Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread

If im not wrong but hasn't a certain Cristiano Ronaldo scored more than Toni this season? 47 games and 41 goals not bad to beat the best CF in the world for goals for a winger is it;)
Re: Serie A Thread

If im not wrong but hasn't a certain Cristiano Ronaldo scored more than Toni this season? 47 games and 41 goals not bad to beat the best CF in the world for goals for a winger is it;)

28 Goals in 31 Games - Premier League
3 Goals in 3 Games - FA Cup
7 Goals in 8 Games - Champions League
8 Goals in 13 Games - Euro2008 Qualification

55 Games - 46 Goals.
Re: Serie A Thread

It was great watching Kaka yesterday, reminds me
of Zidane on the way that he plays the game at
he's own pace.

Del Piero continues he's great form(great 3rd strike)
will he go to the euros, I hear he doesns't want
to go if he's only going to be a bit-part player.

Great cross by Gourcuff to Pato.

Yes it was, but does he have a future at
Re: Serie A Thread


Ste, those videos are amazing... i just can't stop laughing!!!:LOL:

i heard about this story, but i didn't watch the video yet. fantastic. can u imagine calderon's reaction when they told him "oh and do u remember about nicolas cage yesterday? well, it wasn't really him... it was just a romanista in disguise"....
they gave him the shirt, the members credit card, and they put his autograph in the bernabeu's museum..... PRICELESS!!!:LOL::LOL::LOL:

the funniest part is probably when he said "il real ha segnato, nicolas è compiaciuto, mentre io sto morendo dentro.... vorrei grattarmi, ma non posso grattare i coglioni di nicolas cage"

thanks for posting it, Ste. if u wouldn't have posted the vids, i probably would have missed it :))

Younggun said:
If im not wrong but hasn't a certain Cristiano Ronaldo scored more than Toni this season? 47 games and 41 goals not bad to beat the best CF in the world for goals for a winger is it
definitely :DD;))
a top class player, in the best form (however it's hard to talk about cristiano's form at this point.... i mean, last season he didn't score as much as this season, but his impact on the game was as brilliant as this season..... so, as it happens for toni, it becomes hard to talk about form.... because form doesn't last so long), playing in a top class team, whose players are (almost) all in a fantastic form too.
definitely theese are glorious days for man utd supporters.

Peter Eyres said:
Toni defo the best striker in the world atm.

Considering RVN has been injured this season.
u see mate, i usually don't like to establish rankings between top class players. and that's actually why we use the expression "top class players" or "world class players".... to gather them together, without any kind of ranking.

besides who could ever do a reliable ranking? who could seriously say that nesta is definitely better than cannavaro? or that c. ronaldo is definitely better than kakà or ronaldinho?
when u reach this level of perfection, it becomes mostly a matter of form. 3 seasons ago ronaldinho was in a fantastic form, 2 seasons ago it was kaka's moment, today c. ronaldo is living his glorious moment.

and the same goes also for the fowards, of course. players like toni, ruud, eto'ò, villa, klose, milito, inzaghi, trezeguet, drogba.... they're all monsters... and there's no such thing as a "more monstruous monster".

maybe we might say that some of them (toni, ruud, eto'ò) are just slightly better..... but then again, somebody else might disagree with us, and we couldn't really prove him wrong.

i'm telling u his coz i want to be clear that i'm not saying that toni is definitely better than ruud..... coz i really can't say it, being both of them top class players.
it would be like pretending to compare a bordeaux to a chianti, or a ferrari to an aston martin, or a picasso's painting to a van gogh's..... it's impossible to say what is better than what, as it mostly depends by your likes.

but, as it happens for cars (we can still objectively establish wich is faster between a ferrari and an aston) when it's about fowards, we can still take a look at their "numbers".

and "numbers" tell us that nobody did as good as toni in the last 2, 3, 4, 5 years. and it's not just about the amount of goals scored. this data, infact, is massively effected by injuries, as u pointed out. but there's another data wich tell us much more: the average goals per matches played.
this is a much more reliable data, as it puts the injuries out of the equation, allowing us to truly compare different players, no matter the injuries or the number of matches played.

well, looking at this data, u'll realise that toni is not only the top foward who scored most goals in the last 5 years.... but he's also the one with the highest goals per match played average. all the op fowards i mentioned before have an average that goes from 0.4 to 0.6 goals per match (ruud and eto'o are both on 0.6).
well, toni has an average of 0.8 goals per match. it might look like a slight difference, but if u consider that we're talking about 5 years, u'll realise that this gap is actually huge (infact all the other top fowards go from 0.4 to 0.6).
this means that luca scored almost every time he went on the pitch in the last 5 years, wich is simply ridiculous.

btw, as i said before, by saying this i don't mean to say luca is definitely better than ruud or any other top class foward.
by saying this i just remarked that the "ferrari is faster than the aston martin"..... but this doesn't mean that the ferrari is definitely better.... they're both top class cars (as luca and ruud are both top class players) so, it mostly depend by your personal likes.

Sabac Red said:
Del Piero continues he's great form(great 3rd strike)
will he go to the euros, I hear he doesns't want
to go if he's only going to be a bit-part player.

i think he will join the azzurri for sure. at this point of the season, it would be ridiculous to keep him out of the italian 23 (he's having his best season since 1998... wich means that, for the first time in 10 years he's finally playing on the same level he used to play before that injury that ruined his whole carreer).

so i think donadoni will call both him and cassano. i know all the issues and the risks about taking cassano in austria-awitzerland, but let's face it, for the first time in years he's showing some consistency.
both of them, alessandro and antonio are tearing apart any defensive line they face since septemper.

donadoni would be insane if he would leave them at home... i mean wich other national country would keep theese 2 players out of the starting formation???
we're already going in austria-switzerland without totti and nesta, 2 of our biggests assets. we just can't afford to leave those 2 guys at home.

they wouldn't be starter, of course (toni, di natale and camoranesi are probably the best attacking trio in the world) but they would definitely coming handy.
and i honestly don't think they would create any kind of problems. cassano has a bad attitude, but during the last euro competition he was one of the few azzurri who played well, and he never created any problems, even if he was a backup.
as for del piero, he would never create any problems... he's just too smart, too clever and professional. he's too gentleman to become a problem for the azzurri.
his problem was that he didn't want to play as a supporting striker in donadoni's system... he wanted to play closer to the box (as he usually does with juve). Last year he said "i will never say no to the italian national team, i won't ever quit, as totti and nesta did.... but i played off role with italy for 10 years, and now i'm sick of this situation, so the coach has to know that i'll be extremely happy to join the azzurri, but i will play only in my proper role".

but donadoni created a new game system and this new 4-3-3 (or the 4-3-2-1 option) proved to be simply fantastic. we won almost every match we played, and most important, we're playing some very good football, and we are always balanced too. The players too love this new game system, so no way donadoni will change it, just to suit del piero's desires.
alex realised it and, after reading his last interviews, i think he will accept any kind of role. :))

@ oNeberlin: mate, may i ask u were did u find those data? coz i'm looking for a website with updated stats for any competitions (leagues, international and national cups), so if u got those data from a website i would really appreciate if u would post the link ;)):))
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Re: Serie A Thread

Glad you liked the video :D I think the best bit was when Totti walked out and he said "Totti you are the best in the world... the best"... and its obvious Totti wanted to laugh because they recognized him.
Re: Serie A Thread

Glad you liked the video :D I think the best bit was when Totti walked out and he said "Totti you are the best in the world... the best"... and its obvious Totti wanted to laugh because they recognized him.

yeah, that was great too :LOL:
he totally snubbed robinho and told francesco he is the greatest.... in robinho's face :LOL:

and when he said to tonino tempestilli (roma team director) "aho mà so vista tutta cor presidente, me raccomanno, numme tradì"

that's probably the funniest thing le iene ever did!!
Re: Serie A Thread

the match is even over yet, but wana say what a great hat-trick by Inzaghi. One obviously offside goal, and two well taken headers.

The man is a legend.
Re: Serie A Thread

Fiorentina DOWN BY A GOAL!!!!!!

Inzaghi has scored at least 2 goals in each of his last 4 games.

Fiorentina win 2-1 :(

Oh well, Ive already got used to idea of playing Uefa Cup next season and that result pretty much confirms it.

Im actually more gutted about Parma losing to Reggina, really bad result and into the bottom 3 they go.
Re: Serie A Thread

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Re: Serie A Thread

Inter have already won basically.

1. Inter 81
2. Roma 75
3. Juventus 70
4. Fiorentina 60
5. Milan 58
6. Sampdoria 56

We are now 2 points behind 4th place with 3 games to go.
Re: Serie A Thread

Fight for 4th will be close!

It would be very weird to have CL without Milan. Champions League without Kaka, Pirlo, Nesta just won't be the same. But, I also want Fiorentina to qualify, because I've really enjoyed watching them this season, and I think Prandelli deserves a CL spot.

Can't we just throw Inter out of the 4? :-pp
Re: Serie A Thread


My goodness! Had no idea!

Awesome news, but Im not getting carried away. The derby next, recent games against Inter havent been the best :(
Re: Serie A Thread

I think we can take on Inter. The board and fans have been pressuring Milan of late and our last 2 games have been good. Kaka has recovered from his injury and Pippo wont stop scoring. Our injuries seem to have gone now too. Pirlo seems to be back in form again as well. I think we can do this.
Re: Serie A Thread

I think we can take on Inter. The board and fans have been pressuring Milan of late and our last 2 games have been good. Kaka has recovered from his injury and Pippo wont stop scoring. Our injuries seem to have gone now too. Pirlo seems to be back in form again as well. I think we can do this.

Yeh our form is fantastic right now. We are playing great footy. Pirlo was great all match, I love the way he shifts the ball with his in-step. You know what he's gonna do but he still fools the player into going the wrong way.

Really nice to see Jankulovski back also, I missed his attacking play from leftback.

It's gonna be a great match, I hope we fuckin destroy them ;)
Re: Serie A Thread

God I'm so hyped up for the derby. Haven't felt like this for a while. There's so much anger that has to be released!!!! We must beat those bastards! Moratti said this derby will be bigger than a Champions League final. Its about time we bring them back to earth!!!!
Re: Serie A Thread

God I'm so hyped up for the derby. Haven't felt like this for a while. There's so much anger that has to be released!!!! We must beat those bastards! Moratti said this derby will be bigger than a Champions League final. Its about time we bring them back to earth!!!!

Like we did :-pp
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