eFootball (All Platforms)

they continued to use Fox engine up untill Pes 2021. PES was the only konami or game series to use FOX into 2020 etc. The transition is hard to UE, looks like bits bolted on instead of all UE which would and is proving hard. In my mind they should of continued with the cartoony look of FOX, see here. people are not liking the UE "look". PES old look was obviously slightly cartoony and fun.

Here they are not going for ultra realism and they wouldn't of had the backlash. The result (likely with fox) is fantastic when compared to efootball, they should go back to this
To me even without Kojima since 2014, they made a VERY good job at least for IG, with try and fall. PES 2015 pleased to people, and since PES 2017 the game is playable, with some preference.

They even upgraded the engine physics themselves on PES 2019, based on Fox, with very good results (i don't talk about AI or whatever, that's not what Kojima created with PES 2014, but principally all related to the engine and the game "presentation" linked togheter)
IG AI is a totally different work... But i think you got to rely more or less to the overall Motor that's making the game running. I don't know, there's some guys who worked on game development here who can answer better to that.
This is clearly evident.It has been for a long time.

Pes only used fox assets and there’s no reason they could’nt upscale the technology used on the older platforms and modify it further.Games are built on powerful PC’s.This is purely a commercial decision not one based on compatibility or skill set with technology which is no different now then it was when they first started using it.I would also go as far as to say pes already used a lot of pre-existing technology used on older pes games and the fox assets were more graphics related.

There’s really is no sentimentality in business.Konami aren’t interested in making big budget single player games anymore.There business model and output has changed.
Well there's probably a big different with Konami and Kojima.
That's why for the next version they couldn't call it for at least using his advanced FOX version.
Or they only got to gives him a call and convert the game, it would have been far, far easier to continue with an advanced Kojima engine on PS5/XS/PC
the engine new Silent Hill is using will be the main tell...Sony, Konami Kojima working together. Pes fans better hope they are using upgraded FOX
I think there's less work to take PES 2021, port it to an upgraded FOX, correcting everything from PES 2021, re-add the new animation from efootball.
Asking Kojima production to still in touch for upgrading or changing with the new stuffs than continuing to work on their "football based made in intern" engine.
We should all ask to Kojima to save us on Twitter :(
Here you go : The Decima engine is a game engine developed primarily by Guerrilla Games, and improved upon by Kojima Productions. It is currently optimized for PlayStation 4 system software and powers Death Stranding.

Death Stranding is last Kojima game development. Clearly they binned fox for Decima whilst PES stayed with fox untill 2020. This is the main problem again code from fox to UE. It will take a while I reckon
the engine new Silent Hill is using will be the main tell...Sony, Konami Kojima working together. Pes fans better hope they are using upgraded FOX

There's no upgraded FOX engine. It's Konami's property, no one kept developing it, they just used it for PES.

Kojima used the Decima engine for Death Stranding, couldn't use or develop FOX further exactly because it's Konami's property.
Well Death Stranding isn't really superb, neither the animation to be honest. But it should be better than what we got for sure, taking it and like for PES 2014 transform in into a football based engine.
We're just dreaming here. I won't lie, i don't think the "new" engine is so bad, not at all. Just that there's nothing added and the problem would be the same with disappearing stuffs etc.
The developpement is by far way too recent. I still don't believe there's 2 years behind it.

But whatever, future will tell. Enough about the past, or probable way to resolve the current problem. I don't think it's undoable at all.
they will stick with unreal or drop efootball all but i think they have seen the cash myclub brings in. Even if they drop efootball can't see them dropping PES> i think there in it for the long hall. £1 billion FIFA revenue, even if pes does one fourth of that, PES still does about 15k users per day fifa 45k per day on steam.

Konami see $$$ Im thinking
There were people before Kojima, just saying. There were after.
Well that "Kojima left" reason doesn't make sense. He isn't the only one, there's plenty of others "productions teams" to ask them for building something with their own idea of a football game. Whatever: i saw some games and i see potential. But my biggest question is "is there still someone enough skilled on that team to developp that potential engine?"
That's why i was thinking of an extra-help. We'll see whatever, i just can't believe that any game production could release something that bugged : it will be corrected to me. What i fear is the extra adds, AI issues and all.
Well, enough for today to me.
It's a huge shift for PES so they decided to change all, again it's just likely time. Why they rushed it out I don't know... Desperation
When i talk to people, they where already pissed that the "real version" would be released on November so... Imagine what the whole football gamers would think about a release in 2022 for example.
It's not despair. It was just a very very bad timing and decision to start that version, i don't know what was before that, but certainly not a cross-gen version, well i don't care at all. I'm like Saint Thomas like we said here for some stuffs > i only thrust what i see... And we don't see any evidence of an accurately done and debugged version so, i could believe about a debbuged with no disappearing and all those physicals big bugs, but about AI and gameplay "bugs", it's another thing.
This is huge news and it explains why this game feels like an entirely new game, and not one built upon another almost-perfect game. Just look at the tactics. These are tactics of a game that has been completely reset. Same for the ball physics, they're bad because they never ported it from last year, they just made it from scratch.

Almost perfect? I really like your videos, but the modded game is light years from the console game. And even then, in your videos, the wide open midfields, the limited shooting variations, the lack of explosiveness are all still evident as problems, among many.

I'm genuinely not trying to criticise you, I just find it strange that you think pes 21 is anywhere near perfect. For a start, there are no actual ball physics, and player ID is so limited... and I speak as someone who adored the pes 20 demo and pes 20 vanilla for a good couple months..
Almost perfect? I really like your videos, but the modded game is light years from the console game. And even then, in your videos, the wide open midfields, the limited shooting variations, the lack of explosiveness are all still evident as problems, among many.

I don't thrust that so. I see many unrealistic moves on those modded version. I respect modders but they aren't gods resolving all the game issue and there were patch since. I play the console version, and there's midfield. Shooting variation too. Explosiveness i prefers the console way to handle real life physics. It's making less "game" but more real to me. So no, console isn't that bad and different you know. There's a lot of placebo effects, and the mods bring also they lots of errors, like there's more goals for example in the modded version from what i saw.
I'm not tempted at all, in terms of gameplay to be honest.
Almost perfect? I really like your videos, but the modded game is light years from the console game. And even then, in your videos, the wide open midfields, the limited shooting variations, the lack of explosiveness are all still evident as problems, among many.

Maybe he means the base is almost perfect. The other 80% of the game not so much, but it sure is a great base for a football game. Well, it was.
That's you're opinion. To me yes, it's the best from what you can do with that engine except a bit of input lag and the R2 changed (but it brings some controls impossible to do before). PES 2017 doesn't reach for example the level of realism in terms of physics, weight shift ect.

I respect people who think PES 2013 is the best PES, i understand what they mean but it's not my definition of a "best football game" as the physics are outdated. Not only i can made a big list of what wrong... To me.
And i found personnally PES 2021 as one of the best PES ever made since PS2 era, i can argue about it but whatever. There's people thinkin like me as @The_Knight and many people i talked with not from here.
Just that we got all enough about the Fox engine feeling, even revamped since PES 2019, i admit it's the same for me.
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Maybe he means the base is almost perfect. The other 80% of the game not so much, but it sure is a great base for a football game. Well, it was.

I see what you mean. I'd load up the pes lite of 21 every couple months, and think...if this had physics, varied animations etc....it could be good. But that's a hell of a lot that's missing. It's kind of the whole game!

I dont want it to come off as a dig. Hell, I quite like the efootball demo! I was just a little surprised. I'm assuming he means the modded version plus physics etc though.
Narrator: it wasn't clear what happened.

You said "clearly" or "clear" 3 times in that post. Protip: if something is genuinely clear then it will be so to the reader without you needing to assert it, as if just saying it makes it true. You don't have a shred of any actual evidence, all you have is an argument from incredulity (I can't believe it's true therefore it cannot be true), and yet you have the nerve to berate people for not blindly accepting your speculations as the established truth.
I'm not angry. I just said my opinion. In my opinion, there was a lot of evidence to make a real version of the next generation, and I will not repeat it.

There is a lot of evidence. It just needs a little insight. From Masuda's talk to so much more.

Of course, the translation of the Russian site was wrong !!!! 😂

Do not be too greedy now. My son, drink a glass of cold water!
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