I think we just need to accept how PES is now and that is a really quirky Japanese title with odd things happening in it. Quirky animations, Quirky sound, Quirky control's etc etc. And while some will argue it has always been quirky (which i would agree with) it was never so extreme before this gen that it just felt odd.
There's quirky and there's downright broken though!
I dont mind a game having certain idiosyncrasies here and there but when it does the opposite of what I'm telling it do to that's just piss poor coding IMO.
I can understand why some people would think Konami fudged the shooting mechanic on purpose but I think it's just down to them trying to fix something from PES 2011 that wasn't broken, making a mess of it then not having enough time to fix it before release date. Which is utterly typical of Konami when it comes to PES.
I cant accept PES in it's current form, I'll give up on football games altogether before I pay £40 for another game like PES 2012. I can only hope Konami change direction completely (AGAIN) and by some miracle manage to get it right this year. Or at least make it work the way it's supposed to.
I dont think that's asking for much really.