The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Pleat fucks me off too Jack. I hate the way he ALWAYS starts the Champions League match by saying "Evening everyone". He grates me.
How bloody hard it is to stay onside if youre a striker in Be a Pro, thats pissing me off.

If anyones played in this Spurs-Arsenal match with me, I was Robbie Keane and I was fucking useless! Sorry
Aaaah, well seeing as I like you Gerd, I wouldn't reverse over you as well.


I'm a cyclist too but I've moved off road to MB'ing. My road bike was obliterated by a 4+4, when someone opened a car door into the road, causing me to smash into them and my bike to career over the road under a car... It was a great comedy sketch. Bust my wrist and a few cuts...:DOH: Trees don't pull out on you... Though I have hit a few..:LOL:
I swear he says the players names wrong on purpose aswell. He must enjoy being infamous for it.
Given his penchant for kerb-crawling, those mis-pronounced player names just roll off the tongue... :r1

Who's Pascal Chimbomba?
Watching Tottenham v PSV now, the main guy says "Mal-bronk", and straight away he says "yes, Mal-brank". Is he suggesting that the main commentator, who has been a commentator for years and years, is saying it wrong? Is saying every single player name wrong? I would find it fucking insulting.

Seriously, no joke, if I ever met him I don't know if I could control myself. I have a nephew who is the same, he will call things the totally wrong name and when you correct him he just says "yeah, well I don't call it that". What makes you better than the English language sunshine?
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That's exactly it, on Tuesday first guy says 'That was good from Ben-zema' then he says "Yes, yes, I'm a fan of Ben Zay Mar, he's a talent'. Every single time. Prick.
And that Spurs player who had an awful debut tonight, "gill-ber-to". I think you'll find it's pronounced "zheel-ber-too" you kerb-crawling wanker.
Some amusing David Pleat quotes (just for you Jack ;)) ):

"A game is not won until it is lost"

"Winning isn't the end of the world"

"This is a real cat and carrot situation"

"I've seen some players with very big feet, and some with very small feet"

"And the steam has gone completely out of the Spanish sails"

"He's got a brain under his hair"

"Pires has got something about him, he can go both ways depending on who's facing him"

"That would have put the icing on his start"

The twats who roam my town centre asking for donations to the NSPCC. I wouldn't be that bad if they were sincere and just sat there, but they came running upto me the other day spouting all this C'mon Buddy wank.

"Hey there, aww how's it going matey, hey you can talk to me, here mate, let's have a chat, hey, mate c'mon I won't bite"

Donating to NSPCC - good. Being bummed in the street for it. Not good.
People who cannot fucking drive. The roads are taken up by too many fucking idiots these days. I had some woman pull out on me at a side road, even though she could see me coming down the road a good 5 seconds before at around 40mph. I had to slam on and skid.

Fucking lunatics.
Some amusing David Pleat quotes (just for you Jack ;)) ):

"A game is not won until it is lost"

"Winning isn't the end of the world"

"This is a real cat and carrot situation"

"I've seen some players with very big feet, and some with very small feet"

"And the steam has gone completely out of the Spanish sails"

"He's got a brain under his hair"

"Pires has got something about him, he can go both ways depending on who's facing him"

"That would have put the icing on his start"

LMAO :lmao:
People who cannot fucking drive. The roads are taken up by too many fucking idiots these days. I had some woman pull out on me at a side road, even though she could see me coming down the road a good 5 seconds before at around 40mph. I had to slam on and skid.

Fucking lunatics.
Some Ron Atkinson quotes:

"The keeper should have saved that one but he did"

"The Spaniards have been reduced to aiming aimless balls into the box"

"If Glenn Hoddle said one word to his team at half time, it was concentration and focus"

:lmao: Bloody genius!

LMFAO What a genius site. I love reading quotes like this. Some of the Terry Venables ones are brilliant too. It's a genuinely great way to cheer yourself up :)).
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In Alex Ferguson's autobigraphy "Managing My Life" he talks about Ron Atkinson in regards to the state of United when he took over from him. Apparantly, Ron didn't even conduct proper training sessions, he'd tell his assistant coach to "tell the boys just to have a long run" and he'd go to the sunbed for a few hours! :lol:
In Alex Ferguson's autobigraphy "Managing My Life" he talks about Ron Atkinson in regards to the state of United when he took over from him. Apparantly, Ron didn't even conduct proper training sessions, he'd tell his assistant coach to "tell the boys just to have a long run" and he'd go to the sunbed for a few hours! :lol:

:LOL: is that real?! :SS
Whoever had the idea for the latest Churchill advert needs a shotgun to the face.

I hate adverts for insurance firms that involve gameshows.

Terrible shite.
Whoever had the idea for the latest Churchill advert needs a shotgun to the face.

I hate adverts for insurance firms that involve gameshows.

Terrible shite.

Its all retarded!!! the guy who asks the question isn't even the host - He gets chosen from the audience. Its a whole pile of bollucks. That advert winds me up greatly!!!
It makes me want to cancel my insurance policy with them.

Bring back the old adverts (preferably with Vic doing the voiceover)
is that real?!

Obviously, have you seen how orange he is?!?!?

Love David Pleat, "and yes there's some great skill from beni noon"

Actually I hate commentators full stop. Nearly everyone talks nonsense. "Liverpool CL game coming, and we won't be discussin the rotation issue's as they have been discussed more then enough" 15sec in to the match and a player misplaces his pass: "See that's what rotation does to players, they just don't have the understanding" GRrrrrr.

Or a "Lawro Lawro Nonsense" with Motty and their crappy "jokes". I'm sure you all know the "Riise breaks Smiths leg one". Replay shows the ball hits the other leg and its smith's body falling on to the other leg that actualyl breaks it. But no, instead we are treated to: "Yes look, the ball breaks his leg" No it doesn't you f$%king gobsh!te! STFU!!!!!

Or commentators just blantently getting stuff wrong to be more "sensationalist", even though we could see that it wasnt true, and that replays comfirm it. Offcourse they go all quite and talk about something else, or just lie. Fortunatly enough on digi tv here we have two soundtracks, sometimes its dutch and english and sometimes its english and crowd.

It's amazing how much more relaxed and enjoyable it is to watch football without commentators. You don't have to put up with people talking shite, which lets face it is annoying everywhere. The footie club threads are a perfect example from time to time. And you can just base your opinion on what you see, its liberating!
Stupid neighbours who refuse to speak in English and therefore won't understand the need to repair their fence, leaving the debris to go everywhere including our garden.
Old lady talking loud as fuck at 8am in the morning and not letting me sleep. (Just Today)
It really pisses me off when somebody doesn't let me have beauty sleep.
Aye I bet. Why the fuck would I actually want to move in with her and have this pain permanently?! :brick: :LOL:
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