Chelsea Thread

Oh dear :shock:

I still reckon you'll have to much for them at Stamford Bridge, it's not over yet lads. :)

And then what? We'll get beat by Arsenal or Liverpool because if we can't beat that shite we played tonight, we've got no chance if we get through.

Yes we'll probably get through, but I rank them on a par with Derby. They were abject. We should have finished the tie after 60 minutes.

Getting into the semis is the least of my worries, believe me. I'm not that fussed about this competition and the league has gone, but I'm really worried about where we're headed with that gormless f*ckwit in charge.
chelsea showed power tonight.ı congratulate u.tough midfield.ı hope carlos will be back and think grant is a good coach.he turned gökhan gönüls abcence in a very good tactic play and advantage.good luck for next match is good to play against u.ı really liked the match
thanks fener fans you guys had a good game!! hmm... what to say... could have finished the tie but as usual we slipped off the radar just went to sleep. All i'm looking forward too now is Stamford Bridge tie and of course the premier League
I'm looking forward to the summer - it can't come quick enough for me. This season has just been one long, tedious grind (except for beating Arsenal ;)).

Couldn't sleep last night because I was so pissed off with Grant. Hasn't got the balls to take the game by the scruff of the neck, and at the first sign of trouble he waves the white flag. Avram, you are a fucking tool.

It wasn't all his fault, some of the players couldn't pass wind, but when you need a bit of leadership and you look over at the bench your heart just sinks.

It's rare that I'll let football get to me, but for once, I am really, really depressed. (cue 'slashed wrists smilie')
Well this cheered me up - nice to see we have some loyal Royals...

A bridge too far for earl's daughter


Dumb roaming

By Paul Jeeves
FOR any Chelsea fan, the towering football stadium of Stamford Bridge is an unmistakable and iconic image. But the west London ground proved to be a bridge too far for one of Earl Spencer's daughters, who found herself in Yorkshire instead of the home of the Blues for a Premiership showdown with Arsenal. A blunder with satellite navigation saw a taxi hired to take the teenager and a friend on the 85-mile trip from Northamptonshire to the capital end up instead at Stamford Bridge in Yorkshire.

The Althorp estate, which is owned by the Earl, yesterday confirmed the mistake, but stressed that the matter was being sorted out "amicably". However, Paul Achiampong, the red-faced owner of the firm involved, Northampton-based Mayfair Taxis, was yesterday due to meet the Earl, the brother of Diana, Princess of Wales, to apologise for the embarrassing mistake. Mr Achiampong said: "We do 20,000 journeys a month and mistakes do happen every now and again. But I admit this is a big one. But the fault was with my control staff, not the driver.

"He ended up there by putting Stamford Bridge into his sat-nav and it said it was in the north of England. "He checked that was right and it was confirmed by the controller. "I'm still trying to figure out how that was possible, it's baffling." Earl Spencer's daughter had managed to get tickets for one of the Premiership season's most eagerly-anticipated fixtures when Chelsea faced Arsenal on Easter Sunday.

But instead of witnessing The Blues' dramatic comeback, which saw Didier Drogba's double inspire Chelsea to a 2-1 victory over Arsenal, the teenager found herself 229 miles away on the border of East and North Yorkshire. The Yorkshire village of Stamford Bridge, eight miles east of York with a population of about 3,500, was the scene of a fierce battle between English forces and Viking invaders in 1066 – but is far removed from the hustle and bustle of west London.

Retired social worker Bryan Lawson, who has lived in the village for 20 years with his wife, Patricia, is a former parish councillor and is the chairman of the Stamford Bridge In Bloom committee.

Mr Lawson, an Arsenal fan, said: "The village is a wonderful place to come and visit, but sadly you will not get to see a lot of Premiership football up here. We do have a village football team, but it is not quite up to the standard of Chelsea.

"I must admit I was disappointed with the result, and in many ways I am glad I was up here rather than the other Stamford Bridge to see Arsenal lose."​
His bible is very much the Ladybird book of football tactics.

He also consults "After the Horse has Bolted: Stable door closing for dummys" during matches.
I haven't seen the match, but 2-1 isn't bad. You guys only need a 1-0 win to go through.
Besides Fener is a good team...they have beaten Sevilla in the previous round.
I agree with most of you guys,AG(WTF why he keeps playing Anelka on the WING!!!) is useless but the players are to blame too,we should have score long before.
But i'm beginning to get really worried by our defence ,we have conceded too many goals recently as well on set pieces as on open play,since Terry came back he looks really average (except the game against Arsenal)we looked definitely more solid with Alex and Cech
I haven't seen the match, but 2-1 isn't bad. You guys only need a 1-0 win to go through.
Besides Fener is a good team...they have beaten Sevilla in the previous round.

Gerd, I'd be amazed if we didn't go through. In fact, I'd be surprised if we don't stick 4 or 5 past them. My issue is that for about the 4th time in a month we have managed to somehow throw away a winning position against a vastly inferior team.

I'm not bothered about this competition specifically, it's Grant's inability to do the job he was employed to do. If he had stayed as caretaker for the rest of the season I'd be in a much better mood, but the fact that he has been given a 4 year contract regardless of his performance makes my blood boil.

He won't last the 4 years (:pray:) but there will be night after night like this until we can get someone in who knows what he is doing. I just can't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
nice input T butcher fan!! Pizarro ain't in the Champions League squad and in regards to calling Sheva or Kalou from the bench I would jump at it. I mean come on we have Cudicini Terry Carvalho Cole/Bridge Paulo/Essien back four Makalele Lampard midfield duo Ballack & Cole on wings and up front Drogba & Anelka!! how does that sound??

IMPOSSIBLE!!!Ballack can't play on the wings,the only way we could play 442 it 's to drop ballack Or Lamps.But has Avram Grant got the balls to drop one of them??I really doubt...

PS:or Maybe get back to the diamond formation we used last year but that would mean take J.Cole off or Kalou our best player..
The atmosphere was one of the best i've seen in the CL especially after that amazing strike by Deivid
I have a feeling that Chelsea will win the tie in Stamford, but I hope that Fenerbahce can make an upset.
The second goal from Fener was excellent, i mean noone can stop that kind of goal. But both played well. Anyways Chelsea just has to score 1 goal and park the bus. The work is done then!
Hey blues.

Wanna ask you something.

Since mourinho departed chelsea, i've seeing less and less games of chelsea, actually not even a hanfull of games.

So, how are Ricardo Carvalho and Paulo Ferreira? Playing good?
I wanna know what to expect from them in the EURO2k8

And btw do you regret that mourinho left? Or things are better now?
Hey blues.

Wanna ask you something.

Since mourinho departed chelsea, i've seeing less and less games of chelsea, actually not even a hanfull of games.

So, how are Ricardo Carvalho and Paulo Ferreira? Playing good?
I wanna know what to expect from them in the EURO2k8

And btw do you regret that mourinho left? Or things are better now?

Carvalho is playing well, looks sharp and hungry. My only frustration is that he will dive in to tackles in areas he doesn't need to and give away silly free kicks. He's always done this to some degree, but at the moment he'll do it 2 or 3 times a game. I don't know why....

Ferreira is back to his best in my opinion. I don't mean he is the best right back in the world, just that defensively he is fairly solid. Doesn't do anything silly. Attacking wise he isn't going to be much of a threat though. He is the usual Paolo.

I don't regret Mourinho leaving, but things are definitely worse now. We'd probably have won the 2 domestic cups, but we don't have enough in the tank for the big tournaments (which I blame Mourinho for, you could see in the summer that we weren't good enough).
yup same here T Butcher Fan I don't regret Mourinho leaving. As for things being desperate lets wait and watch. I do agree the coach is supposed to motivate players and ensure that they don't loose their concentration in the match. But come on give the guy a break I don't like the guy but I am impressed how he has managed to ensure that the team isn't divided or faltered in any way. Ok we screwed up in the two finals. I wouldn't put that against him.
He sucks in Subs but whats Ten Cate & Steve Clark there for? Assistant coaches for what?? Ten Cate to parade around in his dull coats or just look pretty for the camera's? Steve Clarke i have no idea whats happening to the best respected man in CFC.
And thanks for the photos alperalp. Much appreciated!!
Thx for info.

That's weird for carvalho. He usually was a player that rarely got the foul.

Ferreira seems like always. Doesn't impress but doesn't f*ck up either. Consistent at least.

Mourinho will be a memory, but like everywhere he went left his mark.

OFF TOPIC: T Butcher Fan, do you run that website that's on the sig?
I think (and hope) AG will go in the summer. If this is the case, it would be nice to get a new manager in immediately, so that he could bring in his players, rather than having to wait half a season or even a whole one. Personally i don't like managers coming and going. It does nothing for stability. Aren't guys like Rijkaard and Hiddink still being linked. I wouldn't mind an experienced Dutch coach like Hiddink.

I would love to see a bunch of pacey attacking players coming in too. I think we missed the boat on Quaresma, who i would have loved to have seen at the Bridge. Please can we stop buying players like Obi and Shevchenko.

Oh and Fener fans, if you're lucky, Grant can win the second leg for you ;)
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He finally played a reserve game full 90 minutes i think think it was against the boro's not sure. He was pretty confident and rock solid as a defender no worries at all. Didn't put a foot wrong should play for the first team next season I guess as he can play RB along with CB.
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