PES 2018 PC Discussion Thread

Hi all!

I would like you the test the Incas' "parham_w_ball" file with a little tweak that gave me the first penalty with Pes2018 (Thanks God, Mohamed, Buddah and Anubi!!!)
And also more CPU fouls than usual!

Since Pes2016 i was quite skeptic about dt18 utility.
I've always felt the work on it like kind of "disposable", 'cause it seemed to me that the changes was effective only for 1 or 2 games, than something would have been ovewritten by the "vanilla" settings.
That's why i still set on "read only" the dt18, the PES2018.exe and the EDIT file.

Anyway... Parham and Incas work gave me good sensations about gameplay changes, i opened the "parham_w_ball" and tweaked the "press.json" just activating the "delay type", (changing it from "0" to "1").
Call it Placebo, call it a "bug of Konami bugs"... but i had a Penalty for the first time (Superstar level, Master League).
So it really seems that the "delay type" really works in the defender's tackle timing, giving him that little delay that increase the possibility that he doesn't reach the ball in time, so: FIIIIIIIIIIII: foul!!!

I have a terrible doubt that this legendary "delay type" could be maybe a setting of lower levels applied to Superstar and Legend modes, so maybe from "Top Player" down it's imperceptible, but anyway... test it and let me know!
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Takeshi : sounds interesting as what you describe is exactly what I'm experiencing : after a few matches the changes of the modified dt18 seemed to Disappear. Personally I'm of the train of thought that dt18 does nothing and what we are experiencing is nothing more than session to session gameplay variance.

However, I will test out your patch and set the files you mentioned to read only. How many games did you play since using it? What was the average foul count from the cpu? VERY intrigued by this.
Takeshi : sounds interesting as what you describe is exactly what I'm experiencing : after a few matches the changes of the modified dt18 seemed to Disappear. Personally I'm of the train of thought that dt18 does nothing and what we are experiencing is nothing more than session to session gameplay variance.

However, I will test out your patch and set the files you mentioned to read only. How many games did you play since using it? What was the average foul count from the cpu? VERY intrigued by this.

Mate, don't call it "my patch" as it's just the file posted by Incas with a simple tweak.
Yep, i'm always careful about the possibility that it could be due to the normal game algorithms...
Anyway: these days i'm testing various solutions with the same game of my current ML season.
I usually play 20 minutes games at Superstar level, but i totally upset and twisted the Player stats to find my personal gameplay (example: +15 in Defensive prowess to all players, -20 in finishing and long ball for all players, and so on), and i play with the Nesa Tool slowing down the Gameplay speed to a possible "-3,5" ...
CPU does 3-4 fouls usually, this time the amount (excluding offsides) has been 6 (not so much more than usual), but with a Penalty and a bunch of "off the ball cards" , when referee let you play if you keep on possess.

I would like a feedback from you all that surely play with original stats, and so on.

So here it is again:
For the for the umpundredth time... after 2 games, the gameplay seems to be "vanilled" again... even if i paste always a backup of the dt18, the exe and the edit file... so it seems that the penalty it's been only a coincidence
Time : 1:12:10
Oh... wait.. wut !?
Konami explains Pls :D This is FIFA stile bugs... what are they doing in PES :D
I would just to aware people who use NVdia Experience that in the last build a new features has been added .
It's about new graphic filter ,a sort of sweet fx
I found that really useful due the 'flashing' issue of all the sweet fx that i tried until now

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I would just to aware people who use NVdia Experience that in the last build a new features has been added .
It's about new graphic filter ,a sort of sweet fx
I found that really useful due the 'flashing' issue of all the sweet fx that i tried until now

Nice finding Master. Thanks.
I would just to aware people who use NVdia Experience that in the last build a new features has been added .
It's about new graphic filter ,a sort of sweet fx
I found that really useful due the 'flashing' issue of all the sweet fx that i tried until now

Wich version is it mate? I didn't found it in mine. Thanks
Thanks mate, I did it but nothing happens. Still nvidia d'ont recognice pes 2018 as compatible :(
Thanks mate, I did it but nothing happens. Still nvidia d'ont recognice pes 2018 as compatible :(
compatibility list doesn't matter, just press alt+x during the game and nvdia experience should open
Be sure to have enabled in game overlay


I now have Pes2018 on steam - however if I set steam to offline mode the exe launches and then closes back to desktop, if I set to online mode it works? All other steam games I have no matter what mode steam is in (online or off) they run fine? I dont have steam game overlay or any of that crap, all up to date and a repeatable issue.

Anyone with steam version running this with steam in offline mode running it ok and any suggestions?

I think its something to do with the "ansel alt-f4" popup as its when thats detecting that I get exe close again and in exact same place in online mode steam where it continues to load fine.

Ive been in steam to untick any overlay and launch nonsense, I matched them all to my other games properties in steam and yet still the same. I cant load this unless its online ... which I hate TBH.

Oh and thanks to Zlac for cdkeys link - all was fine and nice and cheap :)
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I now have Pes2018 on steam - however if I set steam to offline mode the exe launches and then closes back to desktop, if I set to online mode it works? All other steam games I have no matter what mode steam is in (online or off) they run fine? I dont have steam game overlay or any of that crap, all up to date and a repeatable issue.

Anyone with steam version running this with steam in offline mode running it ok and any suggestions?

I think its something to do with the "ansel alt-f4" popup as its when thats detecting that I get exe close again and in exact same place in online mode steam where it continues to load fine.

Ive been in steam to untick any overlay and launch nonsense, I matched them all to my other games properties in steam and yet still the same. I cant load this unless its online ... which I hate TBH.

Oh and thanks to Zlac for cdkeys link - all was fine and nice and cheap :)
Yes you cannot use pes offline. This is one of the worst things of this game.

I now have Pes2018 on steam - however if I set steam to offline mode the exe launches and then closes back to desktop, if I set to online mode it works? All other steam games I have no matter what mode steam is in (online or off) they run fine? I dont have steam game overlay or any of that crap, all up to date and a repeatable issue.

Anyone with steam version running this with steam in offline mode running it ok and any suggestions?

I think its something to do with the "ansel alt-f4" popup as its when thats detecting that I get exe close again and in exact same place in online mode steam where it continues to load fine.

Ive been in steam to untick any overlay and launch nonsense, I matched them all to my other games properties in steam and yet still the same. I cant load this unless its online ... which I hate TBH.

Oh and thanks to Zlac for cdkeys link - all was fine and nice and cheap :)

The only thing that you can do is launch both (steam&pes) then disconnect from internet... It's just the steam launcher that require the internet connection. I do that when i am not at home. I use my phone or some public wi-fi to launch steam and then i disconnect all the connections
I just wanted to let you guys know that the new Game Filters in the Nvidia GeForce Experience's Ansel is very very good indeed. Not too many filters at the moment but very useful (and needed) ones. They work very good. I love how the game looks now.

Thanks a lot for the heads up Kilay. I would have never discovered this if it wasn't for you mate.
not been playing the game for the past two months due to a few game breaking things for me.

Champions league final stadium

I'm itching to play again as even though I find the other game ok its just not PES. I can probably ignore the transfers but just cant get into the master league when I know I've got to play the pinnacle for the season in the monstrosity of a fake stadium. Does anyone know if there is a work around to playing the final. I've tried opening the .cpk and swapping the dt60 stadium with a random one of the others but just get a game crash. I understand they dont have the licence for the stadium this year but you would think they wold let us choose our own preference
not been playing the game for the past two months due to a few game breaking things for me.

Champions league final stadium

I'm itching to play again as even though I find the other game ok its just not PES. I can probably ignore the transfers but just cant get into the master league when I know I've got to play the pinnacle for the season in the monstrosity of a fake stadium. Does anyone know if there is a work around to playing the final. I've tried opening the .cpk and swapping the dt60 stadium with a random one of the others but just get a game crash. I understand they dont have the licence for the stadium this year but you would think they wold let us choose our own preference
This is annoying i know but it's not a reason to not play the game if you really like it.It's just one game out of the 50-60 you'll play in a ML season so it's not such a big deal.Another annoying thing is that cup matches that are one game like FA cup are being played in other stadium and not the one we have assigned as home stadium and we can't change it.Fucking Konami always find a way to troll us.
So many fucking cheaters in this MyClub and PES LEAGUE .. There is a campaign to play in the divisions .. I decided to try. I'm getting people with very high ratings without losing but every time I score goals .. the match is disconnection without any consequences ... I just gave up playing more. Apparently, the Konami can not deal with them.
This is annoying i know but it's not a reason to not play the game if you really like it.It's just one game out of the 50-60 you'll play in a ML season so it's not such a big deal.Another annoying thing is that cup matches that are one game like FA cup are being played in other stadium and not the one we have assigned as home stadium and we can't change it.Fucking Konami always find a way to troll us.

Its not just the stadium but that pushes the game to be unplayable for me. The lack of fouls, the poor masterleague with terrible transfers. The soft headers, the bad player switching, no proper stamina system, no proper injury system, no proper training system, no proper development system all these thing I can put up with but to have to play the most important cup final in that shithole just ahh. These things might be hard to implement but if so they need to either invest more into it or get staff that are more capable of fixing it. But its like your point of the cup matches why not just give us the option to choose
not been playing the game for the past two months due to a few game breaking things for me.

Champions league final stadium
Those are the only things? Not the complete failure of defensive positioning and offensive awareness that makes a mockery of the sport and reduces the game to a cartoon based on football? Just watch the highlights of Liverpool-Man City from today and pay attention to the team shapes on both sides of the ball, then compare that to this game and how attackers run straight toward the goal with no awareness of the defensive line while their markers brainlessly run alongside them and keep them onside.

It's that pathetic AI from PES 2012 all over again. A complete joke by Konami.
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