The PC Building Thread

That's what you have to pay for a new top-end card unfortunately. I could spend £400 on a PS4 instead but why settle for second best?

I am going the different route, when the GTX 680 is cheap enough, say around the £150 mark I am going to buy another one and SLI them.

I paid £430 for my GTX 680 the day they were released, so will prob not get another top GFX for another couple of years as now we have seen the real power of the next gen machines, my PC won't even break sweat for the next 5 years.
I am not disputing that and worth it if your going to make use of it

Pretty sure I will. I like to play all games on high/max settings @60fps if I can. I hate knowing the game can look better and I can't achieve that.

To be fair my 7950 is a brilliant card and I don't really need a new GPU but I just fancied a change.

I am going the different route, when the GTX 680 is cheap enough, say around the £150 mark I am going to buy another one and SLI them.

I paid £430 for my GTX 680 the day they were released, so will prob not get another top GFX for another couple of years as now we have seen the real power of the next gen machines, my PC won't even break sweat for the next 5 years.

I haven't got a board or PSU suitable for Crossfire so picking up another 7950 was out of the question. Not sure I'm all that interested in CF/SLI to be honest despite the stellar performance you get for not much money. I think I'd rather have the one fast card.
I am going the different route, when the GTX 680 is cheap enough, say around the £150 mark I am going to buy another one and SLI them.

I paid £430 for my GTX 680 the day they were released, so will prob not get another top GFX for another couple of years as now we have seen the real power of the next gen machines, my PC won't even break sweat for the next 5 years.

I was considering getting another GTX 680 but from what I've been reading, VRAM is going to be more important so 2GB shared between the two cards probably wont cut it :(
I am tempted by a 780

Is that bad as I only play battlefield on PC

Getting ps4 for FIFA with mates

I would get a GTX 680 on ebay.
They can picked up at the moment for around £200, so you can play everything in Ultra for probably the next few years.

The GTX 780 is about 10-20% faster in benchmarks, but for one game is an extra £200 worth it?
Well, that'll handle BF4 Ultra fine haha.

My MSI Twin Frozr III 7950 (with a slight overclock added through CCC that the card handles without a hitch) manages 65-70 FPS at 1080p Ultra, the majority of the time. It's a stunning game.
So yeah, "only" running at 1080p, but at this resolution the 780 destroys pretty much everything bar the likes of Crysis.

I can now max all my video settings and enjoy my games looking their best.
Not bothering with a console for now. It annoys me how they sell it as a nextgen

Both consoles are under-powered, so they may look ok now, but if they have the same life-cycle as current gen then they will seriously dated in five or six years time. As I said in the next-gen consoles thread, the fact that many games are struggling to to hit 1080p let alone 60fps is not progress in my opinion.

Using mid-range GPUs that are approaching two years old will really limit what the XB1 and PS4 can do.
Both consoles are under-powered, so they may look ok now, but if they have the same life-cycle as current gen then they will seriously dated in five or six years time. As I said in the next-gen consoles thread, the fact that many games are struggling to to hit 1080p let alone 60fps is not progress in my opinion.

Using mid-range GPUs that are approaching two years old will really limit what the XB1 and PS4 can do.

Non 60FPS and 1080p in 2013 is seriously a joke, personally the main reason why I am annoyed by the lack of power the next gen brings is the fact that PC games will barely improve over the next 5-6 years.

I know the majority of games these days are built on PC and then ported across to the consoles, so graphics may not be such an issue but in terms of actual gameplay and improvements in AI the severe lack of power in the next gen systems will mean developers will have to cut features from games and tone down AI, just because the new systems can't process the technology they are trying to add.

I can see how dump console players can look at the specs and go wow, as I know the sort of people who go into PC World, go wow a 2.5GHZ Quad Core, that must be much better than this 2.3GHZ Dual Core i5. When the reality is it won't be, Sony and Microsoft have just posted specs of processors and 8GB of RAM(but by the way 3GB of this is used by the OS, and 2GB is used by the GPU, so you actually get 3GB of actual system RAM to be used). The processor though is a Notebook CPU with 8 cores instead of 4, it is a processor manufacturers wont even put in Laptops.

This is just a small rant as being a PC gamer, I feel PC games are going to suffer immensely over the next few years due to the shambolic specs of the so called next gen, I really don't think there is much innovation to come over this time unless Valve go PC exclusive with Half Life 3.

I thought I would post my thoughts in here rather than the console thread, as if I did a think a couple of people will want to do me up the dirt box.
Typical scan.

Emailed me to say they can't supply it at the pre order price and it will be £22 extra.

Original price was £351 for the gpu and 3 games.

Told them original price or no deal
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