So say if we go on a run, win teh title next year, i shoudl still ask for him to be sacked? come on pu, re read my prevoous post.
no idiot would still slate someone after they have improved there ways.
Is that how you personally treat people in real life, i'e they make a mistake, u slate them and never EVVVVVVVVVERRR praise them when they learn from there mistakes and improve?
No one gets a second chance in our book then?![]()
I don't absolutely crucify them in the first place.
Forget your previous post. All your posts last few months saying you want Wenger gone over and over and over again because you've had bad patches and not won anything for years but all of a sudden you are praising him? Double header / two faced son of a bastard springs to mind.
I said to you on plenty of occasions that to be careful what you wish for. There's even a poll in here which you would have voted to get rid of him I'm sure. You were one of his main slaters but now after a good run? It makes me laugh. Honestly, it is Fickle as fuck!!
You won't hear me slagging Dalglish off or any manager of my team on a constant basis as who knows what might happen a few weeks down the line. I might say "FFS what are you doing?" but I won't be calling for their head.
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