The "Not happy with PES 2012" thread

Which PES 2012 version do you prefer?

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I think we just need to accept how PES is now and that is a really quirky Japanese title with odd things happening in it. Quirky animations, Quirky sound, Quirky control's etc etc. And while some will argue it has always been quirky (which i would agree with) it was never so extreme before this gen that it just felt odd.

There's quirky and there's downright broken though!

I dont mind a game having certain idiosyncrasies here and there but when it does the opposite of what I'm telling it do to that's just piss poor coding IMO.

I can understand why some people would think Konami fudged the shooting mechanic on purpose but I think it's just down to them trying to fix something from PES 2011 that wasn't broken, making a mess of it then not having enough time to fix it before release date. Which is utterly typical of Konami when it comes to PES.

I cant accept PES in it's current form, I'll give up on football games altogether before I pay £40 for another game like PES 2012. I can only hope Konami change direction completely (AGAIN) and by some miracle manage to get it right this year. Or at least make it work the way it's supposed to.

I dont think that's asking for much really.
just to add, this also apply to headers. The game decides which direction you head the ball to. By this i mean either center of the keeper or the general direction of your input.
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So when the ball hits the roof of the net top left and I wanted a pile-driver grass cutter bottom right, then the entire moment is lost. And I'm with everyone here, there is no hidden depth or combination of buttons that I'm missing out on, the shooting is borked, it's as simple as that.

Totally. There are cvertain little things you can do to 'soften' the shooting, using R2 in certain situations does seem to give more control over shooting but its just all far too random.
And like you say when you do score a goal that you never intended, the feeling is lost, no attachment to it.

I can understand why some people would think Konami fudged the shooting mechanic on purpose but I think it's just down to them trying to fix something from PES 2011 that wasn't broken, making a mess of it then not having enough time to fix it before release date. Which is utterly typical of Konami when it comes to PES.

Have to disagree PJ, i think its a case of an intentional mechanic that aims to reduce massive scorelines.
PES12 is the highest scoring PES of any, just look at the CPU vs CPU scores in Master League, 5-3, 4-0, 3-0, every single match.
3 or 4 teams reguarly score over 100 goals a season in my ML.
I think Konami realised this to an extent and in a joint effort to reduce massive scorelines and hide the keeper inadequacies they have impleneted a 'random error generation' mechanic into shooting.

I can be 1 on 1 with the keeper with an 85OVR rated CF, on a Red form arrow, in space, no pressure, and i feather tap the shoot button and over aim down to the corner, what i get is a rocketed centrally placed shot that skys over the bar and nearly takes out the sky sports aerial blimp!!

shooting is just a mess, its like being served up a delicioud 3 course meal cooked by a michelin starred chef then being served a bowl of steaming turd for dessert.
Totally. There are cvertain little things you can do to 'soften' the shooting, using R2 in certain situations does seem to give more control over shooting but its just all far too random.
And like you say when you do score a goal that you never intended, the feeling is lost, no attachment to it.

Have to disagree PJ, i think its a case of an intentional mechanic that aims to reduce massive scorelines.
PES12 is the highest scoring PES of any, just look at the CPU vs CPU scores in Master League, 5-3, 4-0, 3-0, every single match.
3 or 4 teams reguarly score over 100 goals a season in my ML.
I think Konami realised this to an extent and in a joint effort to reduce massive scorelines and hide the keeper inadequacies they have impleneted a 'random error generation' mechanic into shooting.

I can be 1 on 1 with the keeper with an 85OVR rated CF, on a Red form arrow, in space, no pressure, and i feather tap the shoot button and over aim down to the corner, what i get is a rocketed centrally placed shot that skys over the bar and nearly takes out the sky sports aerial blimp!!

shooting is just a mess, its like being served up a delicioud 3 course meal cooked by a michelin starred chef then being served a bowl of steaming turd for dessert.

They have to put things in to stop there being too many goals using the default game play and they have always done this with shooting. One of the things I normally try to do is to increase the difficulty to create chances and then raise the shooting quality as it then looks more like a realistic game.

This year it's like they have changed whatever calculation they use behind the scenes for randomly deciding shots as well as taking into account things like player and position and instead of shots going slightly wide they go straight at the keeper or the other way.

There is a few times when I have been playing in a 2 on 2 game and I have missed a sitter and the other player on my team takes the piss and I have answered "did I press the button and point in the corner wrong?".

In their defence though, I have scored many a goal in real life were the ball has gone into the opposite corner that I have been aiming.
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Theres a similar problem with the passing to, no mather how many bars of assistance you play, sometimes, the power os passes is just random to fit the player you are passing to. There´s slightly difference between bars, but even when 0 bars, some of your passes are way to assisted in power and streght, no mather what player you are controlling. It should be like that with player like gerrard, lampard, aimar, or other extremely good passer. But with every player in a random time sometimes you just tap the pass button, and you se the ball travelling very fast, with perfect precision, and then e see the ping-pong, theres no contextual error, nothing...

One good example is the fact that you cannot overhit, a long pass when changing sides. In PES 2011 it way to exagerated the power in long balls, but in PES 2012 is completly the opposite. the times, i have tried to put a ball in the back of the side back with a long ball in my midfield are countless, and 95% of them are worthless, because the end half the way i wanted.
They have to put things in to stop there being too many goals using the default game play and they have always done this with shooting. One of the things I normally try to do is to increase the difficulty to create chances and then raise the shooting quality as it then looks more like a realistic game.

This year it's like they have changed whatever calculation they use behind the scenes for randomly deciding shots as well as taking into account things like player and position and instead of shots going slightly wide they go straight at the keeper or the other way.

There is a few times when I have been playing in a 2 on 2 game and I have missed a sitter and the other player on my team takes the piss and I have answered "did I press the button and point in the corner wrong?".

In their defence though, I have scored many a goal in real life were the ball has gone into the opposite corner that I have been aiming.

Yes Chimps, its sure that in real life it happens to, but that´s in certain positions and very rarelly. And you have to agree with me that when that happens 90% of the times the ball gets a large amount of curl, because by missed calculation, you hit the ball a couple of inches aside of what you´r thinking. And in PES theres almost no curl, no one shoots with the perfect power to the opposite side they are thinking, maybe in volleys, or in that shoots from a rebound outside the area in corners, where you get a one touch shoot, without adjusting the ball first.

But the we came to the fact that in past PES, in PS2 that would happen lets say 1 time in 20 shoot you get, and you always feel confident, and in controll when you are about to take a shoot at goal, even if you miss it, and the shoot goes slight wide, at least it goes on the right direction and with the amount of power of your input, and not a random shot, so that the keeper could reach it and you dont score all the time even if you are in the perfect position.

PES 5 is the mos well balanced game of all PES games, because it has midfield play, it´s very difficult to create chances, but when you get an open, you know you can shoot, because the shooting is satisfying, and perfectly balanced and powered, or you can go one on one, and put the ball in the corner because you know it will go there or maybe slightly wide, depending on the stats of the player you are controlling, and is form arrow.

Nowadays it´s all to random, all to automated ( PES on PS2 were scripted to but because the balance was so greatly achieved, it feels that i am more in controll than i am now, despite all the rails, and movement restrictions ), it seems that the more they appeal for the "freedom" in their games, the more stuck, and automated it gets, after a good weeks of play... Its all to pretty in the first days, but when you finnaly realise, and achieve to master the game mechanics, then the problems come to the top, and whether we want it or not, is becames more of a frustration, than a joy to play, and it should be otherwise.
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I would argue it takes many months to master this version. I imagine your trying to play this game the Same way over and over again. Maybe like pes5... Can't do that in this version. Your really have to slow the game down, you can't go full speed at your opponent. The more I play this game the more patience I need to have.. Maybe not for everyone... I'm still playing since release
@ ccshopland:

I have played PES 2011 recently too and it is by far the superior game compared to PES 2012 in every department. I cannot understand how Konami took a decent product and turned it into a complete shambles.

Not EVERY department. The keepers are much better on PES 2012. There's other improvements too...even though some things may not be as consistent as PES 2011.


That's just it, I am not the one sitting replaying everything in slow motion, it's the people who are posting these goals up and being pretty OTT over them who are playing them again and again and marvelling at how realistic they look. I think it takes quite a lot of suspension of disbelief or filling in the blanks to watch replays over and over again like that and still claim they are realistic.

I tend to not even bother watching replays that often when I play because it makes me even more aware of the game's flaws. The last thing I need is to make myself even MORE miserable about this game than I already am.

Look, there's no denying a lot of the animations don't look that realistic but for those of us who get enjoyment out of some of these goals, it's the principle behind the move that we find realistic. The subtle change of pace or the ability to wrong foot a defender etc. Even though it doesn't look that good under close scrutiny, it's a football moment that you recognise from the pitch and you enjoy.

FIFA's animations make the game "look" realistic and the flashy things really shine, but the core fundamentals of how you can beat a man or turn on the ball etc are hard to overlook in my opinion.

Really, PES just needs to make the animations look very realistic and improve the freedom of our user input, while FIFA needs to improve on the momentum issue...IMO.
I can sort of see the twisted logic of Konami deliberately breaking the shooting system to keep the scoreline down in games but does anyone think that is even remotely acceptable in a football game? It's ridiculous!

@ Calcio:

I dont think the keepers are much better than on PES 2011 to be honest, I think the shooting is just a LOT worse in PES 2012. The keepers still make daft mistakes or palm the ball straight to the opposition striker just like they always have IMO.

As for the goals issue, I did say I can appreciate how they are decent goals within the limitations of the game but to say it's realistic is too much of a stretch for me. If you admit the animations are poor and it is the "prinicples" you are enjoying then surely you are admitting to filling in the parts the game is failing to show accurately in order to create realism in your own mind? You are willing to overlook the obvious flaws in order to draw a comparison in your own mind to real life football.

Of course that is a major part of any gaming experience and everyone suspends their disbelief while playing games in one way or another but I find the flaws too numerous to be able to do this with PES 2012. That is what causes my feeling of detachment from the game.

You and others are simply more willing to "fill in the blanks" than I am and that is why you can still enjoy the game.

That's my theory anyway. I want to make it clear that it's not meant as an insult to anyone I refer to as "filling in the blanks". It's just that some minds work differently to others and I have no problem with it at all. It's just the only way I can rationalise how people can find this game realistic.

I know some people will probably slaughter me for this but please read and understand the post first before you jump to conclusions about me trying to start an argument.
Puttz - I didnt interpret your post6 as argumentative at all, just stating your feelings and opinions, thats what a forum is all about.
Since 1.03 the PES12 keepers are alot better, im constantly suprised by some of the shots they save and the types of saves they pull off.
Last night I hit a first time low drive from the edge of the box through a packed penalty area, the keeper went down to his left but the ball flicked off a defenders ankle and ricocheted into the opposite corner.
The keeper, whilst grounded, reached out a hand and tipped the ball agonisingly wide of the post.
It was a class save, looked very good and i was very suprised the GK saved it.
Then in the next match, a floppy flimsy deflected shot seemed to roll very slowly past my keeper who dived about 3 days too early and hit the post, its instances like this that make the keepers look shoddy when in fact those occurances, for me anywway are few and far between and the GK's actually perform well.

For me personally i know PES has flaws and issues and isnt 100% realistic in every dept but i play it and garner enjoyment from it anyway, cause i know this and have accepted it and am able to get some enjoyment from it nonetheless, maybe thats through the immersion of having my own custom team, kits, stadium, sponsors etc, im more invested in the gameplay, therefore i accept the game and the goals for what they are, doesnt mean i dont get pissed when something daft happens though.
I can sort of see the twisted logic of Konami deliberately breaking the shooting system to keep the scoreline down in games but does anyone think that is even remotely acceptable in a football game? It's ridiculous!


Any idea how ridiculous that sounds by the way ?

Arguably the strongest feature of all PES titles, and you want us to believe it's been purposely broken ? That is incredible.

It's amazing how there are so many people who don't find it broken, in fact, it's anything but in my opinion. So how does that work ? Are we all blind ? lying ? what ?


Actually forget it. I don't want to start any arguments, this has been done to death. I'll just agree to disagree.
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Any idea how ridiculous that sounds by the way ?

Arguably the strongest feature of all PES titles, and you want us to believe it's been purposely broken ? That is incredible.

It's amazing how there are so many people who don't find it broken, in fact, it's anything but in my opinion. So how does that work ? Are we all blind ? lying ? what ?


Actually forget it. I don't want to start any arguments, this has been done to death. I'll just agree to disagree.

Jimmy, I do like you and your passion for the game, but the shooting system is borked. How can so many people be wrong? We have all played all the PES's, mastered them and moved onto the next one. I can appreciate all the subtle nuances of the game and there is depth this year to many things, shooting included. BUT, the shooting system sometimes does things you never's that simple!

I have posted many, many goals on You Tube and a patched PC version is a dream come true, with the shooting fixed, more shot power etc etc. But the PS3 version, for me, is just so f'ked on times.

Here's a goal I scored yesterday or the day before, Superstar level, 15 minute game, -2 gamespeed, zero assists.

At 0.06 seconds I pass the ball from the left wing into the feet of Gerrad and he roles his man to come inside. This opens up everything. There is no hidden depth to talk about, no mystical forces etc etc. The move is perfect to open up Gerrard's body to be able to hit this, right foot anywhere I want!

So in a split second I opt for a bottom right low drive, a thunderbolt daisy cutter that would go inside the right post. What happens....the ball careers into the roof of the net top left?!!?

This was CLEARLY a shooting mechanic issue. Now, you could argue til the cows come home about 'oh he was closed down, 'oh there might of been pressure on the shot' etc etc, the fact is there was enough time to roll his man and open the entire goal up.

Now a few things -

1) I wouldn't have cared if it had gone sailing over the ball top right.
2) I wouldn't have cared if it had hit the post
3) I wouldn't have cared if it had gone yards wide of the right post
4) I wouldn't have cared if it had gone between the keeper and the post for a save


What I'm NOT having, and what I do NOT want to happen is the ball to go anywhere near the left?!? Especially top left?!?

I clearly pressed the analogue bottom right, to bottom, so why the hell is the ball going anywhere near left.

This happens too many times to be me Jim, and it seems like it happens too many times to most people.

It's obviously something in the code, or why else can it be patched out of PC mod patches, so that every shot goes the direction you want?

Look at this too, this time scripting in my favour, this was to make it 3-0 I think before the script took over and Everton came back to make it 3-2 and all their players turned into Luis Figo on a good day...I almost switched the console off there and then...

Man sometimes this game sucks....
Jimmy, I do like you and your passion for the game, but the shooting system is borked. How can so many people be wrong? We have all played all the PES's, mastered them and moved onto the next one. I can appreciate all the subtle nuances of the game and there is depth this year to many things, shooting included. BUT, the shooting system sometimes does things you never's that simple!

I have posted many, many goals on You Tube and a patched PC version is a dream come true, with the shooting fixed, more shot power etc etc. But the PS3 version, for me, is just so f'ked on times.

Here's a goal I scored yesterday or the day before, Superstar level, 15 minute game, -2 gamespeed, zero assists.

At 0.06 seconds I pass the ball from the left wing into the feet of Gerrad and he roles his man to come inside. This opens up everything. There is no hidden depth to talk about, no mystical forces etc etc. The move is perfect to open up Gerrard's body to be able to hit this, right foot anywhere I want!

So in a split second I opt for a bottom right low drive, a thunderbolt daisy cutter that would go inside the right post. What happens....the ball careers into the roof of the net top left?!!?

This was CLEARLY a shooting mechanic issue. Now, you could argue til the cows come home about 'oh he was closed down, 'oh there might of been pressure on the shot' etc etc, the fact is there was enough time to roll his man and open the entire goal up.

Now a few things -

1) I wouldn't have cared if it had gone sailing over the ball top right.
2) I wouldn't have cared if it had hit the post
3) I wouldn't have cared if it had gone yards wide of the right post
4) I wouldn't have cared if it had gone between the keeper and the post for a save


What I'm NOT having, and what I do NOT want to happen is the ball to go anywhere near the left?!? Especially top left?!?

I clearly pressed the analogue bottom right, to bottom, so why the hell is the ball going anywhere near left.

This happens too many times to be me Jim, and it seems like it happens too many times to most people.

It's obviously something in the code, or why else can it be patched out of PC mod patches, so that every shot goes the direction you want?

Look at this too, this time scripting in my favour, this was to make it 3-0 I think before the script took over and Everton came back to make it 3-2 and all their players turned into Luis Figo on a good day...I almost switched the console off there and then...

Man sometimes this game sucks....

Do you play with Chimps patch on PS3? I know i did and the shooting is all over the place and i like everyone else had the exact same issues as your post , Jimmy plays with default Konami stats and has no issue's with shooting so is it down to option files/gameplay patches that are ruining the game? Wasnt PES 2011 famous for playing extremely different once option files were installed?
Im not a football expert so I could be wrong, I dont think its reasonable to expect him to hit a thunderbolt daisy cutter when he is standing still. I usually see shots like that when the player is running onto the ball.
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It doesnt happen to me at all. Not at all. What more do you want me to say ? I havent got a clue what your going on about.

I do find the suggestion that Konami purposely 'broke' their own shooting system absolutely absurd. Read it back to yourself, it's beyond ridiculous.
Im not a football expert so I could be wrong, I dont think its reasonable to expect him to hit a thunderbolt daisy cutter when he is standing still.
Your spot on Tom, the ball needs to be out of your feet with momentum. It's basic technique. How are you supposed to get your head over the ball without the momentum of moving forward ? How on earth are you supposed to generate that type of technique from a standing position ? The only option would be a 'toe poke' drilled dead centre of the ball. But that's not common as it's deemed to be technically the 'wrong' way to strike a ball.

Edit- I've just watched the video, and the player isn't completely stood-still, but the ball is still very close to his feet. This means he has to dig it out, which is what he did. When you dig the ball out, you naturally lean back with your posture which in turn makes the ball rise. It's the opposite of getting your head over it. Also, there was nothing stopping you tapping shoot, aiming for the corner then pressing R2 to pass one into the bottom bag. Your body angle was perfect for that.

This is the perfect technique for what your looking to achieve, hard and low wise.I can do this type of shot all day long, space permitting.

YouTube - Rabiu Long-Range Low DriveNow look at this video at 0.14, same technique, hard and low, and look how it's been achieved. The ball out of his feet. There is no coincidence here, it's basic technique of football.

Also, check the Petrov strike after that goal, same again, the only difference being that you also apply a lot less power on the power bar. It's pretty much just a tap, and the reason is that the momentum is giving you the power, the slight tap keeps it low.

YouTube - Middlesbrough 3-2 Ipswich Town

After scoring a few long-range R2 and L1 Chip goals, I decided to try other techniques of shooting, so I had them as examples for the article I wanted to write. These are them.

(I must admit though, for the first few months of this PES, I was convinced they had messed up the Chip shots, as I couldnt master them. I had mastered PES 2011's. Finally it all clicked, and now I see very clearly how they have been done, and how they are relevant. In fact, it seems blatantly obvious now (with the way the Keepers 'Cheat', as in come off their line to narrow the angle) their actual relevance.)
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Yeah he is moving, I am on my tablet and the windowed youtube vids are difficult to make out. Still if hit with power that would be the type of shot expected. As for the shot going in the opposite direcion, I am yet to experience this in 1.03.
Yeah he is moving, I am on my tablet and the windowed youtube vids are difficult to make out. Still if hit with power that would be the type of shot expected. As for the shot going in the opposite direcion, I am yet to experience this in 1.03.

Get the ball out of your feet, sprint if the space permits, then a very slight tap of shoot, regardless of distance for the most part, will give you the low, hard drive. The only other factors, are that the player does need a high Shooting Power Stat, I'd suggest 81-82+.
Any idea how ridiculous that sounds by the way ?

Arguably the strongest feature of all PES titles, and you want us to believe it's been purposely broken ? That is incredible.

It's amazing how there are so many people who don't find it broken, in fact, it's anything but in my opinion. So how does that work ? Are we all blind ? lying ? what ?


Actually forget it. I don't want to start any arguments, this has been done to death. I'll just agree to disagree.

Jimmy if you had read the previous posts properly you would see that it was actually other people who were stating it had been deliberately broken and that it was my belief that they simply ran out of time to fix it. The post you highlighted was me understanding why people could think it was deliberately broken.

That aside, your argument about the amount of people who DONT think it's broken holds no weight as there are just as many people who DO think it is broken. Are we blind, lying or what? No. We merely have different opinions on how effective the shooting system is.

My "fill in the blanks" theory explains this phenomenon for me but others may well think it's utter bullshit. That's fair enough but it sure beats calling people stupid for disagreeing with you doesn't it?
At 0.06 seconds I pass the ball from the left wing into the feet of Gerrad and he roles his man to come inside. This opens up everything. There is no hidden depth to talk about, no mystical forces etc etc. The move is perfect to open up Gerrard's body to be able to hit this, right foot anywhere I want!

So in a split second I opt for a bottom right low drive, a thunderbolt daisy cutter that would go inside the right post. What happens....the ball careers into the roof of the net top left?!!?


Hang on a minute, I've just read this fully, sorry missed all this. I tend to dismiss it as nonsense, but lets explain a few things. Firstly, can you tell me, how, from that body position your expected to wrap your right foot around the ball to put it to the keepers left ? That is all technically wrong. Your body position and angle is perfect for the corner the ball went, that's all in the set-up. If you wanted to find the corner to the keepers right, make sure you player is facing straight on to the goal rather than how he is. That will give you the correct angle, or at least a much better one.

Now I'm starting to see where people are going wrong, your playing this like an arcade game, or trying to. I'm playing it, like I'm playing real football. I would have never attempted what you were trying to do, without setting my body position first. That's a deep angle your coming in at, that completely favours the side it was hit.
Im not a football expert so I could be wrong, I dont think its reasonable to expect him to hit a thunderbolt daisy cutter when he is standing still. I usually see shots like that when the player is running onto the ball.

That's not what I mean guys....what I meant was that in my head I envisioned a thunder bolt daisy cutter from the move, going to the right. My input on the controller suggested RIGHT. Now you can argue all day about movement to the ball, body position, leaning back/forward/sideways or upside down...the outcome I wouldn't have cared about...AS LONG AS IT WENT RIGHT lol?!?

Do you guys not see this?!?!

If I was in Gerrard's position there (and keep in mind it is Gerrard one of the best midfielders in the world), then even I could have directed the ball right. Now, the outcome would have been down to execution, but what it wouldn't have done, even with my amateur league standing, is go to the left.

Listen I can kick with both feet, right and left, with decent accuracy, and all I'm saying that the ball should have gone towards the right post. Now, the degree of accuracy, power etc etc I'm not going to argue with BUT you cannot deny that the ball going top left thunderbolt goal of the season stuff when I wanted the ball JUST to go the right ruins the whole moment. It cannot be me...Nesa's latest patch enables me to do anything. Right, left, middle, up, down, finesse etc.

I do use Chimps stuff on PS3, but I was having this issue before Chimps. The earlier versions I think, like 1.00, I think the shooting was perfect then, but the keepers were atrocious.
Jimmy if you had read the previous posts properly you would see that it was actually other people who were stating it had been deliberately broken and that it was my belief that they simply ran out of time to fix it. The post you highlighted was me understanding why people could think it was deliberately broken.

Yeah fair enough, I apologise, I genuinely didn't mean it to sound like that hence the edit. I don't believe it's broken at all though, I think it's incredible.
That's not what I mean guys....what I meant was that in my head I envisioned a thunder bolt daisy cutter from the move, going to the right. My input on the controller suggested RIGHT. Now you can argue all day about movement to the ball, body position, leaning back/forward/sideways or upside down...the outcome I wouldn't have cared about...AS LONG AS IT WENT RIGHT lol?!?

Do you guys not see this?!?!

If I was in Gerrard's position there (and keep in mind it is Gerrard one of the best midfielders in the world), then even I could have directed the ball right. Now, the outcome would have been down to execution, but what it wouldn't have done, even with my amateur league standing, is go to the left.

Listen I can kick with both feet, right and left, with decent accuracy, and all I'm saying that the ball should have gone towards the right post. Now, the degree of accuracy, power etc etc I'm not going to argue with BUT you cannot deny that the ball going top left thunderbolt goal of the season stuff when I wanted the ball JUST to go the right ruins the whole moment. It cannot be me...Nesa's latest patch enables me to do anything. Right, left, middle, up, down, finesse etc.

I do use Chimps stuff on PS3, but I was having this issue before Chimps. The earlier versions I think, like 1.00, I think the shooting was perfect then, but the keepers were atrocious.

Look, the only technical way to get it back across the other side of the goal from that angle would be to 'cut across it'. To do that in PES, you would have needed to use R2, because it's not about power from that angle, more placement. Even still, I doubt whether you would have found the corner, probably more so just right of the keepers centre. Your asking the game to do something that isnt technically correct. See, what your claiming is a problem is what I'm claiming is actually perfectly spot on. That's the difference.
I thought the ball went in the top right corner :CONFUSE:. Are you talking about the second video? I was referring to the first.
Look, the only technical way to get it back across the other side of the goal from that angle would be to 'cut across it'. To do that in PES, you would have needed to use R2, because it's not about power from that angle, more placement. Even still, I doubt whether you would have found the corner, probably more so just right of the keepers centre. Your asking the game to do something that isnt technically correct. See, what your claiming is a problem is what I'm claiming is actually perfectly spot on. That's the difference.

Jim, I can't explain it any other way lol!??

When Gerrard receive the ball and comes inside in one movement, it's at this point that he opens the entire goal up. He had everything in his favour almost, a pass from left infield in which he sweeps the ball across him to give the possibility of firing a shot. Now, I'm not going to argue about the resultant accuracy from here, I would argue that the defender was really close (which could have been a factor), and that the ball was close to his feet (another factor). But having whisked the ball inside there are a number of outcomes that I would see IRL -


1) A top left rocket where it went, which have needed him to wrap his foot around the ball because he is facing the corner flag right
2) A smashing drive because he has come inside and his body force is going towards the right hand post
3) An R2 placement curling drive/shot

Now I probably would have scored with the R2 placement shot, but I didn't want to execute that...I wanted a low powerful normal drive.

The point I am making is that I wouldn't have cared if it was a rocket, if it was tame, if the player fell over on his arse because 'the technique was all wrong'...honestly I wouldn't have given a shit.

BUT, the only thing I don't want to happen if my input on the controller is for the ball to go to the right (the keepers left) is for the ball to end up where it did?!?

Await your response :)
Do you play with Chimps patch on PS3? I know i did and the shooting is all over the place and i like everyone else had the exact same issues as your post , Jimmy plays with default Konami stats and has no issue's with shooting so is it down to option files/gameplay patches that are ruining the game? Wasnt PES 2011 famous for playing extremely different once option files were installed?

I would doubt very much if shooting was better with default stats in 1.03. It's not something that is stat related, it's behind the scenes.

I never went anywhere near shooting stats after my files for 1.01 (in which I made it slightly easier by increasing shot power and accuracy of a lot players after so many people said shots were weak) and can remember you making a comment about it getting worse when going from my files for 1.02 to 1.03 and me saying that I had changed nothing to do with shooting between the files.

Using earlier konami patches it was better and I almost thought it was too easy after some games where I smashed in a few from long range. On Konami patch 1.02, I was thinking about reducing the shot power and accruacy, but then changed my mind with 1.03.

If it was stat related, people would have noticed a difference between the quality of player they are shooting with.

Despite this, because I am playing the game a lot, I could easily post videos of great goals I have scored in the master league, but it wouldn't meen shooting is perfect.
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I honestly don't know why you pressed left and it went to the keepers right, I wasn't there. I have no clue.

What I do know is that from that extreme angle, and it was for the type of direction your looking for, he would have never have made that direction anyway. It's not something you would generally even attempt. Your posture is all wrong for that corner. Like I said, the only option would have been R2, and the reason for this, is that the shot your attempting from that angle/posture would require control. The shooting technique for that is actually the exact same technique as a 'reverse pass'.

I'm suprised that the shot, if you aimed to the keepers right, from that stance, didnt either go straight down the middle or a bit to the right. It's not all about which direction you push, that means little sometimes if you havent set yourself right. The only other way to pull off what you intended, would be to have made sure the ball was well out of your feet so you had the angle to come back across it. Whilst it's in your feet, the percentage is very, very low.
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