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- #1,081
The 3-Stars Cup
Wow, amazing job man!! It's so cool it was a "family project" and the final result looks awesome, great design!! Looks comfortable to play too!!Today, with the help of my father, we completed the assembly of a small sized arcade stick.
It's a small one, using only 24mm buttons (Seimitsu) and a Seimitsu LS-55-01 stick. The board is a Brook Pi Zero Easy. The case is a mini from Ultra Arcade Europe.
The buttons and stick were bought from Akishop in Japan 1 or 2 years ago.
Our issue was that the board (PCB) of the joystick had a direction not working. After testing, my father identified the faulty line and did a repair by bridging the faulty part by soldering a thin wire.
The art was done my myself.
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For comparison, here it is next to my full sized one (Sanwa JLF + Sanwa 33mm buttons and Ultra Ulia enclosure).
View attachment 333962
View attachment 333963