Champions League 2012/13

I think Arsenal might want to change the Bergkamp statue then :P

Guys, it's simple.

1) This was definitely a bad call by the ref and unfortunately one that ruined a great spectacle for United fans as well as us neutrals. It was a competitive game until then, but you can't make such a big decision that is likely to seriously alter the outcome of the game unless you're absolutely certain.

I personally don't care as there are 2 more CL games to enjoy today :P and 2 more next week but I feel it for friends who are United fans and they have the right to be aggravated.

2) It's most DEFINITELY a Yellow-card! Can't see how people are making NAni sound like an innocent little boy trying to control the ball. Thank god he doesn't go around trying to control the ball like that all the time or a LOT of people would pick up serious injuries. Intentional or not (and I personally think he knew he's gonna get there a bit late) and was excited about United's 1-0 lead), it WAS dangerous play, it DID hurt the opponent and it could have been much worse. Big difference between what Bergkamp is doing above and what Nani did last night.

The ref should have given him a yellow for dangerous play and that's that.

I'm with Milanista, TsO and numerous others who think this is not AS horrible a decision as some United fans and English media wanted to portray. It was a yellow card but never a red.

Mourinho thought it was a job interview rather than match interview :D

Hahaha yeah I was thinking the same thing. :LOL:

Funny how a guy who usually has no class, is super arrogrant and will blame anyone and anything but himself and his players (almost always moaning about the referees too), was suddenly so humble and respectful..... something is in the works and I wouldn't be surprised to see him at the Old Trafford dugout in the next few years.
Regardless of his intentions, that foul could have seriously injured Arbeloa, luckily it didn't, but the fact that there's the potential risk of something like that happening, then IT IS serious foul play. Thus, a red card was justified in my opinion. Just imagine if Nani hit Arbeloa's upper thigh, he could have tore and/or end his career.

you could have done the same thing on a perfectly legal slide tackle, header, and the like. Players bump heads ALL THE TIME GOING FOR THE BALL AND THEY NEVER GET RED CARDED UNLESS THEY USE THERE ELBOWS!!!!
I think most Man Utd fans are trying to say that it is a yellow card as it was dangerous, but not a red.

I don't mind losing to Real, I am just not happy to have lost in such a manner. 11 v. 11, that'd be fine...we played well, and still lost, then applause to the opponent. But that red card changed the whole game (tactic-wise) and got Alonso free and Real's offense connected quickly right after.

That's all I have to say about the incident...let's all move on. More exciting CL games coming up!!!
Thomas what about my example a couple of posts earlier, please do me a favour and tell me what you would do ?
Basically what i said was that an attacking player shooting at goal can also injure a defending player. And then there is your Laslandes example, if i'm not mistaken Laslandes never got a red card....there is a big difference between disallowing a goal and a red card (if he did get a red card: then i apologize to you).

PLF, i agree with you that the Man Utd are exagerating, but you do minimalize it a litle bit. The difference between a yellow and red card is player. The match totally changed after that. Man Utd easily was the best team (even Mourinho himself admitted that).

PS: what ronaldinho 23 is to Barcelona is this jihado fellow to Real Madrid. I'm getting a litle bit tired about these clowns. They should only post on fan forums.
Nani wasn't the clevest guy there... the fact that he was clearly faking an injury perhaps made the ref think he did it on purpose..
Nani wasn't the clevest guy there... the fact that he was clearly faking an injury perhaps made the ref think he did it on purpose..

Yeah, on hindsight I'd of liked the ref to hvae yellow-carded Nani twice - once for the incident, once for simulation.

Then again, we were playing Madrid. Their goal keeper went down when touched (when they were winning) and need 3 minutes of 'treatment' towards the end, but was fine to make a gorgeous save a split second later.

And they have Ramos, who should start every game on a yellow because you damn well know he's done something to deserve it the ref has missed.
PLF, i agree with you that the Man Utd are exagerating, but you do minimalize it a litle bit. The difference between a yellow and red card is player. The match totally changed after that.

But that's what I said. Go read my post above again.

I said it was never a red card and that's why the referee messed up big time and Man Utd fans have the right be aggravated. Because he changed the game with his dumb decision.

I was simply saying that I also strongly disagree with people who say it wasn't even a yellow card or a foul because they are also wrong. And in that sense I agree with Milanista and The Special One because they too thought it was a definite yellow card and not the WORST decision we've ever seen.

It was definitely a yellow but not a red and that's why Man Utd were victims last night. They played very well in first half and unfortunately because of the referees' mistake, now we'll never know what would have happened 11 vs. 11 :(

PS: what ronaldinho 23 is to Barcelona is this jihado fellow to Real Madrid.


Hahah I fully agree.

The funny part? Those two probably hates each other's guts! :D
Thomas what about my example a couple of posts earlier, please do me a favour and tell me what you would do ?
Basically what i said was that an attacking player shooting at goal can also injure a defending player. And then there is your Laslandes example, if i'm not mistaken Laslandes never got a red card....there is a big difference between disallowing a goal and a red card (if he did get a red card: then i apologize to you).
I see your posts gerd, you speak about "not intentional" but i repeat isn't the problem, you can break leg involuntarily (look about Clement this week-end, Valentin Eysseric are shocked and cry after the game, you think it's intentional ?), the referee is there for the safety of players too.

About Laslande, it's just a different exemple of "dangerous game" we call that "jeu dangereux" in France.
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I think the Eysseric - Clément incident is a bit different to the Nani - Arbeloa one. Eysseric goes over the top of the ball and hit's Clément's standing leg, all the weight of Clément is on this foot so such a tackle is highly dangerous. Also it was a pretty late tackle, the ball had long gone, Clément was receiving a simple slow pass from a team mate and was always going to get the ball before Eysseric - he had actually played a pass away before he was tackled, whereas last nights incident was from a mis-hit Evra clearance and it was 50:50 as to which player would get it first.

Here is the French one (dont click if you are squeamish) :
YouTube - Horrible tacle sur la cheville de Clément [ASSE-OGCN]
Manu 1-0 Gala this a first game of group. 2 penalty wasnt whistle for Gala and we deserved hall game but... Manu fans didint say anything that decision because they have familiar that same decision league or Cl.
That was a red card I think, because Injury can occur.
Manu 1-0 Gala this a first game of group. 2 penalty wasnt whistle for Gala and we deserved hall game but... Manu fans didint say anything that decision because they have familiar that same decision league or Cl.
That was a red card I think, because Injury can occur.

Yep, pretty much only those few Man United fans saying it wasn't a red card.

I cant figure out that Kedira pic but that de jong ones should be red card all day long (big wrong from webb to only show a yellow there) all tho Nani's one wasnt as bad as that one!

I see your posts gerd, you speak about "not intentional" but i repeat isn't the problem, you can break leg involuntarily (look about Clement this week-end, Valentin Eysseric are shocked and cry after the game, you think it's intentional ?), the referee is there for the safety of players too.

About Laslande, it's just a different exemple of "dangerous game" we call hat "jeu dangereux" in France.

im agree with you , it could be really bad even if player have "not intentional" so ref is there to protect players , that can easy go on with just a yellow , and honestly I was thinking it will be yellow and was telling my friends "evra is going to be put , his 2nd yellow" for some reasons i didn't figure out it was Nani :LOL:

anyway if he give yellow and match finish 1-0 than will be real madrid fans blaming to ref for that higuain goal , rafael "handball" and than this Nani incident they will tell it should be a red card !

maybe ref was trying to balance his wrongs i guess :)

at the end lets move on and enjoy this CL who is so interesting with BVB still in and hoping they get it this year , all tho bayern are strongest team so far in this competition !
Not serious foul play at all and not even worthy of a yellow card really. Nani was only attempting to bring the football under control and into his possession, which he has every the right to do. Those of us who have played football at any level at all have tried to control the ball like that on numerous occasions. Incredibly poor decision by the ref in such a big game.
wow, 2 pages in less than 1 day!.... and all about the refereeing!? either u guys really dig this topic of conversation (personally i find discussions about refereeing quite boring) or u have way too much free time (in wich case i hate u all :P ).

anyway, for what it's worth, i share sina's, stefano's and andre's opinion on the topic. the ref messed up big time, wich is a shame, as it clearely had an impact on the flow of the game, but what u gonna do, mistakes are bound to happen on the pitch. of course it sucks when u're on the wrong side of history, but that's how this game has always been. for better or for worse, this is the nature of this game.
and yeah, even though a red card was waay out of line, a yellow card was in order.

what really pisses me off is the fact that both games i really wanted to watch were played yesterday, while tonite's matchups probably won't be as interesting to watch. the juve-celtic game is gonna be a borefest. juve is gonna play in cruise control mode and apparently many players will be rested (marchisio, vidal, lichtsteiner, chiellini, vucinic). i could actually see celtic winning this one (although that most likely won't change the final outcome of this double matchup).... what do u say Sina, is it worth a wager? :))

oh, and btw, i know i'm getting repetitive, but man, how about that varane kid! just wow! i haven't been this excited about a young cb since barzagli was a kid.
actually Thomas, i have a question for u: is it true that rafael played as a midfielder when he was at lens youth team? coz that's what the italian tv commentator said yesterday, but i find it quite confusing. i mean someone MUST have taught this kid the fundamentals of man marking (someone very good at it, i might add), and young midfielders usually aren't educated in man marking (hell not even young defenders are educated in man marking today!).
yesterday, as i was watching the game, i told my friend "u know, if i were a club owner, right now i would be calling my team director and i would urge him to find the defenders' teacher at lens youth team and sign him immediately". i just finished the sentence when the man on tv said raphael was trained to be a midfielder.... that doesn't make sense!
German newsportal Sport1 reports there was a 18 year-old ManU fan who called the police after the red card given to Nani and tried to convince them that the ref did a crime there. :LOL:

My point in shortened form: BVB deserved to go through, ManU had no luck(this shouldn't have been a red card for Nani as he has no intentions to tackle anyone - although this acting lesson was completely out of place there) and Real were simply more effective in front of the goal.
Wow, and he's still a 'top' Ref? That's utterly ridiculous.

Also, means he's sent off 6 UK/Irish players in the last 3 years now!

We dont like him from our national league. Because he didint any good performance in this league. Every time he took red card or yellow card his hand. :):)

I was bet for United game against Madrid, 1 player or much will sent off and I won good price. :):)
Let's not forget that Arbeloa did get hurt, and that didn't brush his arm like we're saying, just saw this and it was kinda of a wake up call, maybe the ref is indeed right and it's was worthy of a red card. Just look at his ribs!
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