V / Paulv2k4 FC24 Mods | Gameplay | Career | Tools

Guys ive given up modding and putting so much effort into this game. No point complaining on here when i wont answer you. Go use / pay Anth or FIFER or Danielz or whoever else instead.


so, no more updates with title updates too ?
Mate you are the legend, atleast just update the current mods when ea fc gets title updates. There is no mod comparing to yours.
Guys ive given up modding and putting so much effort into this game. No point complaining on here when i wont answer you. Go use / pay Anth or FIFER or Danielz or whoever else instead.


don't worry about them but watch and pass by. Cit. "Dante Alighieri"
Guys ive given up modding and putting so much effort into this game. No point complaining on here when i wont answer you. Go use / pay Anth or FIFER or Danielz or whoever else instead.



No, Paul
do not say that
Please don't give up
We are eagerly awaiting your mods
Every day I log into your account to see if you have added anything new or not
Please come back to us
Sorry to see you go Paul. Along with Doc Fidel you were the best around. I know a few other great modders have also given up.
Thanks Paul for your work
@Paul-v Very sorry about this decision, but understandable that the modding scene can be a struggle at times (not talking from experience). Your contributions have been amazing.

You may not even read this, if you are trying to get some distance, but some questions for those who would want to use your career mod along with other mods going forward, as that mod makes career mode so much better. Maybe even adapt it into an FMM mod, if that is even possible (noob trying to get to grips with things). Feel free to shut me down if I am out of line. From what I can see in FMT, the career mod (at least the part that adjusts transfers, player growth etc.) is set in the .ini and .csv files in the below screenshot.

Career files edited.png

Any way you would provide some kind of info on how one might make these adjustments? I tried opening the .fbmod file for the career mod in FMT, with the goal of possibly reading the .ini and .csv files that way and copying the values as a new project in FMT/FET but that may not be a feature or I may be doing something wrong? I was unsuccessful anyway. Alternatively, would it be possible for you to upload the value adjustments for each of the .ini and .csv file somehow?

I want to stress that I am asking only for "personal use", and would of course not try to profit on it in any way. If you do not want to share I understand, and I can imagine you have spent hours on end making countless adjustments to these files to perfect it.
@Paul-v Very sorry about this decision, but understandable that the modding scene can be a struggle at times (not talking from experience). Your contributions have been amazing.

You may not even read this, if you are trying to get some distance, but some questions for those who would want to use your career mod along with other mods going forward, as that mod makes career mode so much better. Maybe even adapt it into an FMM mod, if that is even possible (noob trying to get to grips with things). Feel free to shut me down if I am out of line. From what I can see in FMT, the career mod (at least the part that adjusts transfers, player growth etc.) is set in the .ini and .csv files in the below screenshot.

Any way you would provide some kind of info on how one might make these adjustments? I tried opening the .fbmod file for the career mod in FMT, with the goal of possibly reading the .ini and .csv files that way and copying the values as a new project in FMT/FET but that may not be a feature or I may be doing something wrong? I was unsuccessful anyway. Alternatively, would it be possible for you to upload the value adjustments for each of the .ini and .csv file somehow?

I want to stress that I am asking only for "personal use", and would of course not try to profit on it in any way. If you do not want to share I understand, and I can imagine you have spent hours on end making countless adjustments to these files to perfect it.
Seems I was able to find the edited values by opening the .fbmod in Notepad++ and comparing to the original values found by checking the .ini files in FMT. So never mind about my request @Paul-v.
Guys ive given up modding and putting so much effort into this game. No point complaining on here when i wont answer you. Go use / pay Anth or FIFER or Danielz or whoever else instead.


don't worry paul the people who appreciate your work are there, don't pay attention to the others please...
this one is really good, i like the first-touch errors, it makes the game more natuaral and unpredictable. The "tactical fouls" are also good, gives a simulation of football. Good Job!
this one is really good, i like the first-touch errors, it makes the game more natuaral and unpredictable. The "tactical fouls" are also good, gives a simulation of football. Good Job!
Yes a major problem with fifa 24 is the lack of physical contact. Its so sterile. Almost every gameplay mod so far has failed to address this.
Pauls mods have long been radical and inventive.
getting balance into fifa has long been a problem. The problem that modding faces is scripting. Years ago the scripting could be totally removed. Now its impossible. Mods can't remove the scripting.
This causes a major conflict with the games coding.
I have designed a mod but i am really struggling to fine tune the fouling. This is largely down to scripting conflicts.
Theres a limit to how much we can mod the gameplay. These limits can't be overcome. Which is why most modders stick primarily to cosmetic mods.
Paul was one of the finest gameplay modders. The finest I knew left the scene years ago and moved to PES because of the increasing limits on freedom modders had with fifa.
anyone knows how to fix an issue with the refs not giving any cards in any situation? I've played more than 20 games and i never see a booking....
Just want to say thank you Paul, the difference between this and vanilla is night and day. Love the additional physicality and movement brought by the mod. All the best in your future endeavors.

On a side note, I can no longer run this mod since EAFC24 last updated on the EA app. Anyone else experiencing this same issue?
Guys ive given up modding and putting so much effort into this game. No point complaining on here when i wont answer you. Go use / pay Anth or FIFER or Danielz or whoever else instead.


Hi Paulo, I just came here to send you a bit of my support after a message I received from Anth on Discord . Please don't give up, we love and respect you and you are a BIG part of the community. You have all my respect and admiration. I hope that everything will be fine in the future for you. Sending my best wishes. Kind regards. Danielz.
Just want to say thank you Paul, the difference between this and vanilla is night and day. Love the additional physicality and movement brought by the mod. All the best in your future endeavors.

On a side note, I can no longer run this mod since EAFC24 last updated on the EA app. Anyone else experiencing this same issue?
Its because has to updated to support TU6. Until then it wont work.
Guys ive given up modding and putting so much effort into this game. No point complaining on here when i wont answer you. Go use / pay Anth or FIFER or Danielz or whoever else instead.


P.No Paul, you
No Paul, please don’t give up
you are the best ❤️
and we waiting every day for any gameplay Update from you 😊
Last edited:
You can never be certain with fifa games that you have won fair and square or the games been scripted that way.
This could be eliminated years ago when we could actually fix the coding errors in the game and put out own ai in there.
Now thats impossible.
I am getting a lot of cards and fouls in my games. Theres also too many red cards for the cpu. I absolutely cant fix this via my mods and the editing i do within the coding. But its that or no fouls and basketball.
What is clear that when the npc teams get red cards that it does not effect the outcome of the game. They do not adapt or change formation etc in any way.
I have been beaten by 9 men before because thats the way the game is scripted.
All modders face the same problem.
I really like the dirty games. Some teams are also scripted to be dirtier than others. Theres nothing to be done about this.
I am enjoying the game at present but only because you have to turn a blind eye to many things that happen.
Theres absolutely no reason that EA cant build adaptive AI into the game. They choose not to do it because that will cost money and cut profits. Every single EA sports game have exactly the same AI problems.
Modders can only work within the confines that EA allow. Those confines are shrinking with every fifa release.
Every update to the game break my mod and i have to do it again every time. Once again, it didnt used to be this way.
The majority of modders have given up. Many of those that remain hide behind a paywall. Almost all their work is cosmetic. Gameplay is beyond most of them. Thats because the space they have to work is so small
For myself, realism comes from gameplay and not tattoos, haircuts, faces and scoreboards.
I am just about to play now.
If only EA would do their job and make the game realistic. Otherwise, let us do it.
At present Ea wont make the game realistic and modders are preventing from doing so.
Is it any wonder that all the best modders have given up!
Does anyone know if this will be updated to TU6 ? Paul this is my first year trying those mods for gameplay and career. They are PERFECT
just tried someone else's gameplay mod and its literally unplayable compared to paul's. IDK how you did it but those games felt realistic. Now the game feels like ping pong ☹️
hello everyone, maybe I'm going to ask a stupid question but I just bought the game so modding is new to me. Do you have a tutorial or an explanation of how to install the gameplay mod with the .fbmod files please? THANKS
Guys ive given up modding and putting so much effort into this game. No point complaining on here when i wont answer you. Go use / pay Anth or FIFER or Danielz or whoever else instead.



Oh that's such sad news! :( I can understand how draining it must have been for you over the years, I haven't actually touched 24 yet, was finally waiting until January when transfers are done to give it a whirl, won't be the same without your mods that's for sure ❤️
Hi all,

Sorry but I have been very busy with job, other game projects, family, life to really play this game lately but I did get some time yesterday to get things up to date. I also had to fix a major bug with FMT where mods launched via its launcher (not Editor) were not applying correctly. It took me so much time to fix! :(

Anyway. Updates:

If you are still using FMT. I highly recommend you update to the latest version.

Gameplay Version 2 (Updated for TU5):



Gameplay Version 3 Alpha 3 (New version)

- Slowed ball physics
- Slowed movement of players
- Changes and bug fixes (once again) to AI decision making



Vanilla Referees (Updated for TU5)



Career mod seems unaffected by the Title Update :)
noooo brother I'm so sorry please don't give up your mods are fantastic otherwise fc24 should be trashed
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