Thanks for your response. I’ll be honest, I’m still fairly new to all this and not entirely sure how to proceed with your suggestions. Another user previously recommended WE2008 and JLWE2008CC along with accompanying option files, but I don’t have much experience with setting them up. This was recommended to me today in this forum.
I only joined EvoWeb about two weeks ago, but I’m already finding it a bit overwhelming and considering deleting my account. I recently set up my PS2 with OPL, and my main aim was to access download links for Winning Eleven Final Evolution games—particularly WE6FE and WE7I—as well as PES2014.
I’m really just looking for simple patches: real kits, correct player names etc... and as much English translation (text and commentary) as possible. The Final Evolution games offer a unique and interesting gameplay experience, but finding decent patches has been such a tedious and time-consuming process. It feels like I’m endlessly searching through webpages, YouTube videos, and forum threads. Sometimes I do come across a promising patch, but then it’s let down by odd design choices—things like removing the player cursor, adding distracting custom backgrounds, or even using a light green ball on a green pitch.
It would be so much easier if these patches and option files were organised into clear threads or folders, but maybe I’m just missing something as a newcomer. It’s disheartening when you don’t have the time to spend hours on this.
Thanks again for your reply - really appreciate any further guidance you can offer.
Hi @tonedogg92 welcome to the site, but most importantly to the Retro PES Corner

Like yourself, I easily get confused with transferring files from PC to PS2 and knowing and remembering what to do.
Looking at your previous posts it looks like you already know how to use ISO’s on your PS2 using Free MCBoot. Maybe I am wrong, are you unsure how to transfer option files from the PC to your PS2? If so, here are some instructions that I wrote for myself to help me not to forget:
Transferring Option File from PC (Mac) to PS2
PC Part
- Open “PS2SaveConvertor”
- Select “Open”
- Select the Option File
- Select “Open”
- Right click “BESLES…etc”
- Select “Extract File”
- Save it to the desktop (remember what you named it)
- Close “PS2SaveConvertor”
- Insert “MaxDrive”
- Copy the recently saved file to the “MaxDrive”
- Eject “MaxDrive”
- Insert “MaxDrive”
- Turn on the PS2
- Select “uLaunchELF”
- Select “File Browser”
- Press OK on “mc0” (that is the memory card in slot 1”
- Press OK on “BESLES…OPT”
- Mark “BESLES…OPT” (that is the option file currently on the memory card)
- Press R1
- Select “Delete”
- Press UP twice
- Press OK on “mass” (that is the MaxDrive)
- Mark “BESLES…OPT” (that is the new option file)
- Press R1
- Select “Copy”
- Press UP
- Press OK on “mc0”
- Press OK on “BESLES…OPT”
- Press R1
- Select “Paste”
Please let me know if that helps or any other questions you have? I may be able to answer otherwise I am sure others can