Sony PlayStation

Did Sony deliberately screw up the wifi on the ps4 with the last update to push us to buy ps5? Getting disconnected twice an hour since. My phone is ok so its not my router.

looks like share factory will return on PS5. at least thats what an entry in store suggests!

i'm so hoping for multi-track-editing! :PRAY:
PS5 Backward Compatibility Warning Added To Every PS4 Game On PlayStation Store
Sony has now updated the PlayStation Store to add a warning regarding PS5 backward compatibility. This warning cautious the buyer that while the game is playable on the PlayStation 5, certain features that are available in it for the PS4 might be missing when playing it on the PlayStation 5.

It is not the Apps which are made available it is the quality you can get from the Apps.
For instance my Nvidia Shield for Disney and Netflix, allows Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos, if the video allows it.
My Sky Q box allows 4K and 5.1 - My Firestick allows 4K and 5.1

So it depends on the quality the PS5 will allow when streaming - As when watching anything Dolby Vision makes a massive picture quality difference compared to normal 4K.
So in a month going to have a £450 paperweight because there are no games I actually want.

Getting to the point now I'm thinking of sticking it on eBay or cancelling the pre-order....but I've never owned a console Day 1 before, was quite looking forward to it.
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