The Random Crap Thread

15-year-old Calvino Inman, perhaps disappointed with his first 15 years of not resembling any comic book characters, can now take on the mantle of Horned Lizard Man. Like the lizard, Inman's eyes produce blood, which runs down his face at least three times a day.

Doctors have scanned and rescanned the boy, and conducted various tests, but so far there's no way to treat the condition. His parents are hoping to find someone who can give them some hope for treatment which will put an end to the torment Inman receives from his peers.

Across the world in India, 13-year-old Twinkle Dwivedi cries tears of blood but also bleeds from her head, feet and hands with no apparent signs of any wounds. Twinkle, who already sports a comic book name, has her own National Geographic special airing on American TV.

Hopefully someone will hear their stories and be able to offer a solution but in the meantime, we suggest they try to master squirting the blood, which will at least silence the people who make fun of them by making them run in abject terror all the way to the dry cleaners.

Click here to see Inman and Dwivedi's defective ducts in action.
A bit dull if your not into it but it's a big leap...

Optical Quantum Chip

Super-fast and ultra-small computers have been brought one step closer to reality with the successful test of a new penny-sized chip.

Traditional computer micro chips are as small as they are likely to get

The optical quantum chip does away with traditional circuitry and instead uses particles of "whizzing" light.

Scientists asked the "photonic" chip to find the prime factors of 15 and, although it took longer to work it out than a schoolchild could have, it produced the answer - 3 x 5.

The test is a massive breakthrough because it is the first time the chip's processing power has been condensed into such a small size.

Normally to store the same amount of processing power it would need a pack the size of a work bench sitting beside it.

The chip could eventually pave the way for "super-powerful quantum computers".

Cherry Lewis, spokeswoman for the team at Bristol University, explained why we need this technology.

"We are almost getting to the point now where conventional computers cannot go any smaller so we need to go down a completely new route.

"We are talking nano-scale. Particles of light."

Quantum technology aims to exploit the unique properties of quantum mechanics - the physics theory that explains how the world works at microscopic levels.

The main advantage is that unlike transistors in a traditional computer quantum particles can be in two states at the same time.

Also, photons are relatively noise-free and can transmit information at the speed of light.

In the near future the technology could eventually be applied to making internet connections secure, and to developing new materials and medicines.

PhD student Alberto Politi, who performed the experiment with colleague Jonathan Matthews, said: "Finding prime factors may seem like a mathematical abstraction, but the task lies at the heart of modern encryption schemes, including those used for secure internet communication."

MAke a small fire in the garden and ram bamboo sticks in the end of the cob, then stick the other end in the ground so they cook like they do fish in the amazon (probably).



Tell me, do Liverpool fans get castrated if they don't use it in a sentence once a day?
Where else has a Liverpool fan used that sentence today then? Point me to a Liverpool forum where every member has said that today. Point me to every other statement he's ever released that has that sentence in. (Yes, I'm aware that's supposed to be a joke, but I haven't seen enough Liverpool fans using the line "you'll never walk alone" in everyday conversation to find that remotely true or remotely funny.)

A man has just been freed from prison after spending four years in jail, for a crime that someone else has admitted committing, because of how fucked up the justice system is - and I'm thinking that the stereotypical view that most of the world has about scousers (or at least the English) had a lot to do with it in the eyes of the Bulgarians. So I think a comment like that is a bit low... It just smacks of a Man United fan being bitter that a Liverpool fan has been released from jail, and that's pretty awful.
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I did cringe when he said it. I mean.. say thanks, say you're happy.. anything but clichéd nonesense.
It's cheesey but it's the spirit that he's feeling right now, I would feel like that as well. The amount of banners saying FREE MICHAEL SHIELDS dotted all over the place in Liverpool is pretty unbelievable, so he feels like he's never been alone from the minute he was locked up. If I was him I'd be feeling pretty well loved by the people of Liverpool right now, they could have just not given a toss and left it to his family. So I can forgive a line like that.
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A Johns Hopkins University student armed with a samurai sword killed a man who broke into the garage of his off-campus residence early Tuesday, a Baltimore police spokesman said.

According to preliminary reports, a resident of the 300 block of E. University Parkway called police about a suspicious person, department spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. An off-duty officer responded about 1:20 a.m. to the area with university security, according to Guglielmi. They heard shouts and screams from a neighbouring house and found the suspected burglar suffering from a nearly severed hand and lacerations to his upper body, he said.

The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.

I have to wonder why didn't the burglar ran when he saw the sword?
the kid must be a ninja. never saw it coming?
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