2010 FIFA World Cup

they really need to sort out the replays and highlights. I keep saying it but it has to be a fundamental thing they improve on.

Many times you have a shot on goal. i think everyone should be automatically replayed. But if there is a sub or something elsse to distract it, it totally forgets about showing the replays.

Replays are way to short and miss out alot of the build up play that can make a goal great.

Highlight selection is lazy and flawed. They really need to work on it and it can't be too hard to fix.

But they won't sort the highlights/replays out, because they just had to add a two button option for people :ROLL:
2 minutes half and 2 teams only... incredible how they can make worse demos year after year!

they put the demo so short so people can´t find so many flaws on gameplay and only become impressed by graphics

and i just discovered that there won´t be a create a tounement feature, that´s also ridiculous, we´ll be stucked with world cup and exibithion only!

no way i´m gonna buy this shit! fuck EA and they endless greed for our money.
Still has many of the problems that were highlighted about FIFA10. The gameplay for me hasn't changed in any significant way (as much as you can judge by the very short demo). Every player still traps the ball far to perfectly, scoring a goals still feels robotic to me and the replays are just a joke.

They have somehow managed to mess up the semi-assisted passing, for some reason randomly the game decides that some passes will not reach their intended target. The cut scenes are way to frequent and why do the manager facial reactions look like they have constipation.

On the plus side graphically game looks great and long range shooting seems a little better.
Why the frig can't things like cut scenes be optional via a menu? Arrgghh!

This sounds just like the Euro 2008 game - same silly expressions from managers and a million cut scenes per second.

I'll still end up buying it though ....
Maybe the bad accuracy in semi assisted is actually implemented individuality? Bad passer = more mistakes? Sounds like you all want clones now :SMUG:
well i have to say i love it. Suttle differences, the players feel more fluid, the broadcast cam probably adds to this, the shooting is way better and the goalkeepers are markedly improved, love the pace of slow setting. There are minor irritations but im not fussy will do me till fifa11.

By the way, everyone is so fucking negative, i can see already that the fifa board has become the pes board. Bitchin and moaning by the dozen, would it not be better to focus on positives??
Maybe the bad accuracy in semi assisted is actually implemented individuality? Bad passer = more mistakes? Sounds like you all want clones now :SMUG:

I wouldn't term players like Xavi, Alonso, Pirlo etc from Italy and Spain as bad players technically, it happens on a regular basis and it is completely random and there is no clear reason why it has happened.
I wouldn't term players like Xavi, Alonso, Pirlo etc from Italy and Spain as bad players technically, it happens on a regular basis and it is completely random and there is no clear reason why it has happened.

I guess that is EA's way of removing ping pong passing. They always come up with the worst (arcady) solutions to their problems. Hopefully they've been reading the official feedback boards since there is actually a nice thread about realistic solutions to prevent ping pong passing.
By the way, everyone is so fucking negative, i can see already that the fifa board has become the pes board. Bitchin and moaning by the dozen, would it not be better to focus on positives??

I can see where you are coming from.

However, people on these boards are "hardcore" gamers, and what we want to see is FIFA as a franchise improve with each iteration, after FIFA09 everyone was positive because it seemed that EA had listened to the gripes and tried to sort them out. However with FIFA10 they went backwards, and instead of sorting out problems they added to them and the lack of patches just peed of people more.
I've enjoyed what I played of the demo. It definitely a step in the right direction from Fifa10.

+ The flow of the game is much better.
+ Good players have a better chance of escaping tackles with the ball.
+ Player faces like Pique and Torres look great.
+ New lighting is pretty.
+ Shooting is better from close and afar.
+ Keepers are x100 better. Tentative to stray too far off their line, making the striker have to produce an accurate shot in the corner of the goal instead of a game-destroying chip-fest.

The shot-stopping is more realistic too.
+ Game celebrations. Finally the Lampard/Kaka celo is in. The Torres Spanish archer is in. The Cantona "Peacock" is in. Knee slide is improved as well as loads more new ones. Some are absolute shit ("brick dive"? Really EA?). But most are on point. Love the "wrist flick" and "ear twist" celo's. Much closer to what these guys would do in real life.

The new camera angle on the celo's is cool too. You can actually choose how much it zooms in, in camera options. Which brings me too..
+ Custom camera variables are pretty good, although i'd like to zoom out even further ingame.
+ Menus are much better too. Speaking of which, you guys should check them out before saying untrue things. You can adjust the cutscenes on and off as well as lower the vuvuzela horn sounds.
+ Forgot to mention the new net sounds. So good. You can hear the metal bar move that holds the net down. Nice attention to detail there. Scoring overall feels better. The crowd reacts with a burst of sound as they should.

- It's basically wha Fifa10 should have been and very easily could have been.
- It's a smidge fast.
- Players need more individuality. They have a little more i've noticed (tall players can play the same type of game as short ones etc)
- Demo is ridiculously short.
- Game is a little too easy on world class & fully assisted. Semi auto should be the norm. Assisted should be easy mode.
Players still have weird arms and chests that make the shirts look like a maternity gown. Warping textures stretch names on the backs of shirts as far as the eys can see lol. Fifa would look so much better with all this sorted. They're nearly there.

Looks like a decent deal to me at the end of the day. You have world cup scenarios updated on the fly through the real world cup, as well as the online tourney and (obviously) offline. There are scenarios from the past to complete too. Not sure how much more you'd want out of a world cup game really. The demo is criminally short though. I could barely test long range shooting (Italy's defense is brutal).

I have vids incomming.
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Oh yeah. Headers are better too. But that's more to do with EA getting the flow of play a little better. Scored a gorgeous Torres header ealier.
I've received and conceded penalties with standing tackles in Fifa10, admittedly they are rare though.

Really? I've played A LOT of FIFA10 and has got murdered in the penalty area thousand of times without a penalty. One of the IMO worst things in FIFA10 (along with, amongst other things, chesting that thank god seems to be fixed now)
First thing I noticed was the continuing lack of attention to detail - despite spending time making sure that altitude will effect the ball when you happen to play in a location where this matters,on corners your center back STILL stays on the post. sigh... really how hard would this be to fix?

Defensive AI doesn't seem to be improved either... One of the best positives I've seen so far though is improved headers, I scored a goal with Sergio Ramos on my first or second corner, in which he attacked the ball in a way you rarely see in Fifa. So far, disappointed though :(
I donwloaded the demo, installed...and all of a sudden my PS3 stopped working...perennial black screen and the Joypad doesn't turn on either (leds flash for a bit and then turn back off). The green and blue leds on the console itself are turned on though...

What the...

EDIT: the screen flashed for a second to a...typical "no signal" TV screen, except that I'm playing on a monitor with no access to any TV signal...
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Just played the demo on PS3. Im impressed with it. Its better than FIFA 10. In regards to the actual gameplay it feels more tighter. The animations are fluid and nice and the shots and crosses seem to have more zip to them. The graphics and audio are a notable improvement over the predecessor. The turf looks great and the atmosphere generated by the crowd seems to have been turned up a notch. However the game still feels somewhat lifeless. I may purchase this once its a bit cheaper.

Also it needs moar VUVUZELA.
Yeh i forgot. Special mention must go to the pitch. My goodness, it smashes any pitch seen in FIFA10.
That Gilardino celebration close up, looks like he is doing an impression of Rain man! :LOL:
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