I'm so tired of reading posts that claim there are people on this thread merely stating the game is broken without backing up their claim. This is utterly false.
There are pages upon pages of people explaining why they think this game is broken which include clearly explained examples of why they think this is the case plus confirmation of these exact same problems occuring to many other PES players.
Why should we have to endlessly repeat ourselves because these guys cant be bothered to read what was said previously?
You dont need a video or an essay to prove your opinion. You dont even need technical knowledge of football (though despite what some people think I'm pretty sure most people here do have that) to validate your opinion of the game. Your opinion IS enough. You dont HAVE to justify it to anyone, least of all some sneering, faceless geek on an internet forum. Yes, I include myself in that description.
We're not all here to have our opinions validated by some self appointed "expert" or looked down upon by an elitist, snobbish peer group, some of us are just here to have our rant about what we dislike about PES 2012.
If you're only here to dispute the existence of said problems and call anyone who experiences them stupid or lacking in football knowledge you are highly likely to get abuse fired straight back at you. So why act surprised and get all uppity when it happens?
The Arsene Wenger defence of "I dont see that" coupled with the "you dont know what you're talking about" argument is obviously very annoying to a lot of folk, myself included.
Sometimes I overstep the mark, I accept that. I am not the only one though and you all know it.
I bear no grudges, an argument over a game with a guy I have never met means less than nothing to me. To me it's just a way to spend a few free minutes at work a couple of days a week.
I think it would do us all good to bear this in mind before we get on our high horses in future.
Just my thoughts for today folks.

There are pages upon pages of people explaining why they think this game is broken which include clearly explained examples of why they think this is the case plus confirmation of these exact same problems occuring to many other PES players.
Why should we have to endlessly repeat ourselves because these guys cant be bothered to read what was said previously?
You dont need a video or an essay to prove your opinion. You dont even need technical knowledge of football (though despite what some people think I'm pretty sure most people here do have that) to validate your opinion of the game. Your opinion IS enough. You dont HAVE to justify it to anyone, least of all some sneering, faceless geek on an internet forum. Yes, I include myself in that description.
We're not all here to have our opinions validated by some self appointed "expert" or looked down upon by an elitist, snobbish peer group, some of us are just here to have our rant about what we dislike about PES 2012.
If you're only here to dispute the existence of said problems and call anyone who experiences them stupid or lacking in football knowledge you are highly likely to get abuse fired straight back at you. So why act surprised and get all uppity when it happens?
The Arsene Wenger defence of "I dont see that" coupled with the "you dont know what you're talking about" argument is obviously very annoying to a lot of folk, myself included.
Sometimes I overstep the mark, I accept that. I am not the only one though and you all know it.
I bear no grudges, an argument over a game with a guy I have never met means less than nothing to me. To me it's just a way to spend a few free minutes at work a couple of days a week.
I think it would do us all good to bear this in mind before we get on our high horses in future.
Just my thoughts for today folks.