Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

As classy as Juninho working minimum wage to play football. Legends, the both of them.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

In regards to Fiorentina, perhaps they should get Gasperini. I think that'd be a good move for both!
i think gasperini is gonna come here in palermo. i'd hate to lose rossi as palermo coach, but i got to admit, gaspa would be one hell of a replacement.
odiboni said:
Good post lo zio.

Also in serie a, the co-ownership system is very helpful for small and mid class teams to get potential players from big clubs youth academy.
indeed. and it's no coincidence that co-ownership is such a recurring expedient in italy. when money scarces u have to come up with expedients like this one. it's some sort of an adaptation dynamics process. darwinism applied to football industry.
co-ownerships weren't so frequent in italy 20 years ago, when italian clubs didn't really bother about balancing the books.

and that is also the reason why i don't think serie a general managers are necessarily better than their english counterparts. yeah people like corvino, marino, sabatini, marotta and leonardi, they're definitely some of the best in the business, but when u look at the whole league, at the entire italian "ecosystem", it was the change of the environment that forced them to "get smarter" (like i said before, darwin's evolution applied to football).

english gm aren't professionally worse than their italian colleagues... they're just lazier. and they're lazier because they can afford to be lazier. according to deloitte's research aston villa's incomes for the current season are around 110 millions euros, while everton's incomes are around 96 millions, so they can afford to be more careless than, say, palermo (50 millions) or genoa (55 millions).

by that logic, if (hypothetically) from next season on, millions would rain down on serie a (new facilities, new investors, whatever reason u wanna pick), then italian general managers would just "stop bothering anymore" and get as careless as their english colleagues (or as careless as they themselves used to be years ago).

and if that's correct, then the immediate logic consequence is that money isn't much of a factor in football industry (mind u, i'm talking about the global capital circulation, not about money distribution... the latter obviously is a huge factor)..... if u inject less capital in the industry the overall effect will be impossible to perceive, as the operators (club owners, general managers) will just adapt to the new situation and react by changing their strategies..... without any major effect on the final outcome.

practical example: in 2001 inter made a 35 millions offer to parma for cannavaro, wich was rejected by parma. in the summer of 2001 the serie tv-rights related money had huge drop (rai, italian's major broadcaster, refused to pay those crazy money they had been giving to italian clubs till then).
in 2002 inter makes another offer to parma for cannavaro, wich is much smaller than the one they made just a few months before (23 millions). and parma accepts the offer straight away.
so the drop in capital circulation didn't make cannavaro an unreachable (or unbuyable) player... it just lowered cannavaro's pricetag accordingly to the market's global capital fluctuation.
zeem said:
In other news, Del Piero just renewed his contract at Juve for one year and is now maybe the 4th least paid player at Juve. How classy is that!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Congratulations to Mr. Allegri and Milan.

And Del Piero is one of the all time greats!!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

what a goal by Chevanton amazing really shame what a mistace from refere in right that dont give goal but good that refere in center give it coz was about half meter in :)

next match Lecce have derby vs Bari need 3 points there too good Genoa won today vs Sampdoria

Forza Lecce hope they stay in Serie A

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

The race for the final Champions League spot looks very interesting now.

If Juve win their game in hand tonight, it'll be them, Lazio and Roma all within three points of Udinese.

I think it'll be best for Juve if they missed out on Europe and continued rebuilding their side in order to launch a good attack for a CL place next season.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yup the 4th spot race is getting very exciting, although last season was even more exciting.
i gotta say i've been slightly disappointed by this season honestly. i'm not saying it was bad (and having a new scudetto winner is definitely great).... but the overall quality of the football played by all the teams in the league wasn't as high as it was last season imo..... and that's weird as each of the last 6\7 seasons has been better than the previous to me. for the first time in years, i just don't feel i can say this season was even better than the previous. and mind u this has nothing to do with palermo's performances and results.

we lost samp (wich was an amazing team to watch last season), fiorentina (it would be tough for everybody to fill prandelli's shoes, nevermind sinisa), and genoa (they're having pretty much the same results and placement they had last season, but last season their football was SO much better!!).

on the other side lazio and udinese came back strong. but while udinese is certainly a joy to watch (most entertaining team i've seen in europe this season, after barcelona.... but i should remark i couldn't follow much of bundesliga action this season), lazio doesn't exactly plays the nicest of football.
and the same could be said for napoli. they've done great, and deserve all the praise for the amazing determination and consistency they showed this season..... but let's be honest, football-wise, they're light years behind the likes of udinese and palermo.

i think we could compare lazio and napoli to man city and spurs. they're great teams and had a great season. results-wise they did brilliantly (well city and spurs probably deserve a little less praise, considering their squad and depth, but anyway)..... but the quality of their football is just horrible. there's no plot whatsoever, no original ideas... u couldn't even tell wich is their "style", because they really don't have one. they all rely on the individual quality of their offensive players to create scoring chances as u can't identify a single recurring offensive scheme in their plays.

last season palermo played on barcelona-esque standards for the entire season (while this year we did it only for half a season), sampdoria was just a thing of beauty, fiorentina was playing so much better, genoa had a unique and extremely exciting style of play.... and then there was napoli (wich was playing just like this season, only a little less consistant).
i dunno, maybe it's just me, but i enjoyed last season more than this one.

some might mention some little clubs like cesena, wich played some sweet football this season.... but even in that department, i feel last season we were better off (cagliari and parma were just as entertaining as cesena last year).

on other news, the situation for sampdoria is now tragic... they MUST win both games left and that still could not be enough to save them from relegation.
i can't even begin to tell u how much that pisses me off! i'm no samp fan, and i have no preference between genoa and samp. but a serie a without sampdoria is a weaker serie a. and a serie a without the genova derby is a weaker serie a. the "derby della lanterna" is one of the key moments in the whole european football schedule (as there is just no derby in italy and in europe that can offer what the genova derby gives to the spectator)... missing that is missing a lot!
COME ON SAMP!! dig yourself out of this hole!!

as for yesterday's derby, football wise, it was probably the worst genova derby in recent years.... but then again, it couldn't have been any different... there was just too much at stake for both teams (this was almost a "last chance" for samp..... and for genoa it was an opportunity to kick their rivals in serie b... wich would be like winning the scudetto for the genoani).... there was just too tension to expect good football (although genoa's second goal was a beauty).
but the atmosphere was (as usual) breathetaking.

one banner caught my attention in particular (the one u can see at 30 seconds in that video). that's just brilliant. i have onlyone complaint about it. in the derby della lanterna banners MUST be written in genovese dialect. and "minchia" is sicilian, not genovese :))

finally congrats to milan!!! :APPLAUD: well deserved scudetto. and if the rossoneri hadn't faced that bad form period in febbruary, their champions league path would have made this season even more impressive.

and huge congratulations to allegri for completely reshaping milan. sure milan did many smart signings this season... but i think we all can agree the most important asset was allegri.
i often say the biggest treasure of this league are midclass teams and their coaches.... well this season allegri proved me right and showed europe what a midclass club italian coach can do, when given the opportunity.

and now my dear milanisti friends, if u don't mind, get out of the way and let palermo conquer the coppa italia final! :P
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I don't know Ben. The idea of beating Inter one more time in the Coppa makes me want to go there. :D It will piss me of if you went to the final and lost.

About Sampdoria, it is a huge shame to lose such a team and I am really sad about it. Having said that, they are the only people to blame for this disaster. They removed the base of the team by selling two of their best players and couldn't find a great replacement for last years coach without even making enough profit. It was just crazy what they did and they are paying for exactly that. Apparently, Cavasin seems to have lost hope after his statement last night.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I'm going to take off my serious cap and put on my tifoso cap for this video:

Gattuso singing "uomo di merda" against Leonardo during the celebrations. It basically means Leonardo is a man with no class.

YouTube - Gattuso coro contro Leonardo

About Samp - It's inevitable. From CL qualifiers to losing their star strikers to sticking with the same coach even when things didn't get better. The players have themselves to blame, but we must also question Cavasin. The players were capable of beating the top teams last year, but this year they aren't even able to string together a few passes - something must've been radically different in the way Cavasin wants his players to play.

It's sad, but these things happen, and Garrone will be a hated man I think.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Garrone fucked up! Simple as that and now half of Genoa will suffer BIG! He let ego get the better of him and ended up being a more immature idiot than Cassano.

Cavasin was always a bad appointment and though I fully agree that Serie A won't be the same without Sampdoria the same way La Liga isn't the same with Betis in 2nd division and no Sevilla derby or the way EPL isn't as good without Newcastle in it, like others said, they do only have themselves and in particular the big decision makers up there like Mr. Garrone to blame. Sure they were never gonna be able to replicate what they did last season and that's pretty normal for all these teams, as they finish a good cycle, they go backward and those who took a backseat like Udinese last year come back... but to get relegated is inexcusable!

Bet Cassano is laughing at Mr. Garrone now and Pazzini must feel bad too. :(

It's a sad day to lose Sampdoria. But they will be back!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

During Cassano's interview during the Scudetto celebrations, Cassano said something like "I just want everyone to know that I'm supporting Sampdoria for these final days and want you all to go to the stadium to keep them up".
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

i'd say the absence of samp in serie a is even more of a "big thing" than the absence of betis and newcastle for their respective leagues. i've watched the sevilla derby live a few years ago and it was amazing... but the derby della lanterna is just a different thing. the colors the coreographies, the chants, the banners. the genova derby is quite simply THE derby.

as for garrone, yeah he certainly has some responsabilities, but i think it's really harsh to say he allowed his ego to prevail. cassano repeatedly insulted him in the dressing room... in front of the rest of the team.... he called garrone "old piece of shit". reacting to such a despicable lack of decency is not a matter of ego in my book. garrone really had no choice other than what he did.
garrone is the one who had faith in cassano when he was worth nothing. real madrid had to loan him because there was no club in europe which was willing to pay a cent for that scumbag.
i gotta be honest, if i were garrone, i would have litterally kicked the shit out of cassano.
ibra, balotelli, materazzi, terry, they are "nice guys" compared to this bastard. he might aswell compete with barton for "biggest piece of shit in european football".
i really can't blame garrone for how he handled that situation honestly.

having said that, letting pazzini go in the same season cassano left was definitely a mistake... and replacing del neri with di carlo and cavasin was nonsense too.
anyway there is still a very small possibility sampdoria will avoid relegation.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

sampdoria have match vs palermo we need to remember that last year coz of sampdoria palermo lose 4th posision so i think this can be good chance to revanch + fans of lecce an palermo are "brothers" and miccoli one big big fan of lecce i think and i hope for favor of palermo to lecce

after samdoria have match vs roma that its fighting for place on europe i think sampdoria chance are little but i hope lecce show good performance vs bari and get 3 points
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I hope they don't end up with Mazzari. It will be like repeating this year's mistake.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

big game tonight guys! i'll be watching it at home with some friends... coz the tickets were all already sold out, my seasonal ticket doesn't cover coppa italia, and the firm i work for already gave all the tickets at its disposal to some older associates (ungrateful bastards! :P ).

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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

i know nothing about photoshop stef, so i couldn't really tell. it's just a random pic i picked on google image :))
that's not photoshopped for sure though :D

... u might have the devil on your side..... but we got Santa Rosalia :PP
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

LOL! u better not mess with santa Rosalia buddy :PIRATE:
she might be a dead chick, but she's a rosanero saint!
btw are u watching it? the crowd is on fire :))

halftime edit:
LOL! thiago silva is so fired up he tackled his own teammate :LOL:
great game so far btw.
boy, milan players really do care about this final! :CONFUSE:

2nd edit:
that's the most blatant dive i've ever seen from a palermo player. absolutely ridiculous mistake by the ref there.

... and what the hell was bovo thinking with that tackle?!! i've never seen bovo making a harsh tackle ever since he came in palermo... but that was a pepe-esque tackle!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

the devil wears pink tonight


interesting stat from the commentator. in 2011 milan lost only 3 matches. once against spurs, and twice against palermo :COOL:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Congrats to your Palermo Ben. Btw have an e-friend in palermo on erasmus, he says that your really a legion there, specially when the Palermo play. :p

Btw, on another news, Pirlo seems like a done deal for us. Is this true or just speculation in the media? I will only believe it when Pirlo is being presented and with the bianconeri shirt and the 21 under his name. *.*
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Great win by Palermo! The atmosphere was amazing and hands down the toughest team Milan had to face this year. Don't dare lose the final now! :D

About Pirlo, I don't know. I thought he had a very good game in a wider midfield role. I expect Allegri to try him there in the remaining games and make a choice, unless Pirlo has already decided to leave but I think he prefers a stay. We'll see.

Edit - According to Mancini, Tevez is coming to Serie A. Inter will have to pay soo much.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Some sources are saying Pirlo has chosen Juve, and will allow Aquilani to return to Liverpool. Other sources are saying Aquilani will join Milan as Pirlo's replacement.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

what a night! first half was quite scary as milan started off really strong, crushing us in our own midfield for a good part of the first half, but we didn't lose our composure and defended brilliantly. at half time rossi said he had a chat with the players. he told em "ok guys u did well, but now let's go out and try to play our football. we might win or lose, but the biggest regret would be to lose this match because we were too worried to play our game".
and his words clearely had a huge impact on the players, as from the very beginning of the second half they shook the pressure of their shoulders and played a more "palermo-esque" football.

it was a very intense game, a very physical and rough game, not exactly what palermo is used to (although there still was room for a few "finesses") and both sides could have won it, but i think we deserved to go through. so now palermo is going to be the youngest team to ever play a coppa italia final.

after the match there were swarms of fans celebrating all around the city... it was crazy, especially when u think it was just for a lousy coppa italia final (and we didn't even win the cup yet)... it almost looked like palermo won a champions league final :P
neoexodus said:
Congrats to your Palermo Ben. Btw have an e-friend in palermo on erasmus, he says that your really a legion there, specially when the Palermo play. :p
well, i don't wanna brag about it, but we do are a very nice bunch indeed. very passionate but also very easy going. our ultras never cause any sort of problems, and anyone (i mean even an opponent's fan) could easily sit in the curva among the ultras and watch the game safely.
in most italian clubs there's a clear distinction between common fans and ultras. ultras are the most hardcore fans (and usually belong to the lower class), they're the ones who follow the club on away fixtures and who sing and support the team more passionately... but they're also the ones who make the news for violent acts..... while common fans are more civilised but also less cheerful and more detached.
in palermo there's no such difference. yeah our ultras too belong to the low working class, but they're an extremely easy going bunch and "common fans" often watch the game in the curvas along with them. i personally know the leader of one of the biggest ultras groups (he owns a pub where u can often find the players aswell) and he's a very nice guy, who really doesn't look (and doesn't talk) like the usual ultras stereotype.

that's a clip from yesterday's match

and that's a clip of palermo's "road to the final"

as for the pirlo rumours, it might be something more serious than just wild speculation, as i heard pirlo's agent had a meeting with marotta a few days ago.... but anyway it's still too early to say what's gonna happen. :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

A very interesting display showed by Palermo last night. The team seemed a bit nervous in the first hab but then things went normal at the second half. I'm glad to see you in the final, surely one of the most entertaining teams I have seen this season, especially in that game at Meazza against Inter, curiously the opponent you're gonna face 29th May in Rome. I wish you continue to practice the enjoyable footie you've been playing all over the season (don't need to wish this, certainly you will do) and all the luck against the former champions (well, I sympathize with Inter but I'm sure that I going to root for you in this one). ;)

Congrats Ben, what a night mate! :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Yes, I just wanna echo what others have said. It's not often we get to say this Ben :P so allow me as well.... congrats! :D
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