Chelsea Thread

he pushed the kid to the ground and kicked him in the ribs ffs, what a complete overrated cunt. imagine if he did this outside of football stadium?? if hazard aint banned for atleast 8 months he a lucky cunt.
Gosh, what an idiot. Falling for a ballboy's provocation? Really?

Nothing excuses that. That being said, the ballboy was a proper twat wasn't he? WTF was he doing there? :LOL:
From Rafa himself: "Hazard was frustrated and tried to get the ball. He was kicking the ball and getting the ball."
Hey Rafa, don't make Chelsea fans get frustrated, then you can feel like the ballboy.

What an unproffessional attitude of Hazard, even if the kid was wrong, he can't react as he did. Hope he get's a big suspension, and learn how to control himself.

Hazard stop to watch Pepe's best videos ! :P
Found elsewhere but copied and pasted for your entertainment:

Rafa Benitez finishes a lively press conference by saying that ball-boy incident is reflective of a fame-driven "Big Brother society"
37m Henry Winter Henry Winter ‏@henrywinter

Hazard isn't the nasty type (just my personal opinion) the kid was certainly being a cunt but Hazard should know that's just the way it is and the kid can just take his time.

he barely kicked him and the kid sold it like he'd been shot :LOL: and preceded to cry and struggle to move for some reason.

No doubt everyone will no doubt go overboard about 'Hazard beats up innocent child'.

BUT he should learn from this in the future to realize everyone is watching and the kids got all the power in this situation, live and you learn Eden.
The 17 year old ballboy is the son of Swansea City director Martin Morgan, and boasted on his twitter before the game that he would be stationed behind the goal and would be needed for time wasting...
The 17 year old ballboy is the son of Swansea City director Martin Morgan, and boasted on his twitter before the game that he would be stationed behind the goal and would be needed for time wasting...

Well that makes it okay then. Everyone knows if a ball boy is engaged in time wasting you're allowed to kick them.

The 17 year old ballboy is the son of Swansea City director Martin Morgan, and boasted on his twitter before the game that he would be stationed behind the goal and would be needed for time wasting...

The kid does appear to be a total twat so in some way I have no problem with what Hazard did. At the same time, it is poor judgment on his end no matter which way you twist it. Responsibilities of being the adult ya da ya da...
The embarrassment in Hazard face is enough. These were moment of emotional acts that ' s being amplified . If that was my son I would smack him around then find a proper lawyer. :COAT:
He should've just left it to the ref's to take care of...a really stupid in-the-moment act that will probably be overlooked by the fa. Not that i feel it shouldn't be punished, it is never right to attack a kid no matter how much of a twat the kid is, but i just have a feeling the simple ban from the red card is all that Hazard will be getting

Soccernet has the whole incident on video and when the analysts were talking about it, they had a few funny tweets from people about it...
In other news: Liverpool was so impressed with the kid's acting chops that they have offered the kid a position as a stand-in for Suarez. Brendan Rodgers said that: "..the lad impressed us all in his game against Chelsea. After his tweet we knew we were in for a treat. We weren't disappointed. After seeing him cringe, cry and roll around like a lil bitch we knew we had to sign him up ASAP"


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Hazard was out of order and deserves a lengthy ban.

Let the ref deal with time wasting.

Everyone with half a brain cell knows that ball-boys are told to time-waste, ffs, Craig Burley just commented on this morning that he was told to do Chelsea!

The ball-boy was out of order, but Hazard intentionally kicked him to release the ball, he wasn't trying to kick the ball from underneath him. Not a huge whack, but a hard enough kick from the boot toe would be nice.

The kid was a dick, there is an epidemic of lairy kids in Britain that have no respect for anybody or anything and a kick up the arse would do them no harm.

But saying that Hazard should know better.
What Hazard did is basically not done.
But let's not get hysterical. Maybe people should read Laudrup's reaction. It shows that he's an intelligent and sensible person.

This incident reminds me about the Cantona incident. At the time i was a big Man Utd fan and i loved Cantona. I also like Hazard, i know his father (played football with him) so i'm biased. But what the hell, everybody is biased.

I have the same reaction as with Cantona. This shows that hese players as a player and as a human being have a touch of genius. The reaction about not hurting 'a child' is bullshit. A 17 year old is not a child. The kid had tweeted befor the match that he would help winning time, so what he did was deliberate. Both Hazard and the kid apologized to each other. Hazard will have a deserved ban and that should be it...

Hazard has no past as an unfair player or a crook. I know that his parents let him go to Lille because Lille was the one club where football was not the most important thing in the kids life. Hazard and his brothers had good school results and are not typical football players in their reactions (while they are not like Kompany either).

He made a mistake, but it's not the end of the world. I have a feeling that the problem between Hazard and his victim is already solved.
Yes I think it was blown out of proportion quite a bit, it sounds like both parties did the right thing in the end from what I read and it was settled amicably.
The ball boy is apparently going to be 18 in two months time, seems a strange age to be a ball boy. Luke Shaw, Southampton's left back who has played 14 games for them this season, is younger than the ball boy.
The reaction about not hurting 'a child' is bullshit. A 17 year old is not a child. The kid had tweeted befor the match that he would help winning time, so what he did was deliberate.

Nah not having that mate, yes he was 17, but I would never have taken him to be anywhere near that age, looked very very young and this c**t took it upon himself to give him an intentional kick, sorry he was prepared to kick a kid, regardless of the age, he never asked him his age before booting him.

And as I've already said every club does it, actually an ex-Chelsea player who was a ball-boy was told to do it at the club and Glenn Hoddle even mentioned it too after the game. Anyone who thinks otherwise, is pretty thick if you ask me.

Yes the ball boy was way over the top with the time wasting but there's a ref to deal with that.

He was laughing with Mata about it, no time for him now.

The fact that the 'kid' and his dad are not pressing charges and both apologised to each other afterwards says a lot. It shows it wasn't as bad as people are suggesting.

It isn't just kicking a kid, there are lots of other factors to take into account and I for one don't think it is all that bad in the cold light of day.
To be fair if you can see the whole clip, Hazard knocked the kid onto the ball. Kid was taking his time picking it up though.

Saw the full 3 minute clip now.

Hazard lost it in the moment and deserves a ban.

As for the kid, he's a REAL f'n cunt! You could tell he's a real piece of work! First taking his sweet time when a BALL boy's ONLY job is to throw the ball quickly back into play, and then with the spotlight on him as he had previously planned, he put on a real Oscar-worthy performance.

The acting, the time-wasting and and just being a huge douche probably because of who his dad is (Too old to be a ball boy anyway), despicable. I'm with Bobby and Gerd. There are a lot of kids like that and Hazard ain't a bad guy. Just a dude who lost it in the heat of the moment, he's still young and learning. and while we shouldn't kick idiots like that kid, one can definitely be tempted. :P
What Hazard did is basically not done.
But let's not get hysterical. Maybe people should read Laudrup's reaction. It shows that he's an intelligent and sensible person.

This incident reminds me about the Cantona incident. At the time i was a big Man Utd fan and i loved Cantona. I also like Hazard, i know his father (played football with him) so i'm biased. But what the hell, everybody is biased.

I have the same reaction as with Cantona. This shows that hese players as a player and as a human being have a touch of genius. The reaction about not hurting 'a child' is bullshit. A 17 year old is not a child. The kid had tweeted befor the match that he would help winning time, so what he did was deliberate. Both Hazard and the kid apologized to each other. Hazard will have a deserved ban and that should be it...

Hazard has no past as an unfair player or a crook. I know that his parents let him go to Lille because Lille was the one club where football was not the most important thing in the kids life. Hazard and his brothers had good school results and are not typical football players in their reactions (while they are not like Kompany either).

He made a mistake, but it's not the end of the world. I have a feeling that the problem between Hazard and his victim is already solved.

Gerd, thank you.

Very proper and sensible post here. When I see some of the fans of other teams baying for Hazard's blood and the media going into overdrive, it just sickens me. What Hazard did cannot even be compared to Cantona or other blatant acts of violence. Hazard tried to kick the ball out of his hands, He did NOT try to injure the guy or attack him.

Yes, both the ballboy and Hazard made mistakes.

But listen to this, they both apologised to each other. The ballboy is not going to press charges, nothing will happen. There is no need for a FA enquiry or Police investigation.

Hazard should get his 3 match ban for the Red Card, end of story. Nothing more, nothing less.
Ridiculous FA, now they are charging Eden Hazard with violent conduct. I think a red card was the maximum punishment with a 3 game ban. Now they want to extend that punishment.

I can understand if he had actually tried to hurt the ballboy, but in this case he was just trying to get the ball back. Yes he made a mistake, but to say it requires more than a 3-game ban is a joke.
I think a 3 game ban is fine. Anything less than that I'd be annoyed with because the FA did ban Rooney for that cursing. Which, while we must think of the children, is surely less serious than kicking one.
This is not about Rooney. This is about a player who received a red card and should be left alone. Hazard did not kick a kid like you are ridiculously implying beach.

1 he was a 17 year old who before the match had made his intentions clear
2 Hazard made a toe poke and never touched the kid when he did that, he had the ball
3 before that Hazard pushed the balladolescent and that is why he deserved his red card.

Of course you will not accept this from me, but look at the reactions of the football world, even the president of Swansea has declared that a red card is enough. Oh and Rio Ferdinand also defended Hazard. If Hazard would have played for any other club you would have defended him.

And the fact that the police will investigate this because 3 idiots made a complaint against Hazard is outrageous. But apparently this is the law in the United Kingdom.
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