FIFA 22 Discussion (Console Versions)

When you say sensational, is it really that good, apart from 1 v 1?
You're right, it's an exaggeration on my part. I think it's the shock of the devs actually tweaking the gameplay based on Career Mode feedback and not just listening to the FUT guys, and bending to their will (that will happen within weeks, I reckon).

But it feels pretty good to me, on next gen. Yes, fundamentals still ruin it. But since FIFA 16, it's pretty much got progressively worse (if comparing to reality). 17 was decent. 18 was okay, but starting to get skatey and the AI really ping-pongy. 19 was a mega-skatey bad time. 20 a slight improvement but still a bad game. 21 the worst of them all by a long distance.

So 22, suddenly being a little more grounded, more frustrating for FUT players but slower and more thoughtful for us, even if only slightly - because of the 1v1 feature that is never going to go away... Well, considering that 1v1 is a necessity (as far as any eSports game is concerned), I think this might be the best we can hope for (until we get a separate sim-based version of the game, which may or may not happen one day).

I've learned to live with 1 v1 in my own defence but how easy are you finding it to break the opposition backlike because of 1 v 1? Is there still some difficulty, or is it just a cake walk?
I found it pretty difficult to break through the midfield in that first game (not early PES-level difficult, but the most difficult I've found it in FIFA for many years). After my Competitor Mode realisation (see previous post), I'm wondering if that might be why, and after work today I'm going to see if playing as poor teams with Competitor Mode enabled turns them into skill-chaining gods.

The defence is the problem, though, because of the 1v1 nature. I didn't find it a cakewalk, but if I waited long enough then eventually a striker would be left alone in space. But, by the time I move the ball over to his side of the pitch, the defensive line does shift over to the striker. Even if they don't actually mark him.

What really makes me laugh is that defenders don't even look at the striker standing next to them - they only ever look at the ball. This is the major issue, but it's a feature. It's so funny when you're on the wing, readying up to put a cross in, and the man who's supposed to be marking your target man is standing 15ft away from him, staring at the ball, hypnotised.
And you didn't notice any AI faffery with the ball at their feet? If Competitor Mode is now friend, not foe, so be it!
I didn't. Which is absolutely bizarre.

Is that just because the intro match database has strange attributes in play (but I don't think so, because Messi is in the PSG team, so it's using what looks like the current database)?

Is it because, if you're a five-star team with a five-star defence, the AI recognises this and doesn't spam tricks (but if I'm a poor team, it will)?

Was it actually, secretly disabled for the intro match even though the setting is set to "on" when you check afterwards?

It could be so many things. (Which is also why I'm scared to really get stuck into Career Mode, because after a month every player has a +5 attribute boost and it completely ruins the gameplay anyway.)

I also noticed the game speed was set to "slow" in the settings after that intro game, without me having changed anything. Which raises even more questions...

Was it actually on "slow" or does the intro match ignore that? Is it on slow by default (surely not)? Has it picked that setting up from my beta save (which I made sure was fully deleted beforehand, on the console and from the cloud)? Was it picked up as a "hospitality setting"? If so, why didn't it also pick up that Competitor Mode was switched off?
What really makes me laugh is that defenders don't even look at the striker standing next to them - they only ever look at the ball. This is the major issue, but it's a feature. It's so funny when you're on the wing, readying up to put a cross in, and the man who's supposed to be marking your target man is standing 15ft away from him, staring at the ball, hypnotised.

Haha! I remember a moment in fifa 20, playing as liverpool, ball on the right wing with salah and mane literally stood on the opposite corner of the penalty box, back to goal, gazing at the sky in a kind of reverie...I had to stop and just watch him on the replay for a few moments.

Re sensational-didnt mean to sound doubtful. I was genuinely hopeful because...I've just come to accept all the issues with fifa, the skating, the 1 v 1. I enjoy its freedom so much, and the game looks so damn fluid and exciting from videos, with sweeping attacks and real explosive moments, and great animations most of the time, I'm quite happy to apply very narrow criteria to the game and see it as sensational.

Good to hear that the defence is bringing resistance, even if it looks ridiculous at times. I've seen from saturator videos that the cpu is really holding a high line with his sliders which is great, it suggests hope for compressing midfield further.

Look forward to your competitor mode testing. If it gives us what we want, without every team become Barca circa 2009, then great.
I didn't. Which is absolutely bizarre.

Is that just because the intro match database has strange attributes in play (but I don't think so, because Messi is in the PSG team, so it's using what looks like the current database)?

Is it because, if you're a five-star team with a five-star defence, the AI recognises this and doesn't spam tricks (but if I'm a poor team, it will)?

Was it actually, secretly disabled for the intro match even though the setting is set to "on" when you check afterwards?

It could be so many things. (Which is also why I'm scared to really get stuck into Career Mode, because after a month every player has a +5 attribute boost and it completely ruins the gameplay anyway.)

I also noticed the game speed was set to "slow" in the settings after that intro game, without me having changed anything. Which raises even more questions...

Was it actually on "slow" or does the intro match ignore that? Is it on slow by default (surely not)? Has it picked that setting up from my beta save (which I made sure was fully deleted beforehand, on the console and from the cloud)? Was it picked up as a "hospitality setting"? If so, why didn't it also pick up that Competitor Mode was switched off?
love it, how the deep dive testing is currently going on! thats the spirit and i'm not to far away from that, when testing the game. only i cant put it in words as elegant as you.
as i prefer to play with lower league teams (my most enjoyable match from last night was Rostock vs. Hamburg) i'll test the comp. mode with those teams too.
lets chat tonight.

btw: i skipped the intro match (time was/is running :D ) and went straight into settings before playing my first match. regular game speed was set to normal (not fast or slow).

edit: regular EA cam was a bit to high for my liking so i switched to broadcast cam (wich i am used to from 16).
edit2: sometimes i feel like i look for stuff/analyze situations that nobody else is looking for. a bit nerdy and maybe tooooo much in detail... but i'm like that. :YES:
What's the best difficulty for someone coming from Pes. I've played manual passing last couple of years on professional difficult. 12 minute games. Downloaded the new fifa last night.
I totally understand all this testing and that kind of stuff. But I don't have the time and the patience anymore. Especially when it comes to sliders. You can spent more time in finding the perfect slider setting then just playing the game. For me it is either the game is good in its vanilla version or not. Right now I am tired of football games after the struggle we had in the last years. I am looking forward to CoD, Halo and my ordered Switch OLED to have some good times with Mario (Kart) and Zelda. This will be the first time since decades that I don't buy a footie game at release.

Edit: And I don't trust EA regarding their patches. If this FIFA is still good at Christmas, I will probably buy it.
That was my first job. :D Good days, terrible money, evil company...
that must have surely steered you in tracks... but look how well you turned out... ;)


I totally understand all this testing and that kind of stuff. But I don't have the time and the patience anymore. Especially when it comes to sliders. You can spent more time in finding the perfect slider setting then just playing the game. For me it is either the game is good in its vanilla version or not. Right now I am tired of football games after the struggle we had in the last years. I am looking forward to CoD, Halo and my ordered Switch OLED to have some good times with Mario (Kart) and Zelda. This will be the first time since decades that I don't buy a footie game at release.

Edit: And I don't trust EA regarding their patches. If this FIFA is still good at Christmas, I will probably buy it.
and i get that! we are here for you, pal! :BYE:
relax and watch the forums...

btw: guess its the same guys who spent hours... days... weeks in editing mode! :LOL: we are not the norm! and i like that! :D
Speaking of co-commentators, Stewart Robson has the most wooden delivery since Mark Lawrenson on early PS3-era PES. I always thought Alan Smith was a bit awkward but he's Robert De Niro compared to Robson.
I KNOW this isn't a big deal for many, but for me this "issue" is kind of an immersion breaker. When playing career mode in prevoius FIFA's there is almost never any empty seats when playing matches, it doesn't matter what league or division you are playing. When I play Serie A or a team in the lower divisions, I want the stadiums to be half full in most matches, because that the case IRL. It also makes the big matches feel more special if the stands are crowded in just those games.

I haven't played FIFA for the last couple of years, so don't know if this has been "fixed"?
Yeah this was always an issue. I used to cringe at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome constantly being full to the brim as if it were the UCL Final.

It's not even always a sell out for the Derby!
Speaking of co-commentators, Stewart Robson has the most wooden delivery since Mark Lawrenson on early PS3-era PES. I always thought Alan Smith was a bit awkward but he's Robert De Niro compared to Robson.
everything is better than, for example, listening to the same commentator for 5 years!!! FIVE times 365 days... oh my word!! :NO:
What really makes me laugh is that defenders don't even look at the striker standing next to them - they only ever look at the ball.
I think the ‘idea’ from EA is to just keep the formation of the team and then leave the actual awareness and movement up to each player - which obviously has zero logic when playing the CPU. It’s also flawed for your own team as well but I think this what the idea is. It explains why the midfield just stand there as you run by. Couple this up with the 1v1 feature and even if they are tracking back they will stop literally as soon as the CB (or anyone else) begins to ‘take over’ the marking of that player. It leads to just major holes and isolation all over the pitch. I’m hearing that it isn’t as bad on next gen which is good to hear but if the core concept is still there it will always lead to issues. It’s why you can get by the LB on the wing and then literally run all the way to goal.

If they just fixed this and as I’ve been saying give us an ‘Assisted Defending’ toggle we’d be happy.
Im about 10 games in now, really enjoying it - AI scoring some really varied goals and good teams (on paper) are good. Example i know man utd are shite in real life but on paper they should be class and they are on fifa - pogba is unstopabable when he runs forward. I had the AI in one game shoot from the wing about 45 yards out because my keeper was off his line. I thought 10 hours would be easy enough but i think i will run out on Sunday. I pre ordered for £43 on PS5 , well worth that. Just need a few more fouls
I pre ordered for £43 on PS5 , well worth that. Just need a few more fouls
I'd take literally one!

Those who are having fouls must dribble much more than I do. I'd much rather pass around, but that shouldn't mean there are no fouls. Players should mark tightly enough to cause them.

What makes it doubly worse is that players seem to stay on their feet much more easily - and triply* worse, referees seem less strict. Fouls that don't involve a slide tackle seem to be far, far more overlooked than before - so if you run into someone and barge them over without touching the ball, play carries on.

But all of this is on purpose. It's to "keep the game flowing". Anything that slows the game up for a SECOND is boring to the online guys - but ironically, they get fouls, because they hack each other down when they're three goals up (or down) for a laugh**. So they wouldn't notice a lack of fouls anyway.

*I know that's not a word.

**I tried a few games online last night. I don't know why. Quite satisfying in that every idiot just kept spamming the same old "this'll get me a goal" techniques and getting nowhere. But absolutely NOT satisfying in that it plays at 200mph, passes are laser-guided and everyone's already bought a team better than PSG.
Im about 10 games in now, really enjoying it - AI scoring some really varied goals and good teams (on paper) are good. Example i know man utd are shite in real life but on paper they should be class and they are on fifa - pogba is unstopabable when he runs forward. I had the AI in one game shoot from the wing about 45 yards out because my keeper was off his line. I thought 10 hours would be easy enough but i think i will run out on Sunday. I pre ordered for £43 on PS5 , well worth that. Just need a few more fouls
thanks for your insights, Agent47.

when i'm not done testing... or its getting more fun... i was thinking of getting the full month of EAplay (for 3,99 €). this would give me plenty of time figuring things out further.

edit: comparing fouls (and i can only do that to 16)... i need more. maybe i had 5 in 3 matches (cards missing as well).
Speaking of co-commentators, Stewart Robson has the most wooden delivery since Mark Lawrenson on early PS3-era PES. I always thought Alan Smith was a bit awkward but he's Robert De Niro compared to Robson.

He is a dreadful choice indeed.

As much as I respect the man, I still don't think Derek Rae is a good fit either. He's such a stickler for accuracy, which has no place within FIFA.
thanks for your insights, Agent47.

when i'm not done testing... or its getting more fun... i was thinking of getting the full month of EAplay (for 3,99 €). this would give me plenty of time figuring things out further.

edit: comparing fouls (and i can only do that to 16)... i need more. maybe i had 5 in 3 matches (cards missing as well).
i might be wrong but doesnt the trial finish on release day - i dont think you get FIFA 22 for a month , unless i am misunderstanding what you mean
I'd take literally one!

Those who are having fouls must dribble much more than I do. I'd much rather pass around, but that shouldn't mean there are no fouls. Players should mark tightly enough to cause them.

What makes it doubly worse is that players seem to stay on their feet much more easily - and triply* worse, referees seem less strict. Fouls that don't involve a slide tackle seem to be far, far more overlooked than before - so if you run into someone and barge them over without touching the ball, play carries on.

But all of this is on purpose. It's to "keep the game flowing". Anything that slows the game up for a SECOND is boring to the online guys - but ironically, they get fouls, because they hack each other down when they're three goals up (or down) for a laugh**. So they wouldn't notice a lack of fouls anyway.

*I know that's not a word.

**I tried a few games online last night. I don't know why. Quite satisfying in that every idiot just kept spamming the same old "this'll get me a goal" techniques and getting nowhere. But absolutely NOT satisfying in that it plays at 200mph, passes are laser-guided and everyone's already bought a team better than PSG.
ive put making up to 95 - i get about 2 per game and last one i got 2 and an advantage - still not enough granted.
i might be wrong but doesnt the trial finish on release day - i dont think you get FIFA 22 for a month , unless i am misunderstanding what you mean

You get 10 hours to trial the game (with basic ea play) and that time doesn't expire when the game is released or at any other point in time. You can save some of these hours and use them even after a couple of patches to see what the game is like then. Which is probably a good idea.
Yeah I’m sold - this is the best FIFA since FIFA 16. I’ll be getting it digital, wonder if CD Keys will have it cheaper?

edit: oh and there are fouls in career mode, just not enough of them. CPU just had player sent off for lunging at me in penalty area. I scored the penalty too!

There are so many little cool touches in this. The way that sometimes a player loses his footing and slips on the slick turf, shots that balloon over because my player isn’t set right for the shot…

The game is so far ahead of its competitor now it’s actually quite embarrassing.
My footage was a bit speed because there is always the night bug who accelerates the game. But this year, the game is playable at night!
I will post my sliders tonight after some new matches :PINKS:
I want to see more faults!
We got long rang, marking, good AI, crosses but not enought faults.
With that, the game will be awesome!!
Night bug? Could you elaborate? Never heard that one before
i might be wrong but doesnt the trial finish on release day - i dont think you get FIFA 22 for a month , unless i am misunderstanding what you mean
thats probably my fault... i was thinking EAplay is working like GPU on MS systems.
i had a look online... i guess FIFA22 is coming later to EAplay (next year). FIFA21 was added in May 2021, so roughly half a year after release.
then i'll be good with the 10 hour trail. i have a day off next friday; might grab the disc version thursday night at a local store and make it a testing weekend!
Night bug? Could you elaborate? Never heard that one before

The game speed between matches can be inconsistent some times. You can play a match and it can feel like the speed has doubled without changing any settings or sliders. It's a very weird thing that's apparently still not fixed. Some people notice it, some don't (I noticed it a lot in 18). It's normally called "inconsistent gameplay". Some claim it happens in night hours, so he's calling it "night bug".

Thankfully I don't like any fifa past 17 enough, so I don't have to deal with it, on top of everything else, because I certainly notice it when it happens. 😅
Yeah I’m sold - this is the best FIFA since FIFA 16. I’ll be getting it digital, wonder if CD Keys will have it cheaper?

edit: oh and there are fouls in career mode, just not enough of them. CPU just had player sent off for lunging at me in penalty area. I scored the penalty too!

There are so many little cool touches in this. The way that sometimes a player loses his footing and slips on the slick turf, shots that balloon over because my player isn’t set right for the shot…

The game is so far ahead of its competitor now it’s actually quite embarrassing.

Wow. Is it a genuinely fresh experience then?

And is it genuinely exciting too?
I never thought I'd say this, but maybe Competitor Mode really is the way to go.

Nowhere near enough testing has gone into this yet, but compare this to the previous video and you can see the difference.

(I also immediately regretted the midfield comment - it's not like you have to think about EVERY pass on Competitor Mode. But it's better.)

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