Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread

Rosina's goal was certainly the pick of the bunch from this weekends goals, i'm glad to see Fiorentina got off to a good start also.

Today's game between Inter and Udinese was quite frustrating, Asamoah Gyan was quite lively and caused Samuel a lot of problems, but Udinese's end product was really dissapointing. Although i was glad when they eventually scored, as it was great to see the look on Moratti's face. :)

They have a few players injured but in general Inter don't seem to have any real width about them.
Re: Serie A Thread

Rosina's goal was certainly the pick of the bunch from this weekends goals, i'm glad to see Fiorentina got off to a good start also.

Today's game between Inter and Udinese was quite frustrating, Asamoah Gyan was quite lively and caused Samuel a lot of problems, but Udinese's end product was really dissapointing. Although i was glad when they eventually scored, as it was great to see the look on Moratti's face. :)

They have a few players injured but in general Inter don't seem to have any real width about them.

I thought Inter had loads of width, particularly on the right when they had that mental 10 minute spell of trying to attack Udinese when they were down to 10 men....

What was all that about...mental and very naive.

A side with greater precision on the counter could have ripped them to pieces before Mancini sorted Inter out.

Asamoah flatters to decieve and looks move dangerous than he actually is. Looks like he is getting somewhere and into dangerous positions, but he looks like he could tackle himself and doesn't seem to have a football brain.
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Re: Serie A Thread

They have a few players injured but in general Inter don't seem to have any real width about them.

most of inter players are over 185 centimeters height... they will need time to get in decent athletic conditions ;)
and to have a wide play u need stamina. when u're out of oxygen it's easier to produce football from the centre.

udinese's attack is awesome. quagliarella and di natale are a terrific duo, but they still have to know each others, to learn their movements.... both of them, di natale and quaglia, usually like to move a lot between the opponent's defensive line and the midfield, so it will be important for them to learn where each of them is supposed to be in every moment of the game.

Rosina's goal was certainly the pick of the bunch from this weekends goals
rosina's goal was awesome, but did u see montolivo's goal :shock::D

also montella's one was good... it's very hard to kick a flying ball that way, from that position and with that effect :)
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Re: Serie A Thread

When I saw Walter Novellino on Torino's bench yesterday, for a second, I thought there was something wrong going on, like Sampdoria wearing Torino's colours. :mrgreen: :lmao:

But then I saw Rosina, Barone and the rest of the boys and realized... OHhhhh $hit... this is one major move I never heard of for some weird f'n reason!!!! :eek:

So what happened? When and why did Walter move from Samp to Torino?

Great start by Juve. :applause:

But I've been looking forward to Palermo vs. Roma more than any other Serie A opening round fixture and I'll be leaving soon to watch that.

Hopefully, despite the not-ideal conditions, it'll be a good match. :)

Great to have Italian and Spanish football again. It wasn't the same without them. \\:o/
Re: Serie A Thread

I thought Inter had loads of width, particularly on the right when they had that mental 10 minute spell of trying to attack Udinese when they were down to 10 men....

What was all that about...mental and very naive.

A side with greater precision on the counter could have ripped them to pieces before Mancini sorted Inter out.

Asamoah flatters to decieve and looks move dangerous than he actually is. Looks like he is getting somewhere and into dangerous positions, but he looks like he could tackle himself and doesn't seem to have a football brain.

Yeah, what i meant to say was that while going foward Inter had a lot of width, defensively it did cause them a lot of problems. Dacourt and Zanetti did well considering at times when Udinese were on the counter attack there was no one on the flanks to protect Cordoba and Samuel.

Actually i was really impressed by Zanetti today, it's amazing to think he's now 34 years of age. A true professional if ever there was one.

Asamoah did have a few chances, not as many as Floro Torres mind ;).

rosina's goal was awesome, but did u see montolivo's goal :shock::D

Yeah it was a great goal, especially from such a tight angle.
Re: Serie A Thread

Yeah, what i meant to say was that while going foward Inter had a lot of width, defensively it did cause them a lot of problems. Dacourt and Zanetti did well considering at times when Udinese were on the counter attack there was no one on the flanks to protect Cordoba and Samuel.

Actually i was really impressed by Zanetti today, it's amazing to think he's now 34 years of age. A true professional if ever there was one.

Asamoah did have a few chances, not as many as Floro Torres mind ;).

Yeah it was a great goal, especially from such a tight angle.

I see what you mean now about the width and agree, agree too about zanetti.

As for Floro Flores, yea he was very poor, but at least he shoots even if a mile over the crossbar.

Asamoah on the other hand lets chances to shoot pass him by. He looks to me like if he was on a pitch on his own he would fall over his own laces. Or he'd keep miscontrolling the ball (like a child that is growing up too fast who is cumbersome and not aware of the size of their own body)....could see him running the ball too far wide with an empty pitch and miscontrolling the ball until he reached a bizare acute angle only to slice the ball into the stands and end up on his arse.....just no football brain.

Also he might be built like a battleship but he turns like one too...jsut to keep mixing the analogies

Not so much a train on tracks (that has a knowledge of it destination) more like a bull on tracks, hoofs slipping and body idea what it will do next haha.

I don't see either Inter or Udinese doing that well this year. I think Milan, Juve and Fiorentina will be far too good.
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Re: Serie A Thread

ouch, so that's what football is really about! :| :lol:
an amazing football lesson by roma.... pure calcio-spettacolo. Got to admit i was delighted by their football.... even if they were outplaying my palermo :(.

awesome ball circulation, high pressing (by "high" i mean they pressed even our defenders), letting the ball (and your opponents) run, wide plays... giuly plays like he knew his teammates from ages... it really doesn't looks like he just joined roma; vucinic finally finally found his spot in roma gameplay, aquilani.... well, aquilani is aquilani, there's nothing to add, if i could choose for my team 1 player between fabregas and alberto, i wouldn't have any doubts; this season, if he will not have serious injuries, the whole europe will realize what an amazing talent he is.

now let's try to extrapolate something from what we saw tonight....

fitness condition
roma and palermo clearely are in different conditions.
spalletti studied a preseasonal athletic training focused on the supercoppa final (last week), so roma players are already in great shape; moreover roma doesn't have many tall players, which make easier to reach the best shape earlier. their shape also allowed them to tolerate the high temperature we have here in palermo theese days (i should have been at the stadium tonight, but i just gave up, it's just too hot, the tv is saying the last 4 days have been the hottest days in the last 20 years here in palermo. :()

on the other side colantuomo's summer training is aimed at reaching the best shape in october (like all the others coaches in serie a).
palermo players showed ann evident lack of stamina, as they never put any pressure on the ball carrier (and this is a suicide when u're playong against roma), which made things easier for roma (in the first half roma really "played on velvet").
i did also notice some embarassing positioning mistakes made by our defensive line and some embarassing mistakes in the passing game, which clearely showed they were in pain (not just because of roma, but also because of their "heavy legs").

tactical aspects
there's not so much to say about roma. i mean could anybody name a team who plays a more beautiful and effective football in europe? They're some kind of an university of football. their passing game, their overlaps, their awareness and consciousness.... they're just perfect.
last year they had one weak point; they had no backups, and when they missed even just one player, their whole architecture just collapsed (as spalletti's gameplay requires each player to know perfectly where his teammates are in every damned second, so they know what to do with the ball even before they got the ball on their foot).
now it seems that they solved this problem, as this season they almost have 2 teams. thanks to a great an penny-wise calciomercato, now they have 2 players for each position..... i'm saying "position", not "role", as it's almost evident, at this point, that in roma nobody has a specific role... they're the most similar thing i ever saw to that "total football" netherlands invented.

now let's talk about Palermo. Nils Liedholm used to say "it's always better not to sweat on the pitch, it's always better to let the ball sweat, it's always better to let your opponents sweat". Well i'd say roma perfectly applied liedholm's rule tonight. Palermo really did sweat a lot (and not just because of the temperature :lol:). even if we didn't pressed them, our players went out of oxygen, trying to reach the ball....
we could say that at the moment palermo is a group of great players, while roma is a team whose players are great.

moving from a gameplay based on a playmaker (corini) to a gameplay that doesn't require a playmaker is really a revolution. But that's colantuomo's gameplay, so it's up to him to teach our guys how he wants them to play..... and he has to do it soon! Because our great players, with their individual efforts, could save us when we're playing against weaker sides, but having great players isn't enough to win against teams like roma, milan, inter, fiorentina, lazio or udinese....
we badly need a gameplay, as at the moment it's quite obvious we don't have it. each time our players had the ball, they always lifted their eyes looking for their teammates, trying to realize what to do...... u don't go anywhere, playing this way in serie a, as your opponents will use those seconds your offering them as a gift, to get back to their positions and close your way to the box.
loosing corini, we also lost our benchmark on the pitch. When u have no brain, u have to use your legs, u have to run... a lot.

actually tonight we ran (a lot, if u think we have more than 91 degrees fahrenheit), but we ran with no logic, with no purpose.... we ran but we didn't know exaclty where to go.
as i said before it's up to colantuono to teach our players "where to go, when and how they have to run", but he has to hurry up, coz tonight we were already seeing corini's shadow flying over Barbera stadium :roll:

the only good news is amauri. it loks like he's back again, thanks God \\:o/. cavani too looked pretty good.
the other ones (everbody, from barzagli to jankovic, from miccoli to capuano, from simplicio to migliaccio) still have to reach a decent physical shape.

So what happened? When and why did Walter move from Samp to Torino?

it happened as soon as last season ended. it was already decided even before last season ended. Walter and samp management just felt like they had to move on (it's hard to keep motivations, when u coach the same team for many years), starting a new experience.
anyway walter signed for a good team. i'm pretty sure torino will have a very good season this year.
sampdoria signed mazzarri who is another great coach, who proved his great abilities in the past few years (with livorno and reggina).
so i guess they won't miss each others (i mean sampdoria and novellino:)).

I don't see either Inter or Udinese doing that well this year. I think Milan, Juve and Fiorentina will be far too good.

that's not the right time for predictions, mate ;)
in 1 month inter will be back again an awesome team. looking at their roster, the only team in europe who can get close to inter is chelsea.
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Re: Serie A Thread

that's not the right time for predictions, mate ;)

I may be completely wrong, I acknowledge that. But now is exactly the time for predictions in the sense that is is a proper prediction as opposed to sitting on the fence and seeing which way the wind blows which is much easier.

Milan have no points deduction, Fiorentina either, Juve back etc..

Inter have to win the title for real this year- last year doesn't count for me.

the only team in europe who can get close to inter is chelsea.

Milan? Barcelona? Manchester United? Liverpool?

All opinions of course but for me this Inter team as a "team" has no European pedigree and until it really does soemthing I wont view it alongside the teams I have mentioned...personally that is my view.
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Re: Serie A Thread

I can't remember the last time I've been this excited about Roma's squad. They are spoiled for choice in the midfield and winger positions. Perhaps Juan and Esposito will get an appearance in wk 2...tasty.
Re: Serie A Thread

I may be completely wrong, I acknowledge that. But now is exactly the time for predictions in the sense that is is a proper prediction as opposed to sitting on the fence and seeing which way the wind blows which is much easier.

yep, actually you're right, that's the right moment for predictions :mrgreen:;)
but what i meant to say is that now u can't still properly rate many italian teams (and inter, most of all).
as i said before inter has many tall players, many of them just came back from their holidays (all the south american players were playing the copa america while their teammates were on holydays, so they started their holydays later and just came back to in italy).
u still have to wait 1 month to see the real inter.

Milan have no points deduction, Fiorentina either, Juve back etc..

Inter have to win the title for real this year- last year doesn't count for me.

of course mate. i didn't mean to say they're the best team.... not at all. i just meant to say they have the best roster in europe..... but this isn't not enough to make inter a great team...... anyway last year they were a great team and this year they didn't make many changes, so i can see inter getting back to last season's standards soon.

Milan? Barcelona? Manchester United? Liverpool?

All opinions of course but for me this Inter team as a "team" has no European pedigree and until it really does soemthing I wont view it alongside the teams I have mentioned...personally that is my view.

liverpool or united?? no way mate, they aren't even close to inter, talking about their roster.
once again mate, i'm not saying inter is a better team. that's an objective consideration, just take a look to their players list.
inter just has more (and often better) players than liverpool and manchester in almost each role.

talking about milan and barca, both of them have a great starting eleven, but i think barca will miss a lot giuly this season and henry won't be as useful as giuly would have been. moreover they don't have enough players to compete with inter's roster.
and the same goes for milan.
inter is the only team in europe this season that can line up 2 teams almost of the same level.... they really have 2 teams... and each of them could win serie a.

the only teams which has enough depth to compete with inter's roster are bayern (can't believe i forgot bayern before:shock:) and chelsea, but both of them still have some "holes" in their rosters.

talking about inter's pedigree, inter is not a person mate, it's an immaterial entity (like any other team in the world). Inter is composed by persons, so u have to look at their pedigree. some of them already played a champions league final, some of them already won a champions league, some of them already won the ballon d'or, and the majority of them have been at least one time world champions (with france or brasil or italy)...
do u really think they need a better pedigree????
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Re: Serie A Thread

I could quote almost at random differing excepts from what you have said in the above post and underneath add that I disagree with what you have to say, and do so for a whole multitude of differing reasons- such is the difference of our respective opinions.

But I don't really see much point in (pointlessly) arguing on something that is opinion based where we are almost certainly going to come no closer to each others opinion.

My opinions are diametically opposed to everything you said in the above post.

It is easier to bring notice to the one or two points where I agree and you can assume I disagree with you on everything else.

Yes it is easily to make predictions at a latter date, yes in a month predications will be easier and more validated. That is my point that to make predictians now is more dangerous but also more rewarding if true- more nostodamous and less Luciano Moggi haha. So my predication is more dangerous, more likely to be wrong, braver and possibly more naive and certainly more virtuous and worthy of praise if correct.

I know it would be easy to wait a month or so and give a safe warm opinion that everyone can be in accordance with, with all the predictive insight of a politician predicting an election result having seen the closing opinion poles.

Inter have a lot of players.

And that is where my opinion of them is with you, from there on in it separates and the same goes for everything else you said.
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Re: Serie A Thread

I could quote almost at random differing excepts from what you have said in the above post and underneath add that I disagree with what you have to say, and do so for a whole multitude of differing reasons- such is the difference of our respective opinions.

well, after reading a couple of your posts, i guess i should be proud of it....perhaps the bolded part deserves to replace my old signature :lol:

sorry for the cheap shot mate, i'm just joking ;)
but honestly reading predictions like this...
I don't see either Inter or Udinese doing that well this year. I think Milan, Juve and Fiorentina will be far too good.
... it looks to me that u really know serie a....... well as u know bundesliga :mrgreen::lol:

sorry again, but it was stronger than me :)

btw guys moving on to more interstings and productive conversations, is there anybody that would like to talk about this week end games?
Don, Juveboy, Milanista, PLF, Codpiece, jake, Hayabusa, Mad, Gerd, Pogoss where r u guys??
i'd say there are a lot of intersting things to talk about...
cagliari match, milan's match, fiorentina's match, lazio - torino and samp match...
let me read some of your feelings about this first week end matches! :D
Re: Serie A Thread

Well alright, if it makes you happy :mrgreen:.

My impressions of the first games; Juve impressed, though as I have written before, luck was on our side and the champions(trez, dp in the first half, nedved, zanetti and chiellini) carried the team.

Milan made it look easy again, for me the favourites for the title this season. Their players could find eachother blindfolded.

Fiorentina did well, though I only saw a few highlights(was dissapointed to see Marchisio and Giovinco start from the bench for empoli, though I reckon it had to do with their international match only a few days prior).

Roma were really impressive, but I wonder about their fragility. Last season the could destroy a side 6-1, but the next week they could be destroyed 7-1. In pre-season a new, unsettled juve side were still able to beat Roma 5-2, after being down 0-2. Nevertheless, the win over palermo was impressive. Although that brings me to the one of less impressive figures of the weekend; Colantuono(or however it is spelled:mrgreen:). This is just feeling-based, but I can't see a coach lasting long, when one is so animated as he was on the touchline the very first game. Also, his choises were a little too random for me. Roma-Palermo was a good game though, surprisingly faced pased, with good football.

Inter falling back into old habits was quite satisfying frankly and I have to agree with Steven van Zandt on Inter; they just have a lot of players :).
Re: Serie A Thread

Sorry guys, I'm moving to London (new flat) so i dont have much internet! I went to watch the games though. I'll add more when everything is sorted.

Milan played as with fluidity and like don said, made it look easy. Our team was very confident and Ambrosini proved himself again to be a solid player. Gilardino is blind as ever still though! We needed Kaka to score his chances, and to score a penalty that never existed. But I feel the result was fair.
Overall I think we are going to be a tough team to crack. Although Dida wasnt tested much, I saw more confidence in his performance, which is always a good thing. Last thing we need is the media attacking him.

btw where is Figeroa now?

As for Napoli.. i'm so disappointed. Cagliari showed their Serie A experience and calmly took the 3 points. Napoli were so desperate to try and score that they just couldnt... they even hit the post!!!!

Inter... HAHAHA... the Milanisti were laughing when Julio Cesar got sent off and when Cordoba scored the own goal in the last minute. Great news. Figo still seems to be fucking amazing though! He can dribble SO WELL!

I managed to see goals of the other games but not sure on performances as I watched milan.

Zio - nice goal by Aquilani though, but I wanted Palermo to win. Didnt manage to watch the game.

Milan-Fiorentina should be interesting this week.. I might be at San Siro!!!!:D
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Re: Serie A Thread

Well alright, if it makes you happy .

of course it does :D

talking about juve, i agree with u on zanetti and chiellini, both of them were really impressive; alex too was good in the first half.

Milan made it look easy again, for me the favourites for the title this season. Their players could find eachother blindfolded.

Milan played as with fluidity and like don said, made it look easy. Our team was very confident and Ambrosini proved himself again to be a solid player. Gilardino is blind as ever still though! We needed Kaka to score his chances, and to score a penalty that never existed. But I feel the result was fair.

yep milan played a good match, but honestly genoa wasn't on his usual standards. Gasperini is known for his spectacular offensive football. yesterday instead genoa tried to stay out of troubles playing a football that just isn't their football. for almost the whole match they had 8 players behind the midfield line. genoa isn't used to play that conservative football, and infact the whole team looked pretty confused on the pitch. Di Vaio played almost as a side back, gasparetto and papa waigo never pushed like they usually do, konko didn't not even 1 pass in the whole match, always trying some spectacular (as useless) tricks...
oddo and kakà dominated their zones of the pitch, but this happened as they didn't find any opposition...
i'd say milan still needs to be truly tested....

sure they're among the favourites for the title, but it will be a tough battle against inter and roma.

talking about roma, u're right, Don about last season's lack of consistency, but i think this year the situation will be different.
as i said before last season roma depended a lot from their starting formation players. now they have aquilani (who almost didn't play last season) who makes an amazing midfield couple with de rossi (actually i don't know which couple is better... de rossi-pizarro or de rossi-aquilani), they have giuly and esposito , to replace taddei and mancini and i think vucinic will finally show is real ability.
buying cicinho they didn't just bought a very good side back, they also gave spalletti the chance to bring panucci on the centre of the defense (he was pretty good sunday).
last season roma lost many points against weaker sides coz of the lack of depth in their roster... now they havent' anymore this problem.

Although that brings me to the one of less impressive figures of the weekend; Colantuono(or however it is spelled)

mate sunday we face a team which plays with the same players and the same coach since 2 years.... using your expression, they too could play blindfolded. moreover they were in a great shape, talking about stamina.
on the other side, palermo has a new coach, whose gameplay is very different from guidolin's one. our players still have to learns Colantuono's football (that's the right spelling, btw, even if sometimes me too i say colantuoMo :lol:)....
meanwhile we can hide our lack of gameplan with a playmaker.... just to make an example, try to imagin how juve would look like today without almiron.... i'm pretty sure u got what i'm saying ;)
but Colantuono did great in the past few season so i'm confident he will be able to find the right balance. Talking about the team, well, sure we have a good team this year... even if we lost corini (who is absolutely irreplacable) we had a good calciomercato, buying the right players for each spot; if jankovic won't have any adapting problems he will "shine" like he did last year in maiorca, migliaccio is a very useful player, rinaudo came back to palermo (and i'm really happy about it as i rate him a lot), we managed to keep barzagli and bresciano, and it looks like we're really close to Amelia (the same zamparini admitted he wants him and amelia's agent said last week end that Marco can't wait to come here in palermo:D)..... i just hope it will happen for real.
moreover we got amauri back and cavani has now almost 1 year of serie a experience, what will allow him to show us his real potential.
our weak points remains the left back position, as neither pisano or capuano are good enough, for palermo.

talking about colantuono's choices, i guess u're referring to jankovic and capuano in the starting 11. well, actually it' wasn't really a "choice" as bresciano's still has to get in a decent shape, while pisano was injured.

Zio - nice goal by Aquilani though, but I wanted Palermo to win. Didnt manage to watch the game.
yep. and it wasn't just about the goal his performance was really good for the whole match.

Inter falling back into old habits was quite satisfying frankly and I have to agree with Steven van Zandt on Inter; they just have a lot of players .

of course u have to..... u're a juventino, afterall :mrgreen:
it wasn't u the one who said ibra was shit last season :mrgreen::roll:;)

As for Napoli.. i'm so disappointed. Cagliari showed their Serie A experience and calmly took the 3 points. Napoli were so desperate to try and score that they just couldnt... they even hit the post!!!!

that's true. unfortunately i think napoli is gonna have the same season torino had last year.... let's just hope they won't be relegated :(
cagliari instead looked more than decent :) maybe giampaolo is finaly showing us what he's all about :)... and foggia will help him for sure :D

EDIT: just read antonio passed away..... i'm ashamed for talking about football.....
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Re: Serie A Thread

well, after reading a couple of your posts, i guess i should be proud of it....perhaps the bolded part deserves to replace my old signature :lol:

Well given I have been ripped to shreds and people have decided that I am someone else who they hate and see me as that person you are in a great deal of company....Of course that doesn't make what you are saying remotely right or fair, but why not jump on the bandwagon and attack me it seems to be the order of the day.

sorry for the cheap shot mate, i'm just joking ;)
but honestly reading predictions like this...

Not so sorry that you have enough regret to not make the cheap shot though.

... it looks to me that u really know serie a....... well as u know bundesliga :mrgreen::lol:

sorry again, but it was stronger than me :)

You have no idea how many games and leagues I watch, you have just jumped to conclusions.

For what it is worth I never claimed to know more than you about serie a, I just gave an honest opinion.

Not sure I am going to bother posting much round here on this site anymore, all that I have found is that people have been extremely "passive aggressive" when I have not concurred with people's opinions and I have conveniently been labeled and hammered for being someone else...

I'm not sticking round to take more crap of people, I don't need this. People can either apologise for all the stick they have unfairly given me or I will just post on other sites in future where people are more tollerant of differing views.
Re: Serie A Thread

u're right, Vanzandt. actually i was arrogant, harsh and impolite. :(
sorry mate :o
Re: Serie A Thread

Inter... HAHAHA... the Milanisti were laughing when Julio Cesar got sent off and when Cordoba scored the own goal in the last minute. Great news. Figo still seems to be fucking amazing though! He can dribble SO WELL!

And were the Milanisti laughing when they saw Ricardo Oliveira's fantastic goal in his official debut for Zara, this weekend as well? :eek: :D :p

The impressive Real Zaragoza squad surprisingly lost to newly promoted Murcia (Although ALL 3 newly promoted teams won in the first round!) but with that one move alone, Ricardo, once again proved, just what a top-class striker he is.

You don't score goals like that out of fluke. He's one of the best Brazil has to offer along with Fred when it comes to strikers. There's no doubt about it.
Re: Serie A Thread

Guys, what happened at Atalanta...
So much players went away...why???
Is their team as good as last year???
Re: Serie A Thread

u're right, Vanzandt. actually i was arrogant, harsh and impolite. :(
sorry mate :o

I can be harsh and impolite, usually without intention, it is easily done....forget about it I have.

Not sure I will be sticking around though it depends on what other people say next. Quite a few people have been calling me all kinds because they think I am someone else who used to be at the site and was banned. I feel like I have been kicked repeatedly in the nuts for nothing at all and I am ready to leave and talk football somewhere else where I don't get abuse for being someone I'm not (mental).


I don't claim to know a lot about serie a, I just watch it and have an opinion of sorts- that is it.
Re: Serie A Thread

I can be harsh and impolite, usually without intention, it is easily done....forget about it I have.

Not sure I will be sticking around though it depends on what other people say next. Quite a few people have been calling me all kinds because they think I am someone else who used to be at the site and was banned. I feel like I have been kicked repeatedly in the nuts for nothing at all and I am ready to leave and talk football somewhere else where I don't get abuse for being someone I'm not (mental).


I don't claim to know a lot about serie a, I just watch it and have an opinion of sorts- that is it.

it doesn't matter who u are (anyway i didn't even know that Alucard or at least i don't remember him). U came in this thread espressing your views and i replied to u with an arrogance that usually doesn't belong to me.
so thank u for accepting my apoligises and sorry again:)

it doesn't matter how much u or me know about serie a. we're here just to share our passion for football and our views, so i hope u'll keep posting on this thread and sharing your views. :)

Guys, what happened at Atalanta...
So much players went away...why???
Is their team as good as last year???
Colantuono left and when the coach changes is quite normal to see many players going away.
they sold some important players (like migliaccio) but they also bought some others, like langella (who might finally get back to his levels with a coach like del neri), padoin (who is a very promising player) and muslimovic (who has a big potential too).

they also managed to keep some of the most important players, like bellini, carrozzieri, doni, tissone and zampagna.

i don't know if they'll repeat last year's performances, but i'm pretty confident they will avoid relegation easily ;)

i think del neri is the perfect coach for atalanta players and with those 3 very good buys (especially padoin and muslimovic), i've got the feeling they will play an attractive football.

p.s. nice to see u posting on the serie a thread again, Gerd :)
long time no talk, my friend :)

And were the Milanisti laughing when they saw Ricardo Oliveira's fantastic goal in his official debut for Zara, this weekend as well?
he also scored twice against palermo 2 weeks ago. ricardo is a very good player, and i think last year's bad performances were heavily influenced by his familiar tragedy.
it's nice to see him scoring again :)
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Re: Serie A Thread

Barca v Inter (Gamber Cup - Friendly) match is on now Sky channel 795 (TVEi), free to anyone with Sky... Think it's live.
Re: Serie A Thread

Oh well at least the refs were fair last season!

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Re: Serie A Thread

Oh well at least the refs were fair last season!

oh well, i'd say our refs are and will always be "fair" from now on (well, from last year on).

talking about unfair referees is such a heavy accusation, coz it means they are in bad faith.
being unfair means trying to damage a team on purpose, wich is honestly unthinkable, if u consider the revolution we went through last year. I guess no ref in this world would be so stupid to destroy his carreer like some of our old referees did 2 years ago, don't u think?

so i'd say it's better talking about mistakes, not unfairness. ;)

so what's the mistake u're talking about? :)

p.s. btw, CBG our referees were awful last year, and i think they will be just slightly better this season. and there's a simple reason for it. after the calciopoli scandal, many referees were litterally kicked out from serie a. the result is that now we have a new generation of referees who still aren't experienced enough to ref in serie a, imo (at least many of them).
this season they'll have 1 year more on their shoulders, so i guess they'll do better than last year.....
...coz honestly, last year serie a, talking about refs, was probably the worst league in europe.

they're young, they're unexperienced, they might make some mistakes (afterall even the best refs in europe make mistakes) but they are fair, i can guarrantee ;)


:) very good performance by napoli! highly unexpected (at least by me :)).

wich games did u watch today guys?
it was really a great week till now. some awesome games, high quality football almos everywhere!
the teams have one week more of athletic preparation and u can clearely see the results as tthis week football was really good, a huge step foward compared to last week matches... we're already almost on serie a standards :D

why don't u guys make a little report about the match u followed today? :D i'm not talking about "they were great!" or "that player was amazing"... i'm talking about deep analisys of the match.

coz honestly it looks like i'm the only one who'd like to talk about football in this thread :(
Re: Serie A Thread

If you look at Cagliari v Juventus, the ref was silly. He made lots of mistakes and gave many suspect free kicks. I remember seeing Bologna v Juventus years ago, the ref gave a free kick in the last minute for no reason at all and Nedved scored and Juventus won... today was just like that.

But that's Italian football, good to watch but you know that Juventus always gets the refs. It's because the refs are all for the north of Italy and they don't like it when a southern team plays well.
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Re: Serie A Thread

If you look at Cagliari v Juventus, the ref was silly. He made lots of mistakes and gave many suspect free kicks. I remember seeing Bologna v Juventus years ago, the ref gave a free kick in the last minute for no reason at all and Nedved scored and Juventus won... today was just like that.

But that's Italian football, good to watch but you know that Juventus always gets the refs. It's because the refs are all for the north of Italy and they don't like it when a southern team plays well.

well, mate i didn't see the whole match so can't talk about the ref. anyway if u say that the ref made several mistakes, i believe u (why shouldn't i ;)).

but we still must talk about mistakes, nothing more than this, because if each time a ref will take a wrong decision during a juve match we'll keep talking about calciopoli again, we won't ever get rid of our ghosts.

the real reason why juve took advantage of many unfair refs (they were unfair for real!) was just moggi (and some other bastards who took advantage of our lack of rules).
the CAN (national referees association) was strongly tied to Lega calcio (the association of football clubs presidents) .The carreers of our refs were controlled by the lega calcio which had the power to elect the CAN president (the one who choose the refs for each match).
moggi was the most powerful member of Lega calcio and he used his power to influence CAN's president's decisions.

now everything is changed. CAN became an indipendent organism. now is the federcalcio (italian FA) who elects the CAN's president, so there aren't ties anymore between football clubs presidents (or managers) and our referees.

that's why i said:
they're young, they're unexperienced, they might make some mistakes (afterall even the best refs in europe make mistakes) but they are fair, i can guarrantee

It's because the refs are all for the north of Italy and they don't like it when a southern team plays well.

well mate, actually that's wrong. our refs comes from every region of italy and they're all equally distributed (that's one of CAN code rules).
here they are all our serie a refs.
Beside each ref's name u can see his birthplace. as u will easily notice they come from everywhere, from the north and the south of italy..... equally distributed, as i said.

and talking about ayroldi (cagliari-juve ref), well, he was born in Molfetta (wich is in Puglia, a region in the deep south of italy).

things are changed in serie a CBG. what happened, can't happen again, coz now we got rules!
Just keep watching juve matches mate, i'm sure u'll see many refs taking wrong decision against juve too, during this season.
afterall, last year, when juve was in serie b, many times juve was victim of huge refs mistakes (and that's the best evidence of what i'm saying).


zio, just wait for Milan-Fiorentina and you'll hear what I've got to say
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Re: Serie A Thread

Just reading the posts and was thinking of paraphrasing Twain.

The only three certainties in life are death, taxes and refereeing mistakes!

Having watched Rob Styles give a ludicrous penalty to Chelsea against Liverpool a few weeks back I can assure you guys that refereeing mistakes are not the preserve of the Italian league...the EPL is positively pickled in them.

At least we can all say Graham Poll has retired...unless seria a want him? :lmao:
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