Evoweb Jester/Stadboardmaker.
This Anomaly mod is pretty good. I am liking the preparation side of it. I think it could take a while before i am fully prepared for the zone.
I think i am going to do some tasks for cash ATM. What i like about stalker is how the night time closes in, and you have to find refuge till the daylight.
I saw some pretty good lightning flashes as well.
I think my first priority is to get a sighted rifle. Long distance shooting is my thing. Usually close up i don't do very well.
I am going to enjoy this, i think. It seems to me like a thinking mans fallout. Stay tuned for more on my calamitous adventure.

I think i am going to do some tasks for cash ATM. What i like about stalker is how the night time closes in, and you have to find refuge till the daylight.
I saw some pretty good lightning flashes as well.
I think my first priority is to get a sighted rifle. Long distance shooting is my thing. Usually close up i don't do very well.
I am going to enjoy this, i think. It seems to me like a thinking mans fallout. Stay tuned for more on my calamitous adventure.