WE 10 - PS2 - Official Chat Thread - No more stat requests please

Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread


My bet is this is a screenshot of a match between two teams of the "random selection" option.
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

if thats adriano...he's face looks horrible bad,KONAMI better update there player faces and ad shit loads new ones
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

That could be any Brazilian! Chill n play the game first or wait til we get some vids
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

i believe its a rumour - or how about look at the first post and look
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

mrblick said:
nah it has to be the all star teams

Would Victor Valdes be in goal for an all-star team?

Also who is the defender that isn't Zambrotta?
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

It does look half between Favalli and Zambrotta alright, but the other guy, with the lighter hair, if it was an all-star team I think he'd be instantly recognisable. As it is he could be one of many players, he looks very generic.
I'd also question Favalli getting into an "all-star" team. ;)

You never know with Konami though, it could be someone and look like someone else entirely.
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

The guy on the far left is defo Zambrotta, Valdes in net and other are 2 generic faces. So probably right what you said Dar about random selection option
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

i read it somewhere in this forum few days ago that, cotch and the subs will be shown on screen while we playing, but when i sow few screenshots i can clearly see that the banch its empty, i don't get it, i hope they will fix that before konami realise the game
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

ronaldo10 said:
i read it somewhere in this forum few days ago that, cotch and the subs will be shown on screen while we playing, but when i sow few screenshots i can clearly see that the banch its empty, i don't get it, i hope they will fix that before konami realise the game

Did Konami confirm this.....no

Just rumours mate!!!
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

In all honesty I think that was in regards to the next gen WE. They have enough problems with slowdown already lol.
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

NickSCFC said:
People at forum.gamesradar.com are saying Spain are licenced too!

Hey ! you joke or what ?
I need stop few times, this info about Spain and Italy it's 3 weeks ago in this forum !
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

ThomasGOAL said:
Hey ! you joke or what ?
I need stop few times, this info about Spain and Italy it's 3 weeks ago in this forum !


To be taken once every four hours :mrgreen: ;)
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

yeh I agree with Dar about the team being an auto selection squad. That is no way Adriano.

As for the new pics and news Im pretty pleased how WE10 has turned out. The graphical side has definatly been touched up a little, but the most exciting thing is the obvious increase in animation.

You can tell by the various pics that there tons of new animations. I really cant wait to play this game to see how it really differs from previous versions.

So far so good :)
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

that's for sure not Adriano...they had a recognizable face of him in WE9...i doubt they'd scratch that and put another face on...

how did u get that idea newayz? LOL
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

Hmmmm nothing great 2day. Pic's are stupid I can't see a f*ck and what I do see looks alot like we9.
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

Why do we get a few new licenses every year.. why can't they just put em all in once..

money grabbin bastards..
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

I will probably wait till the WE on PS3 next year.
For me, the improvements seem too little to shell out $60 every 6 months.
I'll wait to see how the reviews are over here, if it's a big improvement
in gameplay with less scripting and better control, I may think about it.
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

yeah, i agree, less scripting is the key... they better have implemented less scripting
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread

Hey guys!!!!!

can someone please explain the following new additions in plain english please, like seriously what does "transfers the human system macroevolution" mean!!!!

- operational enhances largely
- the ball card rallies the law enforcement criterion
- ML nurtures the system to supplement the new function
- new pattern and new option exhaustive introduction

thanks !!
Re: Winning Eleven 10 - PS2 - Official Thread


Oh please that's not Adriano for sure, but the player to the left is Zambrotta or just his face
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