Windows 7

We’re sending this mail to remind you that Windows 7 Release candidate is available and to make sure you plan ahead for when the Beta expires on August 1, 2009. On June 1, 2009, the PC you’re using to test the Beta will begin shutting down every two hours. Windows will send you a notice a couple of weeks in advance, and that’d be the ideal time to rebuild your test PC with a non-expired version of Windows, such as the RC or Windows Vista. This will be a clean installation, so be ready to reinstall your programs and data.

I should probably upgrade to 7127, getting occasional blue screens and indications point to driver issues.
Awesome. So Windows 7 is free until 2010?

Essentially yes, that's what the Email I received from MS basically implied:

There’s another expiration date you need to keep in mind: Windows 7 RC will expire on June 1, 2010, and you’ll need to either upgrade to the final release of Windows 7 or a prior version of Windows before then. (We‘ll send you another reminder as this date approaches.)
The anti virus from one boot should be able to scan the other boot, just it won't be able to scan in real time, that said I'm using Kaspersky Win7 beta version and it's great, free of course whilst in beta ;)
windows 7229 has leaked...

hours later, 7231 (rumoured to be the rtm version) has just leaked too!

No, burn it to a DVD, lay the DVD on top of your PC, go to sleep, during the night the PC will get really hot, melt the DVD and absorb all the data, thus when you wake up your PC will have the new version of Windows 7.
No, burn it to a DVD, lay the DVD on top of your PC, go to sleep, during the night the PC will get really hot, melt the DVD and absorb all the data, thus when you wake up your PC will have the new version of Windows 7.
No, burn it to a DVD, lay the DVD on top of your PC, go to sleep, during the night the PC will get really hot, melt the DVD and absorb all the data, thus when you wake up your PC will have the new version of Windows 7.

tried that and nothing hapened :( anyways its silly if for every update you have to reinstall the OS.

so far so good. does Arma 2 work fine on win 7 placebo? reply on the Arma 2 thread
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