Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Has he recovered from that injury yet or is he still out? looked a top prospect.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

So Roma being taken over by a US businessman. Wonder if people are getting bored with the EPL (very poor at the moment).

Wonder if Italy is the next destination for the money-men.

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

no way FD. the epl has a much better governance, much more visibility and a much bigger return on investment than serie a.
the only department where serie a is on par with epl is the quality of the football played on the pitch. but in every other aspect epl just outclasses serie a.

italian clubs offer very little return on investment and u have to be a very clever owner and hire some top notch maanagement to make some money.
just think of this: when u buy an english club, u're not just buying a brand that's worth millions on every market in the world... u're not just buying player's contracts... u're also buying some state of the art facilities. stadia, training grounds, clubhouses. land and facilities wich are worth hundreds of millions.
when u buy an italian club, the only estate u're buying is the clubhouse, as italian clubs don't own their stadia. and some clubs don't even own their clubhouse\training facilities.

the roma situation was peculiar. roma is a top club, wich despite playing in serie a, still got very good visibility outside italy. roma is a popular brand and the club has a huge fanbase all over the world (wich is unusual for italian clubs). and most important, roma was on sale. unicredit obviously wanted to sell the club as soon as possible (certainly they didn't want to run the club), and since roma's financial situation is relatively healthy, it turned out to be a good business opportunity.
but i wouldn't read too much in this move, and serie a is certainly not going to attract more foreign investors than epl.... at least not in the short term. :))

stef, zeem, ale..... big match tonite!!! :COOL:

oh and btw, interesting posts on ganso guys. i've heard a lot on this guy, but i've never seen him playing :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

wohooo!!! :BOP:

crap! :((
oh well, 2-2 in milano is still a good result. plus the team seems to be slowly getting back on track, since rossi came back (not that i'm surprised by that).
second leg in 3 weeks.... in palieimmo. bring it on!!! :PIRATE:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Even if he is moving to Napoli, he should have celebrated. He has been at Udinese for a long time. He didn't celebrate to a big Udinese crowd just to make his friends not feel sad? What a classy guy. Where are his likes anymore? :LOL: Anyway, I hope Napoli don't get him. It is said that Napoli are after Borja Valero. I'd like to see him in Napoli.

And the Palermo game, Milan started off really good but Sokratis OMG! What the hell is wrong with him? I don't know if he is lacking confidence but he was a huge mess. Thiagi saved him a couple of times.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah, abel might really become a special player... if he will remain focused on his priorities and won't get carried away. it's all up to him really. the talent is definitely there... but talent alone won't bring u far. he's been cursed with injuries this season, wich is a shame as this was supposed to be HIS season (but i don't mind, as pinilla filled in perfectly :)) ).

concerning the next season, i'm honestly quite worried. i can't see rossi renewing his contract.... and more worryingly, after all the shit zamparini threw on the players, i wouldn't be surprised if many of em would ask to be sold (like sirigu and hernandez himself). also nocerino has been followed by napoli and loosing nocerino would be just terrible.

plus u got to consider that our sidebacks are beginning to get the recognition they truly deserve (and that's bad news for palermo).... there have been many rumours about juve and milan following balzaretti and cassani...... and without those 2, palermo is half the team.

not to mention the fact that some players are hugely attached to rossi and might ask for a move if he doesn't remain next season.
pastore said countless times (the last time, just 2 days ago) that he considers rossi the most important football teacher he's ever had and that he would be "devastated" if rossi left palermo........ and honestly i don't like the sound of that "devastated" one bit. :((
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

do you think rossi will leave at the end of the season? doesnt make sense to me because why should he return then after only 1 month after being sacked?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I want to see Palermo in the CL soon

I think this is almost impossible , well with this team they have now looks like this buy if they put a bit more money on team maybe will happen , but now looking roma with new owner milan and inter like 2 strong teams , napoli one big surprise with one great team and juve one team with tradition that always want minimum CL will be hard for Palermo next season's to be there ! but lets just hope !
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season


From a Milan blog:

Un applauso speciale va ad Allegri: dopo Aglianese, Sassuolo e Cagliari debuttare con lo scudetto non è da tutti. Aveva la squadra per vincere? Chiaro, non ho mai visto un allenatore vincere con una squadra scarsa. Ma ne ho visti tanti fallire con squadre buone. Bravo a ridisegnare il Milan in corsa (Ibra arriva a torneo di fatto iniziato), a imporsi nello spogliatoio con dialogo e fermezza, a inventarsi Boateng trequartista, a far fuori dei pesi morti come Ronaldinho, a ripescare nei tempi e modi giusti senatori come Seedorf dopo averli accantonati, a fare quasi sempre la cosa più logica.

"A special round of applause must go to Allegri. His big entry into Serie A with a Scudetto after Aglianese, Sassuolo and Cagliari is not an easy feat. You could say he had a title-capable team already, which is clearly true, because you'll never see a 'weak' team win the league. But there are many examples of managers failing, even with a great team. He was exceptional at redesigning this Milan (e.g. Ibra arrived after the season already started): creating and maintaining the dressing room through dialogue, discipline and respect, turning Boateng into a trequartista, eliminating the deadweight such as Ronaldinho, reviving the senators such as Seedorf, and lastly - always making the most logical decisions."

I know its early days, but you have to agree, Milan has developed its new spine. Thiago Silva, Flamini, Boateng, Abate, Pato, Robinho etc..... we have a new identity, and I think Allegri will be here for a while.

One more thing - Thiago Silva, like Allegri said last week, is amongst the best in the world for his position right now. He is my favourite Milan player right now. HE IS THE MAN :D
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

If Milan were last years team or the one before then Napoli could have won the Scudetto but Milan have been a step ahead this season. As Galliani said, the January signings were a huge push to put Milan ahead in terms of depth and stamina. Still Napoli have the CL to look forward to and the money from that. The can still screw it up though. They have very hard last 4 games and Udinese,Lazio,and Roma can steal the CL spots but that would be just suicide for Napoli if it happens.

Great game by Palermo yesterday. Cassani looked to have screwed it up with the handball but what a sencond goal build up by Pastore and the head control by Migliaccio. :SHOCK: Just awesome! The Rossi send off fired them up. What where the fans chanting as Rossi walked out Ben?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

If Milan were last years team or the one before then Napoli could have won the Scudetto but Milan have been a step ahead this season. As Galliani said, the January signings were a huge push to put Milan ahead in terms of depth and stamina. Still Napoli have the CL to look forward to and the money from that. The can still screw it up though. They have very hard last 4 games and Udinese,Lazio,and Roma can steal the CL spots but that would be just suicide for Napoli if it happens.

Great game by Palermo yesterday. Cassani looked to have screwed it up with the handball but what a sencond goal build up by Pastore and the head control by Migliaccio. :SHOCK: Just awesome! The Rossi send off fired them up. What where the fans chanting as Rossi walked out Ben?

well said.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Buffon agent revealed, he'll be leaving Juve at end of season?!?!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

More recent reports say he is fed up, but he's willing to stay if the team shows more determination to win. I think Marotta and the management are buying the wrong kind of players. No offence to people like Pepe, Motta and Toni etc.... but I think Juve aimed too low with their signings. They're the kind of players that played for Europa League level teams. Although Diego didn't do too well, you could tell he was a class above, same with Krasic. Diego was disappointing, but the rest of the squad was just as bad. When Juve first came back, they made some debatable signings, but many of them were very determined players. They even got CL that year.

Now, it seems like they're becoming a 'Fiorentina'. They need a manager with some personality and discipline, because I think Del Neri has lost control.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Probably the Buffon thing is just a rumour for now but get used to it just like I need to get used to the fact that Pirlo is going to leave Milan for free.

I personally think Buffon will leave. It is going to be hard and huge mistake by Juve. I mean he is the type of player they need to buy and they are never going to get what he is worth in money.

If Ancelotti joins Roma, I believe Pirlo and Buffon will have no problem joining him. What a backbone to kick off Roma that would be.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

milanista said:
but I think Juve aimed too low with their signings. They're the kind of players that played for Europa League level teams. Although Diego didn't do too well, you could tell he was a class above, same with Krasic.
stef they pretty much rebuilt the entire spine of the team this summer. when u're dealing with such a massive feat u can't look for world class established players.... u can sign 1, 2 world class players in a season... but when u're trying to sign 7, 8 new players u can't look at top class players. besides it can be tricky to label a player as a "europa league player".... many europa league players are way better than most "champions league players". for instance some of the best sidebacks in this league are "europa league players" afterall (balzaretti, cassani, maggio, criscito).
motta was a great signing on paper. he's young and has been consistantly growing over the last few seasons. till this summer he was one of the most interesting young players in his position...... then he pulled off a "dossena" (by that i mean that as soon as he reached juve he became the shadow of the player he used to be), but sure we can't blame juve for that.
toni was a desperate jannuary move. all juve forwards were getting injured in winter and they needed a reliable and cheap scorer pronto.
pepe might not be a fancy signing but he's an extremely useful player to have in your squad.

besides i wouldn't say their transfer campaign was "low profile". bonucci, quagliarella, krasic, aquilani, matri..... theese are not low profile players imo.

to be honest i don't consider this as a disappointing season for juve. infact i'd say they've done pretty well. for a "first step" this was a good start for this new juve team. let's hope that next season they will work on theese foundations and don't throw it all away to start from scratch again, coz that would be a shame.

i also disagree on the fiorentina comparison. fiorentina is ahead of juve right now, as their squad is the result of a project that has been going on for years now (while juve started a new project this summer). comparing this juventus to an already established squad, whose players have been playing together for years, is a bit unfair to me.

as for the buffon topic, that rumour about his agent saying he will be off next season is almost certainly bullshit, coz no italian media reported it (and such a news would be front page material in every sport newspaper). wheter buffon will stay or not, it's still an undecided matter imo. but yeah, just like zeem, i wouldn't be surprised if buffon would move this summer.

btw stef, good quote from that milan blog. i completely agree with that :))
zeem said:
Great game by Palermo yesterday. Cassani looked to have screwed it up with the handball but what a sencond goal build up by Pastore and the head control by Migliaccio. Just awesome! The Rossi send off fired them up. What where the fans chanting as Rossi walked out Ben?
didn't notice what the fans were singing in that particular moment, mate...... but i'm inclined to believe they were just screaming all sort of abuses to the ref :DD
the referee was absolutely horrible in that game, and the sending off of rossi was just the cherry on the top. rossi was screaming at pastore, telling him what movements he had to make.... the ref thought rossi was yelling at him and sent him off.... just ridiculous.

anyway it was really a good game. napoli tried hard but it was hopeless. i know i'll sound cocky but i sincerely believe that when palermo playes this way, only few teams in the world would beat the rosanero. (and i'm serious).
there has been a great growth since rossi came back. against cesena u could alread see glimpses of rossi's football. then against milan there was another slight improvement...... and finally saturday we saw about 70 minutes of rossi's palermo. we're almost back to the team we were till december.
ernestito said:
do you think rossi will leave at the end of the season? doesnt make sense to me because why should he return then after only 1 month after being sacked?
he returned because he still had a contract with palermo (a contract expiring this summer), because the fans and the players were imploring him to come back and because zamparini admitted it was a mistake to sack him.
so, out of respect for the fans (and probably also because he knew he could solve our issues and get us back on track), he decided come back.
but this summer his contract with palermo will expire.... that means that, in order to stay in palermo he would have to sign a new contract..... honestly, would u do that?.... knowing what it means to work with zamparini??? yeah sure, he fell in love with the city of palermo and its people..... but honestly i wouldn't sign a new contract with zamparini if i were him (and i'm a palermitano!).
i mean, it's not like a coach like rossi couldn't find a new job straight away. fiorentina will be looking for a new coach this summer. given the choice between the della valle family and zamparini, i wouldn't hesitate for a second.
no need to say the palermitani are hoping to persuade him to stay in palermo anyway. :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think the whole problem with the actual Juve management is the lack of patience: They've refounded the whole team and most of the players they've bought, though not exactly world class, still make a solid backbone for the future. After watching some games, I also think they lack come confidence and, most of all, luck.
If we compare Brescia - Milan and Juventus - Catania we can find a different approach by Milan and Juventus - Milan players weren't afraid of playing the game as a "provinciale", while Juventus was too "cocky" in the possession phase, making silly mistakes and conceding a counter-attack goal while being ahead 2 to 0. Also, I still don't think most of the players they bought was actually what they needed (i.e. Martinez, Traoré, Pepe) and also lack of performance by some big names (Bonucci has been mediocre at best imho, Krasic is good but is obviously out of gas, Motta pulled of, as Zio said, a Dossena and Aquilani himself has been too incosistent this season).

I must also agree with Ben, Palermo was impressive both against Milan (mostly thanks to an abysmal performance by Papastathopoulos, give me that) and Napoli. Pastore looked he is back in shape and Balzaretti impresses me every time I see him play. If Palermo was more consistent the game could have easily ended 5-1 imho.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

hey there said:
I think the whole problem with the actual Juve management is the lack of patience: They've refounded the whole team and most of the players they've bought, though not exactly world class, still make a solid backbone for the future. After watching some games, I also think they lack come confidence and, most of all, luck.
If we compare Brescia - Milan and Juventus - Catania we can find a different approach by Milan and Juventus - Milan players weren't afraid of playing the game as a "provinciale", while Juventus was too "cocky" in the possession phase
i think u made 2 absolutely brilliant points here mate. the lack of patience and the inability to keep it simple (that's a very bad translation of "playing as a provinciale", but i can't come up with anything better right now). and i also think the 2 things are related to each others.

the lack of patience wich became a trademark of the whole juve establishment (especially the fans and the newspaper tuttosport, wich is specialized in juve and torino) puts huge pressure on the management (bringing them to change everything every summer, even when it wouldn't be the case) and on the players (bringing them to overdo things).

the brutal truth is juve is right now a midclass club wich has to meet "top club-like" expectations..... and that's a very bad combination.
people should realise this juve is not a top club.... it can't be a top club as top clubs aren't built in a season. this is a midclass club, who is trying to become a top club again. that's what juve is.

but many fans and tuttosport just can't accept this. they believe juve is supposed to always be a top club just because of its history, of its tradition and its emblem.... so whenever they go through a bad period (say 2 or 3 weeks of poor performances), DISASTER! the team is shit, the coach is shit, the season is ruined.
this is what many of my juve fan friends think. and whenever i hear them talking like that, i always tell them "i'm sorry but why u think the season was a failure? did u expect them to be a title contender straight away? because if that's the case, then u can't blame the players if they didn't meet your ridiculous expectations.
this juve right now is a midclass team... a midclass team with huge potential, sure, but still a midclass team.......but while the other italian midclass teams already have a structure built over the years (palermo, udinese, lazio, fiorentina, genoa...) juve is a completely new creature..... the players haven't played together for years (like palermo or udinese players), the coaching staff is new, the board is new, the general manager is new....... and that's a huge handicap.
so, given that, a 7th place isn't really bad.... because it means the team managed to keep up with its contenders (the other midclass clubs), despite this handicap.
now, if u will shut the fuck up, stop complaining and let the club work on theese foundations, in 3, 4 years juve will be back among serie a's top club.
but as long as u, the other juve fans and the media will keep throwing shit at the club, forcing them to start over each and every summer and putting huge pressure on young and relatively unexperienced players... well juve will never be back on top"

I must also agree with Ben, Palermo was impressive both against Milan (mostly thanks to an abysmal performance by Papastathopoulos, give me that) and Napoli. Pastore looked he is back in shape and Balzaretti impresses me every time I see him play. If Palermo was more consistent the game could have easily ended 5-1 imho.
yeah, balzaretti is becoming my personal hero :WORSHIP:
the match against milan was a step ahead, but we were still very far from our best football. the game against napoli was already much better. if we keep going like this, i can see palermo being "officially back" for the coppa italia 2nd leg against milan (2 weeks from now)...... watch out milanisti!! :PIRATE: :P
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I agree with Ben and Hey There on the Juve project/management.

Patience is a virtue and the saying: "Rome wasn't built in a day and nothing great ever was!" needs to be CONSTANTLY reminded to Juve fans it seems. I don't have that big a problem with Juve's signings or Marotta though I didn't like Diego being let go of and like Ben said, you can't fault them for someone like Motta who was showing amazing progress and then Flops like that! Who knows maybe he'll be back to usual self next season anyway.

Having said this, I don't like Del Neri as a coach for a TOP club and by that I mean a HUGELY Supported/popular club like Liverpool or Juve. Because even if they are not 'top club material' anymore which I agree with and more 'middle-class', because of the pressures from fans and media and even the ego of many players in squad, BIG personalities like Mourinho are needed. For me Del Neri will ALWAYS be a better middle-club manager than Mourinho and the opposite is also true. He knows his shit but at the end of the day, for me he's a lot more suited to a Sampdoria at best (and prior to that Chievo) than Porto or Juve or some huge club like that. You can say he has the skills but not necessarily the personality. That's how I feel about him that's why I've never been a fan despite definitely acknowledging his performances as a coach and applauding him for work done with Chievo and Sampdoria more recently. Personally, he's not my cup of tea.

About Balzaretti, I'm convinced it's his ponytail. :P Ever since he started sporting it, he went from a good side back into world-class material.

As for the Buffon situation, well that was a BS news indeed I guess. Otherwise it'd been all over every newspaper/sport website in the world. But keep us up to date Italian friends with the most recent developments.

As much as I'd love Roma to become a powerhouse and a serious title contender as a neutral, I don't know if I'd like seeing Buffon wearing their #1 jersey... it'll be a massive boost for them and great for Serie A of course to keep him... but as a fan of other leagues as well, I think I would like to see him tested in an entirely new environment... also he's a big Juve man so to face former club and with potential rival.... not best... same goes for Pirlo but none of this is a big deal... I'm not opposed to it... just wouldn't prefer it. But if this is what it takes for Roma to step to new levels... I actually wouldn't mind.

First Roma must keep Menez though but it looks like he wants away now after bust-up with Montella. They should convince him and other good players they already have like Mexes who also looks set to leave to say before recruiting new good players.

I HOPE the new Roma owners are indeed as ambitious and resourceful as it'd been reported. It'd be a great boost for the league to have them as serious contenders and for this great city to have a truly top team! Would be nice to see Aquilani back there tho!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

PLF said:
Having said this, I don't like Del Neri as a coach for a TOP club and by that I mean a HUGELY Supported/popular club like Liverpool or Juve. Because even if they are not 'top club material' anymore which I agree with and more 'middle-class', because of the pressures from fans and media and even the ego of many players in squad, BIG personalities like Mourinho are needed.
yup, that is a good point indeed. infact that was my only concern when juve hired del neri.... but to be honest i think he handled himself pretty well. i expected him to crack in jannuary, when everyone were throwing shit at him for juve's poor performances.... and yet he managed to sail the ship (relatively) safely through the storm. juve's results from march on clearely show the players are still with del neri.
i agree with u Sina, del neri really doesn't look like a very charismatic person, but if u survive to all the shit del neri had to take this season and still manage to hold your grip on the dressing room, well it means u must have some personality afterall.

but yeah, i certainly understand your point. indeed it's a bit of a tricky situation. juve as a CLUB would need a mourinho.... while as a SQUAD would need a del neri... i guess it's hard to find a good compromise.
but the most important thing imo is, who would be taking del neri's place? because, u see, if we were talking about, say, spalletti or prandelli, then i would probably go for it.... but the main rumours are about mazzarri!!! and with all due respect for mazzarri (who is a fantastic midclass club coach), switching del neri for mazzarri would be just stupid imo.
PLF said:
About Balzaretti, I'm convinced it's his ponytail. :P Ever since he started sporting it, he went from a good side back into world-class material.
LOL! i didn't notice that, u actually might be onto something here :D
jokes apart, in a recent interview he said the reason of his huge improvements should be found in his new soulmate.
name's Eleonora Abbagnato, she's a palermitan girl who happens to be the premiere danseuse at the Opera de Paris. For those of u who are not familiar with theatres and ballerinas hierarchies, being the premiere danseuse at the Opera de Paris is for a dancer what being the star player of real madrid is for a footballer. infact she actually is for dancing what cristiano ronaldo or messi are for football.
and of course she's much more beautiful, gracious, cultured, and i also believe funnier than leo and cristiano.
and, on top of that, she's a hardcore palermo tifosa..... and when i say hardcore, i mean it. when u look at her gentle figure u would never believe the words that come out of her mouth when she's at the stadium :P
she and balzaretti are going to get married here in palermo in a few weeks.... and i really hope his palermitana bride will give him one more reason to stay in palermo :PRAY:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I'm pretty certain Mexes is a Milan player :D same with Taiwo. There are some live feeds on the Milan-Ganso meeting right now. Fingers crossed.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

wasn't the mexes deal already official?
oh and btw great news about taiwo!! if u get to sign him, palermo gets to hold balzaretti (i heard milan was the club showing interest in him). that's a win-win situation. :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben, I'm feeling pretty confident that Palermo will hold on to most of it's stars, including Rossi, this summer. I think departures will be due to big offers rather than players wanting to leave. Also, Parolo will be yours, I can feel it :D
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