The PES4 Master League Thread - YEAH!

afternoon chaps

this ML thing where you can improve players (or they can regress) - you can only see a plotted graph once youve bought them is that right ?

Would an older player see all his stats decrease or just those that would be affected by his age ? e.g. speed/stamina etc...

Same question in reverse for a young and up&coming player. Regardless of extra pre-season training, can you effect in any way which stats are increased ? e.g. will a winger get better at crossing or a dmf better at tackling ?


hi db.

From what i've seen of my players, is that it's the ones in their 30s, whose stats start to decrease. I think one may have started at 29. I think it depends on the individual though, and stats decrease more, the older he is. However, it's not all stats that decrease. Zola for example kept his FK accuracy, his passing accuracy and his passing speed, yet his speed and stamina did decrease, and some other attributes too. I would have hoped mentality would increase with age, as a kind of experience thing, but i haven't seen that yet.

On to the younger players. Yes you can enter them in to specific training skills. If you have a winger and you want to increase his long pass accuracy, put him through that training skill over and over. It's as simple as that. When you go into training, you pick a skill, be it team or individual, then you pick the players you want to do it with. You have to "Pass" the training though for it to have an effect. Once you have you can repeat it with the same player(s), or you can pick some others.
Come to think of it, i haven't tried training the older guys to see if their falling stats can be reversed. I think because i'm more interesyed in training up the younger ones.
When you dip into the transfer market at the end of a season, i've noticed that a lot of the young players are significantly better, and i'm betting their price tags have stayed similar too. I say this because i bought the young Brazilian forward Joaquim from Olympiakos, and his stats were much improved on his default stats (when i viewed them in Edit mode later). However, his asking price was under 3000, which was a real bargain. I reckon come next season it would have gone up.
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PLF said:
damn.. that formation didn't come out like how i typed it.... how do you guys do it??/
you can also wrap your text in
tags to maintain your formatting.

1     2     3
   4     5
You're probably right. But it does let you use the same player over, once you've initially passed a skill.

btw db, once you come out of training, you automatically go to a squad list. Scroll down it, and the players in yellow are the players you trained.
Professor Nutmeg said:
You're probably right. But it does let you use the same player over, once you've initially passed a skill.

btw db, once you come out of training, you automatically go to a squad list. Scroll down it, and the players in yellow are the players you trained.

cool mate.

so this team training thing then ? does that add anything e.g. the teamwork stat between players can increase or is just standard matches ?


db, i've noticed teamwork isn't as before, ie a new player has teamwork 38, for example. Now they have what they have, eg 74 from the start, for example. Don't know if it fluctuates or not.

You can't edit the default ML player names, however, OFs seemed to have corrected them.

DD, it appears that they do. I mentioned above, the young player Joaquim whose stats where significantly better a year on, compared to his stats in Edit mode.
Don Domenico said:
I have a question for the ones who have already started ML, do the stats increase/decrease of the players of all the other teams in ML ?
They certainly do! I asked this a while back but since no one had any good proof it works or not, i recorded 10 promising players stats before starting ML like Kaebi, Cardoso, Tevez and Kompany and others.

then at the END of 1st season i went and checked those players.... and they had all gone up. Of course some by huge imporvements like Cardoso which shows you his growth rate is really high and some by lower amounts like Tevez.

As for Ike, thanks ;) I'll go copy paste and wrap
around that formation now.

As for Denirobob, my friend, what Prof said is pretty much right but stats increasing/decreasing doesn't really have much to do DIRECTLY with age. It all depends on their graph which shows you when they'll be at their PEAK!

My Stephen Carr was 27 yet he was decreasing from day one because according to Konami he's just a little past his prime now (25,26) so his graph is downward sloping and that means he'll drop stats.

Similarly Adriano's peak is when you start the game and he's 22 so he also has down-ward slopin graph after 22 which means he'll be dropping stats as early as 23.

So you see it doesn't have much to do directly with age but its according to where their development curve is going.

But I also have players who are 26, 27 who are improving every match because their peak is at 29 or 32 so they have room to improve.

So the way i said it, it's possible for a player to be even improving at 32, if Konami have set his peak to be 35 get what i mean?
doesn't really got much to do with age but its obvious that at 30, most players are past their prime and therefore stats will be going down.

@Prof, dont bother training oldies who are declining in stats because it takes sometime to do all individual and team trainings for them too like "Carr" for example but when yellow percentage things come at end of training. He's only gone up 4-11% while you've done same thing for Milner and he's gone up 2 or 3 STATS!!! not 2-3%.

so its not really efficient to try to reverse the oldies back because in 7 weeks of off-season if you train the declining players EVERY time in all aspects, you MIGHt, you might be able to have them reach one or two stats by 100% hence increasing by one attribute.

I did this last time and it wasn't worth it for those who were declining so i thought i'd tell others so they dont waste their time.
Sometimes its good but most times their percentages go up really slow beause they're supposed to be decreasing, so when it goes up its by few percentages that dont even add up to ONE increase in attribute.

Wow.... that was some post but i hope i helped someone.

talk 2 u guys later
Hey guys wassup, any one know how good mascahrano is, cuz i know he is really good in real life, wondering if he is worth buying as a young DM
Mascherano's stats look alright but i dont know about how much he'll grow because i haven't bought him. But he is pretty cheap for around 3k so it's probably worth giving him a try.

I just bought Luis Gonzalez though, i'll let you know how he turns out.

Onto my story:
During mid-season negotiation period in Div 2, I'm toppin the league with 19 points with 6 wins and 1 draw with 16 goals scored and 3 conceded on 6*.

I still wanted to upgrade my squad a bit and add to its depth though because i'll be playin in Lique one hopefully next season ;)

So i bought Bobo Balde whom i traded with a 32 year old useless defender who had declining stats and a bit of money.

I also brought in Luis Gonzalez because i needed good backup for Lonfat and Mathieu and also someone on the wing should things happen to Wilson Oruma or Mikael Isabey.

He'll be a good buy i think, 23 years old for those who watched Copa America this year, he was very impressive but lets see how he'll turn out in the game ;)

And my last buy was Marek Heinz because i needed a tall forward who can nod the long balls to my other players since all my forwards were small or average height.

So i got him for around 3800 and he's also left-footed and good at freekicks which is other things i needed since all my other forwards were right-footed and i only had Mathieu who could take freekicks. So as you can see he fitted what i was looking for greatly and was of course cheap ;)

In the meantime, I sold Marcelo Trappaso to Auxurre to balance my books and also because i knew he wont break into my first team and his stats would be declining soon.
hey, if anyone has time can they answer my question...for those of you who have Totti or they get better ? or have they reached there peak and usually go down like Adriano.
t0tt10 said:
hey, if anyone has time can they answer my question...for those of you who have Totti or they get better ? or have they reached there peak and usually go down like Adriano.

in Pro EVO players dont get better cause there bad its because there young not highly skilled.
Still top of the table with Metz. Managed a 1-1 in the Parc Des Princes against PSG (and deserved to win), won my return match in the div1 cup against Sochaux (1-0) and managed a hard fought 1-0 win against Lens. In this last match i had loads of opportunities but i only managed to score the winner in 85th minute....Well it's still very tight with four teams in a space of three points...(Metz, As Monaco, Nantes and Olympique Marseille)
All right, it's frustration time (well not exactly...). I've reached the first transfer window and had an update on the WEFA-ranking of my Metz team. To my astonishment i went from 60th to 61th position even if the first time i was in 5th position in my French league and now Metz are still top of the table...How is it possible to lose a place when i have also gone round further in the division 1 cup and when i see that the club i eliminated (Sochaux) did progress in the WEFA ranking (they are 15 or 20 places above me)...
Of course all this is in relation to the transfers, all players i contacted after two transfer weeks turned me down...
Is there anybody who can help me??? How about the WEFA rankings and what do i have to do in order to transfer players (and i'm not exactly after the galacticos). I want to transfer a SB and a play maker and i tried very young players...
Prof??? DB??? Don??? PLF??? You guys have been there...what should i do???
Hello gerd, I wouldn't worry about the rankings just yet (i don't). I think the points system is based on your players points averages, no? So you can play badly and still win 1-0. But i'm not too sure on that one. I'm pretty sure it hasn't anything to do with your league position, rather what you do to get there.

Transfers. Hmm, are you offering enough? If you bid for a player not at a club, you will be almost certain to get him. My only 2 mid-season buys were 2 guys not at a club in my ML, they were from the South American clubs. I have however bought players from other clubs, still under contract. It took me 2 attempts to sign the young Italian keeper Agilardi from Atalanta for example.
The individual rankings piss me off, even the com controlled players in other leagues only manage 6 - 7!

I socred a hat trick against Arsenal and the player only got a 7.5! WTF is that all about?
Whats the general consensus on fatigue?

Is it better to rest your decent players as soon as they show a less than full stamina meter, or should you always drive your best players into the ground when youve only got poo on the bench? Thoughts?

P.S. Its all about Japanese players, dunno if this has been said already but do a search for all Japanese nationality players. They all have 200 wages and some are v good. Nakata is the best buy (excellent 1st touch) but Takahara has also proved an instinctive finisher for me.
l don't seem to get any injuries in my master league. The CPU does but I don't get any! Havn't had any for about one whole season! And the only few that I had were just 3 or 4 weeks, only minor, nothing major. But CPU gets minor and major. (I'm playing on 6* if that makes any difference?).

Anyway, I'm doing really well. Unbeaten in Barclay's Premiership and WEFA Championship, just lost one game all season and that was in League Cup and I went through on away goals anyway!!! I'm 4 points clear at the top of Premiership and have qualified from my WEFA Championship group with one game still to play. Will be entering the Quarter final soon, which is where I got knocked out last season by a very dubious late goal from Edu of Arsenal.

I've bought quite a few players now, and here is my team at the moment:






Prof, that's the problem i didn't try to buy players who play for other clubs...i remember a Peruvian 20 year old OMF and went that failed an Argentinian OMF...
If the WEFA ranking is about my players' points averages i will never get high because my players never have high point (8 is rather exceptional, can't remeber a 9 let alone a 10). On the other hand, Signorino my LB and Meniri my CB have very high average point because they are among the five best defenders (but the rest must be crao i guess).
Of course i have to say that my three last matches were rather sloppy: 0-0 against Nantes (could have scored several goals but was in the end rather glad that i did not lost that match, 1-1 at home against OGC Nice, my worstr match of the season and a spectacular 3-3 at St-Etienne in the first leg of the division 1 Cup).

Thanks for the answer Prof...
Perhaps you need to be more generous with the fee and wage gerd? I had no problems signing Argies, Mascherano and Donnet, midway through the season. Although i find you don't have to be too excessive for the players not at clubs. Sometimes 200 or 300 above the asking price will get you your man.
I wonder what it would be to play against you guys as most of you are having a hard time with the CPU. I'm chopping the cpu with my default master league team so easily it's not even funny any more, I'm just glad I have a lot of mates to play against IRL :D Online play on PC and Xbox is gonna be off the hook!
I reckon you would pummel me within an inch of my sad pathetic pro evo playing life :)

Its at times like this that I really am truely glad to be mediocre and still hooked, like a lovesick schoolboy with a crush on Tiffany.
what a corker of a question mate.

Nobody likes shite on the sidelines, but from a personal point of view where possible (usually depending on opposition) I try to rest my most important players if their meter has begun to go down.

In WE8/PES3 I tried to ensure I pretty much had cover for each position and had one or two players who could come in now and again and perform a "cameo" role. In particular Mohammed Al Shlhoub "The Riyadh Pocket Rocket" springs to mind. I think the young lad lacked the self confidence/maturity to perform week in week out but seemed to excel when given the chance to replace one of the clubs bigger names for the odd game.

Perhaps, you need a few Clayton Blackmore types, who are able to perform from time to time but you wouldn't trust with a longrun in the side ?
Gerd, I know what you're saying. Those rankings can really p i s s you off sometimes because you see you've won ALL your matches from last update yet you have gone DOWN even one or two places compared to some shit teams in your own division who are above you!!

But I think the ranking has got MORE and MORe to do with Player ratings now that i think about it.
I say this because when i was in Div 2 with Sochaux, because of the fewer amount of games that you play in Div 2 compared to 1, i remember my team OWNED the ranking charts.

For example for the defenders I had 4 out of 5 players in there and my goalie and 2 or 3 midfielders as well. That's because I was playing well and since there are only 14 matches in Div 2 , its much easier to have higher avg ratings for your players.

that same season I watched my Sochaux team who was owning the player ranking rates, jump 12 or 14 places in the RANKING in the next update.

However now that I'm back in Div 1, I find it really hard to improve in rankings because my players aren't making the player average ratings either.

So apart from WINNING cups/leagues and European cups, PLAYER AVERAGE RATINGS are probably one of the other things the game really considers when deciding on rankings.

hope that helped.
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