UFL [All Platforms]


and yes this game needs some time but I think its a good direction
It is completely pay to win so no it is not a good direction.

People get fooled by the simplest magic trick which is them claiming the Reputation points hinder you from getting the best players quickly which is not true.

I quickly did the math: if I buy their CP points and League Points in the store I just need to unlock a Premium Account with LP points and very quickly have enough reputation to afford all players and then you just use real money to buy Mbappe and co. So nothing fair to play about it like they advertised.

You already can see that in some teams that are clear pay to win teams.

So yeah.....great direction.

It is exactly what I've expected when I saw all the different currencies: a game that presents itself as fair but in reality just hides heavy pay to win with these currencies. It is a trick more and more common in mobile Free2Play.

Thankfully people are already calling them out for this.

The gameplay itself is also not that great. Serviceable but doesn't hold a candle to its competitors.

Edit: add to that the skins which are the only.way to unlock the LVL 4 skills for players and of course the better skins packs can be only bought with LP points which you can also buy in the store, which means you also have the Gacha mechanic in there.
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what do you want an F2P game without payable content ? That would not happen...

the question is how good the gameplay is to have a chance without spending money to people who spending money...

in Efootball P2Win doesn't matter, I haven't spent a single dime, had a great team, and can beat people who spent hundreds of $$.
I want a game that if it advertises it isn't pay to win, to then not be pay to win ;)

You can do a Free2Play game without the mechanics they are using for example just cosmetics (which works for other Free2Play games)

Right now you already see players who payed a lot having a clear advantage.

I never said you shouldn't have no payable content (so please don't move goalposts)

But if you have really strong pay2win mechanics like UFL maybe don't claim you are fair.
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You know it’s bad when you watch the trailer. It’s all nutmegs and rabonas. Football is not played like that not even at grass roots.

Remember when older football games used to show you nice build up play in their trailers?
Hell, the WE5 intro even had a keeper saving a penalty. 😊
FIFA16s intro had 2 goalie saves…
Coincidence?! 😂

Man, how I love that FIFA16 intro. So damn good in transporting the actual gameplay that awaits you.
My fav WE intro will always be the WE6 one.

Good times… 😍

Edit: not sorry for being ot! 😂
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Speaking of amazing direction this game is going, now that the free version is available they made the gain for all currencies even lower so that you are basically forced to pay for boosters, premium accounts and buy CP if you want to make any progress since even leveling up your own players is now a grueling grind. So they are going full pay2win as hard as they can.
Does it have real teams for offline 1on1 game? Or manual controls?
There are 30 Teams to choose from in offline mode. 5 licensed teams: AS Monaco, FC Porto, PSV, Besiktas and Shaktar Donezk. The rest are fake teams with real players. But they are like All Star Teams, so the best players from Premier League etc. I don´t think there are any options for manual passes and shots.

On the gameplay: I played my first three ranked games yesterday and I think the game is okay for a free to play game. Some things like some animations I like even more than in the other two football games. But I feel like the game is too easy if you dont try to rush everything (passing just to players who are really open etc.). I won each of my matches and I scored at least 6 goals in each match (first one I won 9:0). But overall I feel it is already a nice alternative to EA FC and eFootball if you want a quick match of football. But I have to say, that I didn´t have any expectations going into this game.
Game is a tragedy. No manual controls, no teams, no leagues, no edit mode, ping pong ganeplay…Another tragedy in the football genre…
That game isn't bad but too basic, missing variety on everything you did. Animations too.
Looks like an old game with 360 degree movement added.

With perseverance i may be a good game. Nothing to play offline so i already don't care about their future but a game with much more outcomes.
For the moment, i don't know if PES3, the first PES with a new engine and 8 directions got more or less outcomes, animations and variety than UFL with 360 degree movement.

Sincerely, i'm not mocking or trolling UFL, i'm serious that this game reminded me a 22 years old game; but as a F2P online only same as EF : i don't wish them the best : i don't care as i hate their modes even online.
Cards again and again, no way to play real teams vs real teams online; and the only mode online i liked was the division mode like in and PES before with real teams and an amount of points to reach the higher division.
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The game is close to dead. Most of the community has turned against it, predatory mechanics like the RP loss, bad matchmaking and pay to win aspect have driven most players away.

It now takes in certain divisions nearly 10 minutes to find an opponent and then it is usually someone you already played against

If their next patch doesn't change their systems that will be it for them.

Lots of wasted potential.

The gameplay is completely broken. Right now all you need to do is crosses and headers and you can win most matches. Especially if you spend money to buy Haaland. So complete pay to win.

Rewards are minimal and they have nearly abandoned their discord regarding communication. It is full of players complaints that aren't addressed at all.

Sad thing is with a few changes in their system they could have been a refreshing alternative. Don't offer CP for buying, focus on jerseys as regards, make matchmaking based on form and of course better gameplay.
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I've never touched that game cause I am a PC gamer.

had a lot of hopes in that game because from what I've read they are making a good step forward from Beta to release... of course that's not enough but I hope in 6-9 months this game can be an alternative to eFootball and EA FC, both games are absolutely boring and bad for me.

hope UFL can get some PES21 vibes in the Future... :SS
No offline content + no support for modding it's gonna be the different side on same coin with eFootball

It's the same UE Crap anyway
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I've never touched that game cause I am a PC gamer.

had a lot of hopes in that game because from what I've read they are making a good step forward from Beta to release... of course that's not enough but I hope in 6-9 months this game can be an alternative to eFootball and EA FC, both games are absolutely boring and bad for me.

hope UFL can get some PES21 vibes in the Future... :SS
Don't know where you read this. Most agree the game has been getting worse with recent patches and that it is way worse then efootball and EAFC. Be it the UFL Discord or Reddit on both the feedback is mostly negative. Corner abuse, crosses that can't be defended, bad ping, horrible defensive AI and more. Like really would be interested where you heard the game made positive progress because from what I see the game is being abandoned more and more by players, the YouTubers who tried it mostly stopped, their twitch numbers are bad and more and more players quit and those who don't tank divisions on purpose because of horrible matchmaking. You get the odd one positive post in between but otherwise mostly players see the game negative with all the problems it has.

If they continue that trend the game doesn't have 6 months anymore.

They made too many mistakes and would have to completely redesign their whole systems and gameplay.
In fact, the only good thing was the ball control feeling and that the players aren't weightless like in EA FC.
So it's not a copy on the pitch.
But yes, i checked here and there and see some goals compilations : it's one dimensional but sometimes trajectory system is surprising while shooting (second good point). Now, the balance is awful in overall regarding the sport they represent.

First,it's been a long time i saw a football game where some occasion are more dangerous like cross - header.
Then, working too well for scoring. tactically i don't think they have a clue about how true 11vs11 football is working, so the AI represent the mirror of their acknowledge.

And finally like @Hayes said : same online only game, no editing, no offline mode on the long terms. Then you have those awful fictional teams, not even a database with real clubs, there's even less chance to see an offline mode other than exhibition than in efootball (which is 0.0001%). But if there were division mode with real club and no added superstars, i would play a game of that kind time to time. But not investing myself on it to be better or whatever else.

I didn't waited at all that game, but i was curious how they will fail the hardest sports to reproduce on video game. Never waited for that game to be a savior, there won't be at least not in this era (like Tennis and Boxing on PS4 era).

Now, i'm waiting for GOALS failure with a smile, especially because the e-sport guys behind the gameplay was arrogant and saying stuffs full of shit like for taking back football games interest it should be arcade and very offensive.
At least UFL guys and producing team wasn't talking shit when they presented their game advancement... Except the last tweet about playing football for real, a big spot appeared on my face after reading that one.
My hope in UFL for sure will die the da I keep my hands on my 8bitdo pro 2 and boot it up on PC.

A very small part in me, hope that this project will take a good direction with sponsorship from Adidas and Christiano Ronaldo.

What strikerz inc. Did very well is the promotion and Marketing of the game, that's something Konami didn't have learned for decades.

I am looking forward to PC release and if the game don't make major progress until than, I will play football life... 🤷🏼‍♂️

EA FC and efootball are not worth playing for me...


  • Pressing Impact on Stamina: Introduced the effect of pressing modes on stamina consumption.
  • Stamina Rebalancing: Stamina usage has been rebalanced across all gameplay actions.
  • Shot Parameter Adjustment: Reparameterized Flair Shot and all header types (Basic, Finesse, Chip, Low, Flair).
  • Dribbling Power Fix: Fixed ball power issues during dribbling, particularly after ball reception.


  • Button Press Influence: Refined the impact of button press/hold duration on ball speed for through passes, ground passes, and powerful ground passes.
  • One-Touch Pass Reparameterization: Adjusted parameters for one-touch passes.
  • Aerial Pass Reception: Resolved errors in ball reception during aerial passes.


  • Own Goal Fix: Fixed cases where goalkeepers couldn’t handle the ball in their penalty area after receiving it, regardless of how it was received.
  • Hand Through Ball Bug Fix: Resolved instances of balls passing through the goalkeeper's hands.
  • Improved Responsiveness: Reduced the number of cases where the goalkeeper fails to react to a shot or pass.


  • Aerial Duel Logic: Improved aerial duel mechanics—defensive players gain an advantage in their penalty area unless there’s a significant height difference.
  • Corner Kick Interception: Improved defensive player reactions to head deflections during corner kicks in their penalty area.
  • Player Stability: Players are now more stable when tackled.
  • Fouls and Cards: Passive tackles resulting in fouls will no longer be penalized with yellow cards.

Last Chance​

  • Duration Adjustment: Reduced the duration of the "Last Chance" phase to avoid excessively long match endings.
  • Immediate FT: The match will end immediately after "Last Chance" if an offside, corner kick, or goal kick is called (the set piece will not be taken).



  • Team Pressing Efficiency: Overall team pressing effectiveness has been improved, allowing teams to apply greater pressure on opponents and reduce their decision-making time.
  • Pressing Activation: Decreased delay for pressing activation after transitioning to defense.
  • Field Awareness: Players now take better account of the field situation, reducing unnecessary opponent passes.
  • Defensive Line Participation: Defensive line players are now more involved in pressing and frequently close down opponents.

Corner Kicks:

  • Attacking Team Adjustment: Reduced the number of attacking players inside the penalty area during corner kicks.
  • Defensive Marking: Defensive players inside the penalty area now stay closer to their opponents.


  • New Difficulty Level: Introduced "Hard" difficulty for experienced players.
  • Dribbling Rebalance: Reworked bot dribbling capabilities across all difficulty levels (Easy, Normal, Hard) to meet expected skill levels.

Attacking Behavior:​

  • Improved Offensive Behavior:
    • Situational Ball Control: Bots now retain the ball more frequently, considering field dynamics.
    • Pass Accuracy: Bot passes are now more precise and deliberate.
    • Diverse Actions: Expanded decision-making options for bots in attacks based on the team’s tactical setup.
    • Short-Distance Dribbling: Bots are more effective in close-range dribbling against opponents.

Defensive Behavior:​

  • Enhanced Reaction:
    • Player Chasing: Bots now actively chase players with the ball during quick attacks.
    • Wing Runs: Bots respond faster to opponent runs down the flanks.
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