Celtic Thread


We got the same "they're all paranoid" crap back then when the story first broke. Same thing went for when Cadete scored that goal at Ibrox and it got wrongly chopped off for offside - later came out that said linesman was a former season-ticket holder at Ibrox.

I don't get why it's any different now.
I'm a little more concerned about the refs and their subords. rather than the hiearchy at the SFA.

It does seem funny that Rangers fans sporting flags have made some glaring errors in games.

Guess I'm getting a little suspicious here, but it takes 2 days to get the Whistle blower update on the Aberdeen v Rangers game, but still nothing about the OF game....................getting story's right and all that come to mind.

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we will never hear any rangers fan say that refs favour them, or that SFA are anti Celtic or that they get an easy ride from the medial. Its the 3Ds syndrome that they have, Denial, Deflection and Deluded.

As Martin O'Neil said last season after hearing about the Andy Davis carry on: "We have to be so much better than everyone else to win". We all know what he meant.

It wasn't long ago that there was an investigation into the referees in Germany. It can happen anywhere and we would be extremely naive if we were to think that it couldn't possibly happen here.

People in Scotland seem to think that as soon as these guys become refs then they become saints and can do no wrong. It makes me sick.
Pfft I'll wait to see how they get on before I'm 'comforted', the second leg showed just how much better we are than them when we don't go into a game thinking we have a devine right to win.

Any decent mob should cuff Artmedia, but I hope they do well just to shut certain folk up.
Aliadiere gone back to Arsenal.

Message on the official website reads:

JEREMIE Aliadiere has decided to return south after a short loan spell at Celtic. The French striker had joined the club on loan from Arsenal.

A Celtic spokesperson said: "Unfortunately, things didn't work out in a football sense for Jeremie and he wanted to return to England. Everyone at Celtic wishes him all the best for the future."

He made two sub appearances, in both legs against Artmedia. Apparently he's now off to West Ham for the rest of the year. Either someone at the club made a big mistake here or he spat the dummy out (I had heard that he has been absolute gash in training and that's why he's not been let near the first team). Either way, at least they've recognised it was a problem and got shot of him early doors instead of letting him pick up a wage for a year.

I think I already know what Frank's view on this will be. ;)
Yep, most definetley you will, that deal has cost us close on £125,000+ a week, must be one of the most costly deals in world football. Heads should roll, starting with GS for this and then onto that bungling board. Bizarre from the 1st minute to the last.

Oh, and I think Artmedia could be drawn against Rangers, although I'll say Thun, no way will they get one of the hard teams. I'll say their group will be :- Liverpool, Panathinakos and Thun.

The Aliadiere deal won't have cost that much I don't think, West Ham have essentially loaned him from us and not Arsenal as we hold the player's registration till the end of the season, so West Ham will be paying Celtic whatever Celtic were to pay Arsenal.

The only write-offs would be how much we've paid the player in wages so far, which I don't think will be all that much considering he's not really ever been a first-teamer since leaving France.

As for Rangers, will be watching the draw with interest. I hope they get Artmedia but more than anything I'd love to see them get drawn with Barcelona and see Henke stick one home! :mrgreen:
I'm not so sure about the West Ham, I got a feeling we just want to save on his wages and we've lost 500k which is a shambles if so.

Yep, would love to see them draw Barca, Lyon, Juve or Villareal and Betis.

I do wish we where there though, although on one hand whilst it would be good bringing in the money and playing big games, I would also be a bit fearful of what would happen to us. This is the only good thing about Rangers being there, I honestly think they'll get horsed big time.

On the Aliadierre situation, all we have lost is his wages. West Ham pay us the loan fee that we paid Arsenal. I heard his attitude was all wrong and he took the huff when we got put out of Europe. Good riddance if that is the case. Strachan must think that Maloney and Beattie are better.

What we need is 2 defenders and at least one midfielder(right sided).

As for the huns, it doesn't matter who they get, they will get hammered. :mrgreen:
He's been in the press already having a go at Strachan.

"My mind was made up against Rangers on Saturday," said Aliadiere. "I’m upset I never got the chance to show why I signed.

"I was on the bench again and Adam Virgo was given a chance for the final few minutes.

"That’s when I thought, ’The manager is just taking the p*** out of me.’

"I’m now looking forward to life at West Ham and the chance to play first-team football."

This to me just confirms he had an attitude problem, which is what I've been hearing for weeks anyway as have other fans (look NTT's post). If he was good enough in training he'd be given a chance, why would GS not do so, it was purely his decision to chase the player in the first place? Looks to me like he was pissed at not getting a game and instead of knuckling down and working harder he's taken the huff.
totally agree mate. We are better off without him. Strachan should be praised for having the balls to ditch his first signing(Camara was O'Neil's IMO).

With regards to Aliadiere's quote about Strachan, if he couldn't see why Strachan put Virgo on instead of him then he hasn't got much of a football brain if you ask me. Hartson was off and we needed a big striker for the last few minutes so we could launch the ball into the box. Unfortunately it didn't work out.

Our team for Sunday is going to be interesting. It could be a team without any of MON signings if Balde goes and Hartson is injured.

Changed days indeed.
Fuck, don't say Hartson is injured, that's all we need.

As for the Aliadiere thing, supposedly Celtic would check out the background and stuff of players, so they obviously failed in all parts. And about training I heard that some senior players had already confronted GS about the new regime. although I did hear a worrying thing that he was going to the likes of Sutton and Thompson (of all people) about situation within the club.

The senior players have a cheek to complain about training after the shite we've had to watch for the past year.

BTW this Champions League draw is pish when we're not in it. :(
dirty jammy hun b******s. Why coouldn't they have got a hard group and predictably they get Artmedia. :(
Yep, they're dirty jammy cunts. We've been hit with the likes of Bayern and Lyon and Anderlecht then Barca, Milan and Shakthar and they get that group.

I did know for a fact that they'd get the weakest of all the groups and I think that's what's happened.

The good thing is that Porto, Inter and Artmedia will think its an easy group as well. :lol:
NakamuraTheTim said:
I totally respect your opinion mate but unless you live or have lived in Scotland(especially the West Coast) its hard to understand what actually goes on here. In my opinion our game is corrupt.

A few years ago Fergus McCann our previous owner exposed the then Head of the SFA Jim Farry for blatant corruption. Farry deliberately held up Jorge Cadette's registration so that he would miss our game against the huns. This was proven and Farry lost his job. This incident says it all about Scottish football.

We also have the debacle at Tynecastle last season where Rangers were awarded a last minute penalty by the linesman. The ref Hugh Dallas awarded a goal kick but he listened to a well known Rangers supporter who was running the line and Rangers win the game 2-1. It was one of the worst penalty decisions of all time. It has to be seen to be believed.

This may seem paranoid to some but its what I believe and I just hope someday Celtic can get out of Scotland and leave all this pish behind including Rangers. We don't need them and the quicker we get rid of the 'Old Firm' tag the better.

I live in the G8 area is that west of scotland enough for u
RuneEdge said:
Are teams allowed to leave their league? And has it ever happened in the past?

It depends. Gretna moved from the UniBond Premier League to the Scottish Third Division in 2002. Hardly moving to the Premiership though.
It was a cert Rangers were gonna get an "easy" group. This is not Celtic paranoia, its just I know they are lucky bastards!!

As for the OF game, the ref was a disgrace. Compared to the OF games from a few years ago, it was all handbags. Thompsons tackle was "bad" but it deserved a yellow considering it was so early in the game. Its how blatantly one sided some of the decisions are that get on my nerves. Ferguson was up to all sorts of niggly fouls yet not a warning from the ref, while Lennon doesn't actually do anything wrong (In my opinion) throughout the game, yet he gets a final warning from the ref, and then a red card at the end of the match for telling him he "ruined the fucking game"!! Considering this ref got reprimanded himself last year for swearing at a player, makes it all the more unbelievable.

As for the future, the more I hear from Strachan the less confident I am. I don't know exactly what it is!! When I first heard he got the job I was not too happy. After hearing his initial press conference I thought "give him a chance"....but now he just seems a little bewildered by it all. And his comedy routine does not go down to well after being knocked out of Europe and beat by the 12 man huns (although he can be a funny wee bastard at times, but when I am pissed off after a CL or OF game, I don't want to hear jokes :roll: )

Things need to improve drastically, with regards to the squad. Although Camara was alright against Rangers, I don't think he is the long term or should be 1st choice left back. With regards to the centre backs, we look weak. So far this season we have had Balde, Varga and McManus!! Not good enough for me. We have no wide right midfielder, and Lennon position will be taken by young Lawson or an increasingly injury prone Sutton.

We do have young players in the reserves who could do a job. Lawson has already been mentioned for Lennons position, while O'Dea and Cuthbert could do a job at the back. Ferry is also an outstanding prospect in the youth ranks, although unfortunately I think his 1st team opportunity will be some way off. We also have the Icelandic hippies!! Bjarnasson and Finbogasson, 2 more potentially excellent players.

So we do have some reason to be hopeful with the youth setup, but for the here and now, I feel we have some excellent footballers (Nakamura and Petrov) mixed in with some almost past it players (Lennon and Thompson) to some players I wish we had never signed (Telfer and Camara)....why we didn't hold on to Laursen and McNamara continues to baffle me, as IMO they were much better footballers than our 2 new fullbacks. If we can get a couple of decent players in before the deadline then we may still have a successful season, because this current Rangers team is shite too.

So thats my rather long winded feelings at the minute!! I don't post much over here, but I like to pop in every now and again to see how the Evo bhoys are getting on. I'll leave you's with one last thing....no matter how bad it gets this season it could be an awful lot worse.....you could be a hun. Goodnight!!

Hail Hail!!

(Zurawski 5, 73, Hartson 10, Nakamura 57,)

Never got to see the game will prob see highlights later but it is nice to see Zurawski open his account and Nakamura scoring as well lets hope this is the signs of things to come but still seem nervous in defence from what ive been hearing.
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