eFootball (All Platforms)

I understand u guys anger. The more we keep up with this, I don't see they won't throw in master league/cup/league/bal for free too. The ball is in Konami's court. If they are going by this free model, they surely know community feedback is as important for its survivability.
From the IGN interview:
One of the key figures behind that shift is series producer Seitaro Kimura, who spoke to IGN ahead of the announcement, and explained more of the thinking around it. "We started planning this move roughly two years ago to coincide with the console generation transition and changes in the market environment," he tells us, before explaining that PES Mobile's huge success acted as a blueprint for the wider shift. "I believe that we have already proven that this structure can be successful on mobile. By applying the same model across all platforms, we hope that more football fans will be able to play this game on consoles as well."
I understand u guys anger. The more we keep up with this, I don't see they won't throw in master league/cup/league/bal for free too. The ball is in Konami's court. If they are going by this free model, they surely know community feedback is as important for its survivability.
But whether it is free or not doesn't matter, in the end we paid for "offline PES 2016, 2017, 2018 etc"
Only thing is I hope they make it possible to have a stacked PES, like paying for licensed leagues etc
What about the licences? If there are only 9 teams to play in exhibition
Nah, you have to play online to get crafting materials and buy coins to be able to craft and buy Master League and Edit Mode. Of course first you have to open random lootboxes for money to get a key to be able to unlock your crafted game modes.

I'm surprised how no one comments on the terrible UI that the game has ... ok I understand that you are shocked by the news but we have been commenting on this for 1 month now that it will happen! We just have to congratulate ourselves for anticipating and knowing Konami to such an extent ... that we have predicted absolutely everything to such accuracy. (a little immodest but I foresaw this, all this and I was 100% right)
those colors do follow an overall sheme! flashy menus and stuff... all that neon colors... of what does that remind me?! ;)
what a day.
For someone whose posts are usually essays... I don't think there's much that can be said.

Other than, genuinely - RIP PES.

I've bought you every year since I was a kid. You've been a part of my life for a very long time. You were the reason I joined this forum 18 years ago. You were the reason I came back every day. You were more than a guilty pleasure - more than a hobby, even. You were an obsession.

It is gut-wrenching in a very real way to see what they've done to you.

The one hope we had left, of a football game that tried to be a love-letter to the beautiful game, using all the power available to developers now... The reason why I bought next-gen hardware... The one hope I had.

Snuffed out like a candle, just like that - as they take your corpse, dress it in a unicorn suit and sell it to kids as a Fortnite substitute.

To the guys talking about the potential ML DLC and daring to hang onto a bit of hope - they say their focus is 1v1s in their own trailer, both "human v human" and tactically. Which is EXACTLY what FIFA are doing - they are copying every move they make - because that's what the kids want. No AI helping and "cheating".

Whatever they add to this will have online-focused AI, just like FIFA, and will be broken and awful to play vs the AI, just like FIFA is now.

If you want to play an ML, download PES 5 and do it - and don't look back.

How often have we said about PES in the past, "the king is back"?

The king is dead.
I just read this on IGN interview

So, they confirm they don't care about offline gameplay against AI, all that it's important it's 1vs1. Let's say they will release optional offline modes the gameplay against AI will still be terrible. They admitted they don't care about refining gameplay against AI.
Again, it's just so brilliantly Konami isn't it?

"I wonder why people don't want to play against the AI that we've been making progressively worse?"
Let's think as why Konami decided to do this. Do they really believe they have a chance to be somehow successful?

I don't understand gaming trends, but what does this eFootball have more compared to F2P Pes lite they have already released since years?

But whether it is free or not doesn't matter, in the end we paid for "offline PES 2016, 2017, 2018 etc"
Only thing is I hope they make it possible to have a stacked PES, like paying for licensed leagues etc
What about the licences? If there are only 9 teams to play in exhibition
We know it's more than 9 teams because they made Napoli license exclusive, so they probably will add more with more updates after launch, but yeah, at launch it will just have 9 teams.

We don't know if the team database will be similar or much more limited compared to previous games.
Shittiest news ever. No offline modes and content? Also, they only showed famous player in fantasy kits. No real real tem kits?

Maybe You Just create a fantasy club and play online? Hope this game bombs hard and Konami get out of the market. Do You hoje work guys and never download or buy anything
From the same interview. This really is the death-knell:
Another key part of that rethink was in tailoring the game specifically for player vs. player matches, rather than player vs. computer. "We're making it so that people can enjoy playing against other players, as this provides a greater thrill than what AI can provide," reasons Kimura. "We believe that the 1v1 offense and defense realized in this way is the most important innovation of eFootball."

I'm surprised how no one comments on the terrible UI that the game has ... ok I understand that you are shocked by the news but we have been commenting on this for 1 month now that it will happen! We just have to congratulate ourselves for anticipating and knowing Konami to such an extent ... that we have predicted absolutely everything to such accuracy. (a little immodest but I foresaw this, all this and I was 100% right)
One of the things that stood out in the trailer but didn't find any strength to care about commenting on it anymore... just look at the whole state of the game ,of course it would feature one of the tackiest scoreboards in history!
Could easily imagine seeing this in a few months -

Coming soon, play all of your favourite offline modes

DLC £19.99 (with 1 league of your choice)

BAL DLC £19.99

Extras - Ligue 1 fully licensed £10.99
English league unlicensed £10.99
Spanish league unlicense £10.99
and so on and so on...

And in fact they had tried this business model in 2012/2013 for J.League... Priced at 1800 JPY for the J.League DLC in Japan.
Though the presentation was shitty and the color scheme of the new house-style/logo is horrendous, I still see some hope.
As I understand the free to play version has 9 teams. So if I want the full teams I have to pay I guess. Also for other modes I can pay for what I want.
This is good as long as the price of the packages are acceptable. Because for example I don't care about my club so no I dont have to pay for it.
If I can pay for all team I hope I can play offline and online, so this would be a core version of efootball. I wonder how they can earn money from someone like me if they say the roster updates will be free.
Anyway the most important part will be offcourse the gameplay. I don't care about all the other stuff as long as I can play offline and online with excellent gameplay ill be happy.
Who would have thought back in 2014 when PES 14 released, and it was abysmal, then PES 15 a year later, and we were moaning that it had 20 less stadiums than PES 13, and we all rightly stated that the series was going backwards, that in 6 years from then, we would all be sat here discussing a game about to release with just 9 teams, with mobile graphics, and no offline modes?!!?

All we now have is not hope, just memories.
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