Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

He's Plan M, a member that was banned multiple times for stirring shit and trolling. His alias is quite ironic, seeing as he used to always make fun of Serie A.

He was pretending to be foreign.

whoever this benni was, he did pick quite a cool nickname, i'll give him that :D
can't say i'll miss him honestly. i don't remember this plan m (perhaps he was in here before i joined?), but this benni was very repetitive and quite boring.

moving on, zeem, stef, what do u think about mario's acquisition? :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

I have nothing against Ballotelli, but what annoys me is that he is being used by Berlusconi in another attempt to become prime minister.
Berlusconi also abolished some sort of tax for house owners (Italians in this thread correct me if i'm wrong, but that is what i've read in the papers).
So once again, this crook is using the same recipe to become PM: football and populism (and isn't that the same). And i have a feeling that once again he will win (or am i wrong ?).

I have a question to Milan fans in this thread: would you vote for Berlusconi after all he has done ?

About Benni.
IMO he was treated unfair. I often shared his opnion, why am i not banned ? There were times he didn't used arguments, but there are other people who don't care about arguments that aren't banned (and i don't say they should be banned).
It was as if people did not accept things from him, that they did accept from other a way i can understand the mods who banned him because he annoyed lots of people (and that is something i really don't understand at all), but i still think he was treated unfair.

The only thing i found ridiculous was when he started discussing with himself under another nick name. So unless that person is also banned, he isn't really banned.... (oh and before you ask: "gerd" isn't "Benni" or Plan M or Dj Doc).

I also don't see why people where infuriated with him because he wasn't a 'real' Inter fan. Who cares about that ? What is a 'real fan' ?

Am i a 'real' fan ? I consider myself a Genk and Spurs fan, but i also love both Standard and Arsenal. Those teams are considered the biggest rivals of my favourite teams ? Am i a 'real fan' ? According to most people in here i'm not... To make matters worse, i'm also fond of other teams: Palermo and Atalanta in Italy (what ? Two teams ?), Swansea in England (and two years ago i had never heard about that team, i'm really a glory hunter), Lille and Valenciennes (both clubs are rivals, it gets worse) and i also quite like Atletico Madrid and Werder Bremen. On top of that i have soft spot for Chelsea (boy that is a cardinal sin... Chelsea !). Oh and of course i love Barcelona. I must be a maniac...

Or maybe i'm just a football fan and then it just doesn't matter that i'm not a real fan. But why ostracise somebody who isn't considered a 'real' Inter fan.

Should one be honest on an internet forum ? Now that is a totally ridiculous question. Honesty and internet, that is like virginity in a brothel (and i apologize to all prostitutes that i mentioned "brothel" in the same sentence as "internet"). Maybe i could be the president of Malawi or i could be a Belgian convicted paedophile (we are quite famous for our paedophiles) or maybe just a guy who today happens to be 51 years old, with a mortgage a wife and two kids who should do other things than spoiling this lovely thread.

I guess this post turned out to be a rant of some sort. It would be a nice birthday present if some mod would reply me, maybe in a PM...i'm getting old and i deserve a litle bit of attention. I also should apologize for going off-topic, but this is a reaction to Stef's post (and i love Stef).

I'm sorry, but i miss Benni (maybe i'm the only one).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

What was said about Ballotelli was disgraceful, It really baffles me in this day and age how people do not understand how horrible it is to speak like that. He obviously felt there was nothing wrong with what he said, if he said it in front of lots of people.

I had a conversation with somebody last year and we were talking about my upcoming trip to South Africa, he decided it was a good idea to tell his joke about Nelson Mandela being a monkey etc completely racist, but he was unaware of this, he didn't obviously see why?! he is from a different country etc and is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, but there is this mindset in certain countries where they just don't get it, the inherent racism in how they talk and refer to people, it's sad.

gerd most people saw what Benni was, he would go into threads and repeat his views over and over again, looking for reactions so he could argue with people. It was blatant in my opinion, you can just look at the Chelsea thread. In this example with Rafa he saw his opinion was winding people up and after every bad result he would repeat his same mantra again and again to get a reaction. He did it before as Plan M, this time he disguised it a bit more by pretending to apologise here and there and saying 'good post' to a few people (He basically did that because he knew if he carried on the way he was he would get banned). But he just can't help himself, he has to be the way he is and that is why he was found out so quickly with his new alias.

For him supporting Inter, he doesn't, he never has etc people were not having a go at him because he was a casual fan of them etc. It was because he just wasn't, like he wasn't Italian.

Again I don't really care, everybody lies on the internet as you said, but not everybody is a knob like him.

I actually didn't mind him too much this time around, he toned it down from his planM days.

This is my opinion, but it is strange that many other members feel the same? so there must be something in it? :))

We will just look out for another new member that hates Rafa and spends a lot of their time in the Liverpool thread......he just can not help himself.

Anyway, back to footy!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

By the way, those comments are by Paolo, not Silvio Berlusconi, and no, I will never vote for him.

I think it was Galliani's signing, and not Berlusconi - he called Balotelli a 'bad apple' just a few weeks ago.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

I wasn't refeering to those comments Stef...
I also know that berlusconi called Balotelli a bad apple, but IMO he is cynical enough to buy him if that could increase his popularity.
In a way i treat Milan unfair because it is Berlusconi's club.
It baffles me that Milan was the first (or one of the first ?) sugar daddy club and that they came away with it without getting the stick Chelsea and Man City get...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

I think translation in English sound more harsh. I read it in Italian and I must say Spanish and Latin is so similar. I dont think it`s racist imo . I`m called the little black sheep in the family, maybe saying sheep makes the difference. We know 'Hispanics' call each other negrito n negrita meaning 'sweetheart or honey.

Now, I know little of Italian culture in that aspect, especially in light of TheMilan team walking out due to racist chanting its bad form. Its hard being non-black and just saying the word black-negrito or negro! w/o being labeled or look at as a racist.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

bebo said:
I think translation in English sound more harsh. I read it in Italian and I must say Spanish and Latin is so similar. I dont think it`s racist imo . I`m called the little black sheep in the family, maybe saying sheep makes the difference. We know 'Hispanics' call each other negrito n negrita meaning 'sweetheart or honey.
as an italian, i can safely say that calling a black guy "negretto" is definitely racist. negretto is the italian equivalent of "negrito" in spanish.
the suffix "etto" (just like the suffix "ito" in spanish) is a term of endearment. terms of endearment aren't very common in english but they are in italian and spanish. they are small suffixes wich give an affectionate connotation to the word.
however the addition of the suffix doesn't make it less unappropriate for a white guy to call a black guy "negro".

of course non-white people aren't tied to semantics, but that's only because we can always be politically incorrect towards a genus, a class, a category we belong to. and that is because no one can discriminate himself.
quick example; if i would say "most sicilian politics are a bunch of lazy corrupts", none of u would perceive my statement as politically incorrect or discriminating, because i would be stating an opinion on a class (sicilians) i myself belong to. but if a japanese or an american or an english or an australian would say the very same statement, it would be perceived by most as a cheap and discriminating generalization.

the offensive connotation of a word is never an innate quality of the word itself. it depends on the context. even common insults sometimes can assume an affectionate connotation, depending on the context.
that specific word (negretto), in that specific context, was definitely racist and unacceptable. i'm sure paolo berlusconi, being an uncultivated idiot, didn't mean to sound racist, but that's absolutely irrelevant. afterall racists are often completely unaware of their utter lack of decency (as bobby pointed out), but that doesn't make their behaviour any less despicable.

it's disgusting obviously, but honestly i don't understand why u people are so surprised. we're talking about a family with no class, no decency, no dignity whatsoever. i can't see how we could be surprised at their unappropriate boutades, no matter how low they sink. i mean, for god's sake, this man's brother once defined obama as a "young handsome tanned man"!! theese people haven't lost a single chance to embarass themselves and their country for the last 14 years.... why would they stop now.
Gerd said:
It baffles me that Milan was the first (or one of the first ?) sugar daddy club and that they came away with it without getting the stick Chelsea and Man City get...
actually berlusconi got a lot of stick in his first years as milan president. people just don't remember it. i remember rivera and many others tried to oppose him with all their strenght. infact i'd say berlusca got much more stick than most modern sugar daddies.
anyway i agree with stefano, i believe signing mario was galliani's idea. everybody loves balotelli (even if he's a bit of an ass) but he's not a signing big enough to move electoral consensus (like, say, ibra or ronaldo or thiago silva).
besides berlusconi is already gaining huge consensus with his "no taxes" policy.... he doesn't need balotelli.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

gerd most people saw what Benni was, he would go into threads and repeat his views over and over again, looking for reactions so he could argue with people. It was blatant in my opinion, you can just look at the Chelsea thread. In this example with Rafa he saw his opinion was winding people up and after every bad result he would repeat his same mantra again and again to get a reaction. He did it before as Plan M, this time he disguised it a bit more by pretending to apologise here and there and saying 'good post' to a few people (He basically did that because he knew if he carried on the way he was he would get banned). But he just can't help himself, he has to be the way he is and that is why he was found out so quickly with his new alias.

For him supporting Inter, he doesn't, he never has etc people were not having a go at him because he was a casual fan of them etc. It was because he just wasn't, like he wasn't Italian.

Again I don't really care, everybody lies on the internet as you said, but not everybody is a knob like him.

I actually didn't mind him too much this time around, he toned it down from his planM days.

This is my opinion, but it is strange that many other members feel the same? so there must be something in it? :))

We will just look out for another new member that hates Rafa and spends a lot of their time in the Liverpool thread......he just can not help himself.

Anyway, back to footy!

Well said Bobby.

Benni or Plan M or NinjaBreakz never actually did or said anything bad to me and yet I'm glad to see him gone as well. Coincidence? I think not.

He was a world class troll and the years never changed him it seems.

Well done Milanista, Lami and co. for banning him. I was wondering what's taking so long. We all know who he really is and I, Edmundo, Gomito and just about every other longer term member remembered his previous antics.

He's not a bad guy. He's quite funny as well. But yeah he can't help himself and if he's being banned a dozen times before, I don't know why he'd be allowed to come back now.

Was genuinely surprised by how his banning took so long this time but it's here at last.

Well done Mods.
What's the big match this weekend, I got the house to myself, the beers in the fridge and the new recliner to watch some Italian football this weekend
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

You're lucky mate, saturday should be good!
Juventus - Fiorentina and Lazio - Napoli.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

I think translation in English sound more harsh. I read it in Italian and I must say Spanish and Latin is so similar. I dont think it`s racist imo . I`m called the little black sheep in the family, maybe saying sheep makes the difference. We know 'Hispanics' call each other negrito n negrita meaning 'sweetheart or honey.

Now, I know little of Italian culture in that aspect, especially in light of TheMilan team walking out due to racist chanting its bad form. Its hard being non-black and just saying the word black-negrito or negro! w/o being labeled or look at as a racist.

a friend of me when he first moved on US (13 years ago) start working and he dont know anything in english , he got in trouble for this what u said Bebo , he went to work and he was working with almost all black guys just few more albanians that went with him in that time they all didn;t know much of english , than every morning this guy was hearing to this black guys "what up nigga" , "my nigga" and stuff like that , next morning he want to be cool and thought thats something nice to say and said to one of them "what up my nigga" and they were in trouble with this black guys for that but than they calm down after they "understod" he dont know english LOL

we dont have black people here (in Kosovo) , so watching movies and listening to hip hop you always hear "nigga" and some people who dont know it say sometimes think its cool and might say it but not for being racist at all !

I dated a black girl while I was on US some months ago and even now I talk to her like every night , and sometimes I just say that damn word but I nevermind to be a racist or so I just say it sometimes LOL

btw. Lazio - Napoli sounds as a MUST WATCH match ;)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

What's the big match this weekend, I got the house to myself, the beers in the fridge and the new recliner to watch some Italian football this weekend

Lazio-Napoli will be a biggie, hopefully a draw so that Milan can catch up :D

Fiorentina v Juventus will also be great, especially since it's right before Celtic v Juve.

I think Sampdoria v Roma can get interested, as both teams have pretty terrible defending but very strong attacks.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

moving on, zeem, stef, what do u think about mario's acquisition? :))

I have to admit, at first I was very skeptical and disappointed that we were going to splash £20m on Mario

However, since his arrival, he has looked confident, calm and smiley. I think he's in a place where he knows the fans are loving him and knows Prandelli and Mancini are behind him, but most importantly, knows that Milan as a team, will support him and treat him as one of us.

I have rarely seen in the last 2 years a Milan playing so free-flowing and confident in the first 45 minutes of the Udinese match - it was crazy seeing Niang do an elastico, Flamini running 7 marathons in 90 minutes, Abate making many crosses and Montolivo dictating the passing. All because of Mario. His movements and the way he celebrated those goals completely reminded me of Zlatan's charisma in the last 2 days.

I think it is down to the fact that both Zlatan and Mario know that the club will rely on them as the leader of the attack, so they feel the weight of the responsibility - the way they do the "I'm the best" style celebrations says it all.

Anyway, it's early days and I like to be skeptical and critical of Milan, but it feels like things might change. We'll still get raped in the CL, I'm sure. :YAWN:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

a friend of me when he first moved on US (13 years ago) start working and he dont know anything in english , he got in trouble for this what u said Bebo , he went to work and he was working with almost all black guys just few more albanians that went with him in that time they all didn;t know much of english , than every morning this guy was hearing to this black guys "what up nigga" , "my nigga" and stuff like that , next morning he want to be cool and thought thats something nice to say and said to one of them "what up my nigga" and they were in trouble with this black guys for that but than they calm down after they "understod" he dont know english LOL

we dont have black people here (in Kosovo) , so watching movies and listening to hip hop you always hear "nigga" and some people who dont know it say sometimes think its cool and might say it but not for being racist at all !

I dated a black girl while I was on US some months ago and even now I talk to her like every night , and sometimes I just say that damn word but I nevermind to be a racist or so I just say it sometimes LOL

btw. Lazio - Napoli sounds as a MUST WATCH match ;)

That excludes you from being racist ! :LOL: I hear white youths call each other niggas :TTTH: the word nigg with'er' is a whole different story.

I`m mulatto and a right wing conservative! I have dual citizenship my wife refuses and she`s a democrat that don`t vote ! Who said life is meant to be simple! Cheese :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

I have to admit, at first I was very skeptical and disappointed that we were going to splash £20m on Mario

However, since his arrival, he has looked confident, calm and smiley. I think he's in a place where he knows the fans are loving him and knows Prandelli and Mancini are behind him, but most importantly, knows that Milan as a team, will support him and treat him as one of us.

I have rarely seen in the last 2 years a Milan playing so free-flowing and confident in the first 45 minutes of the Udinese match - it was crazy seeing Niang do an elastico, Flamini running 7 marathons in 90 minutes, Abate making many crosses and Montolivo dictating the passing. All because of Mario. His movements and the way he celebrated those goals completely reminded me of Zlatan's charisma in the last 2 days.

I think it is down to the fact that both Zlatan and Mario know that the club will rely on them as the leader of the attack, so they feel the weight of the responsibility - the way they do the "I'm the best" style celebrations says it all.

Anyway, it's early days and I like to be skeptical and critical of Milan, but it feels like things might change. We'll still get raped in the CL, I'm sure. :YAWN:

yeah, i have pretty much the same feelings. i was quite surprised to see milan going for balotelli (no less than 2 weeks ago i was telling godotelli i didn't think milan would have signed him), but the deal is pretty good. 20 millions euros due in 4 years and a 2 millions paycut on mario's wage. i did not see this coming. english clubs usually don't accept payment by installments and that 2 millions paycut makes mario's wage much more reasonable.

the only loser in this deal is pazzini (who was having an amazing season, despite not being able to play on a regular basis). it must be hard for him right now.
btw milan seems to be doing very well lately. since december it's being a completely different team, compared to the beginning of the season. :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

Ben, what about Palermo's new coach ? Never heard of the guy...
Will he be able to save them ?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

Ben, what about Palermo's new coach ? Never heard of the guy...
Will he be able to save them ?

You've never heard of the "Cazzo" Malesani? :D

When Manchester Utd won their treble, who was the winner of the UEFA Cup in that season?

It was Malesani's Parma. Buffon, with Benarrivo, Sensini, Cannavaro and Thuram at the backline. Fuser, Baggio, Veron, Boghossian. In the front, Crespo and Chiesa

This is the Parma where Veron and Fiore never played together :)
Veron was always the starter for the playmaker position and then it seems that he always got tired in minutes 70/80 and he got subbed with Fiore.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

@ odiboni: man that was one hell of a team! :))
Ben, what about Palermo's new coach ? Never heard of the guy...
Will he be able to save them ?
u never heard of malesani? wow! i mean it's not like he's a newbie, he's been around evern since the early '90s. u often hear people say serie a lost visibility in the last 10 years (because of the scandals and the lack of investments)....... but the more i hear foreign people talking about football, the more i realize serie a never really had any visibility at all... not even during what people call "serie a golden era"... it's a bit like italy's friendlies.... everyone talks about them, but no one actually ever watches them. :P

anyway malesani is a good coach (nothing more than that). he has a good mind for tactics and a good grip on his teams.... he's a bit to passionate and flamboyant for my likes, but he always seemed to be able to instill in his players that very same "fire" that burns inside him (wich is a good thing as our players could certainly use some personality and passion).

having said that, no, i don't think he will be able to save palermo, for this team is beyond saving at this point (imo).
the cold, hard truth is that this team is just not good enough to stay in serie a. a good coach can pull the best out of his players, but no one can turn poor players into good players. this team is serie b material, no matter who is the coach.
gasperini actually did a great job and got us to play some decent football (wich is amazing, given the material he had to work with), but u need to score to win games.... and this team can't score, nor defend. lady luck might help u in a few occasions, but there's no such thing as luck in a long competition such as a 38 games league (and to be honest, we didn't have much luck either).
siena and pescara are pretty much doomed. we're fighting with cagliari and genoa to avoid relegation.... but both genoa and cagliari are well ahead of us in the table..... and both also have much better teams than ours. so, unless something crazy happens over the next few months, i don't think we have much of a chance.
damjan said:
You're lucky mate, saturday should be good!
Juventus - Fiorentina and Lazio - Napoli.
i don't have high expectation for those games actually. juve-fiorentina is a derby and both teams have been on a pretty poor form over the last 2 months. and as for lazio-napoli, both teams have lot to lose and not much to gain from that match..... i don't think either game will be "pretty".... although they will be "intense".
parma-genoa should be a good one imo. and also samp-roma might be intriguiing. delio rossi is working his magic once again at samp, and it will be interesting to see how roma players will react to zeman's departure.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

watching Inter too, I had to rub my eyes though . Zanetti is still alive ffs he`s older than me!!! Im old though.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

Damn sounds good, what red wine? I might pop a Bordeaux

I went to the wrong wedding reception hall. After 20min. I realize my wife was nowhere to be found so I grab this bottle that was chilled in ice for my troubles. Some bloke gave me a look I just said "its OK! Im bebo" :JAY:
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