eFootball (All Platforms)

I didn't know that.

Cuz I watched interviews with him on the working on Pes 6, PES 2009 , 2010 and 2012 and he seems talking like his the chief
He has never been. He was just the most popular in fact, and the "idea man".
I don't even think there was a super chief at the time, except the headquarter Konami boss.
I can’t get used to the defending, AI players go past me like MJ in the smooth criminal video. Never had any issues with defending in previous games.

I fired up 21 and immediately felt how better the gameplay is and I’m not a big fan of that game.

This is a disgrace, how any long term fan can praise or even be on Konami’s side with this is beyond me.
I could perhaps almost tolerate this if it weren't for the completely unnecessary changes. Why is the formation now sideways and making a simple sub is a much bigger hassle? Why get rid of the few tactics options that were there? Why do all menus require hacking skills to navigate? Was there a reason to change Manual to Level 4? Why get rid of advanced shooting (I did not use that, but many did).

Haven't played enough to figure out the gameplay, I don't even know where to change the difficulty? It's like Konami wanted this game to have no chance

I kind of like the fact that the higher the level the more manual the passing gets. Might be taking out of my arse here but the perception is that Level 4 is what you really want to get to, it's the highest level. Whereas Level 1 is for beginners.

Also in my short time with the game online it felt like my opponent was being penalised for using what looked like Level 1. His passes kept flying in to my midfield whilst I could easily pass around him (Using Level 3)
Given most of the opponents now for online footy games are yet to have their balls drop or voices deepen, this doesn't surprise me. I'm just surprised Peppa Pig isn't a sponsor.

If and it's a big if, they manage to sort this game out then I hope level 3 is the default for online. Felt like manual to me but without the frustration of missing passes that should be piss easy.
Bhatti reading twitter today:
Like others said, I'm willing to give it a chance if its like PES 14.

But the problem is, its an online game and with heavily stripped out offline contents.

Where are the teams? What will happen with large scale mods that we use every year to turn unlicensed game into almost a perfect game? Lack of all those things is already putting me off.
Thank God for your post.

Game seems to be aiming to realism again with some of its radical.changes and New concepts. Its Just a bug fest messes up game, but the arrow is pointing to the right direction.

Thank God you cant pressure abuse, thank god You can easily miss a tackle, being dribbled or concede fouls.

Oh there are actually fouls? How dare Konami make me miss tackles and give free fouls for the opponent? We at the Arcade Lovers Community can NOT tolerante that. We dont want to think about putting players into position, read play and intercept ball, we Just want pressure abuse and easy Win the ball effortlessly.
I understand where you are coming from. My first gameplay impression was actually that its a bold, slower approach. Not at all the arcade nightmare one should expect when they would just cater to impatient youngsters looking for some hollow, fast-paced card collection game.

So, i gave it a honest chance, set up all the controls, enabled manual passing. Yet, after a few games it stil didn't click, only felt more and more unresponsive and incoherent.

Their new realism seems to be implemented in a very superficial way atm. "Lets make these animations a bit longer and make passing feel heavier". Its so basic that it makes the game feel very very generic, each player as incompetent as the other.

I am going to give it another shot tonight and see if i can understand the dribbling some more but it really feels like clutching at straws. I just cant imagine this 'game' being fun and not feeling detached.

At the end of the day, they converted a mobile game to next-gen, put some blue yellow sprinkles on it and called it a day. Worse yet, they hyped us for maybe even 5 years about their three year plan and the coming holy grail of truly next-gen football experience blabla.

How can one not be angry? If you still protect this company, if you still force yourself to focus only on 'the good', then you are suffering from a severe case of cognitive dissonance, i'm afraid.
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I can’t get used to the defending, AI players go past me like MJ in the smooth criminal video. Never had any issues with defending in previous games.

I fired up 21 and immediately felt how better the gameplay is and I’m not a big fan of that game.

This is a disgrace, how any long term fan can praise or even be on Konami’s side with this is beyond me.

I'm personally not at all on Konami side. Edit: How could i can be as a long term fan? Their decisions didn't even enrage me, but backslashed me.
More sad than enraged in fact. There was much more others solutions that this, and i don't talk about the F2P system (but cross-gen, not continuing PES franchise, well the name change as since PS3 era it became "has been" i've suggered it but not "efootball" shitty. Evolution Football or something like that)

"PES" team and Konami are separate.
I'm with the devs side, not at all the chief executor (Kimura) neither Konami headquarters chief at all.
Konami isn't a single guy, but a single guy with a team of devs behind him makes decisions. Of course some where with him, there's always some "yes boss" on a team.
Few years it was Kei Masuda, this year it's Kimura (don't know his first name)
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He has never been. He was just the most popular in fact, and the "idea man".
I don't even think there was a super chief at the time, except the headquarter Konami boss.

Konami let their teams work with bigger liberties in the past thats what i believe in. Just like they got Team Silent too, probably they pitched something to the board, got a budget and a deadline and off you go. Then good games were made. Same for PES, same for Metal Gear.

Its just my theory but i think the company structure changed and so they released a bunch of people, set control points on different areas and emphasys on the wrong things. They tried to engine art without actual artists. Probably there are good coders, artist(just look at the player faces) who are still working on Konami games but imagine they have the least input on anything, they do as they told by someone who has clear no clue how to make a video game or just dont want to make one.
So we’re in the denial Stage of recovery already.
When they announced a year ago they were taking a year off to work on this game yes they did.

They get caught with their pants down by the pandemic as we all were so they decided no way remotely they can make true next gen game, so they rather decided to make a mobile port of PES 2021 since if people stay at home probably they want to play on their mobile rather than on their newly bought PS or XB next gen consoles on their HD television.
Really? Some of you are compromising with this game?

It is not better than Fifa 22
It is not better than Pes 21

It is not better than nearly all of the footy games released in THE PAST 20 YEARS.

Do some of you have no standards?

Its 2021 and we have next generation consoles with enormous power. I don't want a game thats going to be built up over several years into something vaguely resembling a football sim, that getting Konami off the hook. This is a product that is asking for REAL MONEY off customers. It is not fit for release.

I've just watched a review where the guy was playing Juve v Barca. The same patterns of play over and over, CPU trying to dribble when no one was around him, same tired keeper animations. Even less AI variety than before.

This is not how football matches play out in real life, they look and play nothing like this game. There is no nuance to be found. Wheres the physicality? Wheres the interceptions? We were running into the opposition to steal the ball back in Sensible Soccer in 1990 for goodness sakes.

There is nothing remotely redeeming in this game. Nothing. Nada. I don't understand what some of you are looking at or hoping to expect?

Utterly bizarre.
They literally didnt do anything during the pandemic, dont be silly, they just sat hiding in a dark room like the cowards they are to speak to us. Development of this started about 1 week before that new football game thing alpha was released, and is going lazier than ever.
Had a play during my lunch on my pc. Konami have had a nightmare when it comes to promoting this game and my reasoning is I 100% think this game is a demo and here’s why. You can’t change the length of the matches, matches can only take place in fine weather, no difficulty settings and training mode is just a video to name a few. I think when this game gets updated whenever that happens I think the gameplay will change as well.
I also think they’ve released the lowest quality game as well. This game looks like a mobile game the graphics are terrible and the gameplay is full of glitches. If the update improves the graphics, fixes the gameplay we have the basis of a solid game. However it needs a lot of work. Also forget everything you’ve learned from playing pes so far because this is completely different
Konami let their teams work with bigger liberties in the past thats what i believe in. Just like they got Team Silent too, probably they pitched something to the board, got a budget and a deadline and off you go. Then good games were made. Same for PES, same for Metal Gear.

Its just my theory but i think the company structure changed and so they released a bunch of people, set control points on different areas and emphasys on the wrong things. They tried to engine art without actual artists. Probably there are good coders, artist(just look at the player faces) who are still working on Konami games but imagine they have the least input on anything, they do as they told by someone who has clear no clue how to make a video game or just dont want to make one.

One thing i also believe, is that Konami was really implied in their games production. Then, they enlarged to others stuffs, casino games, PES has become "separate" as PES production, and probably some other mobile section for Pes Club Manager, the other card game with football etc.
No implication anymore, perhaps Kojima saw it coming before and perpahps he left. even if he got a super big ego, probably one reason he left is they were less "free".
We remember how they talked about the "restructuration" of Konami, well it was in my opinion a separation, perhaps the big boss thinked it was more professionnal, but the exchange between teams, like for example asking to the MGS team to help PES etc. wasn't possible anymore.
Complicated, but it's sure at 100% they completely changed their structures and way to work, for a reason or another. For a focus or another.

There's even a newcoming game in 2.5D i posted very, very promising (didn't even know it was a Konami game) with Okami style of graphics but with a Samurai and much more gore. Don't remember the name, it's in one thread i opened for Upcoming games etc.
OK, played a few on PS4 Pro now and apart from a weird shimmer on the players at times, and the pitch looking pretty bad, I have the same view as before. The glitches are and will continue to be immersion-breaking, but I like the gameplay (fouls count at the end averaged 4-4; and I scored once) and hope it continues to develop in this way without compromise. Somebody at Konami climbed into the attic and blew the dust off a shoebox marked 'Big Plans For PES 2014 (do not try ever again)' and somehow persuaded everyone to go with it.

I approve of the direction, but there'll be another direction coming along soon I'm sure.
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