Celtic Thread

Right going way back I would love Jimmy Floyd coming to Parkhead, he'd be amazing I think up here.........he's top quality and for me still Chelsea's best striker.

As for Moncs, I wouldn't be bothered about Man Utd nicking Miller from us in other circumstances, but it's the fact he was injured for so long and then after a few games he's off. Moncs, get your head out your arse, it's not about Miller leaving us for Man Utd, it's his loyalty. Derek Johnstone said some daft arse comment on the radio about being a plummer and getting a great offer from the best Plummer around there would be no option but to accept. The point is if he got a dodgy injury that kept him off work for ages and his gaffer said he'd keep his job open for him till he got back then when he came back and did well and his boss offered him a good wage, if it was you would you walk out and join this other better company? It's about loyalty and what kind of person you are in my book. The players you mentioned played enough for their teams , whilst this player didn't offer anything to his club whilst getting paid £1.5k per week.

I've heard Larsson said no to Newcastle because he's already signed with another club. Is this just nonsense?

FD, Jimmy had a good game yesterday. Maybe there is life in the old dog yet!
That is supposedly what Bobby Robson said. However Larsson is quoted this morning as saying:

"I don't say no to The Premiership any more,"

"It's an interesting league with many fine clubs and if an interesting offer comes in I'll have to think about it seriously and talk it over with my family."

"I won't be moving to just any side in the Spain," he added. "It must be really tempting and a place where my family can feel good."

"I've had the opportunity to earn big money at Celtic and if I play another year in European football I'll have the same ambitions as before to win titles."

"Inside I'm still suffering from our Uefa Cup final defeat."

So it doesn't look like he knows himself yet. Barcelona are making noises about how they are after a striker, and they mentioned Larsson's name as well so I don't think things have been decided.
It won't be Barcelona, supposedly they said he was too old and not a big enough name, said he'd be on too big a wage for a player who might not feature every week in the team.

TB - Jimmy is class, funnily enough my bro keeps saying he's the man to replace Larsson, although he's older than him I think. I still think he's class in a glass. Natural goalscorer and Chelsea's best goal getter for me.

Barcelona make me laugh. With opinions like that, no wonder they are in the shit.

Jimmy isn't the player he used to be but he would still get goals for you. I don't think he's our best striker, most of his goals this season have been laid on a plate for him.
Barcelona denied rumours they were going for Larsson around 2 years ago, they said that then (he's too old, we're building a young team, etc). I haven't heard that this time around although they do seem a club that goes from one idiotic decision to another.

"I was visiting a friend and watched the football news on Sky Sports," Larsson told Expressen. "Under the pictures, the captions showed the sports news.

"When I saw Sir Bobby's declarations that I had signed for another club, I was stunned.

"Neither I nor my agent have, at any point, talked to Newcastle United.

"It is strange that somebody else knows more about my future than myself."

Spanish giants Barcelona were rumoured to be leading the chase to land Larsson when the hit-man ends his seven-year association with Celtic at the end of the campaign.

But Larsson is adamant that he is yet to commence negotiations with any clubs regarding a possible deal for next season.

He added: "We have not negotiated with any club.

"I do not know where I will play next season. That is the truth."

Bobby needs to go pack on his pills :).
:D Yesssssssssssssssss!!! And I just heard on the radio that West Ham might be interested in Rab Douglas, fooking hell how much luck can we get in one month.................thank fuck for this Transfer Window.

Sorry have to have a right go at Hearts 'FC' and the officiating at yesterday's game.

I think the officiating was desperate throughout. Sutton was penalised for a foul on Pressley in the first half, and then Pressley swung an elbow at him. Replay after replay showed it and the two f**kers commentating refused to point it out either, yet wasted no time doing so when Lennon was supposedly doing the same thing while lying on the ground later - without the aid of replays I add.

The one that really got me was when it was 0-0, we had a throw-in and as Agathe went to take it quickly to catch their left-back out of position (he was behind the play, and Agathe), said left-back punched the ball out of Agathe's hands from behind so he could get back into play. Absolutely no mention from either diddy behind the mike or from the referee.

And a certain paper this morning led with Hearts moaning over Hartson allegedly elbowing someone, and had a wee corner about Douglas being hit on the head with a coin. It also mentioned in very small print Sutton was struck on the head with a coin, and said "28 fans" were ejected from the ground. It neglected to mention they were all Hearts fans.

Jim Traynor then praises the Tynecastle atmosphere? What so when the OF do it it's bigots and racists and when Hearts do it it's just atmosphere? F**k off you fat wanker.

The abuse Agathe got was a disgrace as well.

Get it right up ye ya shower of bastarts, there, that made me feel better ;).
ClassicD said:
And a certain paper this morning led with Hearts moaning over Hartson allegedly elbowing someone, and had a wee corner about Douglas being hit on the head with a coin. It also mentioned in very small print Sutton was struck on the head with a coin, and said "28 fans" were ejected from the ground. It neglected to mention they were all Hearts fans.

That certain paper also had a big picture on the inside of Rab and a magnified pixel which later turned out to be a coin and the full story so it's not all Celtic hating.

To be honest, I don't know why I'm sticking up for "The Scottish Sun" because I hate it, but I feel I have a point.

I agree that Jim Traynor is a wank. His arse should stop writing his columns in the papers.
I'm not talking about the Sun m8, the Record is what I'm on about. Had it been a Celtic/Rangers fan throwing the coin it would have been the main story on the FRONT page, it wasn't even the main story on the back.
ClassicD said:
I'm not talking about the Sun m8, the Record is what I'm on about. Had it been a Celtic/Rangers fan throwing the coin it would have been the main story on the FRONT page, it wasn't even the main story on the back.

I haven't read the Record yet. Though the Sun also lead with the same story about Hartson's elbow on the back page.
Yep the Daily Ranger at it again, it was all about how Hartson should've been off and how Craig Gordon was alledgedly spat at. :eh:

Anyone seen the latest rumour about Henke's replacement? Supposedly been down checking on Ricardo Fuller seemingly watched him twice now. Can't make my mind up about him, though he is having a cracking season.
I wouldn't actually mind him, funnily enough a few of us where speaking about him and De Vries as possibles and would do a decent job. Think they may look for around £2-£3 million which Celtic will probably not spend, De Vries would cost only around £500k-£1m.

I would punt Hartson for £4m if anyone offered it and then spend as Frank says a small portion of that on de Vries, Hearts don't have much say in the matter as they're in a mess anyway.

Hartson for me just does not work hard enough, he's ALWAYS unfit (with the exception of late last season when he looked better), and tbh for a professional footballer to be in that state is a disgrace. People keep saying he's one of these players who needs a lot of games to get fit - why? I'll tell you why, because he doesn't work hard, and therefore takes a lot longer to burn off fat.

btw I like Hartson but I would bite your hand off it you offered £4m for him. It does my nut in to see Henrik bust his gut to press opposition CB's and then they switch it to their other CB and Hartson is standing 15 yards away, picking his nose and eating it.
Hartson is still a great finisher and although he doesn't do a power of running he's always there or thereabouts in the goal area.

MO is supposedly saying that Fernandez and Petta are still in his plans, however maybe David does have a future but I have more of a chance playing in the first team than Petta does.

Yeah can't see us spending that kind of money on Fuller but you never know. We will definately need to look at the £2m+ bracket. Don't think many will settle for Mark De Vries.
LOL u have to laugh at Hartson, I DID NOT TOUCH HIM!!!
After all he had no video evidence.... now I wonder what he will say
now, now there is conclusive proof that he DID elbow Webster.

Mind you, I will killing myself laughing at Pond Life O'Niells comment on
the tims website..

Said O’Neill: “John Hartson has been accused of elbowing Andy Webster in the face; on the first viewing of the tape I can see why that looks to be the case.

“However, if you take it frame by frame you will find that the arm supposed to have done the damage, and which has been highlighted by national television, does not actually belong to John Hartson.

LOL Whos arm was it then?? oh sorry I know Webster must have elbowed himself, after all one of O'Neills angels would never do a bad thing like that!! PRI*K
Some people get their payback and thankfully Webster got his, pity it wasn't serious and put him out of action for a while, unlike his horror tackle on Agathe...............maybe next time. :D

Still haven't seen it but by all accounts Hartson did him a good un.

Feck Hearts, listen to this pish from their head of security:

"I know his identity. He was spotted by one steward doing it and was arrested. But Scottish law requires corroboration and there was no corrobation forthcoming and the police had to release him without charge. But I have his particulars and will be carrying out my own internal inquiry and I am hoping people in that area who also saw it will come forward. People might call it snitching on your mates but he is not a Hearts supporter as far as I am concerned. He is not a season ticket holder he just bought a ticket for this match. I am appealing for Hearts fans to come forward because they have in the past. Hearts fans are very good at identifying troublemakers to us. I will interview him in the near future.''

So they know who he is, they have an steward who's an eyewitness, and they still won't take action? Celtic revoked the season ticket of the spitter within hours of finding out - GTF.

I hate Hearts, feck I hate a few more in the SPL too: Jimmy Calderwood never stops bouncing, wee shite that he is. Bobby Williamson has yet to take a defeat by us without blaming it on the referee, he is probably on a par with Jim Jeffries as the biggest greetin-faced bastard on earth.
fd1972uk said:
Some people get their payback and thankfully Webster got his, pity it wasn't serious and put him out of action for a while, unlike his horror tackle on Agathe...............maybe next time. :D


I agree that Websters tackle on Agathe was a bad one, but unlike Hartson is was a deliberate assult, and for once in my life Celtic were awarded a penalty when indeed there was contact unlike the 99% of penalties they normally get.

As for the coin thrower, again I agree its a disgrace and he should be banned from Tynie and charged with assult, but for celtic fans to comment on fans behaving badly is the pot calling the kettle black.
They are indeed without doubt the worst fans in the SPL, not only for the vile they sing week in week out but for the minority of fans they have intent on causing trouble
:mrgreen: LOL.....................the vile they sing? You only accept the Rangers songs because you both go hand in hand, can remember being called a fenian bastard by a Hearts supporter with a Union Jack.......... :eh:

I did not say we don't have arseholes who follow Hearts, every team does m8, but what Im saying is most Celtic fans portray themselves to be whiter than white.

Anyway, Hartson's still an animal and should be fined/banned/hung drawn and quatered. :shock:
Watched the Hartson one frame by frame, can say I'm pretty sure he did him one, I think MON is kidding himself on.

What penalty, we had two stonewall handballs turned down? :eh:

Yes there is a section of fans who sing pro-IRA songs, and most tend to be those that also go to away games. What about the absolute muck being shouted everytime Agathe and Balde had the ball?

Do you remember when Hugh Dallas was hit with a coin at CP? For months, the papers turned it into a scud missile attack (feck I'd better watch myself here, IRA and missiles in the same post ;)). The two incidents at Tynecastle on Sunday have been swept under the carpet as if they never happened, despite a Hearts steward being an eye-witness FFS.

Hearts are scum.
ClassicD said:
Watched the Hartson one frame by frame, can say I'm pretty sure he did him one, I think MON is kidding himself on.

What penalty, we had two stonewall handballs turned down? :eh:

Yes there is a section of fans who sing pro-IRA songs, and most tend to be those that also go to away games. What about the absolute muck being shouted everytime Agathe and Balde had the ball?

Do you remember when Hugh Dallas was hit with a coin at CP? For months, the papers turned it into a scud missile attack (feck I'd better watch myself here, IRA and missiles in the same post ;)). The two incidents at Tynecastle on Sunday have been swept under the carpet as if they never happened, despite a Hearts steward being an eye-witness FFS.

Hearts are scum.

At least we agree on one thing, O'Neill is as usuak talking a load of sh**e, to say it was not Hartsons arm that hit Webster is a complete joke
and at the end of the day makes himself a complete laughing stock.

As for the two stone wall penalties, lets just say that goes a little way to making up the dozens that teams DONT get awarded against celtic.

Tell me, why every time there is a game that has a flashpoint with fans that Celtic are involved 80% of the time.... and your calling Hearts scum!!! LOL what a pri*k you are.

I don'd mind a bit of banter from opposition fans who actually go to the games, but from Armchair fans like you, NO crawl back under your rock
Hearts always have had and always will have the worst set of supporters in Scotland. The worst of the intimidation of other fans takes place outside of the ground in the streets surrounding Tynecastle. Many fans of other SPL clubs agree with this.
There has been a large right wing casuals contingent (combat 18 ) in the Hearts Support for a long time now and this has been hidden by all connected with Hearts.
So ClassicD I totally agree with you there is nothing like the scum of the Gorgie
Haha! How easy is it to wind up the mini-huns!!?? One word does the trick! :mrgreen:

I think you'll find on the recent visit to Fir Park Motherwell got a PK which was clearly not one. I also think you'll find Hearts did not have a single PK shout on Sunday. Show me these "dozens" of awards then. :roll:

Do you think I'd visit a midden like Tynecastle? Feck if you can't protect the players on the park how can you protect the fans in the stands? Were you at the game on Sunday?
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