The England Topic

steevio_uk said:
And you do realise the concept of sarcasm?

Dear oh dear.
Yes I do. And I also understand the idea of labelling something as sarcasm to defend a stupid comment you might have made previously.
RuneEdge said:
Yes I do. And I also understand the idea of labelling something as sarcasm to defend a stupid comment you might have made previously.

Obviously not :lol:

And you believe that to be true?
And I have sat here arguing the case for the past couple of hours because I saw him in a video?

Good grief.
Cloud1863 said:
I took this from the sky sports website.

"Who is the most difficult opponent you have played against so far?
I played against Charlton’s reserves earlier this season and they had Manchester United’s left back Jonathan Spector playing for them. I thought he was an excellent player and he was probably the toughest defender that I have come up against so far."

I think this part says it all tbh. Nesta, Puyol, Lucio, Carvalho, Samuel, Ayala are some of the best defenders in the world. Its just a tad of a step up from Jonathon Spector. :roll: Now don't get me wrong, If it does come to him kicking a ball I will hope he will do great for us. I just feel very sceptical about this.

i think this says it all
CWright said:
How drunk was Sven when he picked the names for the squad?!

Owen - Not 100%
Rooney - Not 100%
Crouch - Not really proved himself at International level
Walcott - Not even proved himself at club level

Is it too late to sack Sven now?

This! ^
Alucard said:
i think this says it all

Just before we put this to bed (and me!!)

What will you say if Walcott turns out to be the reason England do so well?
Destroying defences?

Just curious, not being sarcastic or anything.
I would say that Sven has been very, very lucky that a player who he has not even taken a look at, and who has not played against a proper team, did well.

Very, very, very lucky.
Gedtillo said:
I would say that Sven has been very, very lucky that a player who he has not even taken a look at, and who has not played against a proper team, did well.

Very, very, very lucky.

Fair enough;)

But with all risks as they say: It's better to be lucky than good. (Apparantly);)
steevio_uk said:
Just before we put this to bed (and me!!)

What will you say if Walcott turns out to be the reason England do so well?
Destroying defences?

Just curious, not being sarcastic or anything.

I will say well done, and i really hope that is the case in what happens, so it can justify why Bent and Defoe got left out. Im not a fan of either of those two players, it just seems unfair that they have worked hard all season scoring goals and proving themselves only to be knocked out of the chance to going to the WC by some brat who has basically done nothing but play easy reserve playground football which means nothing.
Listen mate none of us or at least I can speak for myself here is saying Theo is a bad player or will have a BAD tournament. In fact nobody can predict the future so for all we know he can go on there on the field in WC, put in some amazing minutes and become one of England's star players. We're not saying he won't or there is no chance of him doing that, what we ARE saying is that this decision is simply unjustifable and there's no way anybody can justify it really unless you use arguments like I saw him in about 8 matches overall (2 for Arsenal reserves, one against MK Dons, one against Luton Town and he is INDEED better than Darren Bent and simple sensational :roll: which is a personal opinion and one I can respect but doesn't really count for much as I and many others will 110% disagree with this just like many will agree with you and disagree with me probably, it's all fine but its opinions. :)

Fact is he might very well be "Sensational" and put in great performances and have great world cup, in which case nobody can come back to me and say what do you say now dude.. can you say you were wrong? No I won't cuz I didn't say he will have bad tournament or won't perform. I said it's BS him getting picked ahead of Defoe, Bent and probably 3-4 others and it's UNjustifable (with proper arguments) and that's all I'm saying!

Now I will answer some of the things you said in your reply to me since I was out for a while. Hope you don't mind. ;) I know you said let's put this to bed but I've only seen your reply to me now and there's somethings that just seem flat out wrong to me there and I'd like to quote and reply to.
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PLF said:
Listen mate none of us or at least I can speak for myself here is saying Theo is a bad player or will have a BAD tournament. In fact nobody can predict the future so for all we know he can go on there on the field in WC, put in some amazing minutes and become one of England's star players. We're not saying he won't or there is no chance of him doing that, what we ARE saying is that this decision is simply unjustifable and there's no way anybody can justify it really unless you use arguments like I saw him in about 8 matches overall (2 for Arsenal reserves, one against MK Dons, one against Luton Town and he is INDEED better than Darren Bent and simple sensational! :roll:

Fact is he might very well be "Sensational" and put in great performances and have great world cup, in which case nobody can come back to me and say what do you say now dude.. can you say you were wrong? No I won't cuz I didn't say he will have bad tournament or won't perform. I said it's BS him getting picked ahead of Defoe, Bent and probably 3-4 others and it's UNjustifable (with proper arguments) and that's all I'm saying!

Now I will answer some of the things you said in your reply to me since I was out for a while. Hope you don't mind. ;) I know you said let's put this to bed but I've only seen your reply to me now and there's somethings that just seem flat out wrong to me there and I'd like to quote and reply to.

No problem dude.

I understand all what you are saying and I am not saying I will be proved right or anyone proved wrong.
It is just stating our personal reasons why Walcott should or should not go.

ALL I am saying is I think Walcott is better than Bent and should be there in front of Bent.
Defoe should be there in front of Walcott and Defoe has not had half the season Bent has.

I can't promise I can reply back at all because I have said so much that my head hurts!!:lol:

But if I don't leave it to rest you know my opinions and I will end up quoting the same responses so i'll just leave it be.

Unless of course there is something I plainly disagree with or if I have been misquoted or misunderstood (like the 'deserved' line).

PM me if you like also mate and I can explain myself better rather than having to respond to various posts!!

No problem dude.

I'll just quote the reply you have to me and state my opinions and then if you are up to it and feeling good and not headache ;) or have the time, you can reply to them anytime you want whether via pm or on this board and if not.. no worries. ;)

see ya dude.
ive only ever saw theo walcott play for what, 45 minutes? i caught a southampton game earlier on in the season.

he lobbed the goaly from the edge of the box :D

from seeing that alone, from a such a young player, i have high hopes for him in the future.

and LOL jonathon spector...
I share those expectations for the future...

For England's good, I hope that future is near! :D
steevio_uk said:
PLF and gedtillo

Just simply concerning Bent.

Andy Johnson scored more in his season in the Prem than Bent has this year.
Johnson is not international class at all.
I thought that as Johnson banged in his 20th goal that season.

I think the same thing with Darren Bent.
I have seen enough of him to know he too is not international class.
For that reason he just shouldn't be in the squad
What? That makes no logical sense dude because you don't pick players based on whether they are "Int'l class" or not (sure it'd be nice if all your players were but that's not reality is it?) rather you pick them based on what's the BEST options you've got in your group of selectable players!

So even if Darren Bent and AJ whom in your opinion are not International-class neither of which whom have had much really much of a chance to prove that they are or not either especially Darren Bent, they're still the best of the bunch England has at their disposal along with Defoe and few others so they have to be considered and taken!

Think of it this way, will Saudi-Arabia, Croatia or Argentina or any team in the worldcup really say so and so striker is not "Int'l class" so we can't take him? No.. they'll just take the best they have available at their disposal whether only a single one is Int'l class.. all 4-5 are or none! If you were to pick only players who are Int'l class.. then England should really have only 2 strikers in senior NT squad!

So there's the first point and first thing I saw that just looked "wrong" to me or maybe you've not communicated your idea well. ;)

Walcott has the ability to have an amazing World Cup and be an absolute star.
Bent, Beattie, Harewood, Johnson just do not and would not.

Who is more likely to be the star of WC2006? Darren Bent or Theo Walcott?
Who the hell cares about who gets labeled "Star" dude?? For all I know and have witnessed for as many years as I've followed football, the term "Star" is usually presented by dumbass media or the casual fan to the player who is well capable of taking players on, dribbling past them and usually has very good technique! Are they the real stars though? Often not! Often by the casual fan and the media that player who has been doing his job (which is less fashionable - entertaining to see) such as DMF position or full-back who defends brilliantly but doesn't get forward all that much, goes ignored or simply not as "Praised" and labeled with "Star or terms like this" as the player who runs past players with ease because that's more "entertaining" to see :lol: ! Nonetheless nowhere there is a rule that a player who can dribble for example is in reality a bigger STAR or a better player than one who can "Head the ball well" or one who can "Tackle well or defend well" (cuz it's all different attribute and separate things) but it's easy to see which type of players are usually MORE in "Media hype" , given praise, people hyping up and going crazy about or winning awards like "Best player" (How often does a defender or DMF get it compared to AMF or forward for example?? Happens but not often enough! Because the world of football and casual fan is biased towards "attacking" and entertaining moments like dribbles and etc. )

It is for this very same reason that some people think Ricardo Quaresma, C. Ronaldo and Robinho are "world-class" or "Stars" (two different things, star for entertaining you perhaps, world-class definitely not for neither of the 3 as of right now) all of whom I'd rather NOT have in my team and would rather have "less technically-skilled but more effective player with more end-product which will ultimately result in more goals/assists and production to team than so called "Entertaining-moments" :roll: which is what brings results and matters most at the end of the day! even though they are "so called-Stars!" because of great technical or ability to go past players!"

So at the end of the day you should forget about who is more likely to be the "Star" of a team and tournament and show-stealer with some brilliant individual moments and focus on "who is going to have best chance of success at pulling off what he's THERE to do! (his main task!) and if you've picked Walcott and Bent as "Forwards", then there is no question for me, Darren Bent is MORE likely to get the goals the team will need if given chance whether it's by headers, strength , movement or shooting than a 17 year old kid with barely any top class experience ever!!!!!!

But yes if you are talking about who is more likely to be called "Star" by media or casual fan as usual, then I definitely agree it'll be Theo because he's more likely to at one point or another of being on pitch amaze people with great pace, dribbling skills and agility (Like Aaron Lennon does) but guess what it's not just Theo who can do that better than Bent. I can name 100 other players who have those "Star like" qualities but overall none deserve to go to WC including Theo more than Darren Bent because he's there not to be a "STAR" cuz he dribbled well at one point past couple players but the real star is one who gets his JOB done well!!!!!! And at that which is scoring goals for a forward especially now that you might be short on quantity of goals with Owen and Rooney possibly out or unfit, Darren BENT will be more likely to get them goals than Theo!!

So this argument simply means nothing to me.
Bent just does not have it in him, despites his goals.

I have seen enough of Walcott to see he is a better player.

This is my point about deserving to go.
Fuck that, to me you pick the best players and what is best for England.

I never ever go on stats. Thats bullshit. (though I agree you sometimes cannot ignore goals- this case I do)

It's amazing how goals influence people's opinions on players.

Rather than 'Darren Bent has scored 20 goals, he must be taken'
People's influence and opinions - yes
It's influence on my opinion - no goals don't do that! Actual quality of player does.

Trust me I know what you're saying and I've been up against it and those who go by "End of season stats such as goals or assists" myself plenty of times!!!!!

I've had people come up to me say Mr. X scored 15 goals this season or more.. don't you think he deserves higher finishing?? (Shot accuracy and shot technique in terms of Pro EVO) simply because of # of goals forgetting how he actually "GOT those goals" whether it was open goal or it took great finishing! So yes trust me I don't do that and have fought it myself too many times! # of goals is not a direct way of knowing how much quality a certain player has in their "shooting" by any means!

I'll give you a quick example, John Utaka (Nigerian and Rennes forward) has had a good season this year in Ligue 1 (France) and scored quite a bit of goals, including 2 consecutive hat-tricks lately. But this guy is not an "Excellent" or even "Very good" finisher/shooter! He's simply "Good/decent" at it and that's it! Yet often people get fooled by these statistics and say if he has scored so and so number of goals, he must be better which is just not true! The only way to know a player's real ability is to have watched them in "Full matches" and analyzed their every move many times in many different matches. (whether it's a miss or a goal, whether it's a failed attempt of dribble or an actual successful one).

So having watched this guy for few years and again this year, he actually missed a LOT of great chances! More than half the "Clear-cut" or "One-on-One" chances he even gets and only puts away 1/3rd or so despite all these goals, so no he's not a very good finisher but those just arguing by stats or those who watch "Highlights" wouldn't know this and understand it!

So hopefuly the above example although a quick one even if you're not a reader of my thread (where I've explained this and everyone knows I don't judge by stats) should tell you I NEVER care for "# of goals he's scored or stats and use that to my judgement as a "Direct" influence! :)

Lampard is a perfect example.
If he did not score as many goals, he would not get half the praise he does.
Not saying I have anything against Lampard as he is one of the very best at what he does, which is being a goalscoring midfielder.
But as a player, he is just not near World Class.

I just look at players and let my own feeling and judgement decide.
Again I disagree here! Not with the fact that you said if he didn't score half as many goals, he wouldn't get nowhere near as much praise because that's absolutely true and actually goes back to what I was saying about how "Media and casual fan" are always more "Attack-minded" and care for entertainment and therefore goals more but I disagree with the part where it says Lampard is not world class or even near it!

Again you must be and it's not just you but many get confused over what a "World-class" or "Excellent" player really is!

It's not who is the flashiest, most technical and more entertaining to see but it's who does the job he's assigned to do "Extremely well, effieciently and with solidity" and Lampard DOES that! Whether it's pretty like with 20 nice moves and tricks as well to go with it like Ronaldinho or with going past ZERO players, he does what he's supposed to brilliantly and so therefore is "World-class" and that's what defines "World-class" for me! One who can do what he's "Assigned to do" best! So for me Lampard and Gerrard are great because of what they do on pitch whether it's passing, workrate, stamina, shooting, defending, non-stop commitment, tackling, etc. etc. , the goals are just a BONUS! :)


There, a mighty long post but got good points in each section so should be a good read for you and anyone else if they read carefully and not just parts of it. (Worst mistake people often make, reading one part and quoting it and saying something instead of reading and comprehending all my points fully!)

And don't worry about it, you can either not get back to me on this at all if you're sleeping or whatever or whenever you have time and want, whether it's via pm or here or not at all, it's cool 8), it's no big deal I just had to get my points across as well.

I also have more things to say like how I completely disagree when you say "Theo is BETTER than Darren Bent" and if we clearly examine the two players and analyze them in every single area (Many different attributes), you'll see what I mean and it'll become quite clear to you but I won't do that now as that'll be another long post on its own and no time or place for it here right now.

So till then see ya buddy ;)
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Its all based upon personal opinions, regardless who does what job best. If the guy thinks Walcott is better than Bent, then he is, in his opinion.

Also, im pretty sure "neutral" fans would rather see Cristiano Ronaldo on the pitch, than a less techinical player.

Even though SWP hasnt played many games this season, im shocked he hasnt been included. He CAN make things happen out of NOTHING, which is what we are going to need.
kevano22 said:
Also, im pretty sure "neutral" fans would rather see Cristiano Ronaldo on the pitch, than a less techinical player.

I'm a neutral fan when I follow all these 5 leagues and European football since I'm not a fan of any particular team and I enjoy the less technical player but more mentally aware/intelligent, stronger and physical players who puts in a great tackle, reads the game very well and makes a vital interception or a crunching aggressive sliding tackle as long as it's a clean one and gets the ball just as much as the technical player on the ball using his skills and great technique to go past players!

And I even get entertained by it and appreciate it so much, I often applaud it out loud which makes my friends, my brother and my father when watching games with me give this weird look, :-s , because they're somewhat surprised why I deem these skills as entertaining and important as the silky moves of someone like Quaresma!

So it all depends on how much you appreciate football and love "Every part of it"!

For me I get just as entertained seeing Robinho and Quaresma go past a defender as I do when he makes a clean tackle to get the ball and put their asses on the ground!

Regarding this:
Its all based upon personal opinions, regardless who does what job best. If the guy thinks Walcott is better than Bent, then he is, in his opinion
Of course all these friendly discussions we're having is based on personal opinions! :)

I already said I'd be fine and can respect it if it's his opinion but the first time my friend Stevo said it, it seemed more like a fact than an opinion and I can't help but disagree with that!

That's why tomorrow if I get time, I will write about why I just don't think that can be the case when you compare the "Current Darren Bent vs. Current Theo Walcott!" in my opinion. In fact it's probably a mis-match in terms of current ability between the two heavily in favour of Bent but for now I think that's it from me! I'll elaborate on why later ;)

See ya guys
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anything can happen in the WC`06,If Arsenal can be in the Finals...England could go all the way...who knows maybe every country will get food poisoning.You Brits need to be postive and ready to surpport you team!stop the insults.

You guys sound weak and boring...please don`t flame me i can`t handle it;)
View from abroad

The Paraguyan chap sort of hits the nail on the head ;) ....


"Mr Eriksson is grabbing at straws. To take Walcott, a player who has never played in the premier division, is a big gamble. Also, a lot of good players have been left out: Shaun Wright-Phillips, Ledley King, Jermain Defoe. But we don't mind. You can pick the worst team you want. You can pick Geoff Hurst, if you want. David Beckham should not be playing; he is a bit of a liability. Wright-Phillips is better than him. As for Peter Crouch, he has scored a few goals for Liverpool but we won't be too bothered about dealing with his height. We have Dennis Lawrence who is not much shorter than him."

Trinidad Express, Trinidad & Tobago

"No one here expected Walcott to be in the squad but you have got to trust Svennis. He has watched a lot of games and must have decided that Darren Bent and Jermain Defoe aren't good enough for this World Cup. But for us Walcott's inclusion doesn't change much. The big news was Rooney's injury - he is 30-35% of England's attacking play."

Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden

"A 17-year-old who has never played a Premier League match? Are there no other forwards in England?"

Canal 13 television, Paraguay,,1770737,00.html
Walcott won't play but the experience will be good for him. If we qualify for the next world cup it won't be new to him
marukomu said:
Walcott won't play but the experience will be good for him. If we qualify for the next world cup it won't be new to him

hi mate

The thing is that argument only really stands up if he was 5th choice striker behind 4 other fit strikers. However currently he is the 3rd choice and not actually match fit.

Some comparisons have been made between Walcott & Ronaldo (in the media/various fans) who was taken in 94 by Brazil as a 17 year old for the experience. Crucially he was down the pecking order behind Bebeto, Romario, Muller and Viola. He'd also been playing reguarly for Cruzeiro where he scored 58 times for them, in not that many more games.

IF had Eriksson decided that instead of putting all his hopes on Rooney, he'd take 4 fit strikers - e.g. Owen, Crouch, Defoe, Bent
then the gamble of a 5th gifted but untried youngster, I think most football fans would of been more understanding.

It's interesting that no team has more than 4 representatives in the England squad.

Chelsea have 4 as do Spurs, Arsenal, Liverpool and Man Utd all have 3.

I remember the days when a United used to have about 7 players, Liverpool the same and Arsenal about 4-5.
Ok mate I appreciate your post.
You have many things I agree with in there.

But i'm sorry to in certain parts, there are some irrelevant arguments (albeit good ones).
I'm not being rude,- far from it.

I'll explain why I think that in some order...

Firstly I never said players should or should not go based on being international class.
But I did say that as a player Bent is not international class.
I believe Walcott is DESPITE not playing (which as you are aware does not mean nothing to me in this case alone!!

It is because Walcott is THAT good and Bent is THAT average in my opinion.
Simple as that.
And as Kevano said, that is my opinion.
The fact that Sven has picked Bent in )squads and has not taken him at all; and has even taken Andy Johnson (who has been in no squads) and a 17 year old with NO game, must tell you how much Sven doesn't rate Bent.
Me too!

I don't care what Saudi Arabia, Argentina do. It's not them I care about it's irrelevant.
I'm talking about Walcott in this situation alone!!
This is not a generalistaion.
(Hence my comparison with Rossi & Toni and Soldado & Villa)
If it was Villa or Toni instead of Bent, then Walcott should not go... No Way!!

We have 2 unfit strikers, but by the time the tournament comes around, we will have (if Rooney doesn't make it) a fully fit Jermaine Defoe also. (Hopefully!!)

The next bit is the bit that biugged me mate.
You obviously have no idea of my football opinions (Which I suppose is not your fault;) )

Who decided that 'star' meant flashy player and skillful?
Yet you have wrote the longest piece elaborating on the word 'star' under the assumption that I mean this as the flashy, skillful type of player??!!

You are so way off it is untrue mate.
I think Reyes is perhaps one of the most overrated players in the premier league. I think C. Ronaldo is vastly overrated also.
Yes I obviously admire skilful players, but only if they produce the goods!!
I loved Ronaldinho, Rivaldo, Bergkamp.

You are talking to the man who's favourite football player of the last 15 years is Demetrio Albertini!!;)
Ask me who I think the star of spain is and I will say Xavi. Easily.

Everything you said about the type of player you labelled as a 'star' I 100% agree with.

It is just that opinions of players does not apply to me like you have made it sound.. in fact the 100% opposite;)

As I say, why have you defined the word 'star' to mean that?

One thing you did say was who is more likely to be the 'star'.
More likely to make things happen based on their attributes?

Walcott easily. Because we are talking about attributes. Not what they have done or how many goals they have scored.
JUST The player's ability alone.
In my opinion Walcott is better than Bent.

The people who have worked with Walcott will teall you just how good he is. Toure has come out and said how good he is.
No doubt Henry will say also.
People know how good a pleyer is. You don't ALWAYS have to see them play at the highest level. (This case with him and Bent especially).

A simple comparison would be Pique and Christian Dailly of West Ham.

Now Pique has played a few games for Man Utd so please don't be pedantic and say that matters over Walcott's 0 games.
Because if Walcott played in the CL final and 2 warm up games, does that mean Walcott's inclusion is more justified that playing 0 games?

My point being that everybody and his dog knows that Gerard Pique is better than Christian Dailly.
We don't have to see Pique play games in the premier league to know this.

(I know I have chosen a worse player in Dailly than Bent, but i'm sure you understand my point)
My point being that by what people are saying (yourself included) that someone is not qualified to say how one player is better than the other because they have not played a game.
This rule then qualifies on EVERY player who is compared by not playin a game, no matter how good or bad.

Is someone now gonna turn round and say Pique is not better than Christian Dailly just to invalidate my point??

If so, get real.

I'm glad you are with me that player's goals and figures do not always mean more compared to their actual playing abilities.
In this case you can understand me not taking to much notice of Bent's goals.
I have already mentioned that I am not basing my argument on Walcott getting goals in the World Cup... more on the overall things he brings to games. He has the ability to make something out of nothing, sacare defenders and change a game with a run, pass and assist...and maybe a goal.
I have no confidence in Bent doing this.
Nor does Sven.

Utaka is a good example. One similar could be made of Andy Cole at Manchester United.
Many people rated him because of his goals, yet he was known for having and missing so many chnaces.
On the flip side (which i'm sure you will appreciate) in my opinion many people did not appeciate his overall game and what he brought to Manchester Utd play.
His movement, link up play, his partnership with Yorke etc.
Cole got rated for the wrong things.

On Lampard there are a few things:
Firstly the thing that bugged me is the slightly patroninsing tone of 1 or 2 of your comments: The first being how I 'must be confused what World Class means'.
But in re-reading my post I may have sounded a tad confusing, so I suppose you are not too blame.

On the subject of World Class, I think that is the most overused term in football.
Oh, Wes Brown is a world class defender, Maniche is a world class midfielder etc etc.
I reserve World Class for the best.
Off the top of my head, I would say there are approximately 20 or 30 world class players in the World.
But i cannot say Lampard is not in the top 30 players in the world, that would be crazy!!
I was focusing more on him being a footballer overall.

This is where it gets important in terms of what I mean about Lampard:

If you notice, I said he is one of the best (if not the best) at scoring goals from midfield).
But admittedly the role he plays at Chelsea, he is very fortunate to be in such a good position to constantly score.
But as a PLAYER, a footballer he is not World Class.
Gerrard is World class.
I'm amazed that people think Lampard is as good as Gerrard.
But taking everything into account including his goals maybe he is World Class.
As a goalscoring midfielder he is simply world class, but I would say as a player, he is just, just below world class.

Lampard scores plenty of goals from midfield and for that job he is World class.
So many games he goes missing and then scores a cracker and gets the headlines. (I am not here and nowhere in my posts am I implying that you make false judgements on such things mate;) )
Lampard has done hardly anything since the new year. Only in recent weeks has he found a fair bit of form.
But as a footballer he is not and is not as good a player as Xavi. (Being another prime example how I never choose the 'flashy' player with the goals, and long shooting ability etc)

But this is not the point, we will have to agree to disagree here mate ;)

So I think thats it :lol:

As you can see from my post I am not one of those people that just reads bits of posts and choose to argue!!
You are similar to me in the respect you like to be thorough (I'm sure our girls are pleased ;) :lol: )
And that you don't want people to make a misunderstood judgement on what you are saying.

I respect that totally dude.

Just one other thing regarding being possibly patronising:

I may have misread slightly the following phrase:

I also have more things to say like how I completely disagree when you say "Theo is BETTER than Darren Bent" and if we clearly examine the two players and analyze them in every single area (Many different attributes), you'll see what I mean and it'll become quite clear to you but I won't do that now as that'll be another long post on its own and no time or place for it here right now.

This part in particular mate:
Are you saying that I will see what you mean and it will become clear where you are coming from.
Or are you saying that after hearing more from you that it will become clear that I am wrong?

You can see how that may look.
(didn't want to comment without clearing it up with you first mate;) )

Erm I think thats it.

To be honest, we could be here all week and I don't want to.
We clearly disagree and have opposite reasons why.
But that is what makes football what it is and makes it exciting to watcg.

One thing I'm sure you'll agree with is that England in the World Cup will be a lot more intersting now!!;)

And another thing to probably end arguments is that of course this is just my opinion.
It is not fact mate, we agree. There are little facts when it comes to what players are good, bad, better etc.
Are there facts to say Ronaldinho is best player in the world? Better than Henry? Not really , no.
(I think Ronaldinho is best player in the world but obviously again; my opinion)

In my opinion on current ability Walcott is better than Bent.

I'm not the type of guy who says:
Walcott is better than Bent. FACT.
(I fucking hate that man!! :lol:)


(P.s: just seen 1st Walcott interview and he looks a very calm and intelligent young fella. Seems completely unfazed)
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My two-pence -

I really can't make out some of Sven selections.

Walcott - HUGE gamble, at 16/17 both Owen & Rooney were ripping
all sorts of holes into top-level premiership defenders.
So far all we've seen from Walcott is his games in the championship
and Tord has been watching him in the reserves.

He's a tremendous talent but seriously 3rd choice striker for
the World cup?

Non-inclusion of Bent and Defoe, if there was a fully fit strike
force I could see why in leaving them out. But that's the thing
Owen is not fully fit and you never know he could break down again
and Rooney will might not play.

No SWP, who cares there's Aaron Lennon a much better player
(just by a bit).Maybe SWP and other future prospects will
think long and hard before jumping ship to join chelsea in
the future, Scott Parker was the perfect example.

Hagreaves & Jenas - I guess when things are going good we
can always rely on Hagreaves. Kevin Nolan might aswell register
with R.Ireland and Reo-coker should be in the squad.

No King - WTF

Downing, wow he's done something right, Downing is an excellent player
and has been in great form since coming back from injury plus he's an
excellent crosser of the ball and he's a natural left-sided player.
steevio_uk said:
Obviously not :lol:
:lmao: Of course you'd say that now. But then (now this is the funny part), you go on to say this:
steevio_uk said:
It is because Walcott is THAT good and Bent is THAT average in my opinion.
Simple as that.
How can a player who has scored so many goals in the Premiership be compared to someone who cant even get a game in the same league? Thats just ridiculous. I understand its your opinion but that is a damn stupid one.
RuneEdge said:
:lmao: Of course you'd say that now. But then (now this is the funny part), you go on to say this:

How can a player who has scored so many goals in the Premiership be compared to someone who cant even get a game in the same league?

The reason Walcott can't get a game is because he's at Arsenal and we've been on an amazing run which Wenger didn't want to disturb.

Bent plays for Charlton, even Marcus Bent gets a game there, nuff said!!!
Darren is not Marcus Bent! Much more talent/quality and has that little something Marcus always lacked.

@STevo, I saw your reply to me mate. I think it's all pretty much clear now :)

I'll quote some parts and say what I really meant and we'll get this done with for now.
PLF said:
Darren is not Marcus Bent! Much more talent/quality and has that little something Marcus always lacked.

@STevo, I saw your reply to me mate. I think it's all pretty much clear now :)

I'll quote some parts and say what I really meant and we'll get this done with for now.

Ok mate, done and dusted:lol: ;)
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