website was talking up the ball physics and the incredible work of the "research institute". I showed a clip from PES 6 that had better corner physics for crying out loud.
Says it all really. Couldn’t be bothered to even quote what I wrote properly :LOL:

While we all know this game is flawed and rough it seems you have followed that can’t be bothered attitude into what you have tried or not tried in this new 1.0.0 update.

Back in 2020 within PES Universe and our early feedback for the PES 2022 on the Unreal Engine we heard the first build when it was completed had at its base a new movement system all derived on just the left stick and how gently or aggressively you moved it.

Now with the 1.0.0 update, something which was there in a proof of concept form in 0.9.1 is now fully ready in beta mode. Fully functional but lots of little bugs and 1 or 2 major positional issues regarding responsiveness.

All the development on close control from PES 2018-2020 and R3 dribbling is now mapped to just the left stick. You now have the added R2 sprint gradient to create the new gameplay basis efootball is built on. It takes all that PES 2020 was but on a higher level of movement variables. To get to this base we can all see they have taken short cuts in animations and made the ball physics very basic to give the game basic consistency. This can't go back to 2020 because those ball physics are calculated at just 2 base speeds of normal jog to full sprint, this is what PES 2014 was and from then to 2020 they made enhancements for different types of dribbling but the core CPU movement off the ball was 2 speeds. Hence the 'tron running' in PES 2014.

If you want to tell me you know more then go ahead :) . If your bothered.
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