I bought it yesterday afternoon, refunded it this morning.

I played some sim game which at first, despite the well known shortcomings, seemed nice enough.. midfield resistance, interesting variety overall, CPU looking very nice and logic in possession.. both with small teams and big ones. The 1v1 thing seemed also very non intrusive. Maybe it was my impression but I could also feel better the individuality in single players, like Pedri felt to me very different compared with the other Barça mfs.

Then I ventured in career mode, and boy, I just wish I never did. If we exclude the abundant off the field stuff (which look really really good, by the way), it was just.. awful. I picked Tottenham and the action was run after run after run, with all the worse things (sucky, dull individuality, 1v1/stupid defenses etc.) being very evident again.. no idea if the sim thing doesn't work in career mode or something, I read some of you saying it doesn't, anyway after this session even coming back to friendlies looked very off, so I decided to just refund it and wait for more feedback overall and an eventual more stable version. Cup and tournies are very bugged as well, at least for me (couldn't even change camera!), so maybe it's just this version which is a giant mess.

That said, even when I enjoyed it at the beginning, in no way or form it felt more "football" than a Fifa 16 or 17. When Chris says it's more of a game vaguely based on football than a real transposition of the sport (I'm parahprasing), he really hits the nail about this new EA course that started with 20 onwards. I don't pretend to talk for others, mind you, but me personally, if I'll ultimately decide to buy it, a very good percentage of why I'll do will certainly be for the novelty factor which (as opposed to the tinted glasses nostalgia thing) is, as it's normal for the human mind, after all, a very strong component.

p.s. allow me this one.. for being a 1vs1 based game, the real 1vs1s on the field are actually so, damn, plain and poorly implemented. No real, long physical duels, no big variety on standing tackles, no nuances, no CPU defender that react to shot feints or tricks (although that's an all time problem).. on these later chapters (at least 22, 23 and the little I played this one) I feel exactly like zero satisfaction whatever I dribble past a defender or I get blocked.
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Nono, probaste apenas arranca el partido con cambiar de simulacion a normal y luego volver a simulacion?
(have you tried removing the simulate option and then putting it back on?)
Yeah, I don't feel like that solves it. Really, what I played recently has nothing to do with what I played last night. I understand that many see it as a conspiracy theory, but it's what I feel. At night from one match to the next, the game increases speed.
I've found that too. You can't relax on WC or you get pinned in your own half and it's a struggle to get out with possession which is a good thing I guess. With FIFA 20-23 and EAFC 24, you could just walk your way through. I'm playing FUMA and simulation.
Which difficulty do you suggest mate? Was real v a. Madrid and smashed them 5-0, they only had 2 sot. Maybe I'll redo it on World Class.
The best thing they've implemented in this version is the fact you can make your Pro Clubs player looks an utter monstrosity.

I will wait till this is rapidly reduced and probably get it for clubs which I play with my 2 lads. Clubs can be a laugh, especially when I've had a load of wine and I just try and spam 60 yard passes and my 2 lads lose their shit with me 😂

Best clubs we ever had was on 22, we got to division 1, I created a player and he was unreal, but then we were playing teams who had 11 human players vs us 3 and 8 retard AI and we got absolutely smashed.

If I could just buy clubs, I would because it would be worth £15 or £20 for the laughs we have.
Yeah, I don't feel like that solves it. Really, what I played recently has nothing to do with what I played last night. I understand that many see it as a conspiracy theory, but it's what I feel. At night from one match to the next, the game increases speed.

Nono, I am chasing the same ghost for years.

I have a vague theory that it is something related to a combination of hardware, software buffer or something similar. Because many times I restart the PC load the save of the CM at the same point and the same match that felt strange and fast feels fine, as it should be.
Nono, I am chasing the same ghost for years.

I have a vague theory that it is something related to a combination of hardware, software buffer or something similar. Because many times I restart the PC load the save of the CM at the same point and the same match that felt strange and fast feels fine, as it should be.
Well, at least I don't feel alone...we will continue testing...Big Hug Bro!
Some thoughts on 25: Movement is a bit freer/looser which took some getting used to. Passes have more chance of being scuffed depending on first time and body positioning, and they have more natural bobble to them again. Overall it feels quite similar to 24, but better.

Here's a couple of goals we've scored in Full Manual Clubs:

Which difficulty do you suggest mate? Was real v a. Madrid and smashed them 5-0, they only had 2 sot. Maybe I'll redo it on World Class.
Once you get used to the nuanaces of the game, Professional is too easy on FUMA & simulation for sure so even though I've won only one game on World Class, it's definitely worth the challenge. I don't sem to have had the speed issue change since I moved to World Class though although I'm also wondering if the speed error might be caused by changing the CPU to tactical sim letting it choose it's own slider variations so to speak.
Some thoughts on 25: Movement is a bit freer/looser which took some getting used to. Passes have more chance of being scuffed depending on first time and body positioning, and they have more natural bobble to them again. Overall it feels quite similar to 24, but better.

Here's a couple of goals we've scored in Full Manual Clubs:

How the fuck did you have such a rocket from a free kick?? When I'm going around the wall - my free kicks barely reach goalkeeper!
I'm like:
I'm playing with shitty players, but as far as I know - so are you guys.
How the fuck did you have such a rocket from a free kick?? When I'm going around the wall - my free kicks barely reach goalkeeper!
I'm like:
I'm playing with shitty players, but as far as I know - so are you guys.

I'm not sure, that's our resident fk taker who scores some bangers. He uses silver Dead Ball Playstyle and had 78 free kick stat for this one though I know that

and he''s not scoring from this distance frequently lol
Once you get used to the nuanaces of the game, Professional is too easy on FUMA & simulation for sure so even though I've won only one game on World Class, it's definitely worth the challenge. I don't sem to have had the speed issue change since I moved to World Class though although I'm also wondering if the speed error might be caused by changing the CPU to tactical sim letting it choose it's own slider variations so to speak.
Drew away to A. Madrid 1-1 only had one chance.. Last night on professional was 5-0..draw away 0-0 v arsenal as psg. In terms of sot and possession is fairly even. Barely making a chances tho. Any tips?
The best thing they've implemented in this version is the fact you can make your Pro Clubs player looks an utter monstrosity.

I will wait till this is rapidly reduced and probably get it for clubs which I play with my 2 lads. Clubs can be a laugh, especially when I've had a load of wine and I just try and spam 60 yard passes and my 2 lads lose their shit with me 😂

Best clubs we ever had was on 22, we got to division 1, I created a player and he was unreal, but then we were playing teams who had 11 human players vs us 3 and 8 retard AI and we got absolutely smashed.

If I could just buy clubs, I would because it would be worth £15 or £20 for the laughs we have.
Amen to all that. When EA had gameface I would scan in old legend's faces and then be them in Clubs, a new guy every week. Gazza's cheeky face was the funniest, I was also coked up Maradona, Roger Milla, Valderrama, Garrincha etc.

I won Div 1 with 4 mates and then also just me controlling 9 players, my own player and then 1 mate controlling his player. This was on all FIFA games up to like 17, then stopped playing as I couldn't make it fun anymore. Clubs just became exploit city everyone parking the bus and countering in 1 or 2 passes.
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Barely making a chances tho. Any tips?
Use L1 often to trigger team mates runs.
I only discovered the other day that you can use your right stick + L1 to tell them exactly which way to run.
Also - switch sides from time to time. Big lobs to the other side of the pitch can get you some space and are very satisfying.
Use L1 often to trigger team mates runs.
I only discovered the other day that you can use your right stick + L1 to tell them exactly which way to run.
Also - switch sides from time to time. Big lobs to the other side of the pitch can get you some space and are very satisfying.
Must say this year through balls through defence feel very satisfying! They are easy in fc 24 but in this years game the defence is hard to break and that's why they feel great! Also shooting is even better than previous games!
One thing I have noticed is that the bigger teams seem to pressure a lot more when you have the ball in your own box and half. For example I played Leverkusen (wclass) yesterday and I really struggled getting the ball out of my box as were literally pressing the whole time, however when I played a low German side I seemed to have far more possession and it was a lot easier to possible around all over the pitch to pass the ball without pressure from them.

Does anyone see much individual ID traits for example certain star players acting differently and playing better? I remember pes being pretty good at this.
I tried FC 25 and had some nice matches on simulation mode.

I´m playing PES 21 mostly, but love having some duels with my kids, who aren´t much into PES 21.
Biggest issue there is that stumbling when players have contact.

So we played FC 24 a lot, which I found awful, as they were using their Vinni´s and Mbappe´s running through my defense.

But with FC 25 on simulation the matches were a lot tighter and you can´t easily sprint through the defense.
Had some great matches together, even we also felt that gameplay speedup once in a while.

Can´t wait to try some more.
Had some great matches together, even we also felt that gameplay speedup once in a while.
If they can solve this, I'll buy the game - and I hope they do, because I'm genuinely missing my Career Mode (and it's been a LONG time since I can say that).

But those random game-speed increases just made it unplayable for me in the end, and given how hard it seems to be to pinpoint the issue, I'm worried it'll never be fixed.
If you'd told me a week ago I'd find myself enjoying a game of Rush on FC25, I'd have kicked you in the nuts and told you to wash your mouth out. Yet here we are.

My point of reference is still FIFA 22 as it's the last I played to any extent. I played 23 a little, belatedly, but didn't touch FC24. I'm a FIFA 09 -17 guy.

After five CM games and a Rush youth tournament on sim mode I'm quite impressed. I find myself having to pass the ball and 'get my head up' to spot runs. That's refreshing.

Dribbling and footplanting is still a mess but at least it's at a lesser speed and the motherfuckers aren't going full Michael Flatley.

Very early days. I'm on World Class, and I know Legendary mode has - since FIFA 19 in my experience - Space Jammed the AI to unbearable levels.

Smaller negatives are the further gamification of Career Mode, the fact my youth players look like 12 year-old girls, and the lighting on some pitches. I get it's realistic but fuck off and give me consistent lighting all over the pitch. I'm looking at you, Johan Cruyff Arena.
If they can solve this, I'll buy the game - and I hope they do, because I'm genuinely missing my Career Mode (and it's been a LONG time since I can say that).

But those random game-speed increases just made it unplayable for me in the end, and given how hard it seems to be to pinpoint the issue, I'm worried it'll never be fixed.
I tried FC 25 and had some nice matches on simulation mode.

I´m playing PES 21 mostly, but love having some duels with my kids, who aren´t much into PES 21.
Biggest issue there is that stumbling when players have contact.

So we played FC 24 a lot, which I found awful, as they were using their Vinni´s and Mbappe´s running through my defense.

But with FC 25 on simulation the matches were a lot tighter and you can´t easily sprint through the defense.
Had some great matches together, even we also felt that gameplay speedup once in a while.

Can´t wait to try some more.
I'm liking it too. Over 2k hours on Pes 2021 - do think it's not quite as fun and engaging as pes mind you. I'm playing on World Class and simulation with tactical defending so maybe that's why.
This is my first time hitting this forum - the FIFA one. And being a PES fan and patch player, watching the many sim mode FC 25 videos so far...I must say that I'm impressed and tempted. Or is it just me wishful looking for a new game to play?
This is my first time hitting this forum - the FIFA one. And being a PES fan and patch player, watching the many sim mode FC 25 videos so far...I must say that I'm impressed and tempted. Or is it just me wishful looking for a new game to play?
Let's say it this way: "It's not unplayable for PES players anymore." ;)
Let's say it this way: "It's not unplayable for PES players anymore." ;)
I was strangely attracted to it

but it felt like revamped version of the golden times, 2017 maybe
It really felt great and I never played it for PC

Now i'm looking for a place with actual great mods, just as great as PES - stadiums, faces, etc...is this the place?
I was strangely attracted to it

but it felt like revamped version of the golden times, 2017 maybe
It really felt great and I never played it for PC

Now i'm looking for a place with actual great mods, just as great as PES - stadiums, faces, etc...is this the place?
Sadly the newer FIFA/FCs aren't able to have stadium mods.
The most proper EA soccer game of last years. I really enjoyed even I play Ultimate difficulty. I play on simulation mode with tactical AI the game is so playable. Last year I couldn't play the game without gameplay mods but this year I won't use because the game is very balanced and small teams play with some tactics, for example when you face with Empoli as you are at the manager of Napoli the opponent play for 1 point, so they don't take risks and just defend. They only try contra attack.. When you face with Milan they play like a big team, they always try to attack but this is not for every big team.. Some big teams like Juventus try to defend and don't take so much risks. Goal fests don't happen..

The improvement of the kit physics is awesome. Kits look like real. I also like the rain effects, when I play rainy match sometimes ball slows, sometimes stuck on the pitch this feels real. For addition net physics are the most beautiful one of all EA games..

I hope EA will remain these things for future.
The most proper EA soccer game of last years. I really enjoyed even I play Ultimate difficulty. I play on simulation mode with tactical AI the game is so playable. Last year I couldn't play the game without gameplay mods but this year I won't use because the game is very balanced and small teams play with some tactics, for example when you face with Empoli as you are at the manager of Napoli the opponent play for 1 point, so they don't take risks and just defend. They only try contra attack.. When you face with Milan they play like a big team, they always try to attack but this is not for every big team.. Some big teams like Juventus try to defend and don't take so much risks. Goal fests don't happen..

The improvement of the kit physics is awesome. Kits look like real. I also like the rain effects, when I play rainy match sometimes ball slows, sometimes stuck on the pitch this feels real. For addition net physics are the most beautiful one of all EA games..

I hope EA will remain these things for future.
What about pacing and the sense of contact of the players with the pitch (skating, illogical animations, etc)
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