The Random Crap Thread

S'alreet Kev, I've got both bases covered, ISS Pro and Pro'98 are here as well.

Lulz @ the attitude though.

Holy shit @ hearing Colin McRae's voice in the school bit of CMR as well, it freaked me out.
I want a PSone now. :(

Oh wait, the PS3 plays PSone games doesn't it? Perhaps I'll go rooting through GAME's bargain bin tomorrow.
Depends which PS3 you've got.

Admittedly I've got the 60gb version, so I could just play all the games on that, but it's not the same unless you can get your hands on a proper PS1.
I want a PSone now. :(

You don't have your PS1?!?! Wow. I still have mine and my SNES somewhere, and Will still has his NES stored away at his parents! And I'm sure my GameBoy is still in the family somewhere, one of my cousins has it. Old consoles are awesome. :applaud: Wow we have a lot of consoles between us really...

3 PS2s. PS3. NES. SNES. 2 Nintendo DS'. PSP. Gameboy. Wii.

Not bad. I used to have an Amiga 1200 and a Commodore 64 too, christ knows what happened to them though, that was back in the dark ages.
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I've never had enough money to buy the next console without selling the old one. I've had all the mainstream consoles and handhelds at some point, but all I've got now is the Amiga (which I'll never get rid of) and the 360/PS3. And the DS but I might have to sell that on soon.
The game gear!! Random but I just remembered that!! I wonder what happened to that too... :( Don't sell your DS! DS is good.
The Amiga I had is still in my loft.

The PSX I originally had is in the loft, but in bits because I took it apart when I was ten trying to make it work again (sister knocked it off my little desk whilst trying to reach something (not sure how) and it fell to it's demise).

The SNES and NES that my uncle had are at my nans house. Used to play on those loads when I went round to theirs.

Not sure where the GameGear we had is. Or the two Gameboys.

Uncles N64 is still at my nans, in the loft somewhere, probably with the SNES and NES, but I haven't seen it in years, might rescue it, along with those two.

My original PS2 (from launch in the UK) is at one friends house, the Slimline is at the previously mentioned ones.

The 360 has gone in trade for the PS3 and my sisters Wii is downstairs, so we've had a fairly illustrious console history as well.

So many memories attatched to each of them as well, love it :D
Never had a SNES, my parents couldn't afford one. I never forgave them, and my mate Chris Adams never forgave me for not letting him have a go of his own SNES. Still never finished the Mario games on it. Eats me up inside.
Chillin' on FIFA 99 right now

this is probably up there with PES3 as my all time favourate football game, i played this game for full days amazing stuff:applaud:
Cant believe how long the PES name used to be.

International Superstar Soccer: Pro Evolution 2

I used to hate asking shops about it.. and if I said ISS Pro Evo 2, they would say "come again?"
Really stupid question...


What do you call these animations, the ones with the red lips and the big gaping mouths shooting light? I've seen them before but the term for them escapes me and it's driving me mad. I've Googled "red lips open mouth" but the results... Well, they weren't what I was looking for, but they were *ahem* interesting.
Really stupid question...


What do you call these animations, the ones with the red lips and the big gaping mouths shooting light? I've seen them before but the term for them escapes me and it's driving me mad. I've Googled "red lips open mouth" but the results... Well, they weren't what I was looking for, but they were *ahem* interesting.


I remember doing that on a few friends.

Then we did it to a 13 year old, he cried for the next 10 minutes. :LOL:
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