S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

This Anomaly mod is pretty good. I am liking the preparation side of it. I think it could take a while before i am fully prepared for the zone.

I think i am going to do some tasks for cash ATM. What i like about stalker is how the night time closes in, and you have to find refuge till the daylight.

I saw some pretty good lightning flashes as well.

I think my first priority is to get a sighted rifle. Long distance shooting is my thing. Usually close up i don't do very well.
I am going to enjoy this, i think. It seems to me like a thinking mans fallout. Stay tuned for more on my calamitous adventure. :THINK: :FAIL::D
Just want to add. For any one with a PC. This anomaly mod is excellent, as a warm up for stalker 2 .

I now have 2 x versions. The Anomaly mod with added mods to it, from moddb. Then another anomaly mod but patched with "Escape from Pripyat" which has its own set of mods. I did this because all together it would have conflicted.

I now have extra maps & story lines. It's like having two standalone stalker games. I think all the maps from the previous stalker games are in there as well. :TU:

Very emotional, interesting background story making of. It is a bit more a documentary about the devs and the game. But yea, I very recommend it to watch it.
GSC Game World deserve only love, peace and the best in the world.

And I'm not sure if I still say it about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 yet, I'M HYPED! 😁😁😁🥳🥹😇🥰

Very emotional, interesting background story making of. It is a bit more a documentary about the devs and the game. But yea, I very recommend it to watch it.
GSC Game World deserve only love, peace and the best in the world.

And I'm not sure if I still say it about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 yet, I'M HYPED! 😁😁😁🥳🥹😇🥰
I have a Ukrainian gf, I've been all over Ukraine and love the old Stalker game. So this game is very close to my heart.
Launch Trailer

Have fun fellas and good hunting S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S.!
Yay. Bring on the next disappointment in 2 days. I'm going to launch it an hour or so. If it's unoptimized and full of bugs it's going to be an uninstall right away and wait for modders to fix their game as the first one.
I also don't care if the devs are from Ukraine or Sandwich Islands. Hope the game is good.
Played my first 2 hours and found no bugs so far and my first Bloodsucker :CALM:. And the feeling is defenitley back, back in the zone.

I recommend to play with ukraine language and with in yours subtitles.
Yeah ok. Uninstalled here. This is garbage, it's like a college dev project. There's no AI, wtf is going on with the respawning enemies? Did they even care to code AI into the game? It's laughable. This thing wasn't ready for a release. Yes the atmosphere and general immersion is there and it's good, the rest is an absolute disgrace in videogaming.
Did they think we weren't going to refund the game out of pity because they're Ukrainians? Disgusting.
Yeah ok. Uninstalled here. This is garbage, it's like a college dev project. There's no AI, wtf is going on with the respawning enemies? Did they even care to code AI into the game? It's laughable. This thing wasn't ready for a release. Yes the atmosphere and general immersion is there and it's good, the rest is an absolute disgrace in videogaming.
Did they think we weren't going to refund the game out of pity because they're Ukrainians? Disgusting.
Enjoying the game so far and not running into too many issues.

Also wouldn't call it pity when some of your co -developers died in a war defending their country and players give you some leeway under the circumstances the game was developed. It's a success story to even get the game out.

But guess it takes a special attitude to call that pity and disgusting. You must be fun at parties.
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Enjoying the game so far and not running into too many issues.

Also wouldn't call it pity when some of your co -developers died in a war defending their country and players give you some leeway under the circumstances the game was developed. It's a success story to even get the game out.

But guess it takes a special attitude to call that pity and disgusting. You must be fun at parties.
In fact your attitude is what's wrong with the world nowadays. This isn't charity, it's a product which they sell up to £90. If they want us to contribute for their fellow devs they can ask anyone to gift aid or whatever. If you want to pay for a broken product because it's a moral success story you're free to do it. I'm not doing it. Refunded and I don't care. If they fix the game in the future I'll be more than happy to pay for it.
In fact your attitude is what's wrong with the world nowadays. This isn't charity, it's a product which they sell up to £90. If they want us to contribute for their fellow devs they can ask anyone to gift aid or whatever. If you want to pay for a broken product because it's a moral success story you're free to do it. I'm not doing it. Refunded and I don't care. If they fix the game in the future I'll be more than happy to pay for it.
I wouldn't call empathy and not being a dick what's wrong with the world. There is other things in the world that are problematic, a videogame with bugs from developers in a warzone and players who support it for sure aren't it.
I wouldn't call empathy and not being a dick what's wrong with the world. There is other things in the world that are problematic, a videogame with bugs from developers in a warzone and players who support it for sure aren't it.
The game wasn't developed in Ukraine and it had huge funding. Also if the media have convinced you that the whole Ukraine is a brutal warzone it's not my fault.
What about this review that tears apart the game and devs? You're probably so biased and playing the game out of pity. It's unbelievable you can't see all the issues.

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The game wasn't developed in Ukraine and it had huge funding. Also if the media have convinced you that the whole Ukraine is a brutal warzone it's not my fault.
It was in parts also developed in the Ukraine. Even though a lot of the team fled the Ukraine others stayed and also fought in the war and sadly in the case of at least one member died. Also knowing Ukrainian families that fled to the country I live in and having seen the wounds from bullets some of them got when fleeing from Russians I think I heard enough of how much of a warzone it is.

Not gonna comment on the media comment except for it tells me everything I need to know.

And no I am enjoying the game. If you think the only people who like the game do it out of pity that's a you problem.

I can enjoy a game even with issues. And for now I enjoy the world building, atmosphere and overall feel of.the game even with bugs.
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All politics aside, just as a gamer, if you can't make a AAA product. Don't charge like it is.

There are many good things like sound design & shadows are nice, but there are way too many problems (gg for deleting A-Life btw)
The simple fact that mouse acceleration is ON by default, & there is no option to turn it off is ridiculous.

Add to that X/Y axis have different sensitivities. You need 2 mods, just to have RAW mouse input.
Yes this is for controller players, doesn't matter, give me options in the settings menu on PC.

I never put blame on any dev's, this is just another game rushed by the suits for profit.
They took the bethesda route - "the modders will fix it" .. lol GG wont be buying
All politics aside, just as a gamer, if you can't make a AAA product. Don't charge like it is.

There are many good things like sound design & shadows are nice, but there are way too many problems (gg for deleting A-Life btw)
The simple fact that mouse acceleration is ON by default, & there is no option to turn it off is ridiculous.

Add to that X/Y axis have different sensitivities. You need 2 mods, just to have RAW mouse input.
Yes this is for controller players, doesn't matter, give me options in the settings menu on PC.

I never put blame on any dev's, this is just another game rushed by the suits for profit.
They took the bethesda route - "the modders will fix it" .. lol GG wont be buying
:YAWN: mimimi

I have joy and fun with it. And don't let it me destroy from you.

And yea it isn't a AAA game. There some dozen's of devs and one was killed in war.
Take or leave it.
:YAWN: mimimi

I have joy and fun with it. And don't let it me destroy from you.

And yea it isn't a AAA game. There some dozen's of devs and one was killed in war.
Take or leave it.

:LOL: OK friend .. I specifically stated my opinion WITHOUT politics, but you can cling to it, no problem.

You can enjoy whatever you like, but don't let these suits play on your emotions.

There is a war EVERYDAY in many places of the world. But we only choose which ones we care about. GG
Just started playing tonight. (Didn't have the chance to play the first game).
Beside the fact I get massive frame drops when entering buildings, I can run the game on epic settings most of the time. XeSS on native.
I really loved metro exodus when it came out and this game is giving me that kind of vibes.
Pretty cool so far.
Playing on PC game pass btw.
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