The Random Crap Thread

Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

God bless all those in Mississippi. What's happened there is one of my worst nightmares. What a disaster, God bless all the families affected.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Oh balls, that killed the thread, didn't it?

Right, I'm in a random mood, so every day that I remember I'm going to post random facts about me and my life in here.

Random JB Fact #1: My favourite colour is orange, and my girlfriend hates the colour orange.
Random JB Fact #2: My favourite drinks are Vimto, Dandelion & Burdock and Irn-Bru.
Random JB Fact #3: It took me over 10 seconds to find the hash key when I started my "random facts".
Random JB Fact #4: Nearly all of my posts are edited. I don't know why, I'm an idiot.
Random JB Fact #5: I found my current avatar by accident when Googling "peace".
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Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

You created the Random Crap thread and then you killed it, well done ;)
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

She visits here regularly so she knows who you are.

I bet you're wanking right now you fiend.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Kick one in the jaw really hard and it'll get to look up for a split second before it falls on its back. It'll probably thank you for it.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Every time there's a dog on the TV, even if the sound is off, our dog stops whatever he's doing and sits down to watch it.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Nah it's not true, who watches TV with no sound apart from me watching porn when the Mrs has gone to bed. That probably has something to do with dogs being physic. Not me watching porn.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I always wondered if I was the only person ever to do THIS. I'm glad to know I'm not.

I'll tell you what, it's fucking agony, you've never felt pain like it in your life (unless you've been shot/had limbs mangled by machinery). Happens to me about once every 2/3 years. You open your eyes, you're half-asleep, still dreaming, just have a little stretch and PING, it's like a starved pitbull is eating your leg, for about FIVE MINUTES - the muscle's stretched too far and you're in absolute AGONY as it feels like it's stretching further and further and you can't stretch it back. I've never been to the doctor's over it because I'm alright a week or so later, but it hurts like hell.

What a bastard if you're a footballer, though.
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Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

happens to me regularly, but I usually manage to pull out of the stretch as I feel the pain starting.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

As soon as I feel the pain starting it's too late, the muscle won't go back and I'm waiting five minutes for the pain to go down enough to go for my morning crap.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I only get it in the summer though because it's about 35 degrees so I sometimes leave the fan on when I sleep which makes my legs cold.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I mentioned it elsewhere, but ...

If you were invisible, you would be blind as the light would pass right through your head and your eyes would not work. Don't believe all those invisible man movies... they're not true, although I can accept the bird out of the Fantastic Four because she bends light to 'appear' invisible.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Its fucking annoying as hell over here right now any game they show in america Backham is mentioned within the first minute and then talked about the whole game even tho the two teams playing arent related.

Or if his team are playing Beckham cam is on showing him in a suit sitting there WTF.

America sadly is always about a single person and not the sport.

Danica Patrik - Indy Car, useless driver who if was guy wouldnt even be known.
Freddi Adu - until the recent world cup hadnt done anything
Mia Hamm - camera again would show her on the bench throughout a game instead of following the game.
Kobi Bryant - again needs to stop raping woman and actuually prove himself
And my fave Landon Donovan who hides in the MLS because he knows he isnt good enough to play in europe at a top club.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Its fucking annoying as hell over here right now any game they show in america Backham is mentioned within the first minute and then talked about the whole game even tho the two teams playing arent related.

Or if his team are playing Beckham cam is on showing him in a suit sitting there WTF.

America sadly is always about a single person and not the sport.

Danica Patrik - Indy Car, useless driver who if was guy wouldnt even be known.
Freddi Adu - until the recent world cup hadnt done anything
Mia Hamm - camera again would show her on the bench throughout a game instead of following the game.
Kobi Bryant - again needs to stop raping woman and actuually prove himself
And my fave Landon Donovan who hides in the MLS because he knows he isnt good enough to play in europe at a top club.

man your kidding yourself

kobe bryant needs to prove himself!!???!?!?!?

i cant even go on after that stupid comment, he is the best or top 3 players in the world and you think he needs to prove himself. thats like saying ronaldhino needs to prove himself, stupid
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Even if i give you the Kobi comment you know exactly what a i mean.
Its all about individuals over here and the press don't give a shit about the sports involved.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah but Ronaldinho won the European cup and Spanish League as recently as 2006.
Kobi hasnt won a championship since 2002

yeah and ronnie had eto, messi, deco, marquez, puyol, larson, etc..

who did kobe have? Nate Odom... Kwame brown?

give me a break, you really are so wrong on that its not even funny

I would love to argue the rest of your points because i think there ridiclous(especially donovan) but i honestly dont think you have enough knowledge of each to even have and educated discussion about it... How many matches have you seen Adu or Donovan play in? I would say probably less then 20 for both...

if you care to discuss open a thread in off-topic, title it

beckham hype
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Even if i give you the Kobi comment you know exactly what a i mean.
Its all about individuals over here and the press don't give a shit about the sports involved.

dude across the pond the press doesnt even tell the truth! take it to off topic, YOU GOT ME RARRING TO GO! LOL
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

What about the LA lakers team that the Pistons walked all over in 2005.
According to the press at the time it was a 4-0 victory for the Lakers Even my friends didnt give ther home team a chance.
Living in Michigan at the time it was fantastic seeing the underdogs destroy the Hollywood allstars.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

What about the LA lakers team that the Pistons walked all over in 2005.
According to the press at the time it was a 4-0 victory for the Lakers Even my friends didnt give ther home team a chance.
Living in Michigan at the time it was fantastic seeing the underdogs destroy the Hollywood allstars.

take it to offtopic, but like i said your pretty uneducated

the spurs played the pistons in 2005... not the lakers... :(
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Anyway its now Beckhams time in the limelight and its annoying as hell especially as hes not playing and when he does the majority of ppl who know nothing about Soccer are in for a shock.
WTF he doesnt score 3 goal every game lol.

PS still love you Saunders :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Anyway its now Beckhams time in the limelight and its annoying as hell especially as hes not playing and when he does the majority of ppl who know nothing about Soccer are in for a shock.
WTF he doesnt score 3 goal every game lol.

PS still love you Saunders :)

take it to off topic LOL

they have to hype him to make money, end of story, as annoying as it is

i agree about the people who dont know about soccer, but at least it gets them to a game.. if 25,000 extra people are comming to see dc united tommorow(normally 20,000, total of 45,000) if 1000 want to come back again, i think becks did his job...
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